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View Full Version : Arcane Legends name reservation vanity shields

11-08-2012, 04:33 PM
Hey all players of Pocket Legends! Thanks for the great game by the way Spacetime Studios! I was wondering, about vanity shields for Arcane Legends. For Star Legends and Dark Legends, there was a sweet shield given out to people who reserved their names. a halographic disk of some sort? Blue and red. If someone could fill me in on if this is maybe coming, that would be great. Thanks!

Sincerely, Ualaotav-L71 bird

11-08-2012, 04:44 PM
There's already been an Arcane Legends shield in the store on both PL and SL. DL got an Arcane Legends helmet vanity.

Edit: People who reserved names for SL got a white Holo-Shield (Discontinued. The red ones were DotD). The AL and DL (Discontinued) shields are sold separate.