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View Full Version : Feedback: Hardcore Revamp

04-03-2024, 11:04 PM
We're gathering feedback on what to improve about Hardcore mode for Arcane Legends.

Do you play hardcore? If so, what bugs you about it? What would you like to change?

Do you not play hardcore? If not, why not?

Thanks in advance for your constructive feedback!


04-04-2024, 04:25 AM
I play HC mode and love it, it brings back the old days of farming and getting excited to loot a malison in rooks nest xD
But ofc it is very plat based platform,to get good gears need a good investment of $$$$. Otherwise we can't run lastest content and some harder elites. So would be nice to get some farming maps for gear or at least make a use of crate tokens to get a bound piece of latest arcane/myth gears at some npcs, currently crate tokens lay dead without use and piling up (I want to use them for my hc character and not stash shards for sale).
Some of the quests are practically impossible to complete like himi/vili upgrade aps, antignome/ banished questlines and somehow we have list of aps for auction which we cannot complete because hc mode can't put anything there.
That's all I can think of atm.
Might add some thoughts later.
Would be nice to hear from the community about other aspects as well,ty for this thread
<3 Notcup

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04-04-2024, 05:03 AM
I’ve been playing hc since season 20. Loved it at the start could run most events get good vanities / pets etc and still be competitive in lb and run all maps.
But now it’s pay to win.. the new maps make it almost impossible to run them coz one shot and you rip so what’s the point? (you need to try get us engaged with new content) since hc is pay to win even with the best gear if you are lucky to loot it you still can die since it’s hard to have or come up with a “strategy” with other players to run those maps like you can in normal mode because one wrong move and it’s rip for you and others in map.
Also most that have 1k boss’ don’t have anything to achieve in new maps since they can’t run the newer maps when it’s one shot and rip. So what’s the point of playing on HC? You need to maybe give us some content where we can grind for new gear etc I know it’s hard.. I dunno just a suggestion.
Almost all events HC can rip with one mob shot or traps etc. So most major events now are pointless for hc to run (imo) especially for under geared players.
Also crate tokens are pointless. Give us an option to be able to buy the best gear in game even if it’s bound.

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04-04-2024, 05:46 AM
P2W mode what else needs to be said [emoji1745]

04-04-2024, 05:47 AM
The cost of revive itself is discouraging honestly. Any way to play the Hardcore on more advanced way comes with paying for it. Mode lost its touch and the idea itself got lost of what an actual Hardcore was supposed to be.
Nowadays it's just same Lb people playing and Lb seasonals being carried by them. Some reach the peak of the APS and can just chill on top of the boards not doing anything for entire seasons because who's gonna catch up without the gears they spend money on?

04-04-2024, 08:50 AM
Plat core

I enjoyed it around the 71 cap, got all 3 app, even made LB on mage
But then exp quests got severely nerfed & it’s not as fun

New end game is impossible without a carry and/or you have to pop locks now to compete (nty)

Around 70/80 bucks for a rev isnt acceptable when you loose so much work

Having apps for 81 hc isn’t gonna work for ftp, not worth the time
Most guilds I’m in have a few kind souls who pop locks & try to carry guild mates but what’s “hard core” about being carried lmao

Also hc mode just illustrates how there’s nothing worth farming near endgame, it just looks like yet another way to monetize atm

04-04-2024, 09:47 AM
Maybe add unstashable character bound arcane weapons respective on their map level? For example, level 71 ebons, 76, death engines, and so on...

And yeah hardcore is very fun but, it becomes impossible for those who cannot afford to open crates for latest weapons to run recent maps.

04-04-2024, 09:55 AM
Same issues as people above mentioned you are supposed to play and level alone but at the same time it is literally not possible to do without getting carried.

On the top of everything you need to adjust normal gameplay for f2p players cause the issue is same right there. I mean you are asking about hardcores yet people can't even carry themselves on normal gameplay literally.

Add an extra option to revive for free as normal char without losing items. Just like in WoW this way people won't be thinking like they are grinding for nothing.

Also additionally that needs to be said. People are not gonna put money on something that they don't enjoy. Try to focus on that aspect if possible then you can earn your cash over there.

04-04-2024, 12:20 PM
Same issues as people above mentioned you are supposed to play and level alone but at the same time it is literally not possible to do without getting carried.

On the top of everything you need to adjust normal gameplay for f2p players cause the issue is same right there. I mean you are asking about hardcores yet people can't even carry themselves on normal gameplay literally.

Add an extra option to revive for free as normal char without losing items. Just like in WoW this way people won't be thinking like they are grinding for nothing.

Also additionally that needs to be said. People are not gonna put money on something that they don't enjoy. Try to focus on that aspect if possible then you can earn your cash over there.

The option to revive as normal character is by far the best idea here. If players will know they get to keep all their hard earned items even if they die, then more people will try hardcore mode. I'm talking about people who cannot afford or don't want to spend platinum to keep playing as hardcore.

04-04-2024, 05:10 PM
We need a way to get gear without having to spend hundreds of dollars on plat. The HC APs are unachievable for players unless they open crates. Your seasonal leaderboard is full of players who do nothing except get a carry through maps. HC is for plat players and their friends and not accessible to the larger community.

Ideas? Off the cuff but....

Next iteration of Cata can include a HC mode. You would have to scale it so we can farm it in our trash gears, but would give us a real opportunity to have bound kraken items.

Please reduce the plat cost to revive. Obviously only your plat players will even use this feature, it's a little steep after we already likely spent a lot on gear for HC.

I would also love a way to share my current gears on HC with other characters that I may create in the future. How about a small closet that you can store 2 or 3 items that your other HC characters can access?

Thanks for starting this thread and considering improving the hardcore experience. We appreciate you!

-- Pinkmommy

04-04-2024, 05:55 PM
Loosing all the aps is enough but also having to spend 1,7k plat is hard, maybe lower the amount or delete it completely, we already spend so much on gear

04-04-2024, 10:06 PM
Remove the option to revive for platinum, if you die, goodbye counts.

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04-05-2024, 12:00 AM
Wifi unstable once in dangerous location=rip, hundreds of hours gone even though its not your fault, do something so the character doesnt stay in the location and just gets slain by the mobs. Top 1 hc recently died that way and thats why many with unstable wifi will never get to enjoy the experience in playing hc. Obviously you need money to keep up with others due to there being no auction but personally I dont mind that very much, just sucks to see people from poor countrys spending 1/5 of their paycheck for 1,7k plat. It would also be nice if there was a sandbox mode to test if the character is ready for bosses or events, trying to buy similar gear on core account as on hardcore is very annoying and a sandbox with exactly same gear pets etc would be helpfull.

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04-05-2024, 09:52 AM
Add bound Kraken gear on npc to trade for crate tokens
Pls update those npc there isn’t really anything to trade for with crate tokens

04-05-2024, 09:54 AM
It is nice, but the main issue about hardcore it is that its pretty P2W

04-05-2024, 10:40 AM
Just an add-on,
The idea of resetting event titles and badges you opened is something that honestly makes no sense to me, why are we losing badges and titles that cannot be obtained after certain events? We ran, we risked getting it and we’re getting it taken away after we die, as if 1600plat revive and loss of aps wasn’t enough of a punishment. Pointless.

04-05-2024, 11:08 AM
Just an add-on,
The idea of resetting event titles and badges you opened is something that honestly makes no sense to me, why are we losing badges and titles that cannot be obtained after certain events? We ran, we risked getting it and we’re getting it taken away after we die, as if 1600plat revive and loss of aps wasn’t enough of a punishment. Pointless.That's a great point, especially badges I got opening crates and spending $$$. This is totally not fair to lose titles and badges earned during events or looting from crates

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04-05-2024, 04:10 PM
As someone that started Hardcore Mode before Seasonal Mode got introduced into the game and being still active till this day Asommers, the mode is fine just the way it is for me.

I like how Explosive Expert Feat AP was doable on HC alone as a tank and had fun doing a majority of my hardcore aps solo by practising on normal character for a week before going in the actual map on hardcore mode and peforming my best to complete AP without the need of seeking others for HC APs. I'm satisfied with my experience in HC so far Asommers.

I like it cause it's purely P2W, It's not like normal mode where you can die and easily click Ankh and revive. which makes it more interesting for a guy player like myself and this is the core reason why this mode is my favourite.

It doesn't really need any core changes. I've looted the Banished Items and Antignome Items and Uller Items before, that being said, I won't complain about it.I personally like it the way it is.

- Hexxame

04-06-2024, 02:13 AM
Just to clear something cause of some misunderstanding. Its diferent to loot myth gear of uller/villi/himingleva , antignome set amd banish set than completing the quests connectimg with those sets. There is only one hc player (or rather was cause he died rescently) who completed 200side quests aps. Which proves that he completed all those connected quests.
But this has not to do w hc. Its a matter of old quests that need to get bit easier to complete. Maybe just raise a bit loot odds of mythic gears in elite warchests, elite pirate chests, drop of antignome belt/helm amd banish ring/amulet.
Abt mythic sets of villi/uller/himi u had a nice idea of puting em in plat chests during birthday event, but sadly u put the uograded lvl36 version which is bound. To complete those quests we need the lvl 26helm amd 31 armor.

04-06-2024, 02:21 AM
Its really upseting to lose titles and badges after your death. I have died quite few times(lol) and revived . I have been running events in hc mode since season 17. Had so many nice badges and titles that its impossible to get em back. I know it wont happen to return all those for me but maybe now on, revived hcs can keep titles and badges too.
In case you deside to lower the cost of plats for a hc to revive i ld like to request a refund :)
Thanx in advance

04-06-2024, 04:00 PM
I would think to make separate leaderboards for hc too like normal chars have. Put a timer on standard runs, the way it was before for normal characters.

Maybe event leaderboards but with untradeable vanities. Just stashable.

One thing I would also remove for hardcore characters is the leaderboard runs. I died cause i thought i was on a standard run but actually i wasn’t. The notofication with the popped up message doesn’t work especially when you don’t pay attention.

Since we can’t farm arcane gear and is not accessible for the majority of hardcore players, please consider to significantly decrease the damage done by bosses from arlor.

One more thing to ask, allow us to revive with ankhs.

04-06-2024, 07:33 PM
Some of these may have been mentioned already however, i will reinforce it. This is becoming a rampant issue for my guild <Goblin Slayer> ,as well as other hardcore players.

Ability to disable stack limit alert

Natural gear progression. Balance the gear drops around you at all levels.

Create a new map to farm energy and PVE. We’re tired of hauntlet. Also NEW hauntlet is very deadly.

Risk to reward. Lower the risk of events when a low award. Easier map when running for simple vanity’s or titles.

Add some quests around level 70. Running Fester for all quests; including weekly and Fester 4. Is approx 30 runs.

Most players can’t get thru Glintstone much less run swamp 30x. Quests at this level are needed so players can make level 86.

Free up inventory by separating Vanity from Equipment. Or create a hardcore stash for that character.

Favorite crafting items to prevent deletion of needed materials for quests.

More people would play hardcore if…

There was a level 30 Item Pack Open like on normal mode. Most can solo thru Dead City which brings them to approximately to level 25. This way they can continue thru Kraken Isles or Nordr.

Support languages other then English for Quests.If possible start a survey to see how many players speak a certain language.

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04-07-2024, 05:09 AM
Sorry, can't give feedback, I don't speak platinum.

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04-07-2024, 02:18 PM
Remove pvp aps for hc at least....if sts don't wanna remove them for normal players at least remove it for hc...losing badges n titles really doesn't seem that bad....however losing the badges that u got from crates or lb would be very sad why should I lose something when I die that I paid my money for....it's a slap in the face lol... this mode is very pay to win...u can't do nothing unless u spend money or ask friends for carry

Ign moneyhc

04-07-2024, 07:26 PM
I would think to make separate leaderboards for hc too like normal chars have. Put a timer on standard runs, the way it was before for normal characters.

Maybe event leaderboards but with untradeable vanities. Just stashable.

One thing I would also remove for hardcore characters is the leaderboard runs. I died cause i thought i was on a standard run but actually i wasn’t. The notofication with the popped up message doesn’t work especially when you don’t pay attention.

Since we can’t farm arcane gear and is not accessible for the majority of hardcore players, please consider to significantly decrease the damage done by bosses from arlor.

One more thing to ask, allow us to revive with ankhs.

Wdym revive with ankhs.....may as well just play normal then lolol.... I think when we die we should not be able to revive at all or your toon becomes a normal toon after u die

04-07-2024, 08:39 PM
Remove pvp aps for hc at least....if sts don't wanna remove them for normal players at least remove it for hc...losing badges n titles really doesn't seem that bad....however losing the badges that u got from crates or lb would be very sad why should I lose something when I die that I paid my money for....it's a slap in the face lol... this mode is very pay to win...u can't do nothing unless u spend money or ask friends for carry

Ign moneyhc
+ 1 why lose the badge we pay thousands of plats for it each times our hc dies literally each badge is 3k plat we pay each event beside the titles too and I agree about the pvp part too since no real pvp there or anywhere anyways so useless.

04-07-2024, 10:30 PM
+ 1 why lose the badge we pay thousands of plats for it each times our hc dies literally each badge is 3k plat we pay each event beside the titles too and I agree about the pvp part too since no real pvp there or anywhere anyways so useless.When hc was introduced to al ppl who died were losing even the satchel. That changed later cause ppl explained its unreasonable. Same thing shoukd be done with titles and badges. Although many hardcores have lost titles and badges in the past cause of a death, it should be changed now on. Better late than never.

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04-08-2024, 06:20 AM
after all mobs and bosses buffed it is not possible to play on new hc toons without good gear and without carry even from brackenridge.
there is an option to restore the original difficulty of the maps for hard cores?
thank you in advance

04-08-2024, 07:58 AM
+1 now i also find hard to play on hc
Hope soon sts will fix

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04-08-2024, 08:55 AM
Make maps easier from after tindrin and more legendary gear drops

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04-08-2024, 04:27 PM
Id suggest to adjust the recent update on maps like they did in Hedourah and Zodias Gauntlet.

04-08-2024, 08:22 PM
Repeats hashed over and some new ...

- HC Mode lost its touch and the idea itself got lost of what an actual Hardcore could have been if no hc were allowed to purchase anything with any type of currency.

- The HC APS are unachievable for players unless they open crates or are carried. Your seasonal leaderboard is full of players who do nothing except get a carry through maps.

- As is the Hardcore mode, it is literally not possible to do without getting carried.. even the so called famous hexame got carried by a rog for all his family aps.

-Add an extra option to revive for free as normal char without losing items.

- Give us an option to be able to buy the best gear with crate tokens.

- It’s hard to have or come up with a “strategy” with other players to run difficult maps like you can in normal mode because one wrong move and it’s rip for you and others in map. A Sandbox would help greatly to develop strategies for a team of hc.

- Cost of revive itself is too much. And this must be the oldest of complaints regarding reviving a dead hc. (the cost of lost aps is enough hardship to handle)

- In early days the dead hc could come on game in towns and in guildhalls (not maps) to stash their gear without having to pay a revive. At some point this was taken away but it should be returned because the player already paid plenty of $$ to have gear to play hc mode. Allow the dead hc to stash items without having to pay to receive back what he already paid for.

- Give us an option to be able to buy the better gear with crate tokens.

- Maybe in the future totally revamp the hc mode: remove the option to revive for platinum, remove the option to BUY gear if you die.

- Resetting event titles and badges you opened is something that honestly makes no sense! Why are we losing badges and titles that cannot be obtained after certain events? We ran. We risked getting it. And we’re getting it taken away after we die. Why? As if 1600 plat revive and loss of aps wasn’t enough of a punishment.
Even the badges received from opening crates and spending $$$. This is totally not fair to lose titles and badges earned during events or looted from crates!

- Remove pvp aps for hc at least or least confirm that dummy farming is not breaking TOS and also please lower the number of players needed to open CTF.

- A sandbox mode to test if the character is ready for bosses or events

- In the past a revived hardcore play did not receive from his inventory all the items that were in satchel! Even the Crate tokens were not gave back, nothing from that part of the inventory was given back. There were threads regarding this and that changed later cause ppl explained its unreasonable. Just as the satchel was apart of the inventory and needed to remain, the banners, badges and titles are part of the inventory and rightly should remain.

- Removing Chests from Gears and Vanities would help a lot with the problem of the inventory always full. Or make a quest that upon completing would allow an hc character to have it's own personal stash. Or make it easier to clean inventory with a one button push to delete all that is not Hearted.

- Thank for the changes that have happen, having our names a different color, have the lion icon in the guild and friend list so easy to see who is normal and who is hc, giving satchel back, not dying in towns, not dying from kraag canons or in the pvp maps, i'm sure there are others.

- Encrytions 11/29/2018 .... Ping is the biggest issue.

- Xxkayakxx said in 12/02/2018: "hardcore is like red hot chili... it hurts but you want more."

04-09-2024, 12:14 AM
after all mobs and bosses buffed it is not possible to play on new hc toons without good gear and without carry even from brackenridge.
there is an option to restore the original difficulty of the maps for hard cores?
thank you in advance

Not true I solo once before from bracken to 3rd map of tind in hc.... I'm sure others managed to get farther than me in solo hc...it's supposed to be hc....why ask for maps to be easier don't make sense...call it easy core then

04-09-2024, 01:14 AM
its true, is a difference, visible difference. with the new hc toon of low level whether from lvl 1 or 10, 20 even normal brackenridge maps are much harder than usual before buffed, not mention higer maps

04-09-2024, 01:09 PM
Dear Sts, Thank for the changes that have happen, having our names a different color, have the lion icon in the guild and friend list so easy to see who is normal and who is hc, giving satchel back, not dying in towns, not dying from kraag canons or in the pvp maps, i'm sure there are others.
For long time hardcore players inventory continues to be a problem, please seperate either vanities or chests from the Equipment area.
Quotes from past hardcore players :
Encrytions 11/29/2018: "Ping is the biggest issue."
Xxkayakxx said in 12/02/2018: "Hardcore is like red hot chili... it hurts but you want more."

04-09-2024, 01:16 PM
This sandbox mode to test if the character is ready for bosses or events sounds great!
Oh yeah in the past a revived hardcore player did not receive from his inventory the satchel! Even the Crate tokens were not gave back, nothing from that part of the inventory was given back. There were threads regarding this and later changes came because ppl explained its unreasonableness. Just as the satchel was apart of the inventory and needed to remain, the banners, badges and titles are part of the inventory and rightly should remain.
And is there any way to be notified faster that lag or high ping or reconnecting issues are happening, this could save many hc lives !!
And thank you STS for this thread !!

04-09-2024, 07:56 PM
Not true I solo once before from bracken to 3rd map of tind in hc.... I'm sure others managed to get farther than me in solo hc...it's supposed to be hc....why ask for maps to be easier don't make sense...call it easy core thenAgreed.


I've tested it in brakenridge and it's opposite of impossible but rather possible. Yes , it did get buffed but it's not exactly impossible. Especially Brakenridge from the testing I have done

04-10-2024, 06:57 AM
The new changes to hauntlet are horrible for HC. People already struggle to get geared and hauntlet was one of the few places people could farm for jewels etc. With the changes to both jewel drops and now enemies its yet another map lost. It's easy to forget that a large part of HC is not only the 1 death mechanic, it's also that we loose the ability to trade. SO, please look over gear progression and availability throughout the levels.

04-10-2024, 04:17 PM


I've tested it in brakenridge and it's opposite of impossible but rather possible. Yes , it did get buffed but it's not exactly impossible. Especially Brakenridge from the testing I have done

You are using mage char.Ofc mage n war chars have good skills of defense.
But Idllia is right n talking about rog char, i also tried hc on rog char. Mobs buff n hard.
Hope sts will check n fix it.

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04-10-2024, 05:21 PM
You are using mage char.Ofc mage n war chars have good skills of defense.
But Idllia is right n talking about rog char, i also tried hc on rog char. Mobs buff n hard.
Hope sts will check n fix it.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkHe will test rog later, told him to in discord.

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04-10-2024, 09:41 PM
He will test rog later, told him to in discord.

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04-11-2024, 02:22 AM
Here’s my suggestion for HC mode;
1. Please remove aps that hardcore cant even do (auctioneer, entrepreneur, merchant).
2. I noticed there is still class specific side quest which I think is unfair for other classes. (Warriors get to do dark secret, darker secret quest, etc). So either remove class specific quest or create class specific quest for rogues and mages too.
3. Consider removing PVP aps or do something to make PVP active again since the mode is dead at least in endgame atm.
4. The guaranteed badges from crates shouldn’t be gone when one dies and revive since we paid 1.5/3k plat each for those.
5. Separate inventory for gears/items from vanities. One thing thats a problem in HC now is inventory gets full and you dont really wanna stash something coz you might need it in the future and cant take it back so my suggestion is gears and vanities should be separated or have a stash for your HC toon thats only accessible by one toon.
6. Please also have some more gears/pets we can use our crate token for.
7. I think you guys should consider bringing back wherein we can buy auction slot, crafting inventory etc with maybe story token, glint/hauntlet coin etc. It would be helpful specially for non plat buying players.

Id say one thing I still love about HC is there are still things to do that you cant just buy with plat or gold which keeps me playing even though it gets annoying sometimes lol

04-12-2024, 01:56 AM
Some people only need one specific kraken piece for example but its very unlikely to get it. Maybe after someone opened the third guaranteed pull instead of getting one random item from the guaranteed pool he can decide himself which of those he needs, maybe even of the whole locked. I already spend 12k plat on my new hc for lockeds and couldnt get a single piece i desired and thats just ridiculous. You can also just do it for the class specific ones since they are way more expensive anyways so it wont have a big impact on the market.

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04-12-2024, 06:21 PM
- It took 3 tries to run a new ftp lvl 1 hardcore to reach Travelers Outpost.

- The first 2 times failed for the reason of running out of gold and could not buy health and mana pots and not due to death.

- On the third try, made it past the Ghul Bellybottom boss (last map of Brackenridge) and arrived in Travelers at level six and a half. (what helped was Shazbot gave 25% damage) I conserved the low amount of gold a new character receives for health/mana pots, I could not pay for xp elixir hence the low lvl.

- After collecting quests in Travelers I headed into Ydra Outskirts only to see recommended lvl is 8. Already struggled with the mobs in Braken so Ydra would surely not be wise to go into at lvl 6. Back to Brackenridge to do more quests to lvl up and hopefully gain more gold.

- Got to lvl 8, doing everything with saving gold in mind. Used basic attacks when I could so not to use up the mana/pots and then using skills as necessary to kill mobs that would surely have killed the low lvl hc. Added the Combat Medic skill to help save on health pots but still ran out of health pots.

- Ran out of health and ran out of mana and ran out of gold and ran out of the idea to take the new ftp hc any further.

04-12-2024, 06:24 PM
Recommendation at the Ydra boarder. 265935

04-12-2024, 06:27 PM
Looks like the end of the road here. No gold, no health and no mana. 265936

04-12-2024, 06:32 PM
- Clearly a new ftp hardcore player needs much more gold for health/mana pots to keep them alive to fighting the mobs that seemed more powerful than in the past.

04-12-2024, 07:55 PM
After 14 seasons I have bought tons of plat to gear up and run maps. Im still NOT full kraken. Do I think it should be easier? No.
Its hard for a reason and should still remain a challenge.

I've died multiple times cuz im awesome but 1600 plat to revive is pretty steep. Maybe half it to 800 ish.

Crate tokens are useless. I know people that have maxed them out because all the vendors have low lvl gear/pets. There should be new vendors in zodiac and elder woods with higher lvl gear/pets.

Gear shouldn't be shared between accounts either. The hardest part of hardcore is obtaining gear. Would be ridiculous to just start another seasonal and take all ur op gear to it. No challenge at all.

Pvp aps in hc should be removed..no one's hc kill/death rate is legit. You can't rly play pvp in hc either..
Its a waste of time just like the ctf flags were.

Any badges or titles that you earned from buying plat crates or running events shouldn't be deleted if you die. We spent too much time and plat to get it

04-12-2024, 10:56 PM
need higher drop rate of all item, i mean its hardcore which we cannot trade. So the last thing you need to do is make the farm more enjoyable

04-13-2024, 05:56 PM
A plat/gold bought elixir kit, that would give you a bigger chance on looting gear for your class would be absolutely great!

Even better if it applied the bonus on all opened chests too :) :D

It would help a ton during events, farming cryostar/northal or when opening elite chests in order to get old mythic set.

04-14-2024, 08:57 AM
Sense this thread is in regards to hardcore play...
I found it interesting that some old lvl 1 characters I made in the past (couple of years ago) began with more gold: 1250 gold where as a newly made character receives 250 gold. Does anyone have old lvl 1 toons in account(s) that you check if this was the case for yourselves? If this is true broadly speaking why would sts change this ? I know this is not really important in the long picture of the game but for new players it could be the deciding factor of making it through the beginning maps, most importantly for new hardcore players, having gold at the start is vitally important to be able to buy pots to spam health and mana and stay alive: 25 mana pots 300 gold and 25 health pots 400 gold.

04-14-2024, 03:00 PM
Recommendation at the Ydra boarder. 265935

yess!! pls devs

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04-15-2024, 04:14 PM
Definitely change the fact that we lose any badges/ titles even when we die, esp locked crate badges when we already spent so much for them

04-15-2024, 05:32 PM

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04-15-2024, 09:46 PM
Hardcore is unplayable without buying plats.

The best way to lvl up is to leech.

I don’t know what you wanna do for it. It’s just your milky cow.

Maybe let them revive their char for gold and not plat so they sink some gold.

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04-15-2024, 11:16 PM
There definitely seems to be a few different opinions here on what hardcore play should be as an experience. My understanding of what makes hardcore mode unique is that its very core it is a play style that demands a completely different mindset as it is rooted by the understanding that if you die, its game over. That said there are several things id like to reiterate from previous posts before I jump into some new thoughts.

1. I agree with everyone who has stated that losing badges that we’ve paid for doesn’t seem right. As everyone knows, freek things can happen to the best players with game glitches, disconnects etc right at the worst time. Regardless of the reason it takes anywhere from $110 to $170 depending on sales prices of plat to get a badge. Those badges should be considered bought and paid for.

2. Addressing Hc rogue: I know I’m putting a lot here but please read all. Hardcore mode is hardcore mode, not run n gun. I’m not great at playing the rogue but I took a new one from start up to and including the mini boss in Windmoore harbor to see if it was possible or not to do without being carried. Just as I do with a hc mage, I did all levels except Dead City Tower of Mardrom without help and it is definitely doable alone. If you watch Hex’s video it can be done a lot faster and easier than how I played it, but with care you can solo all 4 maps in Brakenridge without using a single elixir. Your gold can and should go to xp from the start. That said: Once in Ydra, maps get trickier and Dead city even more. Running a mage I rely on fireball and whirlwind to knock down mobs plus a shield for protection. Warriors need no introduction to their defense levels. Rogues however have neither and they have no way to stop Ydra mages from summoning additional mobs which can quickly become overwhelming. Once I reach level 10 with my hc char I visit Petrox Lord of War in Brakenridge and I buy 4 of his Legendary Guardian bundles for 500 gold each. The potions alone cost more when divided per piece in guild halls. Even with that gear I had my work cut out for me and by the time I was finished with the mini boss on the Windmoore Harbor map I had blown through the majority of my health potions. Especially since unlike the mage/sorcerer who shares a similarly weak constitution, the rogue has to fight up close and personal in hand to hand combat without the ability to stun or knock-back (prior to level 20). Even doing my best to use aimed shot and draw some mobs closer for smaller battles, there comes a point with Ydra map mages and especially with flash mobs of sprouting skeletons in dead city, where I definitely had to spam potions. While rogues may have great benefits when leveled up, I would like to suggest that there be some sort of adjustment to make the rogues play a bit more even with the other two classes at least at the start. While you, STS, have consistently encouraged group play which we understand the benefits of, there are times that we as players come off of a bad day or just want for some reason to play solo for awhile and it would be nice to see consideration for this. In addition it takes a bit of a commitment time wise to cary a hardcore player and it would be nice if ALL hc chars could work all maps through Kraken isles, as the mage and war can, solo before needing help.

3. Npc vendors and gear: I’ve heard that there is consideration being made for a vendor in Heracleon (& Berryline Bay?) to add vendors for crate token purchases. I agree that this needs to be done AND I would like to ask for a regular vendor at least in Heracleon where fathoms can be used to purchase gear in 2 ways. Similar to buying mythic gear with glintstone coins, it would be nice if you added the ability to buy gear for fathoms plus add some unlocked Heracleon crates like the unlocked Valley crate from Goody Wells. Even if it is too soon to add Kraken/Arcane gear, there should be no reason to not add mythic level 81 gear in addition to legendaries since it is no longer obtained through current locked event crates, plus it should not affect normal mode play as these items are already super cheep to buy in the auction. Several different pets would be nice to add as well.

4. “Alternate Ending” - I’d like to propose an addition to the game for hardcore play. Because many players have spent thousands of dollars on platinum, I would like to propose that in addition to the hardcore mode revive (which is a bit pricey even with keeping to a hardcore mindset) that you add an additional option that for sake of needing a name I’m calling the Alternate Ending option. This would cost say 100 plat and the character is set to level 1 normal mode so that all the characters gear is not lost. Personally I don’t feel that this kills the basis of hardcore mode and what/how it is played, but for the person who has spent a ton of money supporting STS, but for whatever reason finds themselves in a difficult financial or life situation, this would be your acknowledgment of appreciation allowing them to continue playing with what they have paid a lot of money for.

04-16-2024, 06:00 PM
There definitely seems to be a few different opinions here on what hardcore play should be as an experience. My understanding of what makes hardcore mode unique is that its very core it is a play style that demands a completely different mindset as it is rooted by the understanding that if you die, its game over. That said there are several things id like to reiterate from previous posts before I jump into some new thoughts.

1. I agree with everyone who has stated that losing badges that we’ve paid for doesn’t seem right. As everyone knows, freek things can happen to the best players with game glitches, disconnects etc right at the worst time. Regardless of the reason it takes anywhere from $110 to $170 depending on sales prices of plat to get a badge. Those badges should be considered bought and paid for.

2. Addressing Hc rogue: I know I’m putting a lot here but please read all. Hardcore mode is hardcore mode, not run n gun. I’m not great at playing the rogue but I took a new one from start up to and including the mini boss in Windmoore harbor to see if it was possible or not to do without being carried. Just as I do with a hc mage, I did all levels except Dead City Tower of Mardrom without help and it is definitely doable alone. If you watch Hex’s video it can be done a lot faster and easier than how I played it, but with care you can solo all 4 maps in Brakenridge without using a single elixir. Your gold can and should go to xp from the start. That said: Once in Ydra, maps get trickier and Dead city even more. Running a mage I rely on fireball and whirlwind to knock down mobs plus a shield for protection. Warriors need no introduction to their defense levels. Rogues however have neither and they have no way to stop Ydra mages from summoning additional mobs which can quickly become overwhelming. Once I reach level 10 with my hc char I visit Petrox Lord of War in Brakenridge and I buy 4 of his Legendary Guardian bundles for 500 gold each. The potions alone cost more when divided per piece in guild halls. Even with that gear I had my work cut out for me and by the time I was finished with the mini boss on the Windmoore Harbor map I had blown through the majority of my health potions. Especially since unlike the mage/sorcerer who shares a similarly weak constitution, the rogue has to fight up close and personal in hand to hand combat without the ability to stun or knock-back (prior to level 20). Even doing my best to use aimed shot and draw some mobs closer for smaller battles, there comes a point with Ydra map mages and especially with flash mobs of sprouting skeletons in dead city, where I definitely had to spam potions. While rogues may have great benefits when leveled up, I would like to suggest that there be some sort of adjustment to make the rogues play a bit more even with the other two classes at least at the start. While you, STS, have consistently encouraged group play which we understand the benefits of, there are times that we as players come off of a bad day or just want for some reason to play solo for awhile and it would be nice to see consideration for this. In addition it takes a bit of a commitment time wise to cary a hardcore player and it would be nice if ALL hc chars could work all maps through Kraken isles, as the mage and war can, solo before needing help.

3. Npc vendors and gear: I’ve heard that there is consideration being made for a vendor in Heracleon (& Berryline Bay?) to add vendors for crate token purchases. I agree that this needs to be done AND I would like to ask for a regular vendor at least in Heracleon where fathoms can be used to purchase gear in 2 ways. Similar to buying mythic gear with glintstone coins, it would be nice if you added the ability to buy gear for fathoms plus add some unlocked Heracleon crates like the unlocked Valley crate from Goody Wells. Even if it is too soon to add Kraken/Arcane gear, there should be no reason to not add mythic level 81 gear in addition to legendaries since it is no longer obtained through current locked event crates, plus it should not affect normal mode play as these items are already super cheep to buy in the auction. Several different pets would be nice to add as well.

4. “Alternate Ending” - I’d like to propose an addition to the game for hardcore play. Because many players have spent thousands of dollars on platinum, I would like to propose that in addition to the hardcore mode revive (which is a bit pricey even with keeping to a hardcore mindset) that you add an additional option that for sake of needing a name I’m calling the Alternate Ending option. This would cost say 100 plat and the character is set to level 1 normal mode so that all the characters gear is not lost. Personally I don’t feel that this kills the basis of hardcore mode and what/how it is played, but for the person who has spent a ton of money supporting STS, but for whatever reason finds themselves in a difficult financial or life situation, this would be your acknowledgment of appreciation allowing them to continue playing with what they have paid a lot of money for.I skiped most of the comment but the last part with the new suggestion is genius. Convert a dead hc with low cost into normal mode character is propably the best suggestion I ever heard. I ld add a confirmation message in case someone wanna revive in hc and xclicks

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04-26-2024, 10:16 PM
In Hardcore mode we can still loot ankh which we can never use.
Any way of making ankh usable in future? Maybe a token where we can exhange for respec scroll or whatever?
As free to play hardcore, its really hard to farm for respec scroll even during boss drop respec scroll daily event. As per my experiment, i 12 runs per 1 scroll in brackenridge third map.

05-06-2024, 02:50 PM
I’ve been playing hc since season 20. Loved it at the start could run most events get good vanities / pets etc and still be competitive in lb and run all maps.
But now it’s pay to win.. the new maps make it almost impossible to run them coz one shot and you rip so what’s the point? (you need to try get us engaged with new content) since hc is pay to win even with the best gear if you are lucky to loot it you still can die since it’s hard to have or come up with a “strategy” with other players to run those maps like you can in normal mode because one wrong move and it’s rip for you and others in map.
Also most that have 1k boss’ don’t have anything to achieve in new maps since they can’t run the newer maps when it’s one shot and rip. So what’s the point of playing on HC? You need to maybe give us some content where we can grind for new gear etc I know it’s hard.. I dunno just a suggestion.
Almost all events HC can rip with one mob shot or traps etc. So most major events now are pointless for hc to run (imo) especially for under geared players.
Also crate tokens are pointless. Give us an option to be able to buy the best gear in game even if it’s bound.

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Another thought I had.

The 1k boss aps for the most part are so not appealing to try to get or to run the maps over and over again for little to no reward.
What if just like the Nordr map we have a quest to kill 20 elite boss we get an elite golden warchest with a chance to drop the uller, vili & himi set pieces and the maul. You could give a similar quest for all of the elite maps. The elite gold chest have a chance to loot old arcanes for the level that we are running. Or even gems, inventory slots, crafting slots, house slots etc etc.
Even having a chance to have vanity’s or titles etc to be looted in those maps would make them way more appealing to run for a chance to loot something worth while.

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05-06-2024, 03:04 PM
I know many like this mode but for myself i really dislike it, only reason i have play it is to get the aps, and i really hate it that i had to do so just to get aps on my main character, i sincerely like to focus only on 1 main character.

Major reason i dont like is that it feel so slow and underpower compare to our regular character, and i also feel that the time spent on those is time i would really prefer to spend on my main! ty

05-15-2024, 11:46 AM
Moving discussion to Feedback: Hardcore Revamp II (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?741866)).