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11-17-2012, 11:33 AM
For the last 2 days nobody seems to be online. Almost none if my buddies have been online and last night I was the only person in my guild online -- never seen that happen before. Did everyone quit to play AL?

11-17-2012, 11:36 AM
Just a temporary quit

11-17-2012, 11:37 AM
many ppl say that AL is a good game so i think they quitted PL for now or just don't play PL that much for now

11-17-2012, 11:51 AM
Just about all of the steady, everyday PL players are in AL. (Will be ALL once AL is introduced to Apple.)

11-17-2012, 11:52 AM
Just about all of the steady, everyday PL players are in AL. (Will be ALL once AL is introduced to Apple.)

Yep. They've basically taken everything that I wanted in PL to AL. So I'll be there alot... I'll play PL for the occasional PvP. Not spending another 50 bucks for cap...

11-17-2012, 12:40 PM
I'm here.

11-17-2012, 12:49 PM
Just about all of the steady, everyday PL players are in AL. (Will be ALL once AL is introduced to Apple.)

Yep. They've basically taken everything that wanted in PL to AL. So I'll be there alot... I'll play PL for the occasional PvP. Not spending another 50 bucks for cap...

That's a lie, not everything

Mage till the end
11-17-2012, 12:54 PM
Al is a great game. When iOS comes out for it, when they introduce pvp, and when new cap I have a feeling there will be quite a bit more people in al

11-17-2012, 01:25 PM
Um, huh?

Make new friends? Looks like plenty of people in PL to me. At least same or similar.

11-17-2012, 01:42 PM
Black Ops.

11-17-2012, 01:46 PM
For the last 2 days nobody seems to be online. Almost none if my buddies have been online and last night I was the only person in my guild online -- never seen that happen before. Did everyone quit to play AL?

At first I thought the "Pocket Legends is losing players" stuff was a myth. I'm not so convinced anymore. The more people that transition, the more likely I am to. I love AL way better than Pl at the moment.

11-17-2012, 01:51 PM
I actually prefer PL to AL because I can play it on my iPad 4, it seems more fun, not as expensive as AL even though prices were lowered to universal outrage to their old update. All I can do is play AL on my 4.3' Android phone which sucks but hopefully it will be out in a few weeks on iOS.

There are things that annoy me about AL that I hope get sorted out, so I'm not in love with it, it's pretty decent though

11-17-2012, 01:53 PM
Halo 4

11-17-2012, 02:09 PM

11-17-2012, 02:11 PM
Heck I'll join the trend...

Guild Wars 2

11-17-2012, 02:33 PM
hey e come join us at al for now. i wont be playing on pl unless i get a 3x.

11-17-2012, 02:35 PM
I cant afford this game nemore

11-17-2012, 02:37 PM
Black Ops II, Arcane Legends, PL is dying.

11-17-2012, 02:41 PM
Ive been on AL and playing BF3 double xp from the 12th-18th!! For premium only though lol

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-17-2012, 02:54 PM
Halo iiii, black ops 2, al, obama no wonder pl is dying

11-17-2012, 03:07 PM
If you are an old vet, a pvp oldie, Pl has been dead for quite some time.
And many games have come out but AL is where a lot of the everyday Pl people are. Once it hits for apple, Pl will be a ghost town, except for the low information/noob/kid players.

11-17-2012, 03:18 PM
Yep. They've basically taken everything that wanted in PL to AL. So I'll be there alot... I'll play PL for the occasional PvP. Not spending another 50 bucks for cap... Ya thats wat i do now just go on to pvp every so often.

11-17-2012, 03:26 PM
Ya thats wat i do now just go on to pvp every so often.

I think I only go on PL now and then because it seems to "easy", so if I'm on a long car ride or something, I'll go on for the heck of it.

11-17-2012, 03:38 PM
I think I only go on PL now and then because it seems to "easy", so if I'm on a long car ride or something, I'll go on for the heck of it.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's nice to jump into a game where you're already somewhat of a success.

Edit- eh, and by "you're already somewhat of a success" I mean people in general.

11-17-2012, 06:52 PM
Yeah I've been on AL mostly because its an awesome game :P

11-17-2012, 07:15 PM
Yeah I've been on AL mostly because its an awesome game :P

11-17-2012, 07:42 PM
I'm on BO2 while waiting for AL.

11-17-2012, 08:00 PM
They've really nailed it with AL. I hope it stays nailed as well in the future updates. Thats was when PL started getting ridiculously expensive to stay endgame.

11-17-2012, 08:20 PM
They've really nailed it with AL. I hope it stays nailed as well in the future updates. Thats was when PL started getting ridiculously expensive to stay endgame.

Just a matter of time...

11-17-2012, 08:28 PM
Halo IV, black ops 2, al, obama no wonder pl is dying
PL is dying because the endgame is starting to be expensive and is unforgiving to people that aren't elixered. Humania mobs are overpowered to a small group of 65's even in custom gear. Casual gamers are giving up and veterans are not liking the way platinum is constantly popping up.
The entire population of PL are slowly transforming into juicers, and while the Scorn conquer the empty Blackstar without any resistance and crash it into the nearest sun, lots of people flee to the land of Arloria.

11-17-2012, 08:29 PM
Just a matter of time...

I wouldn't be so sure. Sts saw their mistakes and from what I can see are trying their best to eliminate those mistakes. We'll see I guess :)

11-17-2012, 08:31 PM
Just a matter of time...

Lol ikr

11-17-2012, 09:49 PM
They are all in my basement..wait what?
No jk..they are probably in al cus pl sucks (IMO, I'm an sl guy)

11-17-2012, 09:56 PM
Here's an idea: Eliminate Elte Caps completely. That would take away 99% of the drama in the future.

11-17-2012, 10:03 PM
Here's an idea: Eliminate Elte Caps completely. That would take away 99% of the drama in the future.

As well as 99% of sts' income. :\

11-18-2012, 12:26 AM
This is nothing new, I realized this around 7 months ago when DL was released...there were early signs...they were cannibalizing their own market base from DL now AL. Saturation of people keep getting thinner the more games they release. I'm just baffled why they keep releasing new games to compete with their existing ones when MMOs out there today are trying to create mega-servers where everyone's in one server playing one game. You think they'll stop in AL?...

If their own game (AL) can have an effect on PL (or any other STS MMO) like this, what about other complete and more established MMO game/developers should they decide to port to mobile? It's obvious that the reason why people are leaving PL for AL is because they found AL to be "better"...in that case, these established MMO game/developers will completely destroy any STS MMO because they have the fan base, track record, etc. I heard WoW will port to mobile next year or the next, if and when that happens, STS games will become a forgotten thing, there's no way they can compete with a Blizzard MMO with 10million strong subscribers (Blizzard plans to link their mobile WoW to the PC WoW, so they're planning to bring in their millions of customers to mobile). Once Blizzard gets into the mobile market, expect their rivals to hop in too, Arenanet, Bioware, Funcom, Trion, etc...I don't think STS games has what it takes to bang with these guys being a PC MMO player myself. The quality is lightyears apart sorry, it's the truth. Just no way. STS is enjoying the luxury of being "alone" in this mobile industry. STS hasn't really been put to the test in a sense the competition is almost non-existent. They are creating their own competition by releasing multiple games. We will see how STS will do once these giants come into the picture. So again, If their own game (AL), a far from being a complete MMO, can cause cause this much negative impact on their own games, imagine what a complete and true MMO can do to them. That being said, I think they're just trying to make the most out of it. They're living on borrowed time, until the big boys come into the picture.

WOW on mobile, thoughts?
Bookmark it: http://toucharcade.com/2012/03/20/world-of-warcraft-mobile-is-still-a-thing-that-could-happen/

11-18-2012, 12:41 AM
This is nothing new, I realized this around 7 months ago when DL was released...there were early signs...they were cannibalizing their own market base from DL now AL. Saturation of people keep getting thinner the more games they release. I'm just baffled why they keep releasing new games to compete with their existing ones when MMOs out there today are trying to create mega-servers where everyone's in one server playing one game. You think they'll stop in AL?...

If their own game (AL) can have an effect on PL (or any other STS MMO) like this, what about other complete and more established MMO game/developers should they decide to port to mobile? It's obvious that the reason why people are leaving PL for AL is because they found AL to be "better"...in that case, these established MMO game/developers will completely destroy any STS MMO because they have the fan base, track record, etc. I heard WoW will port to mobile next year or the next, if and when that happens, STS games will become a forgotten thing, there's no way they can compete with a Blizzard MMO with 10million strong subscribers (Blizzard plans to link their mobile WoW to the PC WoW, so they're planning to bring in their millions of customers to mobile, the real "caesar" of MMO will attempt to take the throne away from STS, and I don't think they will put up much of a fight really). Once Blizzard gets into the mobile market, expect their rivals to hop in too, Arenanet, Bioware, Funcom, etc...I don't think STS games has what it takes to bang with these guys being a PC MMO player myself. Just no way. STS is enjoying the luxury of being "alone" in this mobile industry. Those days are soon to end. If their own game (AL), a far from being a complete MMO, can cause cause this much negative impact on their own games, imagine what a complete and true MMO can do. GG STS. Matter of time, I think they're just trying to make the most out of it at this point.
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol

11-18-2012, 01:43 AM
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol

A little advice, your life always comes first. There was a year in my 30's where I was addicted to my computer and even blew off my sister who took time to go to a movie with me. She left in tears and I still regret that. I can't get that year back or the times I was glued to my iPad instead of living my life.

The videogame and mobile game addiction is one reason many women and men simply quit for their own mental well being, their loved ones and realizing they want to live a real life, not an imaginary one.

You only get one life, one chance.

11-18-2012, 01:58 AM
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol

A little advice, your life always comes first. There was a year in my 30's where I was addicted to my computer and even blew off my sister who took time to go to a movie with me. She left in tears and I still regret that. I can't get that year back or the times I was glued to my iPad instead of living my life.

The videogame and mobile game addiction is one reason many women and men simply quit for their own mental well being, their loved ones and realizing they want to live a real life, not an imaginary one.

You only get one life, one chance.
Ur exactly right, thats what i have realized, i seriously have given EVERYTHIN i own in pl away except a couple things, main reason was not bcuz AL but because i need to worry bout RL ,next step is to get off these forums lol its kinda hard when you talk to these people evryday now
I thought maybr givin it all away would unmotivate me to play, but then they release AL ugh fml :p

11-18-2012, 02:32 AM
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol

It's the game. Once a gamer, always a gamer. You made a mistake of investing on a game without looking at your other options. People have been bragging (or telling) here how much they've spent on Pocket Legends and they probably feel good about it but in truth they're not as smart street-wise for spending...$500 to a whopping $1000...even more over a game when you can spend less for more...are you one of those? If yes, then I feel bad for you...not because you spent the money (for all we know, you're a richie rich), but because you missed out on so many other beautiful games that you're oblivious about...and probably deserving more of your money.

What if I tell you that you can set up a powerful PC that can run the best MMOs in the market today at medium to high performance for the same amount or less? I assembled my own PC for way below $500 and I could play games like WoW, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Tera Online, SWTOR, Diablo 3, etc. name it, I can play it, maybe a little upgrade here and there but minimal cost. The leap in quality is very huge both in graphics quality and content quality. I have to literally lower my standard to be able to appreciate a mobile game such as PL or even AL I still have to lower my standard, it's the truth, since I'm coming from PC. So why do I play mobiles games such as PL? Well...curiosity, that's about it...I want to be in the middle of things when technology happens...I still think mobile gaming is the future...but not quite there yet. So I want to be here while it's still not there yet...I'm a sucker for knowing things first hand, I just want to be there when it happens. I'm playing PL/SL/DL/AL and O&C, just fooling around nothing serious really...I just want to say that I'm also in the mobile scene...that's it...but if I want to put on my game face, I turn to my PC MMOs :D

Anyway, as for your personal life, gaming and life can co-exist. I make money out of gaming. I have my own son review games for me because I believe kids have the best points of view when it comes to games. We're a family of gamers, I have relatives who probably makes more money playing games and having a time of their lives than lawyers and other professionals :D So don't look at gaming as something bad in life. If it's indeed your interest, it has its own industry in the professional world and has place in everyone's lives. You just have to figure out how you'll channel it into something good. Don't go against your interest, for all you know, it's where your future lies ;D Gaming is just like any other hobby that you can turn into a business or a profession. Very well...on topic, where did everyone go? Arcane Legends...:D

11-18-2012, 02:40 AM
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol

It's the game. Once a gamer, always a gamer. You made a mistake of investing on a game without looking at your other options. People have been bragging (or telling) here how much they've spent on Pocket Legends and they feel good about it probably but in truth they're dumb street-wise for spending...$500 to a whopping $1000...even more over a game when you can spend less for more...are you one of those? If yes, then I feel bad for you...

What if I tell you that you can set up a powerful PC that can run the best MMOs in the market today at medium to high performance for the same amount or less? I assembled my own PC for way below $500 and I could play games like WoW, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Tera Online, SWTOR, Diablo 3, etc. name it, I can play it, maybe a little upgrade here and there but minimal cost. The leap in quality is very huge both in graphics quality and content quality. I have to literally lower my standard to be able to appreciate a mobile game such as PL,, it's the truth, since I'm coming from PC. So why do I play mobiles games such as PL? Well...curiosity, that's about it...I want to be in the middle of things when technology happens...I still think mobile gaming is the future...but not quite there yet. So I want to be here while it's still not there yet...I'm a sucker for knowing things first hand, I just want to be there when it happens. I'm playing PL/SL/DL/AL and O&C, just fooling around nothing serious really...I just want to say that I'm also in the mobile scene...that's it...but if I want to put on my game face, I turn to my PC MMOs :D

Anyway, as for your personal life, gaming and life can co-exist. I make money out of gaming. I have my own son review games for me because I believe kids have the best points of view when it comes to games. We're a family of gamers :D So don't look at gaming as something bad in life. If it's indeed your interest, it has its own industry in the professional world and has place in everyone's lives. You just have to figure out how you'll channel it into something good. Don't go against your interest, for all you know, it's where your future lies ;D Gaming is just like any other hobby that you can turn into a business or a profession. Very well...on topic, where did everyone go? Arcane Legends...:D

All im goin to say is ive spent 100$ or less on this game, but really i didnt spend nothin, i do really love the mobile part, cause i was never a big system buyer or pc user, just my lil android

11-18-2012, 05:56 PM
It's the game. Once a gamer, always a gamer. You made a mistake of investing on a game without looking at your other options. People have been bragging (or telling) here how much they've spent on Pocket Legends and they probably feel good about it but in truth they're not as smart street-wise for spending...$500 to a whopping $1000...even more over a game when you can spend less for more...are you one of those? If yes, then I feel bad for you...not because you spent the money (for all we know, you're a richie rich), but because you missed out on so many other beautiful games that you're oblivious about...and probably deserving more of your money.

What if I tell you that you can set up a powerful PC that can run the best MMOs in the market today at medium to high performance for the same amount or less? I assembled my own PC for way below $500 and I could play games like WoW, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Tera Online, SWTOR, Diablo 3, etc. name it, I can play it, maybe a little upgrade here and there but minimal cost. The leap in quality is very huge both in graphics quality and content quality. I have to literally lower my standard to be able to appreciate a mobile game such as PL or even AL I still have to lower my standard, it's the truth, since I'm coming from PC. So why do I play mobiles games such as PL? Well...curiosity, that's about it...I want to be in the middle of things when technology happens...I still think mobile gaming is the future...but not quite there yet. So I want to be here while it's still not there yet...I'm a sucker for knowing things first hand, I just want to be there when it happens. I'm playing PL/SL/DL/AL and O&C, just fooling around nothing serious really...I just want to say that I'm also in the mobile scene...that's it...but if I want to put on my game face, I turn to my PC MMOs :D

Anyway, as for your personal life, gaming and life can co-exist. I make money out of gaming. I have my own son review games for me because I believe kids have the best points of view when it comes to games. We're a family of gamers, I have relatives who probably makes more money playing games and having a time of their lives than lawyers and other professionals :D So don't look at gaming as something bad in life. If it's indeed your interest, it has its own industry in the professional world and has place in everyone's lives. You just have to figure out how you'll channel it into something good. Don't go against your interest, for all you know, it's where your future lies ;D Gaming is just like any other hobby that you can turn into a business or a profession. Very well...on topic, where did everyone go? Arcane Legends...:D

Yea, at the moment I'm testing AL.
And reading many of vampinoy's posts I think I might give some games a shot.
Instead of buying another one or two plat packs I might just upgrade my old quad Core PC and give a few games a try.
Atm, I'm don't feel like wasting any more real life money on PL.
And the feeling of accomplishment doesn't last very long in PL anyways, there's always something to grind for.
I might jump in here and there, but I really need to let it go...

Well, Vampinoy... I hate to say it, but ur right when u say we spent too much already on PL

The Flash
11-18-2012, 06:18 PM
People just need to learn how to manage there time. I'm a professional runner and still have time to play PL and hit elite on 3 toons. I however sub some of the time with money. time is money and money is time. I spend on avarage 2-3 hours playing and when a new cap come I play 1-2 days straight but tone it down ones I capped my toon. Just learn to mange your time is all.

11-18-2012, 06:21 PM
Time management, I manage to study, work, play other games, PL, and have time for family :)

11-18-2012, 06:35 PM
This is nothing new, I realized this around 7 months ago when DL was released...there were early signs...they were cannibalizing their own market base from DL now AL. Saturation of people keep getting thinner the more games they release. I'm just baffled why they keep releasing new games to compete with their existing ones when MMOs out there today are trying to create mega-servers where everyone's in one server playing one game. You think they'll stop in AL?...

If their own game (AL) can have an effect on PL (or any other STS MMO) like this, what about other complete and more established MMO game/developers should they decide to port to mobile? It's obvious that the reason why people are leaving PL for AL is because they found AL to be "better"...in that case, these established MMO game/developers will completely destroy any STS MMO because they have the fan base, track record, etc. I heard WoW will port to mobile next year or the next, if and when that happens, STS games will become a forgotten thing, there's no way they can compete with a Blizzard MMO with 10million strong subscribers (Blizzard plans to link their mobile WoW to the PC WoW, so they're planning to bring in their millions of customers to mobile). Once Blizzard gets into the mobile market, expect their rivals to hop in too, Arenanet, Bioware, Funcom, Trion, etc...I don't think STS games has what it takes to bang with these guys being a PC MMO player myself. The quality is lightyears apart sorry, it's the truth. Just no way. STS is enjoying the luxury of being "alone" in this mobile industry. STS hasn't really been put to the test in a sense the competition is almost non-existent. They are creating their own competition by releasing multiple games. We will see how STS will do once these giants come into the picture. So again, If their own game (AL), a far from being a complete MMO, can cause cause this much negative impact on their own games, imagine what a complete and true MMO can do to them. That being said, I think they're just trying to make the most out of it. They're living on borrowed time, until the big boys come into the picture.

WOW on mobile, thoughts?
Bookmark it: http://toucharcade.com/2012/03/20/world-of-warcraft-mobile-is-still-a-thing-that-could-happen/


Yes I completely agree, it's just the fact that STS made AL into a game that closely resembles PL's theme, it makes PL look like a game for five year olds.

So why do I bother posting here? Because fortunately, if it wasn't for the devs who interact with out players, our community wouldn't be close. Too many good friends here :)

In honesty too, I'm only a freshman in high school. Sure, I work hard, I play soccer at a very high level as well as some volleyball. Because (in my view) PL has been taking a "down fall". When I get older, I won't be investing anymore time here. AL will be the new game for me anyway.

11-18-2012, 07:29 PM
People just need to learn how to manage there time. I'm a professional runner and still have time to play PL and hit elite on 3 toons. I however sub some of the time with money. time is money and money is time. I spend on avarage 2-3 hours playing and when a new cap come I play 1-2 days straight but tone it down ones I capped my toon. Just learn to mange your time is all.

I don't think there's a problem with time management rather than with spending a lot of real life money for ... Yea what?
I'm pretty sure bragging about my accomplishments in PL to my family or friends in real life would make me look like a nerd. PL changed a lot, and unfortunately it's too fast paced for me. As u say, after u cap ur toons u still play 2-3 hours a day? I have to ask myself if I wanna spend that much time after work for a game that makes me spend a lot of money (yea, it's a free game if u don't want the best gear, that is).

When AL came out, I took another break from PL and now... I don't miss it anymore.
Maybe it's time to explore other online games and see if there's something out there for less money.
Just saying, If by end of the year u see how much u spent for this game it makes u wanna cry cause u realize what other cool stuff u could have afforded in real life instead of always being under the first ones to cap or getting pinks that will be worthless after 2 months. To me it has no actual meaning any more.

11-18-2012, 07:40 PM
Halo 4.

11-18-2012, 07:41 PM
Halo 4 + Borderlands 2 + School + Technology + Arcane Legends + League of Legends + modding the **** out of Minecraft = where I've been for the last week

11-18-2012, 07:53 PM
Only if I could afford another PS3 :(

AL doesn't hacve anything special. Just love the new names I have..prob y I even play -__-

I'd gladly give all thus up for a PS3...:dread:

lol I could finally rush people nd let them team my RPG-7 ;)

11-18-2012, 09:34 PM
People just need to learn how to manage there time. I'm a professional runner and still have time to play PL and hit elite on 3 toons. I however sub some of the time with money. time is money and money is time. I spend on avarage 2-3 hours playing and when a new cap come I play 1-2 days straight but tone it down ones I capped my toon. Just learn to mange your time is all.

That's not even what this is about for me. I don't want to give too much of my money to make someone else comfy and won't. This game is not a public service, they are getting paid. They gotta put food on their families plates and so do I.

The prices in AL are still too high. STS are used to a certain way of receiving and they aren't going to give that up. Spending money on imaginary things for imaginary characters in a MMORPG....It's fun at times, a distraction but I would rather play a full game with no nickel and diming honestly or a subscription model. I kind of miss WoW and Everquest II lol

11-19-2012, 05:14 AM
I heard WoW will port to mobile next year or the next, if and when that happens, STS games will become a forgotten thing, there's no way they can compete with a Blizzard MMO with 10million strong subscribers (Blizzard plans to link their mobile WoW to the PC WoW, so they're planning to bring in their millions of customers to mobile). WOW on mobile, thoughts?
Bookmark it: http://toucharcade.com/2012/03/20/world-of-warcraft-mobile-is-still-a-thing-that-could-happen/

i hope it wont happen, i would play it 24/7... end of RL...

11-19-2012, 06:45 AM
i hope it wont happen, i would play it 24/7... end of RL...

Here's more news: http://www.mmogames.com/gamenews/4990/project-fiona-the-future-of-mobile-mmo-gaming/

Future of Mobile MMO gaming: Project Fiona!


That article cited Pocket Legends and quote "Why bother with pocket legends when you can boot up Star Wars: The Old Republic on the bus?".

Those kind of articles are all over the internet. People recognize this fact that mobile MMO market is currently "untouched" by the big players. That's a fact. It's almost as if everyone's waiting for WoW to make its move as Rift, Minecraft, and SWTOR has also been alluded to be portable in this future technology through this device, together with other console games.

You see this thread was started by a question, "where did everyone go?", today, we can say they went to Arcane Legends...in the very near future, when all the big players have entered the mobile industry...the question will become "Who will even want to stay here?" :D

With the current technology and hints of different developers and MMO insiders, you know the MMO giants are just waiting for the right time, and I'm very surprised that STS doesn't seem to look like it's fortifying its defenses for this inevitable influx of competitors, instead of strengthening their player base by creating one big mega-server and establish loyalty...they spread everyone out and weaken their player base. SL basically never took off, PL is probably has seen its prime days, DL just cannibalized unsatisfied customers in SL and PL, and now AL practically rescued PL's remaining disappointed player base. So what STS have so far is a very confused community that's been hopping their games for 3 years, this begs the question for players now, "where do I really stick my loyalty to?" When these giants come into the picture, it will be so easy to convince these players out of this confusing pattern set by STS to migrate to their game because the foundation keeps on getting shaken in STS community...:D

PS: More vids of Project Fiona out there. It's the real deal, and if you're an MMO fan (or a gamer for that matter), you should watch out for this one. That's literally a Portable PC even more powerful than your current console games (mobile phone gaming will become a joke when this baby reaches the market) and I think most MMOs are just waiting for this to be mass produced, It can run Skyrim on Ultra Settings for crying out loud, it got big guns alright ;D Couple of years ago I'd laugh at the idea...

11-19-2012, 11:32 AM
Here's more news: http://www.mmogames.com/gamenews/4990/project-fiona-the-future-of-mobile-mmo-gaming/

Future of Mobile MMO gaming: Project Fiona!


That article cited Pocket Legends and quote "Why bother with pocket legends when you can boot up Star Wars: The Old Republic on the bus?".

Those kind of articles are all over the internet. People recognize this fact that mobile MMO market is currently "untouched" by the big players. That's a fact. It's almost as if everyone's waiting for WoW to make its move as Rift, Minecraft, and SWTOR has also been alluded to be portable in this future technology through this device, together with other console games.

You see this thread was started by a question, "where did everyone go?", today, we can say they went to Arcane Legends...in the very near future, when all the big players have entered the mobile industry...the question will become "Who will even want to stay here?" :D

With the current technology and hints of different developers and MMO insiders, you know the MMO giants are just waiting for the right time, and I'm very surprised that STS doesn't seem to look like it's fortifying its defenses for this inevitable influx of competitors, instead of strengthening their player base by creating one big mega-server and establish loyalty...they spread everyone out and weaken their player base. SL basically never took off, PL is probably has seen its prime days, DL just cannibalized unsatisfied customers in SL and PL, and now AL practically rescued PL's remaining disappointed player base. So what STS have so far is a very confused community that's been hopping their games for 3 years, this begs the question for players now, "where do I really stick my loyalty to?" When these giants come into the picture, it will be so easy to convince these players out of this confusing pattern set by STS to migrate to their game because the foundation keeps on getting shaken in STS community...:D

PS: More vids of Project Fiona out there. It's the real deal, and if you're an MMO fan (or a gamer for that matter), you should watch out for this one. That's literally a Portable PC even more powerful than your current console games (mobile phone gaming will become a joke when this baby reaches the market) and I think most MMOs are just waiting for this to be mass produced, It can run Skyrim on Ultra Settings for crying out loud, it got big guns alright ;D Couple of years ago I'd laugh at the idea...

Sometime I'm just gonna go to all of your posts and thank every one of them. You seriously deserve it. Everytime you post, it's another freaking essay. And I love every word of it ;) Good stuff, man.

11-19-2012, 11:49 AM
Looks Good cuz I'm confused with whether I'm playing AL or SL I can't tell anymore lol XD All my guild has migrated to AL and Star Legends has only got PvP to keep me coming back to it! ah I've just had an amazing idea. I'm gona post it Lolz. cheers Bro :-)

11-19-2012, 02:19 PM
I actually watched a YouTube video of arcane legends last night after reading much of the responses in this thread. It does look really good. Looks like it may be harder to play (more details always means there is more things to worry about and harder to play). But it's possible more people like that.

One of the things I always liked about PL was its simplicity. Does AL have the same kind of simplicity or is it much more complicated??

Also, I noticed the improved graphics, but I wonder why they couldn't port better graphics over to PL in a future update as well.

11-19-2012, 02:22 PM
Yeah It's Simple. Just hack and slash really ^_^ plus thinking about pets and fun with storylines and quests.
You should try it on chrome or flash ;-)

11-19-2012, 02:41 PM
I've tried playing PL on my PC, and I just can't play an action game with a mouse and keyboard. I much prefer a touch screen. When I play PL on my PC I like that I can type well, so I do much of my merching from the PC. But when it comes time to run the dungeons, I use my iPad or iPhone.

11-19-2012, 02:43 PM
just give it a try k :-)
Hopefully it will be released by the evil ios app market soon lol XD

11-19-2012, 03:32 PM
Unless STS future competitors' games are free to play, I'll be sticking with STS.

As for right now, I think PL will be just fine. AL is the new kid on the block and getting all the attention (and is a really fun game), but that novelty of a new game will eventually wear off for a lot of people. Not all, mind you, but a lot. I'm sure PL lost some players when both SL and DL came out, but overall it's still going strong. I don't think AL will kill it. PL is still my main game of the bunch, personally.

11-19-2012, 04:00 PM
You should visit my new thread on an idea that brings all of sts games into one big game to keep the community together in the games:


That should resolve most issues of people disappearing or jumping to other MMO games if it gets approved. It's only an idea right now but hey Ho I'd love to recieve your feedback.

Brave Sir Robin
11-19-2012, 11:43 PM
As for right now, I think PL will be just fine. AL is the new kid on the block and getting all the attention (and is a really fun game), but that novelty of a new game will eventually wear off for a lot of people. Not all, mind you, but a lot. I'm sure PL lost some players when both SL and DL came out, but overall it's still going strong. I don't think AL will kill it. PL is still my main game of the bunch, personally.

I agree.

Also, some people get discouraged because they see PL players leaving for AL. Well it could be the other way around too at some point: many players whose first STS game was AL might want to try PL when they get bored of AL.

11-20-2012, 01:07 AM
Since PL started losing alot of its vet players, I gave up on the game. Community seems broken apart and inactive. I will try out AL but will not spend nowhere near as much money as I have with PL. Nor will I spend another dime on PL ever again. It would be a horrible decision at this point. Adding up all the money I have spent, I could have easily bought a new ipad mini :(

11-20-2012, 01:26 AM
I agree.

Also, some people get discouraged because they see PL players leaving for AL. Well it could be the other way around too at some point: many players whose first STS game was AL might want to try PL when they get bored of AL.

That's a very optimistic way of looking at it. You're saying these STS games will feed off each other and eventually people will just go in circles hopping between STS games. That is assuming there will be no competition :D

I just provided articles and a video that will prove that the market will soon be saturated by PC MMORPGs...so in your equation, include the likes of World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Firefall, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Warhammer, Tera Online, Neverwinter, Lineage, Elder Scrolls Online, Secret World, etc. and tell me, how in the world will you convince someone to re-roll to another game that is STS if these are also available to you? :D In fact, let's roleplay now, assuming I'm an STS player and you're STS, how will you convince me to stay given those other available games :D Why should I pick you?

The only thing that will prevent these giants from ROFLstomping STS, Gameloft's O&C, and other existing mobile MMOs is if they create a very solid and loyal player base (Also know as FANBOYS who will defend and stick with STS no matter what)...which is exactly what they're all not doing (In fact, they're weakening and confusing their player base every time they release new games), there's no sense of fanboyism in STS at all because the community is divided internally already LOL :D Anyway, these things are about to unfold as early as the end of this year...so things can get pretty ugly here very fast, if you have any experience with PC MMORPGs, a game can lose hundreds and thousands of players in a month (look at SWTOR, probably lost near half a million subs already in a couple of months) just because of competition *cough*Guildwars 2*cough*...does PL have hundreds and thousands of players as buffer in preparation for this oncoming competition? :D If not, then it's far from being fine, these incoming games from PC MMO all have a history of sucking the life out of each other in terms of player base, so it's not extreme to assume that all these games can suck the life out of all STS games when they come into the picture...they're already doing that presently :D Case in point, when GW2 came into t0he picture, SWTOR lost half a million subscribers and WoW also lost near a million subscribers (even more probably)....guess what, GW2 in its first month had 2 million purchases (So simple addition right?).

If you're talking now, yes, they're fine, but if you start looking at the latest buzz...you know something big will storm the mobile scene very soon...they're already probably ****ting their pants right now at the thought :D

11-20-2012, 01:46 AM
I just provided articles and a video that will prove that the market will soon be saturated by PC MMORPGs...so in your equation, include the likes of World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Firefall, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Warhammer, Tera Online, Neverwinter, Lineage, Elder Scrolls Online, Secret World, etc. and tell me, how in the world will you convince someone to re-roll to another game that is STS if these are also available to you? :D In fact, let's roleplay now, assuming I'm an STS player, how will you convince me to stay given those other available games :D

STS games = completely free, no purchase required to play.

All others you mentioned = cost $$$ to purchase + subscription in some cases.

For me personally, that's pretty much all I need to know. Plus, there are probably many others like me whose first introduction to this type of gaming was through STS. That counts for a lot, I think. I've never played any of those other games you mentioned, and honestly, I have no interest in doing so.

11-20-2012, 01:59 AM
STS games = completely free, no purchase required to play.

All others you mentioned = cost $$$ to purchase + subscription in some cases.

For me personally, that's pretty much all I need to know. Plus, there are probably many others like me whose first introduction to this type of gaming was through STS. That counts for a lot, I think. I've never played any of those other games you mentioned, and honestly, I have no interest in doing so.

We'll see :D

For me and thousands of people who liked the Fan Page of Project Fiona, it's a very attractive proposition to have a handheld device that will allow me access to dozens of top MMOs that are all free-to-play...and in the many years to come. Unless you plan on playing PL until the end of days (I swear I also said I won't play other games aside from Mario and Luigi)...long term...that will be the ideal investment for mobile gaming...it's a one-stop-shop of all giant MMOs (PC gaming in general) available versus a single game (or four)?... :D If everyone had your ideology, we'd still be stuck playing Mario and Luigi, Donkey Kong, Megaman, Doom, etc. because all those consoles that played those games such as Atari, MS-DOS, Famicom, NES, playstations, XBox, Wii, they all were the "it" then, and people jumped over to the new gen and embraced evolution.. :D ...this is evolution I'm referring to...not just games. Who thought a portable PC will happen this soon? It just so happens that PC also houses the best MMOs in the market which will directly take STS games head on.

PS: The fact that you haven't played those other games plays a huge role in your opinion...play them first, before you say those are the only things you need to know :D When I played Mario and Luigi, I thought I'd never enjoy another game again because that game also introduced me to gaming and so much sentimental value...until I discovered the rest, of course. Evolution is a beautiful thing, when I bought my first Iphone, it costs money, I bought my PC, it cost money, I bought my playstation it cost money...that's how evolution is, they just happen very fast now compared to the days of Mario and Luigi. This is evolution...it's the next gen of mobile gaming, people will buy this new technology just as how they embraced ps2, ps3, now ps4...you'd have to be fanboy to go against it...which is exactly what STS needs in order to survive this inevitable thing, I'm just surprised they're not taking aggressive measures to prepare for this to at least survive a little longer :D In any case, this thing is the future...not many appreciates talking about these kind of things, so I'll stop here. Will bring it up again when Project Fiona arrives.

11-20-2012, 02:01 AM
Since PL started losing alot of its vet players, I gave up on the game. Community seems broken apart and inactive. I will try out AL but will not spend nowhere near as much money as I have with PL. Nor will I spend another dime on PL ever again. It would be a horrible decision at this point. Adding up all the money I have spent, I could have easily bought a new ipad mini :(
U bought Sam a new ipad mini its ok some one will enjoy it :/

;) see u in AL

11-20-2012, 02:55 AM
U bought Sam a new ipad mini its ok some one will enjoy it :/

;) see u in AL

Lol ikr so true. You welcome sam!

11-20-2012, 03:29 AM
If everyone had your ideology, we'd still be stuck playing Mario and Luigi, Donkey Kong, Megaman, Doom, etc.

We don't still play those? I do.

The fact that you haven't played those other games plays a huge role in your opinion...play them first, before you say those are the only things you need to know :D

No thanks, because they're too expensive. Hence why STS still has the leg up IMO. If these other games are totally free, I may check them out one day.

Look, you might be right, but who's to say that these other mobile MMO games that are supposedly "coming" will actually be better games anyway. PC and mobile platforms are still very different. It's all conjecture at this point. Maybe STS should worry, maybe not. All I know is that I'm not worried.

And, for the love of God, it's called Super Mario Brothers. Not "Mario and Luigi"

11-20-2012, 03:52 AM
Sts games are not completely free though, it may be everyones intentions to not pay a dime towards these "free" games but STS pressure us to buy plat with plat adverts like the old deal of the day pop ups, other players wearing ultra cool plat armour and vanities. Self Revs, sticking a direct link to the plat store on our ingame screen, plat sales, special apps to download offering free plat and then them messing up and putting bloatware on our devices so we give up spending hours downloading them and decide to buy plat out right. There is more, but you get the point.
I've spent more money on "free" sts games than any game I've played be it pc games or console games. Sts games are actually rather expensive if you want the same advantage as the other top players. So your point is valid to an extent. But in no way are they free for everybody.

We've paid the price and I'm confused as Hell to which game to play- SL or AL and which to invest more cash in before the game is dropped in favour of the next fad Sts game. The only way they can please everyone in my opinion is bring back the plat transference between each game.
Or create one big game that involved all of the games at once with a shared /friend chat system and global hub that players can meet up in and travel to there Desired sts game world.

11-20-2012, 05:51 AM
I've spent more in SL/StS games than I ever would have liked too in any subscription games, however everything I have purchased is mostly Vanity being my decision to do so. If a game is taking the right turns them I'm always there to help fund where and when I can. (Pretty much all my Capping x3's has been Juiceless)

On Topic; SL is a ghost town, or more specifically my friends list (2k+) meaning people are still playing them but they are new people and when running any level with them even at cap, you feel like you've run a pug game with them from back last year. AL has covered everything, and I'm sure it will continue to grow even further when iOS join, StS better be ready to fix the stability of these servers or it's going to be mayhem.

The trend will only continue with new tech = better gaming experience each 6 months.

The only poor thing that I knew wasn't going to happened in AL, was the "revolutionary" change in StS Plat Sales including Free Respec's = Lies, Free Inventory Slots = Lies. (If never planned why make out it was going to be possible, just to add further hype)

11-20-2012, 06:12 AM
That's just it. It's your decision whether or not you want to buy plat. Nobody puts a gun to your head. I very rarely buy plat (total amount is probably less than $50) and I'm perfectly happy. But even if you do buy plat, at least you're spending money for something you already know you like, so it's not a gamble. With the other games, the wallet has to come out before you even do anything.

The world is much different now than it was even 5 years ago. People don't blindly spend money anymore on entertainment like they used to. If you ask me, STS has the right business model by providing the content for free and then getting people to spend money on perks. If these other games that are supposed to be coming out don't have a similar approach, I don't think they'll reach as large an audience, no matter how good the game is.

11-20-2012, 07:04 AM
That's just it. It's your decision whether or not you want to buy plat. Nobody puts a gun to your head. I very rarely buy plat (total amount is probably less than $50) and I'm perfectly happy. But even if you do buy plat, at least you're spending money for something you already know you like, so it's not a gamble. With the other games, the wallet has to come out before you even do anything.

The world is much different now than it was even 5 years ago. People don't blindly spend money anymore on entertainment like they used to. If you ask me, STS has the right business model by providing the content for free and then getting people to spend money on perks. If these other games that are supposed to be coming out don't have a similar approach, I don't think they'll reach as large an audience, no matter how good the game is.

I agree, the world is definitely different now, it evolves a lot faster. Naturally, you will want to spend your hard earned money on nothing but the best especially when it comes to entertainment...sadly, STS games and other iOS/Android apps will instantly become "not the best" once the PC tablet breaks into the scene. That's a fact. Spec wise, there's no mobile phone/notebook/tablets that would rival an actual PC tablet unless they're modified, not even close, an i7 CPU in a small device? Sweet mother of geekiness. This tablet can instantly run the BEST games out in the PC market of ALL GENRES (including MMOs), and THAT, my friend, is getting your money's worth. Why would you now spend on something less than the best? :D

STS' business model is not unique to them, in fact, they just copied it from many existing PC MMORPGs. Most notable ones that I played that are F2P with in-game cash shops before Pocket Legends even launched: Lord of the Rings Online (2007), Dungeons and Dragons Online (2006), Guildwars 1 (2005). Today, many PC MMOs are going free to play, that's right, just like STS games. Star Wars: Old Republic just went free to play. :D

Not reaching to large audience? You're talking about MMOs that were able to house "millions and millions" of players actively playing even today...can you imagine millions of players in one game? Do you even understand how big that is? ;O I doubt PL even surpasses the 100,000 mark on active players, and that's another perk this game will offer in the future...your ability to play with literally millions of other active players, IDK about you, but that's pretty attractive to me as an online gamer. These giants are bringing their millions of supporters. I think that's the last thing that will happen...not being able to reach to large audience...they already have, and they're bringing them to mobile :D That's the idea of this new tech, the PC crossing over to mobile tablet. It's going to be hard not to take a peek when these new techs happen. Well...totally up to you at the end of the day, it's just a game as they say. This is just a little eye opener :D Hope it served its purpose.

PS: Just a little trivia of recent events (I've been following this tech for a while now). CEO of Razer said if they get 10k likes in Facebook, they will definitely push through with the project...he got it in a day...:D

Below is the link of that Facebook post, let the hype begin:

11-20-2012, 07:29 AM
Black ops

11-20-2012, 09:09 AM
@vampinoy: I agree that Project Fiona looks really cool. The only problem is that it is yet another device to carry. I already haul around an Android phone and an Android Tablet. Sometimes, when I have to travel for work, I also carry a Laptop. I certainly don't need another device to lug around, charge at night and pay a data plan on.

The greatest thing about games like PL, DL, AL, SL is that it runs on the only device you've always got on you - your cell phone.

Granted, I also see the erosion of active players, and I've lost more friends than I can count to other games. I am afraid that cannibalization of members by AL has dealt a near-death blow to the PL economy. These day's I am lucky to break even on merching. The Humania items have lost tremendous value and the Blacksmoke items are grossly overpriced. Stalwart items like Glyph have fallen off a cliff and, with the exception of lvl 61, Fang items are worthless.

I think it all goes back to the breakdown of cooperative team play. I run in A LOT of PUGs and in the past year, I have seen a steep decline in the skill and teamwork of the mainstream player. On average, players are less skilled, more impatient and far more rude than ever - perhaps a sign of the times, I don't know. Even PvP seems less alluring than before - and I don't really mind rushers too much (never thought I'd actually excuse that behavior in defense of PvP).

Honestly, I just don't feel as engaged as I used to compared with the Sewers cap. There was a time when the Devs were very active and visible in game. There was a time when good team play was the secret sauce to successful farming and leveling. Now, it just feels like, in order to move forward and have any success in game, you have to be juiced up on an assortment of elixirs.

Just the other night, while farming for OBDs, I kept dying at the hands of those uber-powerful Yeti's in Humania - yet the (horrible) team I was running with were all wearing crafted Humania items and I was using my crafted wand set, but I was still being one/two hit killed by Yeti. The balance is clearly off when a well equipped group has trouble with level appropriate maps. As odd as it seems, I have more success with Magma Fields than South Point Village.

Personally, I think that a lot of attention has to be paid to team play and community. With the flurry of updates and new maps, it's the team and communal aspects which have suffered the most.

Even my regular pink giveaways has annoyed me of late. During my last giveaway, I had a rather large stockpile of Nuri pinks and Swamp pinks. When I gave a few guys Reptilian items and Swamp Rat items, I see a bunch of comments in chat about "He's only giving away Reptilian, no Glyph, forget it" or "Swamp Rat? Don't you have anything better?" I mean, seriously, you bunch of ingrates - if you don't like it, don't play along or give away your own stash. I've given away millions in pinks, and true, there may be some AO junk, but that's what I have farmed, so that's what I have....it makes me want to just stop the giveaways entirely.

Even though I play AL, I think that it is the community that keeps me in PL - unfortunately, it is the community in PL that is letting me down lately. Maybe it is because of the exodus of the veteran players - I'm not sure, but on the current trajectory, my days on PL will be coming to an end if things don't turn around. It saddens me tremendously to say it...

11-20-2012, 09:57 AM
@vampinoy: I agree that Project Fiona looks really cool. The only problem is that it is yet another device to carry. I already haul around an Android phone and an Android Tablet. Sometimes, when I have to travel for work, I also carry a Laptop. I certainly don't need another device to lug around, charge at night and pay a data plan on.

The greatest thing about games like PL, DL, AL, SL is that it runs on the only device you've always got on you - your cell phone.

That's a valid point. I think that will be its greatest barrier as well just like how the iPad was criticized as being a redundant technology of laptop and mobile phone prior to its initial launch. This new tech, Project Fiona, similar to Apple's iPad will be the first of its many kind...and I believe the target market for this product will find a way to fit this gadget into their lives. 20 years ago, I only carried around a pager, I could never imagine myself walking around with a telephone...a few years later, I was carrying a telephone and the pager...that time, I couldn't imagine myself carrying a computer...then a few years after, I found myself carrying a laptop and discarding my pager...recently, I couldn't imagine myself carrying what seem to be like a hybrid between a laptop and a telephone because I already have a laptop and a telephone...then I found myself owning an iPad...now, I'm faced with yet another dilemma...I cannot imagine myself carrying a computer in a tablet device because I already have a tablet and a PC...

People have had the bad habit of underestimating technology and its evolution, but it found its way. Project Fiona is a prototype, it can replace your laptop...it will run on windows 8 (you can attach it to your mouse and keyboard and voila)...though it's not yet clear whether it can run MS Office and other Utility Apps, not far fetched, considering the power behind this machine. Anyway, we'll wait and see. There's going to be lots of noise the nearer the launch date so we'll definitely hear more about this. I personally think this will directly impact the mobile app scene (MMO), in a sense that the more hardcore gamers who are unsatisfied with what iOS/Android can deliver will hold on to their money and save for Project Fiona because quite frankly, it's not even a close competition. I know that's what I'll do... :D But that's just me.

11-20-2012, 10:10 AM
If it can run Win8 (or preferably Win7 until MS gets their act together with the UI) it would be a good deal - the only barrier would be pricing. The reality is that this is primarily a toy. I'm not pulling out one of these in a business meeting unless the joysticks are removable and there are add-ons like BlueTooth keyboards and headsets which are compatible. If they can figure that part out, I would get one if the price is similar to the current Microsoft Surface Pro which I am considering.

You don't work for Razer do you - you seem to be pimping these hard! :-)

11-20-2012, 10:13 AM
Even my regular pink giveaways has annoyed me of late. During my last giveaway, I had a rather large stockpile of Nuri pinks and Swamp pinks. When I gave a few guys Reptilian items and Swamp Rat items, I see a bunch of comments in chat about "He's only giving away Reptilian, no Glyph, forget it" or "Swamp Rat? Don't you have anything better?" I mean, seriously, you bunch of ingrates - if you don't like it, don't play along or give away your own stash. I've given away millions in pinks, and true, there may be some AO junk, but that's what I have farmed, so that's what I have....it makes me want to just stop the giveaways entirely.

no offense but how would you feel is someone gifted you a reptilian? lol

its comparable to someone tossing you a quarter at a bar instead of buying you a drink.
you seem generous and have the intention to help but crap is crap whether its a pink or not.
so don't expect these kids to be jumping out of their seats just because you gave them a freebie.

11-20-2012, 10:28 AM
no offense but how would you feel is someone gifted you a reptilian? lol

its comparable to someone tossing you a quarter at a bar instead of buying you a drink.
you seem generous and have the intention to help but crap is crap whether its a pink or not.
so don't expect these kids to be jumping out of their seats just because you gave them a freebie.

Not expecting anyone to jump out of their seat, but to complain about a freebie is disrespectful. The point is that I am trying to give back to the community, and to have someone disparage the effort and charity is rude, especially since I don't see anyone else doing the same thing.

There are only so many valuable pinks in game - what, do you honestly think I can give away a hundred Tiki Crushers, Dragon Helms and Mega Mage sets? I give away as much as I can, so if, along the way, there are some good and some junk items, well, then it is what it is.

Along the way I have given Tiki, Hula, Lilith, Orlok, Glyph, Reptilian, Sewer Queen, Royal Sewer, Gemstone and many other items - if STS only dropped valuable items to me, then that is what I would give away.

Honestly, it just baffles me that someone would complain about receiving something for nothing.

How disgusted would you feel if you gave someone a lvl 66 Hula robe and then the person said "That's it?" - It's happened (it wasn't you was it?).

11-20-2012, 11:16 AM
The point is that I am trying to give back to the community, and to have someone disparage the effort and charity is rude, especially since I don't see anyone else doing the same thing.

if your true nature is to gift then you wouldn't expect anything back whether it be a thank you or a complaint. you also have to realize that people in nature are never content so you would have to deal with that every time you give something to someone. i myself have complained when my looted gold helm and armor weren't red lol.

there have been several times when i've given street bums food or even a couple bucks and instead of showing gratitude they end up asking for more money so i feel you. it makes me not want to give out anything anymore but then again if your true intention is to help the community then do so without the fulfillment.

11-20-2012, 11:24 AM
No thanks, because they're too expensive. Hence why STS still has the leg up IMO. If these other games are totally free, I may check them out one day.

League of Legends is 100% free. You can play every map, character, and use every skill in the game without spending ANY money. You can unlock "Champions" (classes) and "Runes" (boosts to stats) with in-game currency, known as Influence Points (IP). Alternatively, you can buy Riot Points (RP) with real money and buy everything in a few minutes. The only thing IP can't get you is Champion skins. (: IMO, League is one of the best MMO's out there right now. (I've played WoW, Rift, many Aeria games, SWTOR, DC Universe, RS, and Perfect World.) It's a strategy/action game. Try this game then tell me PL won't be screwed if it goes mobile. :(

Don't get me wrong though. I love STS, and I enjoy PL/AL/DL (not so much SL).

11-20-2012, 11:37 AM
there have been several times when i've given street bums food or even a couple bucks and instead of showing gratitude they end up asking for more money so i feel you. it makes me not want to give out anything anymore but then again if your true intention is to help the community then do so without the fulfillment.

I'm definitely not expecting anything, not even a thanks, it's just that it's insulting when you give something away and you get grief in return - as if somehow you are not charitable enough. That's my only complaint.

You see what I'm referring to. I mean is everyone so discontent that gifts are something to complain about?

11-20-2012, 02:25 PM
no offense but how would you feel is someone gifted you a reptilian? lol

its comparable to someone tossing you a quarter at a bar instead of buying you a drink.
you seem generous and have the intention to help but crap is crap whether its a pink or not.
so don't expect these kids to be jumping out of their seats just because you gave them a freebie.

I make 2 observations:
1. a newbie wouldn't know the difference between one pink and another so those jaded comments are from higher level (typically) players that are looking for a handout
2. a "junk" pink is still better than what some toons are using

11-20-2012, 02:43 PM
Pl is still for me a good game even though going for the cap without money is hard I still enjoy it more than al even though it's fun I still enjoy al. I do admit though for the first time in my time in my guild no one was on :0.

Brave Sir Robin
11-20-2012, 04:27 PM
That's a very optimistic way of looking at it. You're saying these STS games will feed off each other and eventually people will just go in circles hopping between STS games. That is assuming there will be no competition :D

I just provided articles and a video that will prove that the market will soon be saturated by PC MMORPGs...so in your equation, include the likes of World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Firefall, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Warhammer, Tera Online, Neverwinter, Lineage, Elder Scrolls Online, Secret World, etc. and tell me, how in the world will you convince someone to re-roll to another game that is STS if these are also available to you? :D In fact, let's roleplay now, assuming I'm an STS player and you're STS, how will you convince me to stay given those other available games :D Why should I pick you?

The only thing that will prevent these giants from ROFLstomping STS, Gameloft's O&C, and other existing mobile MMOs is if they create a very solid and loyal player base (Also know as FANBOYS who will defend and stick with STS no matter what)...which is exactly what they're all not doing (In fact, they're weakening and confusing their player base every time they release new games), there's no sense of fanboyism in STS at all because the community is divided internally already LOL :D Anyway, these things are about to unfold as early as the end of this year...so things can get pretty ugly here very fast, if you have any experience with PC MMORPGs, a game can lose hundreds and thousands of players in a month (look at SWTOR, probably lost near half a million subs already in a couple of months) just because of competition *cough*Guildwars 2*cough*...does PL have hundreds and thousands of players as buffer in preparation for this oncoming competition? :D If not, then it's far from being fine, these incoming games from PC MMO all have a history of sucking the life out of each other in terms of player base, so it's not extreme to assume that all these games can suck the life out of all STS games when they come into the picture...they're already doing that presently :D Case in point, when GW2 came into t0he picture, SWTOR lost half a million subscribers and WoW also lost near a million subscribers (even more probably)....guess what, GW2 in its first month had 2 million purchases (So simple addition right?).

If you're talking now, yes, they're fine, but if you start looking at the latest buzz...you know something big will storm the mobile scene very soon...they're already probably ****ting their pants right now at the thought :D

First of all, I have to say that PL can only benefit from such criticism so keep it coming. It's competition which makes products better therefore it's good to be informed about other gaming options.

My comment was about people leaving PL for AL. Yes, I was taliking about now. As for the general picture... if I was STS then I would take the statement

Why bother with pocket legends when you can boot up Star Wars: The Old Republic on the bus

as a compliment. It basically says that PL's dominance in mobile gaming might be threatened by giants in the future. It is an indirect recognition that PL is big in mobile MMOs.

I am personally not impressed by graphics, tech specs, sophistication or popularity. It's a matter of taste and personal style... e.g. WoW is the most popular MMO but I would prefer GW2. But still, I don't play GW2 because my life is too complicated, I can't afford to spend more thought on a complex game. If I wanted a complex game, I wouldn't have left chess :)

There are other games too... League of Legends, Borderlands, World of Tanks.... etc. For casual gaming, Mario and... Tetris are great. Other people play solitaire. Many games, many companies yet they all manage to survive. Why? Because they aim at different target groups.

If all these companies enter the mobile market, the outcome will be unpredictable. Why would a mobile gamer want a complex game? Maybe the small company with experience in the field will win. Maybe competition will force them to evolve and we will see a better game... Who knows?

Finally I don't like fanboyism :) as it hinders constructive criticism. As a customer I always try to select the best available option for my specific needs. Maybe today it's PL. If tomorrow brings something better I will welcome it, not cry about it... you said it, I am optimistic and as such I don't like catastrophology either :)

11-20-2012, 08:06 PM
^^^What he said.

11-20-2012, 08:29 PM
We will see, we will see.

Maintain that confidence and optimism :D

11-20-2012, 08:40 PM
I call it not worrying about spilled milk that hasn't spilled yet, or may not spill anytime soon for that matter. Or, "let's cross that bridge when we come to it" if you prefer.

11-20-2012, 08:56 PM
You know, something just occurred to me. Even though STS games were originally developed for the "mobile" market, my guess is that when the majority of players play these games, they're at home, because of the fact that it requires a time commitment. For me personally, I may "check in" here and there when I'm out and about in the world, but I hardly ever put in any play time unless I'm home and have a solid amount of time to play. I obviously can't state this as a fact, but I have a pretty good feeling this is true for most people. So with that in mind, aren't all these big PC MMOs already in direct competition? I already have the choice of whether to sit at home and play Pocket Legends or sit and play World of Warcraft (for example). Why would this suddenly change if WoW went mobile? Nothing would change for me, but that's just me talkin'.

11-20-2012, 09:10 PM
I call it not worrying about spilled milk that hasn't spilled yet, or may not spill anytime soon for that matter. Or, "let's cross that bridge when we come to it" if you prefer.

Worried? I'm pretty excited about this as a gamer, this WTFAWESOME that only geeks like me could dream of years ago...:D

11-20-2012, 09:20 PM
You know, something just occurred to me. Even though STS games were originally developed for the "mobile" market, my guess is that when the majority of players play these games, they're at home, because of the fact that it requires a time commitment. For me personally, I may "check in" here and there when I'm out and about in the world, but I hardly ever put in any play time unless I'm home and have a solid amount of time to play. I obviously can't state this as a fact, but I have a pretty good feeling this is true for most people. So with that in mind, aren't all these big PC MMOs already in direct competition? I already have the choice of whether to sit at home and play Pocket Legends or sit and play World of Warcraft (for example). Why would this suddenly change if WoW went mobile? Nothing would change for me, but that's just me talkin'.

There are MILLIONS of PC MMO players around the world, and the player base of STS games and other existing mobile apps are very small compared to it. World of Warcraft alone has more active subscribers than the entire MMO mobile app industry (at 10 million subscribers actively playing), I doubt STS games even reaches 100k mark active players. So you, in fact, belong to a minority market of the MMO as a genre, everyone is in PC MMO just as what you're saying. Your analysis is valid, that explains why the mobile mmo market has very small player base compared to PC, because they're all already there in the PC. :D You don't feel that because you're not open minded about it, you don't check out what's on the other side of the fence. You might be overwhelmed when you do actually immerse into a top PC MMO, because there really are that many people in PC MMO. Have you ever experienced playing PvP against 50+++ players? or walking in a city with 100+ people that will cause your FPS to drop so low your screen looks like a CCTV monitor? Mobile app MMOs is very small chunk compared to PC...that's why it's taking so long for them to port to mobile...it's just small business compared to PC.

This is more of preference, there really are people who like to play their games in their tablet that's it just like how people likes to play their console games like ps3 (even if those games are already available in PC). What this means is the giant PC MMO industry will reach out to those kind of people, the ones who prefer to play in their tablets than their PC desktops. I think you need to read up some more, better if you actually play PC MMOs. :D You sound like someone who's logical, this "thing" is not the Armageddon of mobile MMO, nobody should be worried except the present companies, it's the opposite, it's the savior to a somewhat bland mobile MMO presently.

Aqp (A Quarter Pounder)
11-20-2012, 09:38 PM
Here's a quick example of what's going to happen:

Pocket legend people -------------> Arcane Legends
(People start to hate on Arcane Legends)
Arcane Legend people -----------> Back to Pocket Legends!


11-20-2012, 09:49 PM
free to play, pay to win, (free to lose is implied)
That's what StS is baby
I would love if StS went in another direction and allowed only customization to be purchaseable. Another forumer mentioned League of Legends, and Im pretty sure moneys raining down hard over there (more like hail :) ), so if StS could focus more on design and other elements, that would be awesome.

11-20-2012, 10:14 PM
Pocket Legends is a relatively new game... One day, they'll be a huge campaign/update that will draw MANY MANY people! Like Runescape lol... Took about 5 years for it to be "big". Give PL some time! One day, we'll be the top players of a HUGE MMO :D!

11-20-2012, 11:23 PM
My own personal observation Pocket Legends has not really been inventive cutting edge or fun since the sewers and old timers like myself from the beta version got really irritated after the last level cap were they took away our bonuses and gave us rings but decided not to do bonuses anymore,why even bother to level cap and waste your time during the Christmas season when is no incentive?
It about platinum and it's no fun to wait 6 months for 5 levels of a game it just becomes monotonous boring and it's a bad economy we're in a recession people are out of work hurricane Sandy destroyed half of the East Coast people don't have time to play this stuff I love arcane legends and it's what Pocket Legends use to be but I'm sure Spacetime Studios will find a way to destroy it.

11-21-2012, 02:42 AM
My own personal observation Pocket Legends has not really been inventive cutting edge or fun since the sewers and old timers like myself from the beta version got really irritated after the last level cap were they took away our bonuses and gave us rings but decided not to do bonuses anymore,why even bother to level cap and waste your time during the Christmas season when is no incentive?
It about platinum and it's no fun to wait 6 months for 5 levels of a game it just becomes monotonous boring and it's a bad economy we're in a recession people are out of work hurricane Sandy destroyed half of the East Coast people don't have time to play this stuff I love arcane legends and it's what Pocket Legends use to be but I'm sure Spacetime Studios will find a way to destroy it.

Just as WhoIsThis said, play this game knowing the game it would become. The game WILL become P2P. Not gonna waste months of gameplay, or even years like in PL.

11-21-2012, 03:56 AM
People spend ridiculous amounts of platinum, cap in four days, have nothing to do, complain "it's all about the platinum"

Meanwhile, plenty of us are achieving the same thing without platinum. And since it takes longer, we're not as bored. Go figure.

11-21-2012, 01:18 PM
I'm so done reading walls of text...

11-21-2012, 01:44 PM
I agree what noodle said arcane is a new game and everyone is interested but if a good update comes everyone will start playing pocket legends. I played through all the games
and some people stopped playing pocket legends after a good update came out most came back