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View Full Version : How to spend stats/skill points depending profession

11-11-2012, 11:46 PM
Hi, I would like to start a thread advising players what is the best way to build your character depending on profession, feel free to comment.

11-12-2012, 12:03 AM
I think that builds are all a matter of opinion, though it may be nice for some noobs who have no clue as to what to do or where to start. For the most part its all about experimentation and finding out what works best for you. But are you asking someone else to write this for you? You havent even offered any information here, infact all you have done is make a statement about wanting to do something and then asked for comments about what "you" want to do? Im not following....

EDIT: I see your new based on your posts, Maybe it would be helpful if you started with stat layouts and suggestions around what ever character you currently play with. Atleast then it wouldnt sound like you are asking others to make a informational thread for you.

11-12-2012, 12:14 AM
Well I personally can't advise since I just started playing this awesome game; I have 2 different chars: warrior and rogue. Basically I want to know about other players builds to avoid myself and others players spend stat/skill points not efficiently. For instance what should i do if I wanna have a warrior/thank or a rogue/damage.

11-12-2012, 12:25 AM
Well I personally can't advise since I just started playing this awesome game; I have 2 different chars: warrior and rogue. Basically I want to know about other players builds to avoid myself and others players spend stat/skill points not efficiently. For instance what should i do if I wanna have a warrior/thank or a rogue/damage.

If you cant advise then I suggest asking questions untill you have learned enough to advise. But my point was you didnt do that. All you did was make a statment about wanting to make a thread that would give advice.

Anyways those are easy builds if you want a warrior tank then go pure strength (yes this is possible in AL unlike PL) and if you want a damage rogue then use pure dex.

Hope this helps

11-12-2012, 05:12 AM
My lvl 15 warrior is set up as follows 4;2 str/dex maxed windmill an skyward with rest in the healing buff all lvl 15 founders gear. I dont have any probs solo and i do well in elite with only 2 other party members. I read some where that its best to max str but i dont feel that way dodge is a big help imo with any tank so id recommend investing in dex some. I got enough plat to test other builds so ill add when i do.

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