View Full Version : Guide - Forum and In-Game Acronyms and Terms

11-16-2012, 05:52 PM

This is a guide about acronyms or shortened words used on the forums and in Pocket Legends. An acronym is a word formed from the initial/first letters of other words. An example of an acronym is LOL - standing for Laugh Out Loud. In pocket legends and forums we use these acronyms often and sometimes young people or people who struggle with english don't know the meaning of these acronyms, so I am making this as a helping guide. The list is in alphabetical order and will be defined.


1337: Leet. Meaning Elite or pro.


AFK: Away From Keyboard - when someone is afk they wont be paying attention to the game, usually when someone goes to eat etc.

Aggro: When a mob/boss has attention to a player and it is attacking them, bears usually try taking as much aggro as possible.

AH: Auction House. Area where people buy and sell merchandise. Merchants usually occupy in these places.

Alt: Alternate character. Characters that are not your main characters, often used for pvp and farming.

AOE: Area Of Effect. Attacks and skills that deal damage to a large area instead of one target. Eg. Firestorm attacks more than one target so it is an AOE skill.

ASAP: As soon as possible.

ATM: At the moment

Avatar: Another word for character/toon


B) : Buying. When a player is buying something.

BRB: Be Right Back. Someone is gone/busy for a little while but they are going to come back.

BRT: Be right there - similar to OMW

BTW: By the way

BOT: An illegal tool used to hack a game, the program plays the game for you like a robot - players get banned for botting.

BSM: Black Smoke Mountain. End game dungeon for levels 68-76.

Buff: A magical enchancement that increases stats/abilities.


Class: A type/race of character eg. Mage

Craft: Make an item better by combining materials.

Crit: A dangerous hit which does more damage than usual.

CS: Consignment Shoppe/store. Where people buy and sell wares. Merchants usually occupy in the CS.


DC: Disconnected. When a player is made to quit app forcefully because of connection problem.

Debuff: Opposite of a buff, cast this on a target to lower their stats for easy kill.

DEX: Dexterity. Main attribute for archer class

DEV(S) : Developer. Creators of the game.

Drops: Item(s) you recieve from killing the monster.

DMG: Damage.

DOT: Damage over time. Eg. Roots

DPS: Damage per second. The amount of damage inflicted every second.


Epic: Colour and rarity of an item.

Exp: Experiance point. You need this to level up.

ESB: Elite Sea Blaster

EMS: Elite Marlin Sword

EWT: Elite Wave Twister


Farm(ing) : Repeatedly running and killing mobs in order to gain xp or to loot rare items1

FTL: For the loss. Usually a bad thing.

FTW: For the win. A good thing.

F2P: Free-To-Play game, for example PL.

FYI: For Your Information.


Gtg: Got to go. When someone has to leave.

GG: Good Game, in PVP

GF: Good Fight, in PVP

GJ: Good job. A praise for doing a good thing.

GM (defenition 1) : Game Master/host. Someone who makes and remakes a map

GM (defenition 2) : Guild Master. The creator and leader of a guild.

Gratz: Congratulations.

Griefer: Troublemakers which harrass other players.

Guild Griefer: Troublemaker who asks for the officer promotion in a guild and then deletes everyone in the guild.

Guild: A group of people who are in a 'family'



This guide is a work in progress - itll be ready tomorrow

11-16-2012, 06:12 PM
This guide has some more terms then the older one

11-16-2012, 06:17 PM
This guide has some more terms then the older one hehe im not finished yet there are 18 letters of the alphabet left

11-16-2012, 07:50 PM
Dont forget "china called..." it's an oldie but a goodie.

11-16-2012, 08:04 PM

11-16-2012, 08:22 PM
Nice guide. Try doing AO1/2/3 for Alien Oasis and Gh for guild hall

11-17-2012, 12:05 AM
DoD/DotD- deal of the day

11-17-2012, 05:44 AM
Nice Guide! and i have one more :3 GM = Good Morning

11-17-2012, 08:20 AM

add some of those

11-17-2012, 08:27 AM
Fml and Smd.
Jk. xD

11-17-2012, 08:48 AM
Thanks guys for your support!

11-17-2012, 11:39 AM

11-17-2012, 12:03 PM
I thought CS was equivilant to AH I still and forever will call it CS.