View Full Version : Difference between Chain sword and rusk sword

05-23-2024, 11:19 AM
so what is the difference between rusk sword and SB chain sword? And i got a few questions.

1. which is better?
2. which one should i buy and why?

05-23-2024, 03:43 PM
1. Both weapons for different scenarios. Sb chain is for procing or just to enable cosmic killer buff (if you already have 6 sb items [not inlcuding the sb weapon]). While rusk is a debuff weapon (meaning u can get the benefit while you are on different weapon proc)
2. I would say go for sb aegis and rusk sword if you have the funds for it. I recommend sb aeg its a bit cheaper and u would only use it for ck proc.

Right now the top meta is the 3 way hotbar technique:

1. Wear the 7/6 star beast setup. Use a skill attack on the target to enable cosmic killer (don't just swing your star beast weapon on the target because you will proc your weapon which in this case unwanted)
2. Switch to your kraken proc setup. Proc everything you can.
3. Switch to your Rusk+6/6sb+immo and just spam the rusk weapon attack

05-23-2024, 07:07 PM
rusk better

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05-23-2024, 07:44 PM
for elite raha, proc everything kraken in your loadaout, then proc sb set proc, then use rusk 6/6 immo.

for hedo, 1 hotbar with haste items and nepta when it procs, go to 6/6 and weapon proc set, then use nepta with kraken make sure to land the charged autotack when everying procs then 6/6 nepta

05-23-2024, 08:18 PM
Sorry just not so understand what you guys are talking about.

What i understand so far is proc kraken with immo then switch to sb 6/6 with rusk sword. (so only 1 proc set with 1 damage set is needed based on what i think) (no idea with the sb weapon proc)

kindly correct me if i am wrong. Im planning to invest in warrior as well. So, looking forward for the advice from you guys.

Thank you in advance.

05-24-2024, 02:31 AM
Sorry just not so understand what you guys are talking about.

What i understand so far is proc kraken with immo then switch to sb 6/6 with rusk sword. (so only 1 proc set with 1 damage set is needed based on what i think) (no idea with the sb weapon proc)

kindly correct me if i am wrong. Im planning to invest in warrior as well. So, looking forward for the advice from you guys.

Thank you in advance.


Currently there is a Proc set. You need to have a Star Beast weapon and six other pieces of equipment.

The Kraken weapon and armor can stack with the Star Beast's Proc set. For example, a 200k damage increases to 300k damage because of the Proc Set.

So the current meta is activate the Proc of your Kraken weapon and armor and then switch to Star Beast weapon with six more Star Beast equipment.

05-24-2024, 03:42 AM
Chain sword is better for situations when you want greater DOT from say kraken sword or eating machine aegis. Rusk Blade compensate lose of DOT damage with faster auto attack, you'll deliver 2 hits in time of 1 strike of chain sword. In the end both are same good to fight bosses with. Chain sword when you want chill play, you proc kraken sword and let the proc do the thing, on the other hand when you use Rusk Blade you have to spam auto attack to equal performance of Chain Sword. Chain sword has 1 benefit, you can use it in full sb set to get 200% dmg bonus, but i would definitely go for Sb Shield over Sb Chain (price & mob performance in favor of shield, more in lines below)

If you plan to use them as mob weapon, then these 2 can't be compared. Rusk Blade is light years ahead. Also, vs mobs i recommend you to use Sb Shield (cheaper than Sb Chain). This shield (aegis) is like kraken sword vs multiple targets + pull. Sb shield + rusk blade is deadly combo in new maps vs mobs. You may ask "ok, i bought sb shield but now i miss heavy DOT damage weapon". Well, you do but you can fix it. You can buy 2m worth snowstorm blade which performs as good as Sb Chain in DOT dmg (depends of awaken), and if you are lucky to get snowstorm blade with good awaken, it is even stronger.

To answer your questions:
- both have pros and cons and i personally would not buy expensive sb chain sword.... Sb shields are like 80m and Sb Chain is 140 or 160m? (i am not sure of sb chain current price, but it is definitely more expensive). I would go for Rusk Blade + Sb Shield (to activate sb set 200% dmg buff) and if you feel like u want your proc dmg to be higher, then get cheap snowstorm blade.

05-24-2024, 05:10 AM

Currently there is a Proc set. You need to have a Star Beast weapon and six other pieces of equipment.

The Kraken weapon and armor can stack with the Star Beast's Proc set. For example, a 200k damage increases to 300k damage because of the Proc Set.

So the current meta is activate the Proc of your Kraken weapon and armor and then switch to Star Beast weapon with six more Star Beast equipment.

i remember dev removed proc stacking when people using kraken set proc and glint aeg. any different with nowaday proc?

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05-24-2024, 06:55 AM
I don’t use 7/6, but as far as I understand, cosmic killer is a buff, not weapon proc so it will be stacking.

Btw i also have question: if i using divi ring and outlaw amul in dmg set and i don't need 6/6 set as dmg set, do i need sb amul? or i can use sb bracelet as 6th piece for cosmic killer buff?

05-24-2024, 07:29 AM
I don’t use 7/6, but as far as I understand, cosmic killer is a buff, not weapon proc so it will be stacking.

Btw i also have question: if i using divi ring and outlaw amul in dmg set and i don't need 6/6 set as dmg set, do i need sb amul? or i can use sb bracelet as 6th piece for cosmic killer buff?

Yes you can. But you need to have a Star Beast weapon and 6 other pieces from the set.

In any case, the amulet increases the cosmic killer's time.

05-24-2024, 07:37 AM
i remember dev removed proc stacking when people using kraken set proc and glint aeg. any different with nowaday proc?

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This is a set proc, not a weapon proc. The Star Beast weapon proc does not stack with kraken. But you can activate any kraken weapon first and switch to the 6/6 set and Star Beast weapon to get Proc Set as well.

05-27-2024, 06:39 AM

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05-27-2024, 03:04 PM
Chain sword is better for situations when you want greater DOT from say kraken sword or eating machine aegis. Rusk Blade compensate lose of DOT damage with faster auto attack, you'll deliver 2 hits in time of 1 strike of chain sword. In the end both are same good to fight bosses with. Chain sword when you want chill play, you proc kraken sword and let the proc do the thing, on the other hand when you use Rusk Blade you have to spam auto attack to equal performance of Chain Sword. Chain sword has 1 benefit, you can use it in full sb set to get 200% dmg bonus, but i would definitely go for Sb Shield over Sb Chain (price & mob performance in favor of shield, more in lines below)

If you plan to use them as mob weapon, then these 2 can't be compared. Rusk Blade is light years ahead. Also, vs mobs i recommend you to use Sb Shield (cheaper than Sb Chain). This shield (aegis) is like kraken sword vs multiple targets + pull. Sb shield + rusk blade is deadly combo in new maps vs mobs. You may ask "ok, i bought sb shield but now i miss heavy DOT damage weapon". Well, you do but you can fix it. You can buy 2m worth snowstorm blade which performs as good as Sb Chain in DOT dmg (depends of awaken), and if you are lucky to get snowstorm blade with good awaken, it is even stronger.

To answer your questions:
- both have pros and cons and i personally would not buy expensive sb chain sword.... Sb shields are like 80m and Sb Chain is 140 or 160m? (i am not sure of sb chain current price, but it is definitely more expensive). I would go for Rusk Blade + Sb Shield (to activate sb set 200% dmg buff) and if you feel like u want your proc dmg to be higher, then get cheap snowstorm blade.

Isnt the snow wep dots locked behind a full set i thought u could only proc special dot effect if u had 8/8 snow set

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05-31-2024, 05:30 PM
so what is the difference between rusk sword and SB chain sword? And i got a few questions.

1. which is better?
2. which one should i buy and why?


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06-03-2024, 09:44 PM
rusk sword is beautiful for running thru aps , star chainsword with 6/6 sb+krak armor is beautiful vs bosses . to get most out of chainsword you will definitely want the amulet .

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07-29-2024, 01:13 PM
rusk blade best, sb chain zzZ but ig not enough gold sb chain good option ^^

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08-01-2024, 04:37 AM
When it comes to comparing the SB chain sword and the Rusk sword, it really depends on what you're looking for. The SB chain sword is known for its durability and sharpness, making it an excellent choice for cutting through rigid materials. On the other hand, the rusk sword is lighter and more maneuverable, which might be better for those who value speed and agility.
If you're deciding between the two, consider what you'll be using it for. Personally, I'd recommend trying them out, if you can, to see which feels right for you.
If you're interested in exploring different types of swords, you should check out this wakizashi for sale (https://www.katanasword.is/product-category/wakizashi/), which offers a unique collection of Wakizashi swords.

08-29-2024, 12:22 PM
great enlightenment