View Full Version : More Skills

09-10-2010, 03:11 AM
I like the skills now but I also think it would be cool if there were more to chose from like 20 or so but the max we could use at one time would still be 12 so you have to chose from what there is and leave some out. everone would be constantly reseting and playing with different varriations of skills which would rake in the cash for you and give the players a bit more originality from other characters in the game.

also I think it would be cool if instead of having just bear skills or owl skills if at lvl 2 you got to pick from all skills available at that lvl allowing for more customazation of character but this would ruin another one of my ideas of more toons that I am going to post when I have time to draw some stuff up to pass on which I heard humans are coming out and I rather see more animals than humans anyway

on a side note is there a background story to this game as to why the animals and humans are fighting if someone can provide a link ( habitat I suppose)?

09-10-2010, 07:14 AM
how many suggestions lie in this thread? idk, but the skills as they are are set in their 2 level per skill to let people try them out as they come, and not be overwhelmed. annoying for a second or third character, but essential for a beginner.