View Full Version : Resetting a daily timer

11-15-2012, 06:59 PM

I have another suggestion to make the daily timers (really in all of the games) more manageable. Give us an option to reset the timer - this way if it's trending toward too late at night we can, for example, collect day 3 at 10pm (or "too late to be up" time of your choice), reset it back to "begin day 1 countdown" the next morning at 6am and not have to lose basically 3 days...

The 3 days is based on the current only way I can see to reset. Using the day 3 example above, you ignore the day 3 coming up at 10pm and "collect" timeout message the next morning. That's cost you the day waiting for day 3 plus the portion of a day needed to get it to the time you want. Then wait another day for that reset timer to mature, that gets you to 2 days plus the offset time that was required to shift to the time you want - probably no less than 8 hours and quite likely 12 or 16 so - basically 3 days lost trying to reset the timer.

In return we give up our progress toward the day 5 but get the timer back at a good time of day without losing 3 days.

Also not hard to code I'd think and it would help to reduce frustration. I've reined in my PL playing recently from 4 accounts with collectively 20+ characters to 1 character on 1 account due to frustration with the time I waste trying to get to day 5 and failing repeatedly.