View Full Version : Will we have more statistics in the future being a rogue/mage?

03-24-2024, 11:09 AM
I think that one of the most serious problems today is the unbalanced statistics in these 2 classes, if not because of the process we die in a few seconds, mainly the rogue for not having defensive skills, they should solve this or reduce the multiplications of statistics by processes that in the long term as we see now... we are only walking papers if we do not have an active process

03-24-2024, 11:14 AM
I know very well that I asked for difficulty but I am not referring to this, but that the enemies do not have the strength to keep us on the field but rather to kill us at once, it is one thing to have enemy disadvantages and another is for them to kill us in 2 hits

03-24-2024, 01:21 PM
I know exactly what they should do for the game to be 100x more fun. Ofc they won't listen at first and then slowly implement my ideas as they realise.

New 86 arcanes: very high base stats, so high that we don't need any damage buffing proc. Just make Elite of new maps extremely tanky and the proc of new weapons will have % health damage. The domain constantly cleanses your damage so your stupid 10x damage stuff don't work anymore. Just raw procs with creative ideas (stun, dot, health leech, damage resistance etc).
Make new arcane sets that give you new skills when fully equipped, these new skills won't have masteries but will be effected by unique awakes in weapons. Go try it instead of spamming a million vanities every event... People will actually start opening locks again to get all the different arcane sets.

03-24-2024, 01:59 PM
I know exactly what they should do for the game to be 100x more fun. Ofc they won't listen at first and then slowly implement my ideas as they realise.

New 86 arcanes: very high base stats, so high that we don't need any damage buffing proc. Just make Elite of new maps extremely tanky and the proc of new weapons will have % health damage. The domain constantly cleanses your damage so your stupid 10x damage stuff don't work anymore. Just raw procs with creative ideas (stun, dot, health leech, damage resistance etc).
Make new arcane sets that give you new skills when fully equipped, these new skills won't have masteries but will be effected by unique awakes in weapons. Go try it instead of spamming a million vanities every event... People will actually start opening locks again to get all the different arcane sets.

It certainly sounds like a very good idea, mainly because we would no longer depend on exaggerated processes like the 81 arcana, they seemed like hacked weapons

03-24-2024, 04:23 PM
Kraken Weaps are so boring. I wish they would bring Items that buff your skills. like one weapon that buffs fireball to shoot like 3 at a time with op AOE and another item to buff burn damage or smt. so you can build around your favorite skills.
Same goes for rog just less AOE and more single target damage. MAybe a belt which on proc makes whole team invisible for 2 secs.

Just change up the weapons, bring out more and different ones and somehow make them interact with ur skills.

I actually like the idea that rogs and mages are less tanky but atm its not viable to play together, everything is just solo proc and kill asap

Tbh I think mage shield shouldnt even grant invulnerability but tanks should get that skill but buffed to 3 or 4 secs. mabye an item that can grant that shield to everyone in pt