View Full Version : Feedback: Lost Expedition

05-23-2024, 01:08 PM
Let us know what you think!

Preview thread for the new adventure is located here (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?742370)).


05-23-2024, 03:02 PM
Is Unlocking the past daily quest the only way to obtain keys to open Lost Expedition Chests? 5x chance per day to loot helm or armor to continue quest or buy it from lucky person, are those my options? I guess keys should drop from bosses. This is not feedback to new content, it will take me some time before i enter new maps, but i could not find better place to ask my question.

05-23-2024, 04:28 PM
2nd part of my comment above...

Completed new content questline and got to play new maps. Have to say it is very complicated to even get to play new maps, should be simplified. Talk to him, loot this, open with key, get this piece, wear 3 pieces, complete quest, talk to him again, find larisa, talk to him, craft this, craft that, talk to other npc, finish map, go through portal to play new map. It is required to do only 1x tho, but for future i would prefer simplified questline.

New maps:
- i like them, they are short so we get to loot gold 2x in short time, something to compete with portal map (Hedourah), that's cool. 1st map i did not find anything bad about it, i like burning wolves. Second map i must say i don't like i have to wear impermeable armor + helm just to enter map, and if i want to stay alive on map i should wear this set entire time. I am lucky to be warrior so i can use horn for 4.5 sec immortality and swap to other sets to proc weapons and armors and get back to set with impermeable helm + armor to finish enemy. At boss it is silly, i have 5 sec to kill boss if i want to get gold haha. Because once heal is over, i die. This can make warriors very important on that map. :-D I love pick of green color design of map, looks great. Warriors can manage with heal skill, not sure about other 2 classes if they decide to run map let's say solo.

- I think keys should drop from bosses.
- preview says portal to poison caverns is in indigo caverns, but it is in blue abyss
- preview says we have to wear helm + armor to open dahl questline, but we need to wear weapon + helm + armor
- new maps are short so it is great bonus to original maps (2 maps in short time to give us gold as competition to Hedourah portal map)
- powerful stones for being active is great
- drop rates od star stone components should be buffed
- design of maps is cool
- burning wolf should be pet
- poison caverns should give 2-3 sec before poison kills me when i am not wearing impermeable set
- need more equipment loadouts
- this new content is fun. Ty!

05-23-2024, 06:23 PM
The drop rate of components only 5% or 1%?

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05-23-2024, 06:36 PM
Why there is no mention of poison droplet wisp in expedition guide

05-23-2024, 06:44 PM
Why there is no mention of poison droplet wisp in expedition guidethats right. need explaination if other lootable item is not mention yet.

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05-23-2024, 06:48 PM
The drop rate of components for jewels are very low, by the way the new wisp drop only at poison cavern?

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05-23-2024, 07:48 PM
flawlesss jewels are around 50m and only give 15 stats, this new jewels give 18 and dmg, it would crazy if they were ez to loot mate

05-23-2024, 08:29 PM
Ya i don think the new stone is a easy loot for everyone.

Plus there is no a time limit for you to loot the components, like power stone where you only can loot it from Mech.

So, overall it is looking good for keeping people got content to do when the portal is not open yet.

And it is an alternative of farming on another content rather than just farming on portal for gold.

05-23-2024, 08:29 PM
Give us more gear loadouts. All these new sets, 8 just isn't enough.

05-23-2024, 08:58 PM
flawlesss jewels are around 50m and only give 15 stats, this new jewels give 18 and dmg, it would crazy if they were ez to loot mate

very rare loot, relax

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05-23-2024, 09:39 PM
flawlesss jewels are around 50m and only give 15 stats, this new jewels give 18 and dmg, it would crazy if they were ez to loot mateits ok. price will drop and anyone can afford to buy it

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05-23-2024, 10:09 PM
new jewel drop rate should be low and it seems like it is low , so thats good

but maybe can increase the gold drop from the new maps alittle

05-23-2024, 11:17 PM
increase the drop rate of materials pls, check in ur dsta base @.@

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05-23-2024, 11:54 PM
Materials are like lootable in elite version of it. Ty for listening about force weaps regarding rusk but can u increase the chest count and gold loot of bosses so it is grindworthy for very hard to loot materials?

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05-24-2024, 02:41 AM
This is a very good update overall! The new maps are very fun and grindy to do which is good. And the drop rates are not high which is very good, it will keep the player base busy on farming those maps I suggest not to increase the drop rates even if it is requested by the players base. But with the new set and how compulsory it is to use them on the new map I think we need more pre load out slots (not hot bars) but the set up of gears which we have pre set. Eg- I have ss-gl se,DMG set,aegis set,rusk set, star beast set, etc... so it becomes difficult to keep changing my DMG set to swap out the Armor n helmet to impermeable set everytime I want to farm poision caverns. It will be awesome if u add 3-4 more pre load out sets.

05-24-2024, 02:48 AM
Overall very happy with the new contents! There is items / materials to loot which hits the nostalgic of old arcane legends.
Oh and also can u add a 2-3 second immunity to debuff after u proc ur lost expedition weapon to purify urself. Ive encountered a small problem of directly getting debuffed after using the lost expedition weapon to purify myself which is quite annoying since the weapon proc has a cooldown

05-24-2024, 03:13 AM
3rd and last part of my feedback...

10k pve kills later i know what to expect from new content. I have to say that dozens of runs later i still like both of new maps (bonus gold + bonus loot). Sadly, i have to add 2 negative things to my feedback that showed up after running new content for longer time.
Poison Caverns map just showed me, that 8 loadouts and hotbars is not enough in current PvE. I had to destroy (edit) 2 of my loadouts to put Impermeable helm + armor in (one set for dmg and one set for gold loot). I tried some pets to run Poison Caverns with and hero staggos was quite good there, but in the end i have decided to sacrifice gold loot from helm + armor to create 2nd gold loot set to make sure i won't die there... So please try to find a way to create at couple of new equipment loadouts (perhaps with 2 dropdown menus next to each other where each open 8 loadouts).
2 -
10k pve kills from Blue Abyss + Poison Caverns when Blue abyss has about 100 mobs... Let's round it, 100 runs and not a single mythic component... We need 10 mythic from Poison Caverns, 10 from Black Ash Forest and 5 from Hedourah to craft 1 stone. Yes, stones are powerful, but let's not forget they can't be taken out of item... We put them in current sets and then we will need more for 86 arcane gear. I'll continue to run new content, but i hope drop rates can be buffed. :-)

05-24-2024, 06:52 AM
Where is Larysa?

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05-24-2024, 07:31 AM
I cannot stress the need for additional loadouts. We have to wear impermeable set and that's at least 3 additional saves that we need with our current gear.

Feedback- the quest chain was fun and interesting. Was exciting to have everyone in camp trying to figure it all out. Thanks for putting in additional content for us.

We see that Hedo timer has been buffed since everyone will now be running the Elder Woods.
Please keep an eye on it because seems like it maybe was dialed back too far? We do want it to open!

The poison map- Perhaps the poison can stop once boss dies? We love to open the chests with our GL sets on.

05-24-2024, 07:34 AM
3rd and last part of my feedback...

10k pve kills later i know what to expect from new content. I have to say that dozens of runs later i still like both of new maps (bonus gold + bonus loot). Sadly, i have to add 2 negative things to my feedback that showed up after running new content for longer time.
Poison Caverns map just showed me, that 8 loadouts and hotbars is not enough in current PvE. I had to destroy (edit) 2 of my loadouts to put Impermeable helm + armor in (one set for dmg and one set for gold loot). I tried some pets to run Poison Caverns with and hero staggos was quite good there, but in the end i have decided to sacrifice gold loot from helm + armor to create 2nd gold loot set to make sure i won't die there... So please try to find a way to create at couple of new equipment loadouts (perhaps with 2 dropdown menus next to each other where each open 8 loadouts).
2 -
10k pve kills from Blue Abyss + Poison Caverns when Blue abyss has about 100 mobs... Let's round it, 100 runs and not a single mythic component... We need 10 mythic from Poison Caverns, 10 from Black Ash Forest and 5 from Hedourah to craft 1 stone. Yes, stones are powerful, but let's not forget they can't be taken out of item... We put them in current sets and then we will need more for 86 arcane gear. I'll continue to run new content, but i hope drop rates can be buffed. :-)

+1 for loadouts.

Also to your last point, I think since not everyone can farm the additional content we don't really know yet how low the drop rates are. Perhaps you just had bad luck? i think we need to give it a week or so and see if any of the mats are coming into the game. I also did not see any of the jewel components and ran quite a bit.

05-24-2024, 08:25 AM
I like it. The quests took some backwards and forwarding but that's ok once it becomes clear what you need to do.
I did expect more people would be playing though.
All in all it's good and it relieves boredom.

05-24-2024, 09:24 AM
3rd and last part of my feedback...

10k pve kills later i know what to expect from new content. I have to say that dozens of runs later i still like both of new maps (bonus gold + bonus loot). Sadly, i have to add 2 negative things to my feedback that showed up after running new content for longer time.
Poison Caverns map just showed me, that 8 loadouts and hotbars is not enough in current PvE. I had to destroy (edit) 2 of my loadouts to put Impermeable helm + armor in (one set for dmg and one set for gold loot). I tried some pets to run Poison Caverns with and hero staggos was quite good there, but in the end i have decided to sacrifice gold loot from helm + armor to create 2nd gold loot set to make sure i won't die there... So please try to find a way to create at couple of new equipment loadouts (perhaps with 2 dropdown menus next to each other where each open 8 loadouts).
2 -
10k pve kills from Blue Abyss + Poison Caverns when Blue abyss has about 100 mobs... Let's round it, 100 runs and not a single mythic component... We need 10 mythic from Poison Caverns, 10 from Black Ash Forest and 5 from Hedourah to craft 1 stone. Yes, stones are powerful, but let's not forget they can't be taken out of item... We put them in current sets and then we will need more for 86 arcane gear. I'll continue to run new content, but i hope drop rates can be buffed. :-)

Wow, I was following your thread for the good infos. I rarely use/own more than 2 sets of gears. If I need more than that to play/enjoy the content, I guess I’m forever doomed to failure and disappointment.

05-24-2024, 12:34 PM
so i accidentally deleted my set (which u can only get once apparantelly) by using the quick sell option to clear my inventory faster. i had forgotten abt it and after some time i lost the option to buy it back.

i just wonder what can i do in this situation because it doesnt seem like i can get the recipe again to craft it once more. (i suppose i can create another account and do the questline since the recipe is tradeable)

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05-24-2024, 01:05 PM
so i accidentally deleted my set (which u can only get once apparantelly) by using the quick sell option to clear my inventory faster. i had forgotten abt it and after some time i lost the option to buy it back.

i just wonder what can i do in this situation because it doesnt seem like i can get the recipe again to craft it once more. (i suppose i can create another account and do the questline since the recipe is tradeable)

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Not sure how you were able to quick sell as it was a set piece.

05-24-2024, 01:10 PM
+1 to more options for load outs and hot bar slots. Or, don't make us go through a normal map to reach the poison map. Also why are the new jewels so difficult to craft. Bonus damage only works in zodias and it can't be removed. It won't effect me one way or another because I would only use one if I looted it and that's not possible.

05-24-2024, 01:10 PM
Devs can you check the Lost gear.

Earlier today I set the 5/5 on a hb spot and it seemed like it was working to clear toxins when I attacked with a charged gun as stated in the original post. Now a few hours in and the set is not clearing toxins at all.

05-24-2024, 01:40 PM
Devs can you check the Lost gear.

Earlier today I set the 5/5 on a hb spot and it seemed like it was working to clear toxins when I attacked with a charged gun as stated in the original post. Now a few hours in and the set is not clearing toxins at all.

The weapon charged attacks clear a specific toxin. The 'Arcazole' variant clears Fatal Fungi while the 'Purifaction' variant cures Rot Slime - but both require that you wear the other 4 pieces.

Which weapon are you using (by name) and what dungeon are you using it in?

Thanks for the info!

05-24-2024, 01:59 PM
Not sure how you were able to quick sell as it was a set piece.its a rare type item so i just pressed on quick sell to get all my rare items deleted to free my inv

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05-24-2024, 03:11 PM
Is Unlocking the past daily quest the only way to obtain keys to open Lost Expedition Chests? 5x chance per day to loot helm or armor to continue quest or buy it from lucky person, are those my options?

The quest is currently the only way to obtain expedition keys.

Why there is no mention of poison droplet wisp in expedition guide

We kept some things hidden for the players to discover.

Where is Larysa?

so i accidentally deleted my set (which u can only get once apparantelly) by using the quick sell option to clear my inventory faster.

Next update will make the set Set rarity and you'll be able to repurchase the Adaptive Pattern from the token vendor.


05-24-2024, 05:56 PM
The weapon charged attacks clear a specific toxin. The 'Arcazole' variant clears Fatal Fungi while the 'Purifaction' variant cures Rot Slime - but both require that you wear the other 4 pieces.

Which weapon are you using (by name) and what dungeon are you using it in?

Thanks for the info!

Ahh ok ty for the clarification. I have the Arc variant which when I went back to indigo works as it should. So for Ash Forest I need the Purification variant.

Then I will just add along with others here that we need at least 4 more gear build loadouts as I, like so many, have had to delete several in order to add in these new gear builds.

Lastly, I personally appreciate that you created the new quests and areas that require a bit of a challenge (vs quests that are done in 30 minutes) to figure out how to complete as well as figuring out which gear will work to make the boss encounters a bit more manageable. And you did it all with gear gained with keys that are obtained in a daily quest so all the content from this expansion is ftp!

05-25-2024, 01:36 AM
I liked the 2 new maps and the new content, but I didn't like the waterproof armor mechanic

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05-25-2024, 03:12 AM
The weapon charged attacks clear a specific toxin. The 'Arcazole' variant clears Fatal Fungi while the 'Purifaction' variant cures Rot Slime - but both require that you wear the other 4 pieces.

Which weapon are you using (by name) and what dungeon are you using it in?

Thanks for the info!

It's all so complicated! Wear this, wear that, switch to one of these sets, use the Purification, use the Arcozole and that's without deciding which pet will be relevant. It's just too much information and hot bar slots. I'm not against the difficulty of the maps, I managed to get to the poison map but I don't have enough hot bar slots and to be honest all the switching around is like a comedy sketch. Also, when the boss has been done away with please stop the poison. It's dead, it shouldn't be allowed to carry on, it's deceased, we won and should allowed to gather our rewards from the chests.
That's my feedback.

05-25-2024, 04:13 AM
Also, when the boss has been done away with please stop the poison. It's dead, it shouldn't be allowed to carry on, it's deceased, we won and should allowed to gather our rewards from the chests.

+1000 to that!

05-25-2024, 04:40 AM
I've been testing the new set and the purification works perfectly on the first and second map of elder wood maps with charged attacks but it would make the universal weapon proc goes on cooldown for a long time.

Is the new lost weapon supposed to share the weapon cd with ~ 12 seconds cooldown when equipped with the full set 5-pieces ?
There is no mention of a proc on the weapon or it's cooldown plus the damage is insignificant to wait for more then 10 seconds to proc your main weapon after the anti-toxin purification. I mean isn't supposed to work like the dragon staff when you can proc the buff and then proc your other weapon?
I'd like to add that the weapon won't purify with 5-pieces of the lost set equipped when the weapon proc is on cooldown.
@sts please check it out and would be grateful for any clarification

05-25-2024, 08:01 AM
It's all so complicated! Wear this, wear that, switch to one of these sets, use the Purification, use the Arcozole and that's without deciding which pet will be relevant. It's just too much information and hot bar slots. I'm not against the difficulty of the maps, I managed to get to the poison map but I don't have enough hot bar slots and to be honest all the switching around is like a comedy sketch. Also, when the boss has been done away with please stop the poison. It's dead, it shouldn't be allowed to carry on, it's deceased, we won and should allowed to gather our rewards from the chests.
That's my feedback.
All this plus. I started to explore and some green bar popped up, is it for me or against me? Idk. I was alone then 3 ppl joined. 2 wore speed sets, took what they wanted, trashed the map, then left.
I remember now why I don’t play endgame.

05-25-2024, 08:28 AM
I opened some of the new furnishing crates. The mushrooms are awesome!

What do you all think of the stalagmite? Does it look fun or what!

05-25-2024, 09:42 AM
PLS DO NEW DAILY MINI EVENT THAT GIVES 2x CORRUPTION TOKENS. It is kinda hard to get those tokens and recipes price is high. Nice option would be if we could sell items which are lootable in elder woods to npc for tokens.

05-25-2024, 01:42 PM
The components for the “Gevyn’s jewels” are received in daily quests or is a drop from bosses? I don’t see any information about this on the review. Bc if it only received when we do daily quests, the daily is bugged. Let us know please.

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05-25-2024, 02:05 PM
All this plus. I started to explore and some green bar popped up, is it for me or against me? Idk. I was alone then 3 ppl joined. 2 wore speed sets, took what they wanted, trashed the map, then left.
I remember now why I don’t play endgame.

Maybe level up first before commenting on end-game content. Come on, 4 levels to go, you can do it! Hehe

Good job on this new update, it’s fun :)

05-25-2024, 02:55 PM
Anyone know what is the new event about?

Cannot find any info from the past

05-25-2024, 05:15 PM
We can t clear maps, fast enough to worth the grind because every step we do we get poisoned and our damage get debuff, so it takes way to long to clear a map. We got some jewels and vanities to craft in the new maps, but the drop are way to bad. We run a day and don t get a piece of required material. The poison cavern is bad too because we can t use gold set at the end, so we can t get gold only if we die and use 5 ankhs.
Why did we get new maps? Since they are even worst than the level 81 spots farm?
We get same amount of gold if we run erahab, but we get it way to fast than running new/elder maps. I suggest increase gold in elder woods, compared with zodias maps.

05-25-2024, 06:24 PM
Use heroic staggos to not die

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05-25-2024, 07:51 PM
We can t clear maps, fast enough to worth the grind because every step we do we get poisoned and our damage get debuff, so it takes way to long to clear a map. We got some jewels and vanities to craft in the new maps, but the drop are way to bad. We run a day and don t get a piece of required material. The poison cavern is bad too because we can t use gold set at the end, so we can t get gold only if we die and use 5 ankhs.
Why did we get new maps? Since they are even worst than the level 81 spots farm?
We get same amount of gold if we run erahab, but we get it way to fast than running new/elder maps. I suggest increase gold in elder woods, compared with zodias maps.

I suggested in the feedback thread that they turn off the poison when the boss dies. We cannot loot chests with gold loot set without dying.

05-25-2024, 10:02 PM
Please Consider Adding The 25 ankhs kit in lost expedition chests, and reduce the price of leather pouch to 10k, Thank You.

05-26-2024, 06:35 AM
So after few days this is my feedback:

First, this morning when i look into my friend and guild list, NO ONE is doing the new content, so i guess something is wrong

What i dont like personally is:

Black ashen forest, what is bad with this one is the map we need to do to access it, ashen forest, the rot slime are way too much, too many pool and even the mob can infect us, the effect is so annoying, this is one of the reason no one was running there at all b4.

Poison cavern, the way to access this one is not so bad because the fatal fungi is less annoying, the problem with this one is the fact we cant really switch to our main gold set in time without dying, i suggest that u put all the loot in the chest instead and that u deactivate the poison when the boss is dead.

About new duel mode... i'm sorry but i dont really get the point, half honor? Why? Rather go in regular mode no? (The set look nice tho, hope its become a vanity at some point :) )

And also the fact its becoming a must to have to switch to many set is real let down for me, i like it when its way more simple

The thing i have really enjoy tho was that quest that make us fight against Gevyn, this one was fun!

05-26-2024, 09:40 AM
I've made over 100m by running Poison Caverns so far, which i believe should be value of entire Star Stone considering price of Corrupted jewels, yet i haven't looted single mythic component. With this drop rate it would be better to add Star Stone as drop from new bosses instead of components. Anyway, Lost Expedition isn't even week old and you are surely checking data, but i have to say this: whether drop rates gets buffed or not, i have to thank you (once again) for great new content, i've missed something like this, running Blue Abyss + Poison Caverns combo is very enjoyable.

05-26-2024, 03:08 PM
Rogue severly under balance in posion caverns rogue have no invunrability like mage 3 sec shield and war 4.5 sec shield plus immortality ult 15sec more please as some sort of invunlrabilty to rogue or make dmg reduction on razor shield masterery go from 10% to 50% or revamp it mastery

05-26-2024, 03:11 PM
Rogue severly under balance in posion caverns rogue have no invunrability like mage 3 sec shield and war 4.5 sec shield plus immortality ult 15sec more please as some sort of invunlrabilty to rogue or make dmg reduction on razor shield masterery go from 10% to 50%

Glowstick helps but it’s really bad, heroic staggos is the one helping a lot, to me in that map. But is true rogue don’t have immune because they say we do a lot of dmg and blah blah blah.

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05-26-2024, 03:13 PM
Glowstick helps but it’s really bad, heroic staggos is the one helping a lot, to me in that map. But is true rogue don’t have immune because they say we do a lot of dmg and blah blah blah.

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It be nice if we had a potion for that map tbh or some lix type that reduces dmg taken in that specific map

05-27-2024, 11:29 AM
The components for the “Gevyn’s jewels” are received in daily quests or is a drop from bosses? I don’t see any information about this on the review. Bc if it only received when we do daily quests, the daily is bugged. Let us know please.

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You obtain the materials through a weekly quest. 1 material each week

05-27-2024, 02:37 PM
It says that in the new 2 elder maps, are some hidden vanities and secret crafts at the end of official thread.
Are we gonna find out what was so secret that noone know about it? Or only those who looted that secret crafts and hidden vanities gonna know about it?
It would be kinda nice to let us know, what was so secret, that need to be hide from us.

05-27-2024, 06:30 PM
The material drop from bosses is so rare that no one is running elder wood anymore. The maps are literally ghosted with a couple players running and complaining. So sad that all the effort put into the 86 expansion were for nothing please bring the elite elder wood already.
It feel like the bosses loot table is just legend items, tokens and low chance to drop lost equipment chest plus the trash locks we know.

Bring life to elder by :
- Raising the gold drop from bosses, add gold to mobs and some random chest before the bosses.
- release new elixer looted from boss and bought with tokens from vendor
-buff the drop for materials required for crafting the new stones ( since it's not removable price should be around 15-20m ~ 500k each material is the juicy spot).
-remove the poison applied by mobs in the second map, make lost set purify without putting weapon proc on cooldown (maybe make it so the 5 pieces set purify when worn like the impermeable set or remove the 0 damage debuff applied by the toxin.
- lower the poison damage per tick in the poison map ( mages and rogs die with only one tick).
- adding more stuff to the bosses loot table ( awesome stuff but as rare as the materials drop right now :)).
- rework the hedourah boss mechanics ( instead of going in hit a dummy till it's dead and repeat until you get bored and close the game make challenging not by raising it health.
- add new portals to elder wood that require killing elder wood map bosses to open.

Looking back to zodias expansion it was and still fun, elder wood a dead zone except when hedo is up which make you think ( is there anymore of arlor or this is it?).

05-28-2024, 12:00 AM
Let us know what you think!

Preview thread for the new adventure is located here (link (https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?742370)).


Tell us what hidden vanities and secret crafts we gonna get from the new maps. So make the new maps more fun to run

05-28-2024, 02:37 AM
Tell us what hidden vanities and secret crafts we gonna get from the new maps. So make the new maps more fun to run

I only saw poison wips (similar to the firebug) for the moment

05-28-2024, 11:35 AM
I decided to do some testing with the expedition gear concerning the xp boost. According to the description a set of 3 gives 25% xp while a set of 5 is 50% However with no other xp boost on, doing /stats showed xp 1.30 also testing with a pet lvl 63 in festerfang, 0 xp boost gave the pet 4 xp per kill. Expedition 25% obviously became 5 xp per kill, but then trying 5/5 expedition with the expectancy of 6 per kill was 5, 5, 5, 6. Just in case, even in elderwoods it showed xp 1.30

05-28-2024, 01:32 PM
So this event give xp set then a new cap is coming?

05-28-2024, 02:06 PM
I've made over 100m by running Poison Caverns so far, which i believe should be value of entire Star Stone considering price of Corrupted jewels, yet i haven't looted single mythic component. With this drop rate it would be better to add Star Stone as drop from new bosses instead of components. Anyway, Lost Expedition isn't even week old and you are surely checking data, but i have to say this: whether drop rates gets buffed or not, i have to thank you (once again) for great new content, i've missed something like this, running Blue Abyss + Poison Caverns combo is very enjoyable.

relatable i really do enjoy this myself!

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05-28-2024, 04:50 PM
after a Week of running it gotten used to the toxins and its actually enjoyable.
But Loot is definetly an issue since me and my party did not loot a single crafting component or vanity. please buff the drop rate of those and/or gold drops so the map can compete with 81 maps

05-29-2024, 08:59 AM
Maybe level up first before commenting on end-game content. Come on, 4 levels to go, you can do it! Hehe

Good job on this new update, it’s fun :)

Maybe read the announcement, hehe.

05-30-2024, 05:41 AM
Isn't the best time to revert the lost expansion update and add the two '' new maps " that look almost like portals to a hall of portals in elder wood along with hedourah. I mean hello don't they look almost identical to the boring ekenta portal with new theme and colors.
I mean nobody wants to have a portal at the end of a map right. The idea sounds good and original and I get what devs want to bring life to elder wood but again the two new maps '' portals'' are built to be portals in term of gold drop and loot. Unless a huge buff hit those maps like x 2 gold drop.

05-30-2024, 06:38 AM
I actually prefer it the way it is created (combo of 2).
Gold drop is good, actually very good. Both new maps are short (fast to complete for geared players). Making them portals everyone can enter from town would require rework the essence of entire Lost Expedition. It is resolved around some folks getting lost in the woods, so combo of 2 maps work great in this matter by going deeper to the woods/ caverns. New maps as portals would require for STS to make maps longer and with more mobs as well. Story, that does not match this content and reworked maps? That sounds like brand new content to me. Besides that running original map and hop into the bonus map is cool and less repetitive, than running 1 short map over and over again (enough of Hedourah type of maps).
I guess i disagree with everything in your suggestion. :-)

05-30-2024, 07:18 AM
You used to not run any maps outside of indigo inside elder woods anyways. The purpose was here bringing people inside other maps so we can get to see people playing in other maps here which is the opposite of what you are asking right now.

Also gl is still fine you literally earn more than you do in hedo (after completed 2 maps together) so that is not an issue again.

And another thing to disagree with you by showing a proof. Do you actually see people playing in zodias maps outside of portal ones? I think we all know the answer.

05-30-2024, 08:13 AM
Isn't the best time to revert the lost expansion update and add the two '' new maps " that look almost like portals to a hall of portals in elder wood along with hedourah. I mean hello don't they look almost identical to the boring ekenta portal with new theme and colors.
I mean nobody wants to have a portal at the end of a map right. The idea sounds good and original and I get what devs want to bring life to elder wood but again the two new maps '' portals'' are built to be portals in term of gold drop and loot. Unless a huge buff hit those maps like x 2 gold drop.

Free the maps from portals at the end! I think. hmmm. What he said? I dunno.

06-03-2024, 10:26 PM
Make the bosses more flexible for each class.

07-02-2024, 02:33 PM
I think people expected more than that