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View Full Version : Heros Bundle Glitched? WTF!

Pedro Lara
11-17-2012, 03:15 AM
So I purchased the 25 platinum hero bundle because I thought the armor looked pretty dope, so I did the purchase and checked my inventory and I can't equip it because it's for a Mage WTF! Did I just get scammed for my money? Is it a glitch that will be fixed? Law suit haha Jk just wondering if this has happened to others and will I get refunded my 25 plat or at least change the armor usable for a rogue. Anyways if anyone can help me please do lol, thanks.

11-17-2012, 07:16 AM
Thanks for the heads up about this issue. Please write our support team an email to support@spacetimestudios.com with the details and your character name and we will get it sorted. Thanks!