View Full Version : So STS leans more toward gear stacking.

11-22-2012, 12:38 PM
Look at dem even more stacked wings mang.
Dat 3 Piece Elite Ring plus that Dragon Vanity Ring= even more OP ring.

I can totally imagine a bear with the Green Ring of Valient Glory plus full Scythe set being the ultimate tank.
As well as imagining a mage with Blue Ring of Glory with wand set, or a Staff Mage that can do 1k+ non orbed crits in PvP.

I can pretty much say Crafted Scythe Pally Mages with the best dragon ring and gear are now an easy GG.

And I can see lots of people are mad about that Dragon Vanity crafting.
Lol, spending $100s on for a pet.

Looks like PL is at some breaking point

tiem4AL nao

11-22-2012, 01:21 PM
The devs are just trying to give the customers what they want...like stats & set bonuses....maybe it doesn't come out like exactly how players want it but give em a break. I don't think stuff is overpowered like everyone says...gear is not so unstoppable that you can run maps without elixirs right? When Techno said there were gonna be crazy stats & bonuses, I thought it was gonna be a little more than what showed up.
That's the way I look at it, maybe in pvp it can be....but in Pve you can always be more stronger.

11-22-2012, 02:28 PM
The devs want money, and they know the players here are hopelessly addicted to meaningless extra stats and are willing to spend obscene amounts of money to obtain them.

It's disgusting to watch them chase profits, because I am able to clearly see the intent behind their decisions. They are pandering to the pay to play customers and are getting entirely too greedy. I've got 400 plat that will go to waste because I can no longer bring myself to play this stale, repetitive, non-inaginative since 2011 simple mmo.

If you sit back and think about what this game offers, it's truly an inferior product to 99% of mmos on the market, yet they've grabbed thousands of dollars over the years and have put no free innovation into the game.

Devs.. You're lazy and you know it. Maybe lets get some original weapons for the first time since nuri, and more than one set of end game armor that doesn't have the same name, title and design as similar weapons/armor from a previous campaign.

When I first bought plat way back, before the alien oasis expansion, I did so because I saw effort, and creativity. I saw that the developers cared about the game, and the players; they took pride in what they did. Wtf happened? This game has strayed apart from what made it great, and it's starting to reach the point of no return.

Yes, buying plat is a decision the players made, but this game has become unplayable without plat. If you don't think so you're new here, and missed out on the days where this game was actually worth playing.


11-22-2012, 03:18 PM
Do you like Arcane, Drizz?

11-22-2012, 03:37 PM
Haven't played it yet. I'll give it a shot when it's released on the apple store though.

11-22-2012, 03:44 PM
The devs want money, and they know the players here are hopelessly addicted to meaningless extra stats and are willing to spend obscene amounts of money to obtain them.

It's disgusting to watch them chase profits, because I am able to clearly see the intent behind their decisions. They are pandering to the pay to play customers and are getting entirely too greedy. I've got 400 plat that will go to waste because I can no longer bring myself to play this stale, repetitive, non-inaginative since 2011 simple mmo.

If you sit back and think about what this game offers, it's truly an inferior product to 99% of mmos on the market, yet they've grabbed thousands of dollars over the years and have put no free innovation into the game.

Devs.. You're lazy and you know it. Maybe lets get some original weapons for the first time since nuri, and more than one set of end game armor that doesn't have the same name, title and design as similar weapons/armor from a previous campaign.

When I first bought plat way back, before the alien oasis expansion, I did so because I saw effort, and creativity. I saw that the developers cared about the game, and the players; they took pride in what they did. Wtf happened? This game has strayed apart from what made it great, and it's starting to reach the point of no return.

Yes, buying plat is a decision the players made, but this game has become unplayable without plat. If you don't think so you're new here, and missed out on the days where this game was actually worth playing.


Hmm.. I have been playing for about two years and I agree in a way. I stopped buying plat after spending $100 to cap 66 and remember when the level 71 elite vanity didn't have a bonus with another elite vanity? I decided not to cap 71. I also didn't know that would change.

Now knowing I can get atleast the blue sparkle bonus, I still don't want to spend another dollar on here. It's just not worth it anymore. Besides, knowing that I won't be playing the game all my life, means I don't get to keep the things I have on Pl forever.

This game is somewhat possible to play without using plat. I can level a character from 1-75 in a matter of weeks or months without using plat. I might be able to afford one of the crafted sets in Humania with the money I get from 1-75 as I level.

But this game has changed too much for me. I really miss the 45 cap where vanities didn't even exist in Pl. I used to pvp at 45 cap. I would enjoy playing 'Protect the Princess' with my friends. Yes, they had to protect me from the other team. Now pvp is all serious.. not fun anymore. So I stopped pvping. But all I do now is level some of my characters.. Make more characters, merch, I also leech. The main thing I do is talk to friends on Pl. But I rarely come on now. Maybe just a few minutes to get the blessing and I'm off again.

11-22-2012, 05:09 PM
45 cap days...man the memories.

11-22-2012, 08:13 PM
drizz and apasara if i was allowed to give out a million thanks to each of you ... i would. been here since frozen nightmare expansion (disregard my forum join date had another forum account before)