View Full Version : Spacetime Studios : ADVENTime! (Christmas idea!)

11-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Sup guys,

I do not know if this has already happened before, but as you all know, Christmas is coming in about 5 weeks, and I'm sure you are all as excited as me!

I have thought up the idea of "ADVENTime", a new Christmas only Spacetime addition, as well as all the winter patches coming to PL,SL,DL and the newly released AL!

You may be wondering, what is "ADVENTime"? What is skelly going on about? Well, ADVENTime is a calendar usage idea which is designed for users to open a day slot (For 1st up to the 31st December), and behind each day is a surprise, maybe a forum contest or giveaways in game etc, rewards basically.

You may also think, why are you talking about this now? Well, December is coming up fairly soon, and I wanted to express my idea.

Tell me what you think! :D

11-19-2012, 01:38 PM
Advent is a time to "cleanse" yourself and put all our attention into Jesus's "anniversary". It's not the time where you log on and play STS games for your selfish wants -_-... This is for you, Micahhh!

11-19-2012, 01:44 PM
Loads of "Private" sites like BTN, ScienceHD, FTN does it.. Just an example..

*Don't ask what the abbreviations stand for

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11-19-2012, 03:37 PM
Advent is a time to "cleanse" yourself and put all our attention into Jesus's "anniversary". It's not the time where you log on and play STS games for your selfish wants -_-... This is for you, Micahhh!

Out of thanks ;) love you, man! But uh...it ain't his anniversary fool! It's his birthday! And who said you had to "cleanse" yourself? This ain't no catholic boy hur, thes hur boi be frum southern 'Merica. Ain't no cleansin' in southern 'Merica ;)

Going with the op, I like the idea! :D

11-19-2012, 03:54 PM
Out of thanks ;) love you, man! But uh...it ain't his anniversary fool! It's his birthday! And who said you had to "cleanse" yourself? This ain't no catholic boy hur, thes hur boi be frum southern 'Merica. Ain't no cleansin' in southern 'Merica ;)

Going with the op, I like the idea! :D

Haha... Well, to clarify, Jesus was actually born sometime around Spring ;)! Second uh... I don't know about you, but we try to prepare ourselves for Jesus's coming by focusing ourselves to Him, not presents. And! Everybody has one birthday ;)! The rest are technically "birthday-anniversaries"! Ayem fruhm Minneshsohhhtah! Ayem sowwe zahhh?

11-19-2012, 03:59 PM
Haha... Well, to clarify, Jesus was actually born sometime around Spring ;)! Second uh... I don't know about you, but we try to prepare ourselves for Jesus's coming by focusing ourselves to Him, not presents. And! Everybody has one birthday ;)! The rest are technically "birthday-anniversaries"! Ayem fruhm Minneshsohhhtah! Ayem sowwe zahhh?

Oh ok that makes sense haha. We do similar. My family (of 8) don't get eveyrone a bunch of presents. Instead we all donate our money to help children in Africa! So yeah we try and take the focus off of CANDY CANDY CANDY CANDY...oh, I mean. Ahem. We try to take the focus off of candy and stuff and put it on Jesus.

And really? I hed no idear that be wur yu was frum.

11-21-2012, 01:16 AM
I like the idea! :D But honestly, Christmas is my last hope... All I need for Christmas is something that would balance the Forgotten Bows to make it skill again, thats all I want. Around 6 classmates of mine play this game, we usually go on runs and pvp together... They've been inactive since the bows and are waiting for Christmas :D

08-09-2014, 11:48 AM
Do I could help spacetime studios and have 20 platinum fer day

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08-09-2014, 11:49 AM

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