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View Full Version : Elite Items

11-11-2012, 03:29 PM
Hey guys, sorry if their was a thread on this already but I just want to listen to your opinions on the elite weapons. (l71 elite sea blaster, wave twister, marlin sword)
1) are they rare enough?
2) are they overpowered, underpowered, good for pvp?
These are some questions to get this thread started :D
Anyways :D all opinions will be appreciated!

11-11-2012, 04:02 PM
I think they are the best looking elite weaps, more than the Fire forest quest items. The Marlin sword with its shark proc & the Twister looks sick. I think they're more rare now that you can't farm them but the price hasn't rocketed up in the CS. I guess the popularity has dropped off for the latest/greatest items of Blacksmoke. I hardly see anybody using elite items anymore.

11-11-2012, 04:03 PM
because the l71 blacksmoke items are for one, cheaper than elite AND they are farmable and better...

11-11-2012, 04:15 PM
because the l71 blacksmoke items are for one, cheaper than elite AND they are farmable and better...

and they dont kill your own party members. :)

11-11-2012, 04:33 PM
Elite L71 items from the Mystery Mash dungeon are still good to use. They are rare in the sense that the Mystery Mash dungeon is no longer available.

On my mage, I still farm in Blacksmoke dungeons using my elite twister + crafted humania int set (alternating with crafted humania wand set, depending on my daily blessing elix) even though I already have the L75 int sharp set (both wand and staff set).

This is because the elite twister + humania crafted set offers higher dodge and armor compared to the L75 uncrafted int staff set. I like using the twister because the proc offers the party an added 25 armor. This translates to lesser deaths for your party which then translates to more players wanting to do runs with you :)

On my bear, I still use my Marlin Sword for farming on Blacksmoke Mountain. The big fish proc with high damage really looks cool. I still haven't completed my L75 str set but seeing that I'm doing good in my runs and players sticking with me on my runs make me think the Marlin Sword elite weapon is still good even for Blacksmoke Mountain.

On my bird, I've only used the sea blaster on my runs a very few times because of angry players who die from the bomb. I don't recommend you using this weapon on dungeon runs as you will have many haters lol. But it still fares well in CTF vs L75 uncrafted gear.

Hope this helps :)

11-11-2012, 05:22 PM
I compared the damage of marlin with the crafted bsm 2h sword (in cs) and surprisingly marlin still rocks