View Full Version : Helping people with homework

11-05-2012, 03:44 PM
I'm helping the younger among us with their HW so they can get back to playing games- I am only in grade 10 but I can help with any subject, post your questions and I'll answer them, completely free! I will be on this afternoon and tonight.
PS- I can't guarantee the quality of essays

11-05-2012, 04:55 PM
Encouraging plagiarism is bad...

11-05-2012, 07:17 PM
What I meant was I'm not doing essays. Yes, plagiarism is bad, but I'm not giving answers, just giving tips or explaining how to do things.

11-05-2012, 07:29 PM
What I meant was I'm not doing essays. Yes, plagiarism is bad, but I'm not giving answers, just giving tips or explaining how to do things.

Just leave that to the Asians, bud. I'll take it from here.

11-14-2012, 02:32 PM
Silly noodle...

11-14-2012, 02:34 PM
How does black body radiation work?

11-14-2012, 03:17 PM
I've never understood negative Beta decay, care to enlighten me on the subject? Thanks :D

11-14-2012, 03:19 PM
were do babies come from? and how are they made?

11-14-2012, 03:35 PM
How do you use the 3 shells.

11-14-2012, 09:10 PM
Few questions on Maths.
( Noodle, try to solve this! )

Information required to complete the questions
You are given a triangle that has sides of 66cm, 73cm, and 94cm. One of the angles is right-angled (meaning that it is possible by trial and error to calculate what each of the angles are). Inside this triangle is a square, so that three corners are in contact with the lines bounding the triangle. One of the sides or the square, which we shall now dub z, is also tangent to a circle, with a radius such that the centre of the circle lies along the side of the triangle with length 73cm. You are also given a regular octagon, which you are told is the same area as the total are of the circle and triangle if they are taken together (i.e. the overlapping area is not counted twice), and one side of this octagon forms another side of equal length belonging to a second square. The area of this square is dubbed x.

1 - Give the value, to three significant figures, of x.
2- An isosceles triangle is drawn so that it has the same area as the above square (i.e. x), and with two sides that are equal to the square root of x (henceforth dubbed y). What is the length of the third side?
3 - What is the area of a octagon of side length y, in cubic inches. (Note that this question uses non-euclidean goemetry)
4 - Prove that the triangle above exists.
5 - Through cunning use of Pythagoras' Theorem, prove that aliens do not exist.
6 - What is the answer of this question?

11-14-2012, 09:57 PM
why would people be looking for hw help on forums? they shouldnt even be on the forums! instead they should be doing there hw... lol

11-14-2012, 10:02 PM
Few questions on Maths.
( Noodle, try to solve this! )

Information required to complete the questions
You are given a triangle that has sides of 66cm, 73cm, and 94cm. One of the angles is right-angled (meaning that it is possible by trial and error to calculate what each of the angles are). Inside this triangle is a square, so that three corners are in contact with the lines bounding the triangle. One of the sides or the square, which we shall now dub z, is also tangent to a circle, with a radius such that the centre of the circle lies along the side of the triangle with length 73cm. You are also given a regular octagon, which you are told is the same area as the total are of the circle and triangle if they are taken together (i.e. the overlapping area is not counted twice), and one side of this octagon forms another side of equal length belonging to a second square. The area of this square is dubbed x.

1 - Give the value, to three significant figures, of x.
2- An isosceles triangle is drawn so that it has the same area as the above square (i.e. x), and with two sides that are equal to the square root of x (henceforth dubbed y). What is the length of the third side?
3 - What is the area of a octagon of side length y, in cubic inches. (Note that this question uses non-euclidean goemetry)
4 - Prove that the triangle above exists.
5 - Through cunning use of Pythagoras' Theorem, prove that aliens do not exist.
6 - What is the answer of this question?

Haha let's just skip the the easy #5. Pythagorean Theorem states that c2=a2+b2... So... Aliens do not exist because 942=/=662+732. Walah! Number 5!

Okay... This means that this is not a right triangle, therefore it cannot work. Plus, if you have a triangle, inscribed in a circle (because you mentioned Tangents), it just be isosceles if it is a right triangle. Again, this is not true because 66=/=73. Why is it true? Because all radii in the same circle are equal in length. I don't know if this is a trick question or not... It's late and I'm not in the mood to think more haha! By the way... The square cannot have a tangent because a tangent is a ray, not a segment. Yes, tangents make perpendicular lines if connected by the radius, but I don't know how it'd work out if you said that... I don't know how the triangle could possibly be circumscribed like this anyways. Can you give me a picture of this question lol? Again, tired... Meh >.>!

How does black body radiation work?

Lmao stop picking on high school-ers! Uhm... Black body radiation is this... Type of radiation (electromagnetic), emitted from the body. Sounds cool? We can't see it because it's like infra-red. I forgot what it was, but it's also corresponding to body temperature? I read an article about this before. Owwwww... Was one of those sub-topics on a book about Thermal Radiation.

I've never understood negative Beta decay, care to enlighten me on the subject? Thanks :D

It's a type of radioactive decay, in which Beta particles FLINGS out of da atom! There are three types of decay: alpha, beta, and gamma. Well, at least the ones I know :)! Many more I think! Radioactive decay... I'm just gonna talk about the one you use everyday lol! Guess how you get nuclear energy? RADIOACTIVE DECAYYY :D! You forcefully split an atom, creating a chain reaction, and releasing these particles of energy. I think they use Uranium 237 isotope? I can't remember what number lol... Sleepy... Yeah, this is more of a general idea of what radioactive decay is than your question lol... Again, I'm a freshman in high school >.>!

were do babies come from? and how are they made?

These birds called storks that drop them off by your parents' house. They're made in fluffy and giant clouds.

Silly noodle...

...Trix are for kids! (Homework is for Asians!)

11-15-2012, 01:21 AM
Haha let's just skip the the easy #5. Pythagorean Theorem states that c2=a2+b2... So... Aliens do not exist because 942=/=662+732. Walah! Number 5!

Okay... This means that this is not a right triangle, therefore it cannot work. Plus, if you have a triangle, inscribed in a circle (because you mentioned Tangents), it just be isosceles if it is a right triangle. Again, this is not true because 66=/=73. Why is it true? Because all radii in the same circle are equal in length. I don't know if this is a trick question or not... It's late and I'm not in the mood to think more haha! By the way... The square cannot have a tangent because a tangent is a ray, not a segment. Yes, tangents make perpendicular lines if connected by the radius, but I don't know how it'd work out if you said that... I don't know how the triangle could possibly be circumscribed like this anyways. Can you give me a picture of this question lol? Again, tired... Meh >.>!

Can't believe you actually tried to solve this question. D:
It's from Unicyclopedia. Just search ' Hardest Maths Question ' and you'll find it!

11-15-2012, 07:36 AM
Can't believe you actually tried to solve this question. D:
It's from Unicyclopedia. Just search ' Hardest Maths Question ' and you'll find it!

Aha will look into it. This is simple (but OMG complex) geometry ;)!