View Full Version : Glumdoll Cemetery portal glitch?

09-09-2010, 10:17 PM
All of a sudden, I can't use the portal in the Cemetery. I'm not getting the "too much stuff" message and I've tried downsizing anyway, but no joy. :(. Forgot to add that I've tried restarting several times, but no luck.

09-10-2010, 01:23 AM
Im having the same issue, i have noticed alot of people trying to go through with no luck, had this issue for three days, i need to lvl lol

09-10-2010, 08:41 AM
Yeah, last night I noticed a couple other folks were trying to go through at the same time I was and we kept ending up in a clump at the area opening. I'm in the same boat--I'd like to level and I've got quests to finish, dadgummit!

Well, it just let me in! Yay! Running with a group, we'd just gotten to the second level, then the almost-inevitable lock-up/let's-all-watch-the-ping-rate-climb and.....disconnected. Signed back in, got stuck back in the Cemetery and now the portal doesn't work. Again. Devs, this is getting (more than) a little discouraging. Sad panda.

09-10-2010, 10:12 AM
You guys know you can still join games from the join screen accessed from the world map, right? Obviously the portal should still be fixed, but you can still level ;)

09-10-2010, 10:17 AM
Yup, joined one last night via a friend, but it'd be nice to get in without having to do that. That and if it starts glitching for more people/everybody, it'll be inaccessible, period.

09-10-2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks. We reproduced this, and it will be fixed in the next update.

09-10-2010, 10:58 AM
Thanks, Jakis!

09-10-2010, 11:03 AM
Yup, joined one last night via a friend, but it'd be nice to get in without having to do that. That and if it starts glitching for more people/everybody, it'll be inaccessible, period.

No you could still host and join games from the world map is my point. I'm glad they found and are fixing the bug, but just FYI, you can join games in many ways. Joining through the portal, from the friend list, from the quest list, through quick join, and from the world map (where you can host or join). Try going to the world map, then tap one of the buttons in the lower left hand corner (Host Game, or Join Game). Join game takes you to a list of all active, non-full games, and you can search or filter it ;)

09-10-2010, 12:22 PM
Also you can bring up your quest page and go to the relevant dungeon from there (though this won't work for the one particular quest causing this, 'Coin Box', since it's set to send you to the cemetery).

09-11-2010, 12:10 PM
☑☀☹♥☺✂☀♧☻●☀✍☁☁☟☀✍☀✏●☝✖☚✏☀♡♢☀✏☼♤♡☚✂☄     ©®™mnnn

09-12-2010, 03:54 PM
Yup, gotcha. I understand what you were getting, just saying that I got in via joining a friend. Thankfully, all seems to be well. Well, other than Hamby breaking out in Virulent Emoticons, that is......

09-12-2010, 09:40 PM
☑☀☹♥☺✂☀♧☻●☀✍☁☁☟☀✍☀✏●☝✖☚✏☀♡♢☀✏☼♤♡☚✂☄     ©®™mnnn

☑☀☹♥☺✂☀♧☻●☀✍☁☁☟☀✍☀✏●☝✖☚✏☀♡♢☀✏☼♤♡☚✂☄     ©®&#8482

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