View Full Version : lower inflation (possible solution)

05-14-2024, 03:20 PM
I have seen for a long time that you care a lot about real money, it doesn't seem bad to me (it's normal) but you should also give us some options for free players since in some cases no matter how much you sell slot inventory for X amount of platinum to gold It ends up being too expensive and sometimes you can't find anything for days or weeks of what you're looking for, so it occurred to me, what if they make a dollar in the game? that is purchased with gold and has a system similar to 1 dollar, that the same community can give it value depending on the time you can sell or buy this dollar (among all this, the expenditure of said dollar would have purchases destined for X item per store, that is If we buy some new dollars or whatever you like to call it (token/dollar/currency), if we are looking for 50 inventory slots and there are none in the store, in the store there is also a way to buy said inventory slots for X" amount of the new currency, so we would have First of all... extra support that would help us buy things (not tradeables especially) and not wait so long for them to be put in the store, I know very well that this could get out of control and they could horribly manipulate the currency but that would be the point of it , that we as a community know more about it and can have extra help to make "X" purchases, which could only be done for real money (obviously it will be similar to having platinum but more limited and could even devalue and lose more than what was invested , which is normal in that topic

05-14-2024, 04:10 PM
Your idea seems to replace sts’s plat income with gold ( not gonna happen)

So they might fight inflation and loose real world income, I think they would rather have inflation and make money atm

They can mitigate inflation through other means without loosing real world money

05-14-2024, 06:50 PM
Your idea seems to replace sts’s plat income with gold ( not gonna happen)

So they might fight inflation and loose real world income, I think they would rather have inflation and make money atm

They can mitigate inflation through other means without loosing real world money

So make platinum like the dollar (you can literally buy 1 platinum for X amount of gold (obviously it wouldn't be cheap)

05-14-2024, 07:19 PM
So make platinum like the dollar (you can literally buy 1 platinum for X amount of gold (obviously it wouldn't be cheap)

That would literally decrease sts profits when they could fight inflation by other means that wouldn’t hurt their business

05-14-2024, 10:21 PM
Do you really think there has been any inflation since a long time, literally everything except gears seem to be falling and u are here complaining about inflation , idk why people have so much phobia to the word inflation , tbh inflation is a necessary part of a real economy else things get stale and boring , things must be shaken up once in a while , in an mmo game like Arcane Legends where trading and socializing is a key part of the game , things cant be kept so stale imo .

05-14-2024, 11:19 PM
I have seen for a long time that you care a lot about real money, it doesn't seem bad to me (it's normal) but you should also give us some options for free players since in some cases no matter how much you sell slot inventory for X amount of platinum to gold It ends up being too expensive and sometimes you can't find anything for days or weeks of what you're looking for, so it occurred to me, what if they make a dollar in the game? that is purchased with gold and has a system similar to 1 dollar, that the same community can give it value depending on the time you can sell or buy this dollar (among all this, the expenditure of said dollar would have purchases destined for X item per store, that is If we buy some new dollars or whatever you like to call it (token/dollar/currency), if we are looking for 50 inventory slots and there are none in the store, in the store there is also a way to buy said inventory slots for X" amount of the new currency, so we would have First of all... extra support that would help us buy things (not tradeables especially) and not wait so long for them to be put in the store, I know very well that this could get out of control and they could horribly manipulate the currency but that would be the point of it , that we as a community know more about it and can have extra help to make "X" purchases, which could only be done for real money (obviously it will be similar to having platinum but more limited and could even devalue and lose more than what was invested , which is normal in that topic

The only way I could see them doing this is to sell a crate of platinum that is tradable, similar to how 25 and 50key crates are handled. You would still have to buy with gold something that another player bought with platinum but now you could use that platinum on whatever you wanted from the store.

05-15-2024, 04:55 AM
I don't think much is going to change now and I'm at the point of not caring anymore. After all it's just a game and although I've tried to see both points of view, the developers and the players, I've given up.
All I can say is STS must be very poor to resort to making the decisions they did.
I did actually speak to someone face to face irl who told me they'd played AL back in the good old days, came back a few months back and went berserk when they saw what had happened to the game.
They decided to stay away.
We've been left with a few choices, spend your hard earned cash to carry on playing comfortably, don't pay and probably be frustrated and miserable or quit.
They're still dangling a carrot for the veterans who, like me, supported them by purchasing plat. The carrot being a promise of some special reward. They still haven't mentioned anything about phase 2 with regards to slots although many good suggestions were made.
So what next? How much longer do they think that they can pull the wool over our eyes?
The majority of us know what's happening. We just didn't want to believe it. If I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected but even if that's the case...the damage has been done. People have left, precious time has been wasted. Yes..STS must be struggling very badly to have done what they did.

05-15-2024, 07:31 AM
Spend your hard earned cash to carry on playing comfortably, don't pay and probably be frustrated and miserable or quit.

Arcane Legends' focus has shifted. While it used to be a lot about PvE, the core experience now revolves around social interaction and the in-game economy. For those seeking a purely dynamic and fun multiplayer fighting experience, there are plenty of other more immersive free-to-play options available. This focus on forced spending won't work out in a social game like Arcane Legends. Rather, it will cause more damage !

The appeal of Arcane Legends lies in its social aspects and economic depth. If you enjoy collaborating with friends and strategizing within the game's economy and sometimes showing your dominance in strength-based leaderboards then Arcane Legends might still be worth checking out. However, if someone prioritizes things such delving into a rich PvE narrative or facing off against other players in intense PvE or competitive multiplayer environments, then other games clearly offer a much better and immersive experience.

05-15-2024, 07:50 AM
Do you really think there has been any inflation since a long time, literally everything except gears seem to be falling and u are here complaining about inflation , idk why people have so much phobia to the word inflation , tbh inflation is a necessary part of a real economy else things get stale and boring , things must be shaken up once in a while , in an mmo game like Arcane Legends where trading and socializing is a key part of the game , things cant be kept so stale imo .

I recommend that you play from 0 on a new account and tell me your experience, you spend more than what an 86 arcane weapon costs in pure inventory, it takes around 300 million to be moderately stable only in inventory, do you think that a new player sees that attractive? Adding to that, you don't see someone selling that very often in the store, I bet that returning players and new players see this as disgusting for being so expensive from the beginning.

05-15-2024, 07:59 AM
I don't think much is going to change now and I'm at the point of not caring anymore. After all it's just a game and although I've tried to see both points of view, the developers and the players, I've given up.
All I can say is STS must be very poor to resort to making the decisions they did.
I did actually speak to someone face to face irl who told me they'd played AL back in the good old days, came back a few months back and went berserk when they saw what had happened to the game.
They decided to stay away.
We've been left with a few choices, spend your hard earned cash to carry on playing comfortably, don't pay and probably be frustrated and miserable or quit.
They're still dangling a carrot for the veterans who, like me, supported them by purchasing plat. The carrot being a promise of some special reward. They still haven't mentioned anything about phase 2 with regards to slots although many good suggestions were made.
So what next? How much longer do they think that they can pull the wool over our eyes?
The majority of us know what's happening. We just didn't want to believe it. If I'm wrong, I'll stand corrected but even if that's the case...the damage has been done. People have left, precious time has been wasted. Yes..STS must be struggling very badly to have done what they did.

Personally, I think this game deserves new changes, the same old thing and eventually repeating the same fighting pattern gets boring in the long run, in 2 expansions I was at my maximum and I didn't know what to do, the pvp not to mention, it's dead, we need something that make us see other styles of play or mechanics that make us start playing and not to mention how expensive it is to set up being new, the inventory in cost per gold and platinum in particular is too expensive which is greatly discouraging.

05-15-2024, 08:41 AM
In all the issues that hinder players about the game I personally feel like it starts to fall apart with the " Level up with plat" feature. Such a simple thing that seems harmless but it catapults a player into a level their not ready for and usually end up not being able to afford to play at.

The higher the level the higher the gear. Simple... That causes alot of serious problems if you can't afford to keep up with it and then the p2p v f2p forum threads kick into high gear.

There's no doubt things cost a fortune and just keep going up. The economy is a mess but its alot easier to absorb and deal with if you do it one level at a time.

Just my worthless 2 cents on the matter.

05-16-2024, 04:15 AM
I recommend that you play from 0 on a new account and tell me your experience, you spend more than what an 86 arcane weapon costs in pure inventory, it takes around 300 million to be moderately stable only in inventory, do you think that a new player sees that attractive? Adding to that, you don't see someone selling that very often in the store, I bet that returning players and new players see this as disgusting for being so expensive from the beginning.

You know something there is probably no one else on this forums other than me who has talked more about the new player issues, i completely agree that its literally unplayable for new players now , but that being said , it doesn't mean that things cant be balanced in other ways , just keeping the economy stagnant and keep crashing prices of items isn't really the solution , it'll just demotivate the existing players .

05-22-2024, 01:44 AM
Inflation get higher every 2 month