View Full Version : New Feature - Spouse Revamp

05-14-2024, 10:21 PM
:angel: Hi i will suggest you with a new features for spouses :angel:

The current system for spouses should work differently and give us unique benefits for us who have our other half in game, for now it's only an iconic marriage and only said once in world chat when marriage happening.

This feature should work differently and give some unique rewards and effects from time to time.
The marriage for this feature should work like this:
There will be an extra button in the window near divorce button and will be the empower button.
The empower button will need special items to empowers with special benefits as long as we fill it in special days and also there will be a marriage bar who will filled automatically with how much time have pass from when we married and continue to fill with time (real time) and grants rewards when some thresholds filled, also we can speed the process with special items (cost platinum) who will speed up this bar or another bar only with spouse gifting rewards through the empower relationship button.
Some of the benefits will buffs, vanities, titles, badges, eggs etc.
Effects (special effects like iconic auras or just simple and special effects (like those of leprechaun or magnate but with different icon effects) near our characters) will be automatically active when we are close with our spouse or in the same map.

Only one buff will be selected at the beginning of our marriage and we will need to get divorced to select another (Both get the same buff, must be selected careful by the spouse who will make the marriage proposal).

Buffs we might have are possibly the following:
25% luck (cumulative)
25% gold loot (cumulative)
10% damage (stacking)
10% movement speed (stacking)

Buffs are examples and can be modified by devs. :rolleyes:
Buff benefit when our spouse is in other map are halved and if they offline the buff is deactivated.
The power of our bond is empowered when we stay close with our spouse making buff be active as long as we are staying together.

Spouse system will have a marriage bar, empower, divorce & the choose buff buttons option in the menu, buff button is locked after marriage and give us a permanent buff (active if our spouse is online and in the same map with us).
Marriage new system will give us also vanities, badges, titles etc as long as we pass time with our spouse or when the time passed in real time.
There will be also a mini event that will give us the choice to buy special spouse items to gift and we will gain double progress in the marriage bar.
This is how the spouse system must've worked. :semi-twins:

Marriage system will have a limit marriage by the same characters with a week/month limit to avoid possible exploits.

Post updated. :strawberry:

05-14-2024, 10:37 PM
I appreciate the suggestion, but players that don't want to be married will just create alternate accounts to be married with to get the bonuses.


05-14-2024, 10:38 PM
I appreciate the suggestion, but players that don't want to be married will just create alternate accounts to be married with to get the bonuses.


why so negative? (joke only) sorry [emoji20]

05-15-2024, 08:00 AM
I appreciate the suggestion, but players that don't want to be married will just create alternate accounts to be married with to get the bonuses.


Make an event to run in couples, that you can only play with your spouse and appear in the LB with them

05-15-2024, 08:09 AM
Make an event to run in couples, that you can only play with your spouse and appear in the LB with them

Even though I'm not married this sounds like a fun idea for those that are

05-15-2024, 08:36 AM
Make an event to run in couples, that you can only play with your spouse and appear in the LB with them

This is actually an awesome idea!

05-20-2024, 04:59 AM
To avoid this kind of scenario. Why not make a special buff for couples when they are together since u prohibit playing 2 accounts at the same time by a player, It will only activate if they are the same on map like speed dmg or gold loot buff. Buffs depend on rings u use to be married.

Sent from my V2131 using Tapatalk

05-20-2024, 05:14 AM
I appreciate the suggestion, but players that don't want to be married will just create alternate accounts to be married with to get the bonuses.


the idea of effect don't create this type of problem and still cool idea
cit. ''Effects (special effects like iconic auras or just simple and special effects (like those of leprechaun or magnate but with different icon effects) near our characters) will be automatically active when we are close with our spouse or in the same map.''

05-20-2024, 10:09 AM
+1 with cool reward for both spouse like aura/badge/title matching for spouse in game. That can avoid the exploit.

05-21-2024, 10:22 PM
I appreciate the suggestion, but players that don't want to be married will just create alternate accounts to be married with to get the bonuses.

-ALS+1 not everyone can enjoy that feature especially solo players