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11-06-2012, 11:37 PM
Not surprised but happy:)

11-07-2012, 12:28 AM
Yay, medical field gets screwed and more benefits for those who don't like to work! -.-

That's definitely the way to fix the US economy, yessir. I don't know when US citizens will stop thinking about themselves and more towards the country as a whole. The entitlements that we have now is the major reason why the US is in debt. We blame presidents, but it's really our own fault.

The general public wants this: lower taxes but more benefits. This does not work out, as it's one or the other. Although I'm not for benefits/entitlements because I believe that it makes Americans lazy, but if you want them, the taxes should be equally high to balance out the cost of entitlements/benefits.

My philosophy is this, "People will only accomplish what is needed to be accomplished." What does this mean? If the bar is set low, then they will only rise up to barely meet the expectations of that bar. If the bar is set high, then they will be challenged to meet the expectations of that bar.

Darwin's theory about "survival of the fittest" dwindles in our society.

11-07-2012, 06:35 AM
Woo..... *moves to Canada* now I won't get screwed, and I can play AL!

11-07-2012, 09:54 AM
Woo..... *moves to Canada* now I won't get screwed, and I can play AL!

<3 take me wiff youuu

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Apollo, did you fall asleep with Fox News on again?

11-07-2012, 12:02 PM
Apollo, did you fall asleep with Fox News on again?

I prefer the blaze ;) glenn beck ftw

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-07-2012, 12:22 PM
So happy about this. 50% of America was blinded by the right-wing media spin. They are so good at painting the left as horrible people... and making people believe it.

Romney was a horrible candidate. They build their entire campaign on Obama's shortcomings. All they said was "Obama stinks" and "i'll fix everything". But everytime someone asked Romney how he would fix things.. he never described how he would do it. All he did was tell people what they wanted to hear.

Obama might have failed in some things, but he also accomplished a crap ton for us. He also has shown us all his entire plan. Whether we agree with everything about the plan is one thing, but at least we see his plan.

11-07-2012, 01:02 PM
Woo..... *moves to Canada* now I won't get screwed, and I can play AL!
Just fell out of my chair with laughter

11-07-2012, 01:05 PM
So happy about this. 50% of America was blinded by the right-wing media spin. They are so good at painting the left as horrible people... and making people believe it.

Romney was a horrible candidate. They build their entire campaign on Obama's shortcomings. All they said was "Obama stinks" and "i'll fix everything". But everytime someone asked Romney how he would fix things.. he never described how he would do it. All he did was tell people what they wanted to hear.

Obama might have failed in some things, but he also accomplished a crap ton for us. He also has shown us all his entire plan. Whether we agree with everything about the plan is one thing, but at least we see his plan.

Well when my grandchildren are still paying for his seemingly limitless spending, I will let them talk to you. Obama may have patched things up, and i say that with a hint of sarcasm, but the real problem of his spending has yet to be seen.

11-07-2012, 01:54 PM
Here's an idea! Spend all the money we have, give away everything we have, and smile at the public!
-Barack Obama

11-07-2012, 01:58 PM
Here's an idea! Spend all the money we have, give away everything we have, and smile at the public!
-Barack Obama

Only problem is that we have no money. I really am wondering how they're going to write the budget bill this year and get it passed, if it hasn't already been written.

11-07-2012, 02:01 PM
Watch moar fox news, mit lovers.

11-07-2012, 02:20 PM

11-07-2012, 02:24 PM
Well when my grandchildren are still paying for his seemingly limitless spending, I will let them talk to you. Obama may have patched things up, and i say that with a hint of sarcasm, but the real problem of his spending has yet to be seen.

Ignorant. You cannot stop the biggest recession since the great depression without some big spending. Not only that, but cleaning up the war effort.

The only thing that he really threw money at that wasn't needed, was green energy. And if you cannot see the need for us to start investing heavily in green energy, then you are blind. Can you fathom how much coal and oil the world consumes each day? Can you also comprehend that the stuff comes from the Earth and takes a LONG time to form? We are burning through the Earth's lifeblood at an alarming rate. When should we start investing in alternatives? After we have depleted all of these resources? When it becomes a critical situation threatening to throw everything into chaos? No. Now is the time to start investing in alternatives.

I would advise your grandchildren to go have words with George W's great grandchildren about why he forced Obama to spend so much money to clean up his mess.

11-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Ty Morf. <3

To all of you that blindly listen to fox news, or your right winged parents, do some research of your own.

11-07-2012, 03:20 PM
Ignorant. You cannot stop the biggest recession since the great depression without some big spending. Not only that, but cleaning up the war effort.

The only thing that he really threw money at that wasn't needed, was green energy. And if you cannot see the need for us to start investing heavily in green energy, then you are blind. Can you fathom how much coal and oil the world consumes each day? Can you also comprehend that the stuff comes from the Earth and takes a LONG time to form? We are burning through the Earth's lifeblood at an alarming rate. When should we start investing in alternatives? After we have depleted all of these resources? When it becomes a critical situation threatening to throw everything into chaos? No. Now is the time to start investing in alternatives.

I would advise your grandchildren to go have words with George W's great grandchildren about why he forced Obama to spend so much money to clean up his mess.

Clearly you cannot begin to fathom 8 trillion dollars.

Let's take Pocket Legends for instance. Lets say by some radically odd event Evolt gets 8 billion Gold in debt. Do you think he will borrow another 8 billion to get out of debt with? I highly doubt it. If anything, he would find a way to get an income and multiply that. Or perhaps, if he did borrow, it would be a couple million. He would then use that to multiply it and pay his debt.

Common sense is common sense whether it refers to the president or not. You don't borrow money that you don't have so that you can gamble with it. ESPECIALLY not 8 trillion dollars.

11-07-2012, 03:23 PM
Here was Romney's plan.

Lower taxes on the rich.

THEN, they can use the money they saved to expand their businesses.

THEN, with the expansion of business, more people can get more jobs.

THEN, those people can be taxed because they have those jobs.

THEN, the government makes money to spend for public, national, debt, etc. use.

Obama's plan.

LOWER taxes for lower class.

TAX millionaires through the roof.

If they're taxed, they can't expand their businesses. That's why the unemployment rate is so high. People are afraid to grow and hire with the fear of getting taxed up their butts.
If they can't hire, people get no jobs, and they can't pay for taxes. And the economy is screwed.

Obama said he'd get this country to 5.4% unemployment by the end of his first term. It's over 8%.

Now, I wonder what plan is better.

11-07-2012, 04:10 PM
Here was Romney's plan.

Lower taxes on the rich.

THEN, they can use the money they saved to expand their businesses.

THEN, with the expansion of business, more people can get more jobs.

THEN, those people can be taxed because they have those jobs.

THEN, the government makes money to spend for public, national, debt, etc. use.

Obama's plan.

LOWER taxes for lower class.

TAX millionaires through the roof.

If they're taxed, they can't expand their businesses. That's why the unemployment rate is so high. People are afraid to grow and hire with the fear of getting taxed up their butts.
If they can't hire, people get no jobs, and they can't pay for taxes. And the economy is screwed.

Obama said he'd get this country to 5.4% unemployment by the end of his first term. It's over 8%.

Now, I wonder what plan is better.

tax millionaires through the roof? no dont think so..its about time they start paying there fair share of taxes...

The richest woman in Wisconsin, Diane Hendricks, is worth an estimated $2.8 billion, but she did not pay a dime in state income tax in 2010.. now you tell me how is that fair.....

11-07-2012, 05:03 PM
I see the misrepresentations are going to continue even though the election is over. The war in Iraq put us in debt to China. Reagan was the first to borrow from China. Clinton expanded China to most-favored-nation status because he borrowed more. But the largest amount borrowed from China was by GW Bush to finance the war in Iraq.

I do not like war. I am a veteran, and like most veterans I consider it an evil thing. I realize that people who have never served, who only play war on video games, think it is some sort of romantic thing, but it's just not. It's ugly, and it is definitely evil. I didn't see the value in attacking Iraq. Everyone said they had nukes, or were developing chemical weapons. But the fact is, they never found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And they definitely did not go there because of 9/11. 9/11 was an attack by Saudi dissidents. Bin Laden's ultimate goal was to oust America from Saudi Arabia and spark a religious revolution there putting himself in charge. In particular, he had repeatedly said that our air base in Saudi Arabia was on land sacred to his religion. So it had nothing to do with 9/11. I was never convinced that we needed to fight that war.

But we did, and there is no changing the past. That means we have debts.

Furthermore, there is real information, not "spin", that indicates the actual change in our indebtedness, and it was never as exagerated as the President's opponents said. The % change of the debt under GW Bush was 89%, under Obama it is 41.4%.

Finally, the Bush Tax Cuts caused the staggering increase of deficit. He cut 1.8 trillion a year from collections without decreasing spending. In fact, Bush increased spending. So when you see the debt going up 1.8 trillion a year, think about that $200 we all got in our paychecks ten years ago, because that's what the working man got from Bush. The rich got to be tax-free. Well, obviously, that did NOT result in a boon for the economy... this trickled-down theory:

Lower taxes on the rich.

THEN, they can use the money they saved to expand their businesses.

THEN, with the expansion of business, more people can get more jobs.

THEN, those people can be taxed because they have those jobs.

THEN, the government makes money to spend for public, national, debt, etc. use.

... has been tried and it is a fail. When rich people make more money, the simply do not "expand their businesses". They invest in bonds. The income from bonds is not taxable, you see. Why should they "expand their businesses" when they can get guaranteed income that is tax-free? Or they buy stocks, which are taxed at a lower rate. Furthermore, those who are that rich, if they DO have businesses (and most do not), are smart enough to know that you can get cheaper workers in other countries. In short, the whole trickle-down theory is voodoo economics.

In fact, it is experimental economics. A real economics takes the care of the workers into consideration. A real economics considers the existence of children and stay-at-home moms, which are essential to the furtherance of the species. A pie-in-the-sky economics is based on purely business models, and they only work on paper. In reality, there is much more to an economy than business. Every society (based on anthropology studies of primitive peoples) has some form of taxation. And every society has some mechanism to inspire lazy people (like me) to work. But one thing has never worked, ever: you can't take out more than you put in. Sadly, that was all Romney said he had to offer. He would cut taxes and that would cause this trickle-down. But GW Bush tried that and it came "this close" to causing another depression.

11-07-2012, 05:41 PM
Ty Morf. <3

To all of you that blindly listen to fox news, or your right winged parents, do some research of your own.
It stay away from fox
Generally check cnn
Obama still came out looking like the worse choice, through my research
But maybe thats just for my personal specific issues
Definately didnt agree with all of romneys points either

11-07-2012, 05:44 PM
Woo..... *moves to Canada* now I won't get screwed, and I can play AL!
Canadas more socialist
Imo bad form of govt

11-07-2012, 05:55 PM
Clearly you cannot begin to fathom 8 trillion dollars.

Let's take Pocket Legends for instance. Lets say by some radically odd event Evolt gets 8 billion Gold in debt. Do you think he will borrow another 8 billion to get out of debt with? I highly doubt it. If anything, he would find a way to get an income and multiply that. Or perhaps, if he did borrow, it would be a couple million. He would then use that to multiply it and pay his debt.

Common sense is common sense whether it refers to the president or not. You don't borrow money that you don't have so that you can gamble with it. ESPECIALLY not 8 trillion dollars.

You DO borrow money that you don't have, if the debt is worth the reward. If the money borrowed stops another depression... then it is well worth it.

What money did Obama borrow, that he gambled on? What part of that 8 trillion was wasted in your eyes? Was it just the green energy spending? If so.. wasn't it only $90 billion he invested into green energy?

11-07-2012, 05:57 PM
Seems all the fox haters are for obama. Seems legit since all the others talk trash about romney and only fox pulls stuff from both sides lol. Dont go all guns a blazin on fax because all you notice is the bad things

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-07-2012, 06:09 PM
Seems all the fox haters are for obama. Seems legit since all the others talk trash about romney and only fox pulls stuff from both sides lol. Dont go all guns a blazin on fax because all you notice is the bad things

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

I hope you are trolling... Foxnews is the most irresponsible, idiotic, fact-distorting, lying, right wing extremist I have ever seen. They do not pull stuff from both sides...I mean hell...visit foxnews.com and the first thing you see is a picture of Obama asking Biden, "What now?". I watch Bill O'Reilly just to laugh at how retarded he is. He is a pathological liar. Oh, and that guy that freaked out on foxnews when they reported Obama's victory. The entire place has that mentality.

Now, if you are talking about Fox5 news... then that is a totally separate entity.

11-07-2012, 06:11 PM
Communist News Network (CNN)

11-07-2012, 06:13 PM
Well were screwed,time to move to the moon.

11-07-2012, 06:25 PM
What cracks me up is every time a democrat gets elected or re-elected, red starts yelling doomsday. My facebook is littered with people talking about America is dead, committed suicide, our freedom is gone, and even things like, "Time to move to the moon". But whenever Republicans win... Blue sucks it up and moves on.

Seems to be a huge pattern of immaturity and anger amongst many republicans. What's funny is, I support many Republican ideals... to the point which I have never claimed either side. But I cannot stand the extremist that seem to only reside on the right side.

11-07-2012, 06:30 PM
Canadas more socialist
Imo bad form of govt

Nah. It's decent in theory. It's not as good as capitalism, but people can still own businesses.

And BTW Socialism is a form of economy not gov't.

11-09-2012, 03:22 PM
morfic has already made the point clear. let's all work together to make this the first whole thread that doesn't get locked.

11-09-2012, 03:26 PM
So, republicans are now admitting that they are behind the times on immigration, and that they will need to be more open to immigrants if they ever want to hold office again. It's really about time. I just wonder how long before they have to make the same decisions on gays and lesbians and poor people.

They will have to constantly evolve towards what America is growing into, or else they are a dying party. But then, eventually the parties will be identical and just do a merge.

11-09-2012, 03:43 PM
So, republicans are now admitting that they are behind the times on immigration, and that they will need to be more open to immigrants if they ever want to hold office again. It's really about time. I just wonder how long before they have to make the same decisions on gays and lesbians and poor people.

They will have to constantly evolve towards what America is growing into, or else they are a dying party. But then, eventually the parties will be identical and just do a merge.

Illuminati ftw. But until then, my kids and grandkids will not grow poor because some are getting too ahead of themselves.

11-09-2012, 06:53 PM
If his plan was "reduce tax on the corporate tax " instead of " lower tax on rich " then it could be better plan than Obama's.

I think American companies need to stop offsoreing to other countries.

Do u know why lots of companies have been offsoreing to Singapore ? Cuz corporate tax is very low.

11-09-2012, 07:50 PM
I hope you are trolling... Foxnews is the most irresponsible, idiotic, fact-distorting, lying, right wing extremist I have ever seen. They do not pull stuff from both sides...I mean hell...visit foxnews.com and the first thing you see is a picture of Obama asking Biden, "What now?". I watch Bill O'Reilly just to laugh at how retarded he is. He is a pathological liar. Oh, and that guy that freaked out on foxnews when they reported Obama's victory. The entire place has that mentality.

Now, if you are talking about Fox5 news... then that is a totally separate entity.

Liberals say Fox is right wing, Repubs deny it. Repubs say cnn is left wing, Liberals deny it. Both parties are right and wrong. Cnn is liberal, and Fox is repub, any repub or liberal that denies either is lying or ignorant.

This thread is going about as well as all the others. Why do we constantly bring politics to the forums when it always ends the same? Meh, i'd rather joke about disney buying lucas arts.

11-09-2012, 08:31 PM
Just like Sam said :

Folks, not making any type of judgement at all on this but this discussion is not for our forums.

Thread closed.