View Full Version : Best 18 Birds?

11-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Well this is a thread concerning best 18 Birds...

I can start.


Your turn!

P.S. Please don't post new birds, such as postulate that thinks he's good for doing good with a Forg bow...

11-02-2012, 09:54 PM
P.S. Please don't post new birds, such as postulate that thinks he's good for doing good with a Forg bow...

Hahaha lmfao

11-02-2012, 10:08 PM
Cough Lageater ( first level 10 and 17 bird)

11-02-2012, 10:09 PM
Well one that actually had over 1k in pvp then had to rmk :/

11-02-2012, 11:07 PM
Call is 19

11-03-2012, 02:05 AM
Postulate thinks hes a legend bc kawa said hes good lol.. Hes pure crap

11-03-2012, 02:07 AM
brosauce best current 19

11-03-2012, 05:10 AM
brosauce best current 19

That guy is horrible!!!! He killed my 18 birdi 3times in a row -.-

11-03-2012, 06:08 AM
Istashed? He uses Toy mostly

11-03-2012, 07:39 AM
Lost is you, OP, right?

11-03-2012, 07:41 AM
D-: is Lost

11-03-2012, 12:01 PM
Postulate thinks hes a legend bc kawa said hes good lol.. Hes pure crap

Agreed! ;-)

11-03-2012, 12:03 PM
I dont get it... None of those have I seen in PvP in quite awhile. Any new ones will be put down because theyre f bow users and the old ones quit when it was made...

I'm talking about old birds before FB. Or new ones that don't use FB.

11-03-2012, 12:37 PM
Postulate thinks hes a legend bc kawa said hes good lol.. Hes pure crap

Agreed and well best in my opinionwould be avianofdodge thats all i can think of <3

11-03-2012, 01:19 PM
Agreed and well best in my opinionwould be avianofdodge thats all i can think of <3

Hahaha LMFAO x2

11-03-2012, 05:05 PM
*First of all, I AM better then you. Uncle, you think you are "pro" because you have 5k kills. Laugh out loud. Proud of your 5k kills? You are all bark and NO bite. You are trash, sir. The only way you win is by teaming. Literally.... Anyibo, you are mad because i paid a guy 500k to kick members from your guild. (which was 11 people lol) This is justified because you cursed at me and said i was nothing, i then made Postulate and started OWNing you. Please think before you talk. People think Avianofdodge is good? He rushed me so i fought back and won every-single-time. He then called me "pro" and asked me stop killing him. * * *

Being judged by others means that you're that important that they have the time to think about you and talk about you. ~Unknown

Let the hating begin. <3
* * * * *-Postulate, I rush sometimes, get over it.

11-03-2012, 05:40 PM
@yich Thank you for being a grammer nazi. I an not hating, nor appreciating. @Veteran Pvper, Anyibo, a veteran? He had less kills then me when i FIRST met him, which was on my bear stupidrusher. I love how your tone changes on forums. Same with improving, you're free kills. You team me with entertaining to actually beat me. If you think birds are OP, complain to Devs, not me. I really do not care on your opinion on whether birds are OP or not.

11-03-2012, 05:44 PM
Postulate you never won me one on one. Mostly every bird can win me but you cant. Everytime i woop your bird you said lag. Im at 5k bc i dont rush beginners like you. Mr.15k kills lol.. You are not a legend. your not a pro. Your just another nub bird using an op weapon

11-03-2012, 05:56 PM
Uncle, if u want to 1 v 1 me, come at me. I'll record and post the results. @legend, i never said i was a legend, YOU refered to me as a legends. Add postulate for 1 v 1, don't add me if you are confident you will win. In theory, you should win 5:0, quote "Everytime i woop your bird"

11-03-2012, 06:11 PM
One of my favorite birds were tinytoonz as a 20 bird, but favorite all time was billcausby as pre gcd bird. Started around l17 and moved up. He was pre cutter, pre gcd, pre forg bow. He had to use peppermint pounder to get his skill damage! None of you guys remember him and that is so depressing. This person also taught me L20 bear back in the day. He was the person that tested L6 hs is the best way to go as a bear in l20 when everyone else was still experimenting. Only other person that would remember him might be Zapoke and aye. Sad how I'm considered the old school bird when these people were my idols when I was a noob. Please guys, try and remember people like this. Also remember spykids as best low level bear to play. He may not be as talented as gund, but he is the person who basically make xbow kiting! He made the L19 finesse xbow worth 20k because that's the weapon he used. After L19 snipers came out he was the first to get one and they were 200k.

Some now say best
Bird: call, lost, tenks
Bear: Gund
Mage: cert bous.

Sorry but the true list
Bird: billcausby
Bear: spykids
Mage: jopl.
And with jopl I'm not talking about him farming those kills, but pre gcd him rushing bears as a mage. When he used to use a silly hooch hat.

11-03-2012, 06:23 PM
I beat you wit my bird already.. I had to go. Score is 8-4 your a garbage cry baby. Make excuses for everything. Ill make it 10-4 when i get back on

11-03-2012, 06:31 PM
5:4 u rushed me 3 times... Lol must be pro....

11-03-2012, 06:43 PM
Postulate stfu. You rushed me bear thinking your good lol.. You say your a pro with 15k kills n i smacked you with my bird.. I barely have 700 something kills n i smacked you. You say everyone sucks if they have lower kills than you. Your trash and cant beat me.

11-03-2012, 07:09 PM
One of my favorite birds were tinytoonz as a 20 bird, but favorite all time was billcausby as pre gcd bird. Started around l17 and moved up. He was pre cutter, pre gcd, pre forg bow. He had to use peppermint pounder to get his skill damage! None of you guys remember him and that is so depressing. This person also taught me L20 bear back in the day. He was the person that tested L6 hs is the best way to go as a bear in l20 when everyone else was still experimenting. Only other person that would remember him might be Zapoke and aye. Sad how I'm considered the old school bird when these people were my idols when I was a noob. Please guys, try and remember people like this. Also remember spykids as best low level bear to play. He may not be as talented as gund, but he is the person who basically make xbow kiting! He made the L19 finesse xbow worth 20k because that's the weapon he used. After L19 snipers came out he was the first to get one and they were 200k.

Some now say best
Bird: call, lost, tenks
Bear: Gund
Mage: cert bous.

Sorry but the true list
Bird: billcausby
Bear: spykids
Mage: jopl.
And with jopl I'm not talking about him farming those kills, but pre gcd him rushing bears as a mage. When he used to use a silly hooch hat.

I remember Bill! I learned a lot about Mage from him. ;D And I agree with most of your list. However, I have to disagree with the Jop pick. :) Bill was better (Level 20 Mage with toyman, and could kill most 20 bears) so I'd say he should be best mage as well.

11-03-2012, 07:42 PM
One of my favorite birds were tinytoonz as a 20 bird, but favorite all time was billcausby as pre gcd bird. Started around l17 and moved up. He was pre cutter, pre gcd, pre forg bow. He had to use peppermint pounder to get his skill damage! None of you guys remember him and that is so depressing. This person also taught me L20 bear back in the day. He was the person that tested L6 hs is the best way to go as a bear in l20 when everyone else was still experimenting. Only other person that would remember him might be Zapoke and aye. Sad how I'm considered the old school bird when these people were my idols when I was a noob. Please guys, try and remember people like this. Also remember spykids as best low level bear to play. He may not be as talented as gund, but he is the person who basically make xbow kiting! He made the L19 finesse xbow worth 20k because that's the weapon he used. After L19 snipers came out he was the first to get one and they were 200k.

Some now say best
Bird: call, lost, tenks
Bear: Gund
Mage: cert bous.

Sorry but the true list
Bird: billcausby
Bear: spykids
Mage: jopl.
And with jopl I'm not talking about him farming those kills, but pre gcd him rushing bears as a mage. When he used to use a silly hooch hat.

I love you Jake.

I'm actually surprised you are just now giving me rep. Mostly because you hated on me a lot.

It pays off though, Jake.

I might go 18 Bird, and just rush everyone and mid-fight leave just to ruin low level more.

Anyone got any extra Forg Bows L18? ;)

11-03-2012, 07:42 PM
Billcausby and thebilldozer! Forgot his mages name :/. But to the folks who say "You listed every good pre f bow bird that ever existed >.>" you have no idea what you're talking about, and hop off the thread if you honestly believe that. That's like me saying there are no other good presidents because they existed before me... That's ignorant... Also remember kkerlinn. He had a pre gcd, pre f bow, pre peppermint cutter bird! And he was dominant. What about ysoserious? He had a L20 pregcd bear that was dominant but also had a bird that was insanely good.
Please add to the list
Kkerlinn (so many alts with the same type of name idk exact spelling)
And ysoserious (again tons of alts with same name lol)

Ps lost if I wasn't so hard on you, you wouldn't be like this ;D you were kind of like a little brother that you beat on. Now you've grown up and I'm proud ;3

11-03-2012, 07:45 PM
5:4 is not smacking uncle, calm down, it is just a game, don't cry over spilled milk

11-03-2012, 09:30 PM
8-4 why cant you take the the 8-4. 4 other people witnessed me smacking you . I destroyed your bird. You cried every time i beat you and you tried to act nice after i was winning. Gf Quit pvp while your at it.

11-03-2012, 09:36 PM
Billcausby and thebilldozer! Forgot his mages name :/. But to the folks who say "You listed every good pre f bow bird that ever existed >.>" you have no idea what you're talking about, and hop off the thread if you honestly believe that. That's like me saying there are no other good presidents because they existed before me... That's ignorant... Also remember kkerlinn. He had a pre gcd, pre f bow, pre peppermint cutter bird! And he was dominant. What about ysoserious? He had a L20 pregcd bear that was dominant but also had a bird that was insanely good.
Please add to the list
Kkerlinn (so many alts with the same type of name idk exact spelling)
And ysoserious (again tons of alts with same name lol)

Ps lost if I wasn't so hard on you, you wouldn't be like this ;D you were kind of like a little brother that you beat on. Now you've grown up and I'm proud ;3

Why not just quote my post lollll... You show much more respect to pre gcd birds than I ever will. Agree to disagree, but I dont call that sort of button mashing skill. Perhaps Im just a post gcd nub.

11-03-2012, 09:59 PM
Don't act like you knew them and just thought they didn't deserve to be mentioned... You don't know them and you thought that I basically invented birds and cert invented mages. Bears aren't the default class like everyone thinks. Didnt you start hardcore in 2012? Cause I remember when you didn't know what year each holiday item came out. But you comment on a thread thinking you know all the pros to play this game right? Haha so please don't say "You listed every good pre f bow bird that ever existed >.>" that's far from true.

11-03-2012, 11:14 PM
Billcausby and thebilldozer! Forgot his mages name :/. But to the folks who say "You listed every good pre f bow bird that ever existed >.>" you have no idea what you're talking about, and hop off the thread if you honestly believe that. That's like me saying there are no other good presidents because they existed before me... That's ignorant... Also remember kkerlinn. He had a pre gcd, pre f bow, pre peppermint cutter bird! And he was dominant. What about ysoserious? He had a L20 pregcd bear that was dominant but also had a bird that was insanely good.
Please add to the list
Kkerlinn (so many alts with the same type of name idk exact spelling)
And ysoserious (again tons of alts with same name lol)

Ps lost if I wasn't so hard on you, you wouldn't be like this ;D you were kind of like a little brother that you beat on. Now you've grown up and I'm proud ;3

I have to admire my mentor of bird.

And yes, I did think of you as a brother to me.

11-03-2012, 11:32 PM
Don't act like you knew them and just thought they didn't deserve to be mentioned... You don't know them and you thought that I basically invented birds and cert invented mages. Bears aren't the default class like everyone thinks. Didnt you start hardcore in 2012? Cause I remember when you didn't know what year each holiday item came out. But you comment on a thread thinking you know all the pros to play this game right? Haha so please don't say "You listed every good pre f bow bird that ever existed >.>" that's far from true.

Well Vv, it was clearly an opinion. A very uninformed opinion, sure, but an opinion none the less. In my opinion, pre gcd isn't even comparable. Dont say I dont have any clue what Im talking about, because I have a tinsy bit of experience in pre gcd PL. So his list is post gcd pre f bow, the era most of my PvP has taken place, and where I think the most skill was needed. I just dont count pre gcd the same way i dont count post f bow.

11-03-2012, 11:43 PM
iiiioiiioiiii was a pro bird.

11-03-2012, 11:52 PM
Lost, you're clearly up yourself if I had an 18 bird we'd see who'd win, tbh; your guide wasn't the best ( combo is the worst I've ever seen ) dude in my opinion learn to be good instead of acting good and writing guide's that clearly state that your really a noob

11-03-2012, 11:53 PM
Off topic ik but that's a fair discussion. What era of pl took the most skill? It's almost a fact that pre gcd no buff mages took the most skill. The mages of that time were just the best. For the rest of the community I think you're right on post gcd, pre fbow era. My fav was pre gcd but with gcd the difference between "hs stomp sms" and "stomp SMS hs" is completely different. Timing of skills made it that much harder for bears to just nuke everyone, which happened a lot in pre gcd days haha. Birds can be looked at in a few ways. Gcd helps a bit because the skill cooldown is harsh and gcd helps funnel that down. But pre gcd they were so flimsy and took tons of skill to not get ruined by bears. On the other hand pre gcd they still have 4 12m skills at their disposal.
But add
Yuqq (y u QQ? When sun owned it)
Endgamebanker (just to throw jiven a bone ;D)

11-03-2012, 11:58 PM
Lost, you're clearly up yourself if I had an 18 bird we'd see who'd win, tbh; your guide wasn't the best ( combo is the worst I've ever seen ) dude in my opinion learn to be good instead of acting good and writing guide's that clearly state that your really a noob

You used the wrong your/you're. That makes your statement invalid. Sorry bro, grammar's a beach.

11-04-2012, 12:04 AM
brosauce best current 19

11-04-2012, 12:07 AM
Lost, you're clearly up yourself if I had an 18 bird we'd see who'd win, tbh; your guide wasn't the best ( combo is the worst I've ever seen ) dude in my opinion learn to be good instead of acting good and writing guide's that clearly state that your really a noob

As yich said.


Also if my combo sucks, why did Call, Tenks, and a bit of Apollo teach it to me?

Please explain.

Also if I'm not "good" why did one of the best birds (Call) say I'm the best atm? I don't even have to compete for the title anymore... I'm in 61 pvp and I'm best 18 bird?

Also I've "Learned" to be good. Trust me. I have "learned" EVERYTHING from my mentors.
Call, tenks, and Apollo.

So basically you call my builds (originally calls, tenks and apollos) the worst...?

Explain how call was (correct me if I'm wrong) 2000-200? Tenks about the same and me 1700-300? If we used such a bad combo how did we get THAT GOOD of a KDR?
Also don't say "U BOOSTED NOOB" because trust me, I KNOW call and tenks HATED boosting. And so did I. I just got so bored with low level I rushed everyone.

So PLEASE explain to me how my guide sucks. I just remembered as much as I can about Call, tenks, and Apollo helping me and that's what I got.

And if you think my guide is so "Bad" lets see you make one.

Also don't hate just because you got kicked out of the 17 Tourney for trash talking imp.

Nub. I'd own you with my 61 INT BIRD.

11-04-2012, 12:08 AM
100 percent sure some people will remember but there used to be someblackman and sobrangpogi and teddybear or something, they were pro.

11-04-2012, 12:09 AM
As yich said.


Also if my combo sucks, why did Call, Tenks, and a bit of Apollo teach it to me?

Please explain.

Also don't hate just because you got kicked out of the 17 Tourney for trash talking imp.


For future reference, I'm only hosting the 26 tourney, don't think I can host anything else considering all the drama that goes on at L10-17 caused by unrestrained egos.

100 percent sure some people will remember but there used to be someblackman and sobrangpogi and teddybear or something, they were pro.

Someblackman and Mynasgen (me) were considered the best at the time.

Spykids never was the one that revolutionized the xbow, Someblackman was the one who deserves that credit.

11-04-2012, 12:20 AM
Apollo, if you do remember lost, you were the one who taught me 4 break, not 5. ;) Credit to you, my friend.

11-04-2012, 12:27 AM
NONONONO it was spykids, ask around a bit. Sbm became pro after snipers xbow came out. Spykids rocked finesse before snipers xbow even existed.

11-04-2012, 01:57 AM
NONONONO it was spykids, ask around a bit. Sbm became pro after snipers xbow came out. Spykids rocked finesse before snipers xbow even existed.

Vvikked, trust me, it was the other way around. The crossbow came about to combat the rose wand build. Spykids came AFTER Someblackman. Joeychandler was around for a lot longer than Spykids.

I was there during that time period, I remember.

Want me to prove it to you?

My gear set up as a L20:

L15 Artisan Leather

L10 Rose Wand (L10 because of the lower int requirement, allowing for a duel spec with dexterity armor)

L20 Sniper's Helm

L20 Sniper's Wing

L20 8 Armor Ring

Using this set up, I was around 50-60 armor as a L20, which made other weapons and even the crossbow barely able to take out my health. I could literally charge at a crossbow and still have 3/4 health left when I got in range.

11-04-2012, 02:09 AM
I might try this.

11-04-2012, 02:38 AM
Ik it was spykids haha. Me and him were talking about the Japan tsunami before he quit, that should date around when it was. But then I quit for the first time, came back, then Caleb and sbm were friends and later on sbm (and yes his sun chaser hat) retired. And Apollo no need to teach me L20 bear, remember our 1v1? Haha but yeah I have 47 unbuffed on vveird using talon and 92 dps unbuffed with xbow. Too bad L20 bears are a dead twink bracket.

11-04-2012, 04:32 AM
brosauce best current 19

I can beat brosauce most the time, but we are good freinds tho

11-04-2012, 05:59 AM
I can beat brosauce most the time, but we are good freinds tho

Who's your 19?

11-04-2012, 07:59 AM
I 1v1ed bro and was losing 1-6 then made super comback and lost last 2
Lost 8-10 :/
But!!! I beat fetish's bird 10-2 :P

11-04-2012, 10:32 AM
Fetish is another person like Post who thinks he's amazing.

11-04-2012, 01:31 PM
Good birds? I dont think there is any. If a bird vs a bird its pure luck isnt it? Since you need more dodges to win? I believe lost told me that !

11-04-2012, 02:09 PM
If its all luck then why did I never lose a 1v1 to 10? Some parts are luck, but skill is a big part of it.

11-04-2012, 02:11 PM
If its all luck then why did I never lose a 1v1 to 10? Some parts are luck, but skill is a big part of it.

Didnt chase randomly make a bird and beat you? We were all dumbfounded. I don't think it was a locked to 10 though.

11-04-2012, 02:28 PM
He beat me when I used vveirdo waaaay back in the day, plus it was rushing. On call, when I used my reg setup, I never lost. Remember when Apollo was scraping you and chase, then you pmed me on my 56, I geared up call 1/2 way, then I still beat him easily? Chase v apollo = Apollo
Apollo v me = me
Get lawyer'd son, get lawyer'd.

11-04-2012, 03:23 PM
He beat me when I used vveirdo waaaay back in the day, plus it was rushing. On call, when I used my reg setup, I never lost. Remember when Apollo was scraping you and chase, then you pmed me on my 56, I geared up call 1/2 way, then I still beat him easily? Chase v apollo = Apollo
Apollo v me = me
Get lawyer'd son, get lawyer'd.

True but chase was using bear against Apollo's bird. I'm talking about you and Chase 1v1ing with birds. Perhaps it was just luck.

11-04-2012, 03:29 PM
birds before forgotten bows have skill. After forgotten, its just crapshooting!

11-04-2012, 03:42 PM
He beat me when I used vveirdo waaaay back in the day, plus it was rushing. On call, when I used my reg setup, I never lost. Remember when Apollo was scraping you and chase, then you pmed me on my 56, I geared up call 1/2 way, then I still beat him easily? Chase v apollo = Apollo
Apollo v me = me
Get lawyer'd son, get lawyer'd.

Keep in mind that I just dabble in low level PvP, it's not area of expertise, so I'm nothing compared to some pros, I just know how to use my skills. That, however, can only get me so far against a seasoned twink who plays that level regularly, like yourself.

11-04-2012, 04:16 PM
And when I made call, chase made "tank" a L18 bird and I dominated him.
@apollo ik, you just happened to be the static variable in that situation :P

11-04-2012, 04:41 PM
Ik it was spykids haha. Me and him were talking about the Japan tsunami before he quit, that should date around when it was. But then I quit for the first time, came back, then Caleb and sbm were friends and later on sbm (and yes his sun chaser hat) retired. And Apollo no need to teach me L20 bear, remember our 1v1? Haha but yeah I have 47 unbuffed on vveird using talon and 92 dps unbuffed with xbow. Too bad L20 bears are a dead twink bracket.
Good times. Now 20 pvp is garbage.

11-04-2012, 07:10 PM
5:4 is not smacking uncle, calm down, it is just a game, don't cry over spilled milk

my turn noob :--)

11-04-2012, 07:21 PM
Uncle, if u want to 1 v 1 me, come at me. I'll record and post the results. @legend, i never said i was a legend, YOU refered to me as a legends. Add postulate for 1 v 1, don't add me if you are confident you will win. In theory, you should win 5:0, quote "Everytime i woop your bird"

When ur on next saturday or sunday Pm me Im ready to beat you easy. Uncle owned u 8-4 let me try my bear aginst you. Not gonna cry are you?

11-04-2012, 09:26 PM
Fetish is another person like Post who thinks he's amazing.

lol. i dont think im amazing i know that i suck at 18 bird haha
but best birds back in the day where namelesbird and namelesssbird. Yich shud know :) ( owning with talon.)

11-04-2012, 10:41 PM
"best birds back in the day where namelesbird and namelesssbird."

11-04-2012, 11:19 PM
"best birds back in the day where namelesbird and namelesssbird."

The old twinks are always forgotten.

I truly believe the old twinks had way more skill than the 12 year olds that don't understand the logic behind the skill system.

11-04-2012, 11:49 PM
Couldn't agree more.

11-05-2012, 12:01 AM
Thank you Apollo, you are about the only other person on this game that I actually respect. If only I played a bit more with you, but it's all good :).

11-05-2012, 06:13 AM
snake was the ONLY bird that gave my bear/mage any trouble.

All it took was 1 root for my bear to get GGed by him. That's why our fights ended up being 5min+ cause i'd kite that mofo like a baws..and still mess up sometimes

no one else compares not even gotenks...hes overated...and lost is a scrub

snake if u got some time irl try AL cuz PL pvp is dead

11-05-2012, 07:05 AM

11-05-2012, 09:44 AM
My opinion. There's no good kind of birds out there. Every single one of them is nothing good. Sorry to the other low level bird friends.

11-05-2012, 03:08 PM
Lol "scrub" Idc about what you think, gun, you're overrated as well.

Go boost ctf some more.

And u think I haven't improved 1 bit? Trust me, I have. I have by A LOT. New builds and combos for bears. I think I'd get the best of you gun if we ever met again. I'd just have to get a Toyman and such.

11-05-2012, 03:11 PM
"best birds back in the day where namelesbird and namelesssbird."

The old twinks are always forgotten.

I truly believe the old twinks had way more skill than the 12 year olds that don't understand the logic behind the skill system.


11-05-2012, 10:45 PM
Hi, these threads couldn't bore me more.

11-06-2012, 02:32 AM
Who's your 19?

Ibestblast :D

11-06-2012, 03:21 AM
I don't pvp low level, at all. This is why. If you could all agree to disagree, move on, and go stomp each other on the pvp ground, everything would be lemons. I respect a lot of yall on this thread. Many many of yall have talent regardless of what some egoists think. To what extent you use your talent, that I can't help. Whether or not you're all bad or all good. All the names that have been posted on this game have had their mark in the "history" of low level pvp. Just accept it.

11-06-2012, 07:17 PM
I have to admire my mentor of bird.

And yes, I did think of you as a brother to me.

Better love story than twilight.

11-06-2012, 08:49 PM
Better love story than twilight.


11-07-2012, 01:31 AM
Lol "scrub" Idc about what you think, gun, you're overrated as well.

Go boost ctf some more.

And u think I haven't improved 1 bit? Trust me, I have. I have by A LOT. New builds and combos for bears. I think I'd get the best of you gun if we ever met again. I'd just have to get a Toyman and such.
Sry but no you won't beat me with a bird. And yes i'm overated thats why I did soooooooo bad in the bear tourney right?
Snake plz join this and beat this guy. Show him where he belongs on the food chain.

11-07-2012, 03:20 AM
Sry but no you won't beat me with a bird. And yes i'm overated thats why I did soooooooo bad in the bear tourney right?
Snake plz join this and beat this guy. Show him where he belongs on the food chain.

You'd be surprised to hear that Jake has a lot of respect for me then.

11-07-2012, 01:56 PM
In my opinion, only people who are actually "pros" that I know: Sun, Apollo, Gund, Imp, and myself. All of these people understand game mechanics. Sun was the first to make a dynamic support mage. Also he dominated L10 so much that he hasn't played hardcore in almost a year, but it still considered to be the best L10, end of story. Apollo and I had a rough start, but when I tried giving him tips, he actually understood game mechanics, no need to say much because he has all the reputation in the world. Gund is probably the most talented PL player to play the game. Gund and I hated each other to no end, but even then I knew he was the best. (if only we teamed up in game >_<). Imp because we discussed game mechanics tons! Without Imp, ent would still be mediocre. Imp is ent, and was my, voice of reason. These people were seen as actual pros. There are some other great players but none understand the game like the list I named above. Sorry lost, you may be great, and probably are, but you don't see the game like these people.

11-07-2012, 03:57 PM
In my opinion, only people who are actually "pros" that I know: Sun, Apollo, Gund, Imp, and myself. All of these people understand game mechanics. Sun was the first to make a dynamic support mage. Also he dominated L10 so much that he hasn't played hardcore in almost a year, but it still considered to be the best L10, end of story. Apollo and I had a rough start, but when I tried giving him tips, he actually understood game mechanics, no need to say much because he has all the reputation in the world. Gund is probably the most talented PL player to play the game. Gund and I hated each other to no end, but even then I knew he was the best. (if only we teamed up in game >_<). Imp because we discussed game mechanics tons! Without Imp, ent would still be mediocre. Imp is ent, and was my, voice of reason. These people were seen as actual pros. There are some other great players but none understand the game like the list I named above. Sorry lost, you may be great, and probably are, but you don't see the game like these people.

Correlation to my post above, Whether or not they're the best or the second best, they've made a part of "history" per say. No reason to bash kids that are good but not necessarily as good as these few names above. Or ieven yourself (talking in generality Vviked, not to you directly, just wanted to clear that up lol)

11-07-2012, 04:21 PM
This describes everyone. ;)

11-08-2012, 11:13 AM

11-08-2012, 09:37 PM

Like my pm lolz (;

11-10-2012, 01:01 PM
Postulate your trash at Pvp. Even if Uncle did get his kills by teaming... it's way better than rushing noobs like you do considering he has a REASON for it (I'd team you to if I had the chance). It's funny how you pay 500k to boot people from a guild, considering you used a quote "Being judged by others means that you're that important that they have the time to think about you and talk about you." You judged Anyibo, and spent gold on him to get kicked out from a guild... honestly, that's something a very sad person would do. I feel bad for you.

11-10-2012, 01:15 PM

Love how u pretty much called the guy a noob, and said rushing noobs was bad. Then you said youd team him. lol.

11-10-2012, 01:27 PM
Screw Logic. Lol.

11-11-2012, 01:09 PM
I never called the guy a noob, I said he was trash at Pvp, and I never said rushing noobs was bad, I just said it is worse than teaming.

11-11-2012, 01:19 PM
I imagine PL pvp to be a vast deserted landscape now AL is out.

11-11-2012, 05:25 PM
Good job ninja, now STS is heartbroken because of what you said.

11-11-2012, 05:28 PM
Good job ninja, now STS is heartbroken because of what you said.

Lol. Sorry STS.

11-13-2012, 08:52 AM
lvl15 dexbear talon, Bous

11-13-2012, 11:19 AM
lvl15 dexbear talon, Bous

This is for birds at L18, not Bears at L15. Read the thread title first pl0x.

11-14-2012, 07:42 AM
50% luck, 10% items, 10% build and 30% skills.
Best l18 birds as far as I know - Call ( Jake ), Gotenks.
There isn't any best bird now, sadly, due to the Forgotten Bows.
Now = 95% Forgotten Bow, 3% luck, 1% build and 1% skills. :/

11-14-2012, 02:56 PM
Forgot to add lost*.

11-14-2012, 02:57 PM
wvhills best bird

11-14-2012, 03:04 PM
wvhills best bird

Being now? Tell me this, does he use Forg bow/Halloween items?

If so, he's garbage.


11-14-2012, 03:07 PM
Being now? Tell me this, does he use Forg bow/Halloween items?

If so, he's garbage.


He uses whatever he feels like because he's best bird.

11-14-2012, 03:10 PM
Sorry Lost, but wvhills would woop your *** :L

11-14-2012, 08:18 PM
Lost, not sure about how good you are. When you were active on your 18 bird I was busy merching. And when I was getting active on my 18 bird, I think the < Sit > gang ( including you, Ent, Jake, Yich, Tenks ( some may not be in < Sit > ) ) was separating. Ent, Yich left for higher levels, which is 50-56, not sure about Tenks, Jake quit ( I think? ), and you were quitting too. Then you made Blasteh, who was banned afterwards ( :p ).
Never had a chance to fight you 1v1. Gimme a pm when I'm on Demon/Cloric with your iliililii ( whatever ) toon, let's have a friendly match. :)

11-14-2012, 08:21 PM
silly caloric

11-14-2012, 09:16 PM
silly caloric

Very funny. :)

11-14-2012, 09:35 PM
I believe you know me currently as sickwinter :)

11-15-2012, 12:17 AM
I believe you know me currently as sickwinter :)

I do I do. Sadly because of my guild you're gonna rush me lol. Why do you hate < kickass > so much?

11-15-2012, 03:36 AM
Mostly because they think they're good. Also because they decided to 3v2 alien and I in a locked.

11-15-2012, 03:45 AM
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ I believe I can flyyyyyyyyy ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

11-15-2012, 08:17 AM
Mostly because they think they're good. Also because they decided to 3v2 alien and I in a locked.

I don't quite understand how Alien turned out to be < kickass >'s enemy. I thought I saw him chatting with < kickass > members ( Avian, kabob, etc ) a few days before they started the war. I was so lost, stuck in a middle of a fight between my friend and my guild. ._.

11-15-2012, 10:25 AM
i bes burd

11-15-2012, 11:36 AM
If you can afford a Toyman, caloric, I'll be happy to.

And thanks Marc, you're the best ;D

11-15-2012, 09:02 PM
If you can afford a Toyman, caloric, I'll be happy to.

And thanks Marc, you're the best ;D

Yeah sure, just wait until I get online and sell my Mimicry set. :)
Eh wait.. I don't have 5 Int. Maybe I'll make another bird. Should I name it Antilost? :D

11-16-2012, 01:49 AM
I refuse the truth, because it's not the way birds were meant to be played.

And sure, name it antilost. Too bad someone has that name already...

Good edit reason btw. Very informative.

11-16-2012, 02:14 AM
I refuse the truth, because it's not the way birds were meant to be played.

And sure, name it antilost. Too bad someone has that name already...

Good edit reason btw. Very informative.

Dude are you really pissed or what? D: You know I like to fool around. If you're angry I apologize. :(

11-17-2012, 07:11 AM
Postulate thinks hes a legend bc kawa said hes good lol.. Hes pure crap

Pros is indeed crap.
Though I still wanna fight him.

11-17-2012, 08:31 AM
Pos is indeed crap.
Though I still wanna fight him.


11-17-2012, 07:55 PM

No I'm not cus I'm stupid


11-17-2012, 07:55 PM
Lol this is too funny to stop... And no I'm not mad.

11-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Umadcosubad! Wvhills would own you without a weapon.

11-17-2012, 08:12 PM
Lol this is cool! I finally get to hang out with guys through pixels! :D <3


11-22-2012, 01:41 AM
Lol i just read the whole thread :P

11-25-2012, 04:51 PM
Lol i just read the whole thread :P

same here, what i learned: postulate sucks and is a nub

11-26-2012, 03:36 AM
same here, what i learned: postulate sucks and is a nub

There's another bird named Posturlate, even noobs get wannabes. :/

11-27-2012, 08:00 PM
ppl like to copy others like once i think i saw a mrbillybobjoe and a billybobjooe at the same time, mr deleted his char though later when i checked

12-16-2012, 09:01 AM
How sad is putting yourself into your own thread? I've seen you in 60-61 PvP which takes WAY MORE skill, and you got owned, no matter what set you used. I love ''pros'' who either play luck-based PvP or only fight noobs...

12-16-2012, 08:47 PM
Thread closed.

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