View Full Version : Halloween costume rentals...

09-09-2010, 01:18 PM
How about if the devs created like a few costumes- ghost, pumpkin, vampire...
And also used current game designs like skeletons, zombies, and bosses like Brom Dandy and Skeller....

We pay maybe 5P to 20P to "rent" a costume for the 24 hrs of halloween. A ghost is 5p.. A glowing eyeball skeleton is 10p... Brom Dandy is 20P... After 24 hours, the rental disappears from our inventory... Like a tux rental:)

People who don't like all the fun things in the game wouldn't be bothered because it's one day.. We'd have a blast.... It could be lots of fun...

***credit to Snakespeare for helping me flesh out the idea...

09-09-2010, 02:19 PM
I like it but I want buyable costumes too :)

Also it would have to be 48 hours instead of 24 to accommodate October 31st through all time zones ;)

09-09-2010, 02:35 PM
i really hate renting; i would rather buy it. very nice idea though! i would love to be a ghost.:)

09-09-2010, 03:07 PM
It would be funny as all heck!!! Could you see a bunch of Sir Furios and Skellers running around in the Plasma Pyramid? LOL!

09-09-2010, 04:06 PM
I like it but I want buyable costumes too :)

Also it would have to be 48 hours instead of 24 to accommodate October 31st through all time zones ;)

You're right... 48 hours is definitely needed...

09-09-2010, 04:11 PM
I wouldn't pay 5-20 plat for a rent ever I could buy campaigns or headphones perm for that

09-09-2010, 04:13 PM
I like the idea, apart from the rental part.

The fun is having a Halloween costume to wear after it's finished, so other people can see you were around for the event :)

09-09-2010, 04:22 PM
I agree. I just think there are folks who would complain if the costumes were permanent because they'd say it made the game silly or whatever the complaints are about things like cowboy hats. I just thought this would be a way to let us have fun which not making a permanent change in the game environment.

5p is like $1. I personally have no problem paying $1 for a Halloween costume that lasted for 48 hrs... I'd rather have temporary than not at all:p

09-09-2010, 06:19 PM
The rent idea is a fail idea-This idea is much better-The devs make an exclusive quest for certain holdiays...we play them and get certain holiday items...We also get to keep them for however long we want.

09-09-2010, 06:37 PM
I say they make quick one map campaigns that last for a little while and cost low plat and come on different days


09-09-2010, 07:09 PM
i want my pumpkin helm. 'nuff said.
I want to wear it on Easter. 'nuff said!

09-09-2010, 07:55 PM
i want my pumpkin helm. 'nuff said.
I want to wear it on Easter. 'nuff said!
no. 'nuff said.

09-09-2010, 08:06 PM
Maby just have a 5 plat cost for a small town that sells all the gear. the town could be around for a week then reapear once every year. Possibly have maybe three quests that award some cool gear or masks. Maby have a randomly spawning halloween boss on a road coming off the town.

09-09-2010, 08:29 PM
i want my pumpkin helm. 'nuff said.
I want to wear it on Easter. 'nuff said!
I dont care how, get me a pumpkin helm.

09-09-2010, 09:10 PM
The rent idea is a fail idea-This idea is much better-The devs make an exclusive quest for certain holdiays...we play them and get certain holiday items...We also get to keep them for however long we want.

like runescape?

09-09-2010, 09:14 PM
only 48 hours on the clock! i belive that in those 48 hours they should have costums for sale and i mean to keep forever. But im talking crazy prices like 150P something that will be remebered in two years from now and be worth like 30M lol :D BUT, THE COSTUMS ARE LIMITED TO ONLY TEN PEOPLE!!!! so its gonna be like whos gonna be up at 11:59PM to get the costums lol:) then we'll see who the dedicated people are :P

09-09-2010, 09:22 PM
Maby just have a 5 plat cost for a small town that sells all the gear. the town could be around for a week then reapear once every year. Possibly have maybe three quests that award some cool gear or masks. Maby have a randomly spawning halloween boss on a road coming off the town.

Good idea, Necrobane...

Cascade- it is not a fail idea just because you don't like it. Your exclusive dungeon is a good idea but it would take a lot more time & work. I can see them doing something like that for Christmas maybe...

09-09-2010, 09:22 PM
only 48 hours on the clock! i belive that in those 48 hours they should have costums for sale and i mean to keep forever. But im talking crazy prices like 150P something that will be remebered in two years from now and be worth like 30M lol :D BUT, THE COSTUMS ARE LIMITED TO ONLY TEN PEOPLE!!!! so its gonna be like whos gonna be up at 11:59PM to get the costums lol:) then we'll see who the dedicated people are :P

That's pretty fricked! (frickin wicked :P)

09-09-2010, 09:24 PM
only 48 hours on the clock! i belive that in those 48 hours they should have costums for sale and i mean to keep forever. But im talking crazy prices like 150P something that will be remebered in two years from now and be worth like 30M lol :D BUT, THE COSTUMS ARE LIMITED TO ONLY TEN PEOPLE!!!! so its gonna be like whos gonna be up at 11:59PM to get the costums lol:) then we'll see who the dedicated people are :P
SORRY, FAIL. U CANT TRADE PLAT ITEMS. and i want one so forget it. also... 150 plat is stupidly excessive and the devs cant be that cruel.

edit---- maybe a competition or even more limited SPECIAL pumpkin helms. a normal pumpkin help 15 plat, a PURPLE pumpkin helm top 5 competition winners only.

09-09-2010, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE=Arterra;75068]SORRY, FAIL. U CANT TRADE PLAT ITEMS. and i want one so forget it. also... 150 plat is stupidly excessive and the devs cant be that cruel[QUOTE]

No need to be so rude. He's thinking outside the box. Maybe they'll make these plat items tradeable!

09-09-2010, 09:47 PM
great idea

09-10-2010, 07:12 AM
[QUOTE=Arterra;75068]SORRY, FAIL. U CANT TRADE PLAT ITEMS. and i want one so forget it. also... 150 plat is stupidly excessive and the devs cant be that cruel[QUOTE]

No need to be so rude. He's thinking outside the box. Maybe they'll make these plat items tradeable!

lol sorry, didnt see i had caps on... still I WANNA PAUMPKIN HELMA!!

09-10-2010, 11:51 AM
I thikn a pumpkinhead helmet would be so cool.

09-10-2010, 11:53 AM
I thikn a pumpkinhead helmet would be so cool.

Lol me, too
We could have the pumpkinhead brigade:)

09-10-2010, 12:30 PM
These are called cosmetics, they are items for looks, you can equipt your regular gear that gives you stats, and but you can display your cosmetics instead. However I don't think that we should 'Rent' them, I think that once we buy them we can use them as long as we want.

09-10-2010, 01:12 PM
Waste of development time if you ask me.

09-10-2010, 01:15 PM
Not if people pay plat. Giving away free stuff is a waste, yes, but all these suggestions are for items that can generate the sale of plat.

Besides, any meshes they make of vampires and ghouls and ghosts and stuff, they can use in a future undead campaign.

09-10-2010, 01:18 PM
Or theu can develope new content to generate platinum sales

09-10-2010, 01:35 PM
Or theu can develope new content to generate platinum sales

Develop new maps = X development hours
Create a few Halloween costumes for characters = Y development hours
My guess is X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Y ;)

09-10-2010, 01:37 PM
But, they are generating new content, as we speak. And when it is release, about 1000 players will pay 10 plat. 10 plat is equal to about $1.50. And then it will slow down and that will be that. But if they make meshes that people can wear, as rentals, for low plat, it could generate twice as much plat sales, or more, and it will recur every year. Hats, for instance, get them more money than a campaign, I bet.

And now they are giving away more free content! We have received, without paying any upgrade cost, new townes, new hidden dungeons, new pink items, new bosses, quests, and some in-game helm designs.

This is an idea to generate sales for many years to come. I think it will make them more money, in the long run, than new content.

And, as I say, there is plenty of content. People just have to make new alts, play them in the appropriate levels, and turn off XP, to enjoy the new free content. I know it doesn't seem like much if you are only playing your maxed-out character, but if you play them at the intended levels, you can appreciate the newness of the new content better.

Frivolous things make life interesting, y'know? We're not all Vulcans ;)

09-10-2010, 01:43 PM
I thought I'd write down what I think should be done since everyone else is throwing their opinions out there =)
First off, great idea with having costumes, I would love it!

Ok, in my old MMO, this is how it went and I'd like to put it down so everyone can discuss it:

They weren't costumes but that's ok. You actually turned into another creature, some could even fly. Anyway, you would buy a potion of the figure you wanted to transform into, and it cost gold. Once you drink it, the costume lasted 10 minutes. They were quite cheap, the drinks. You could buy them all through October, but they only had a one-time use, so once you were out after Halloween, then you were out.

So this is what I would like to see in PL:

You buy Costume Potions.. fairly cheap, I'd say one plat each and they last an 30min or an hour. They have a one-time use. You can stock up.. but they cannot be placed in the vault.. so you cant have millions of them ( lol ). Once they are used up after they aren't available anymore.. well then at least you had some fun and looked awesome!

Costume Potion: 1plat
Time limit: 30min - 1hour.
One-time Use.
Available for October.
Cannot stock up with vault.

Actually, they could just be in the Potions store so that you can't stock up in your packs at all.

09-10-2010, 01:47 PM
Snake, one thing you may not get as a fairly recently capped player is the frustration Those of us who have had 45s since AO2 came out are starting to feel with the level cap. It has been a very long stretch at 45. In that time they've done a ton to improve the framework of the game and the newcomer experience, and Im not complaining about that. But the only new stuff really directed at capped players has been more and more gear added to AO2. With the current dominance of incredibly tedious rush farming, getting that gear is becoming less attractive (though I will have my Apep staff :D). Anyway, all that said, I can't imagine making a few costumes will detract in any meaningful way from their work on AO3.

09-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Tatiana- I love the costume potion idea... I'd also like to rent a costume- even a pumpkin helm... Honestly, I'd use both if they were available... I'd rent my costume for Halloween and buy costume potions during the rest of the month...
1p for the costume potion is brilliant... Because folks would buy them repeatedly...

Me, too... The apep staff is calling my name:)
I agree...I don't see a few costumes interfering with content development. If anything, costumes could provide some extra funding for content...

09-10-2010, 04:33 PM
if they can sell a viking hat for 20plat, then let me have a PERMANENT pumpkin helm for a little more! yes, I'd pay for a PUMPKIN ON MY HEAD. i like all these ideas of looking like actual monsters, but think: thats a lot more coding and graphixs. about using in-game zombies and bosses, well, it's a good option.

...but just let me keep a pumpkin helm... A example i want to use is Adventure Quest worlds. i think this game is cooler than that by far, but in Easter you could do quests for acquiring a full-body berserker-bunny appearance.
Im not even asking for the devs to code in a way to change the entire armor, just a helm lol (though armors with black-orange stripes would be a good combo...)

09-10-2010, 06:20 PM
Id like to have a grim reaper costume scythe and all!

09-10-2010, 06:44 PM
I'd settle for being Skeller Krunch and walking through Forest Haven! Whoa!!!

09-10-2010, 07:40 PM
No to me that's fail..Why not have a costume that NOT a enemy?

09-10-2010, 09:22 PM
That wouldn't be settling. If I didn't settle, I would want to be a very distinguished looking vampire.

09-11-2010, 07:47 AM
ooo maybe they will introduce capes...

09-13-2010, 11:51 AM
ooo maybe they will introduce capes...

already been suggested: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?749-The-New-Ideas-And-All-Ideas

09-13-2010, 03:41 PM
no hating for good ideas ;D i see no copyright here

09-13-2010, 09:03 PM
And, as I say, there is plenty of content. People just have to make new alts, play them in the appropriate levels, and turn off XP, to enjoy the new free content. I know it doesn't seem like much if you are only playing your maxed-out character, but if you play them at the intended levels, you can appreciate the newness of the new content better.

Frivolous things make life interesting, y'know? We're not all Vulcans ;)

Whaaaat? Most of the people who are bored already have at least 3 level 45s already? Your answer to solve content problems is to create yet another character, and then intentionally gimp it from leveling in order to grind out levels we have already played through literally thousands of times? Yea that sounds like apple pie to me....

09-13-2010, 09:27 PM
yet again pumpkin healm. i shall refer you to this (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?7413-Halloween-costume-rentals...&p=75566&viewfull=1#post75566)!

09-16-2010, 04:58 PM
Whaaaat? Most of the people who are bored already have at least 3 level 45s already? Your answer to solve content problems is to create yet another character, and then intentionally gimp it from leveling in order to grind out levels we have already played through literally thousands of times? Yea that sounds like apple pie to me....

Oh, since this thread is back, I will reply.

I know that you have 3 45s. So do I. So? That doesn't mean it isn't fun to play lowbies. What I like and what you like are two different things. Just because it's not your style doesn't make it bad.

09-16-2010, 10:51 PM
very well sed snake
though im just too lazy to train 45s, i hav 2...
and seriously, wheres ao3!?
i mite just drop PL for a moment, gettin borin... got school anyway so yea
bye bye PL cya in a week :)

09-19-2010, 06:33 PM
Pumpkin helm!!!!

PUMP-KIN HAELM (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?7413-Halloween-costume-rentals...&p=75566&viewfull=1#post75566)
lets stick to issue. holiday items. if only some contest winners get it, only they get holiday fun. we want a HOLIDAY boss with HOLIDAY drops. or a HOLIDAY store.
with a pumpkin haelm.

09-19-2010, 08:34 PM
I'm with ya Furrwan as you know i also started a holiday items post after seeing this amazing forum. We are here not to destroy PL people but advance it into a new more modern generation (as though 1.4 didn't make it modern enough). I just want to share the idea of not only halloween items but in general holiday items. No, i dont want this to be runscape. But, i belive that rare items will help the game move on in to the future. Anyways my whole point here is too advocate Furrwan and this forum.

09-19-2010, 09:31 PM
already been suggested: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?749-The-New-Ideas-And-All-Ideas

Lmao what Hasn't been suggested yet in one form or other?