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View Full Version : Gauging interest on ideas for future items?

11-12-2012, 01:59 AM
Approximately 1 year ago, I took the time, disturbed at the direction that itemization took of putting together a thread on what I considered to be the "optimal" sets for both PvE and PvP:


Seeing the direction that the game had gone, I left during the 66 days ... the ideals of what the characters represented in PvE and balance in PvP had been more or less abandoned. Briefly, I came back to see the state of the game during the 71 days, and did not find the game to my liking, having deviated even further from what I consider to be the ideal.

Anyways, I'd like to gauge interest in a contemporary version of that thread and what would be needed in the ideal item sets, seeing that each successive generation of set has deviated even further from that ideal.

11-12-2012, 02:25 AM
You sir, have a fantastic understanding of game mechanics

11-12-2012, 02:32 AM
It's hopeless Chris :(
This game could be sooooo much more so much better if they'd understand sets work from the pvp arena out. Meaning what works well in pvp works well in pve, not the other way around. Pvp is the place to judge sets, the proving ground. Pve matters less because people can supplement and make up/erase issues with pots. Not to mention other pvers.
Just some consideration, maybe a slight % adjustment in pvp arenas would be sufficient. How many old school loyal experienced helpful distinguished people must sts lose before they take action.
Pvpers spend THE MOST in terms of how small a party we are in regards to numbers and plat purchsed. Meaning so few spend so much for so little.

11-12-2012, 04:42 AM
would be interesting if any of u pvpers would design the stats of all 3 75 sets, ofc without favorizing the own played class.
would like to see if u r all on the same line