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View Full Version : BSM pinks price mystery

11-02-2012, 12:39 AM
I've been watching the prices of L75 BSM pinks in the CS for the last week. For both the str and dex items, the prices have not moved very much (haven't paid much attention to int gear, so not sure if it's the same). I see the big items, like armor, scythe, str shield, dex helm, holding steady at 1-2 mil. Some are near the top of the range, some the bottom, but the prices are pretty steady.

The reason this confuses me is that the drop rate for BSM pinks seems to be pretty good. I usually have very little luck on farming pinks, but even I'm seeing regular drops over this same time period. I would say more often than not I see at least one drop in a 1-2 hour farming session. This is infinitely better than the rate I saw in Nuri's and Fang, and beats Humania too. So why aren't the prices coming down? If the drop rate really is decent and farming is going on continuously (which is normally the case), then shouldn't there be a steady stream of pinks flowing through CS to push prices down? I just don't understand what's keeping them up given the apparent drop rate. Can anyone shed any light here?

11-02-2012, 12:46 AM
Supply and demand. Supply is high demand is low = prices lower. Supply is mediumish demand is mediumish. = stable price. Thats how i see it. Hope i sorta helped lol

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-02-2012, 12:50 AM
Supply and demand. Supply is high demand is low = prices lower. Supply is mediumish demand is mediumish. = stable price. Thats how i see it. Hope i sorta helped lol

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

Just wanted to say that u use alot of blood

11-02-2012, 01:39 PM
Supply and demand. Supply is high demand is low = prices lower. Supply is mediumish demand is mediumish. = stable price. Thats how i see it. Hope i sorta helped lol

I agree that stable prices indicates a balance between supply and demand. My point is that I just don't get why supply and demand should be equal right now. It seems to me from my experience that the supply is pretty high, so I guess I'm just surprised it isn't driving prices down. Are there not that many L75 farmers out there? Are they just too busy farming Halloween to create the usual supply numbers? It's a head-scratcher for me, so I was looking for anyone to come up with an explanation about why the supply just isn't making a dent in prices right now.

11-02-2012, 01:48 PM
Well I can say from my perspective, I haven't seen many pink drops. On my way to 75 with my first toon I looted 1 pink (l 71 on the first day).

On my second toon I looted 2 pinks (both lvl 71 on the first day on back to back runs. AND it was the same item.)

Also, consider that crafting is about to come out. Its entirely possible (and likely) that people are holding these L75 drops until it does.

11-02-2012, 03:32 PM
all of the above i am guessing.

People farming Halloween items not farming Lvl 75 pinks right now.

Lots of players getting to Lvl 75 and needing new gear so demand is high for a while.

People not knowing what will be craftable and holding on to their items for now, making the supply more limited.