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View Full Version : Class comparison; your opinions are appreciated

11-23-2012, 07:37 PM
I have trained one character of each class to level ~10. I want to decide on a class to play full time, but the decision is kind of tough.

1) what class is the most useful to a team? I originally wanted to tank but it seems like everyone online plays warrior.
2) which is the best for solo play?
3) which do you think is the most fun?

I'm leaning towards rogue but I really can't decide. Any opinions would be welcome thanks

11-23-2012, 07:44 PM
Well my friend its your personal preference honestly, what ever you feel that suits you then thats the one, coz like me that played a lot mmos, tried warrior nahhh, tried ranger its ok, then mage? I feel good playing it..

11-23-2012, 07:51 PM
1) Tank who can keep aggro, and rogue with the best daggers.
2) All can do well solo. Depends on strategy and player skill. Though rogue I would say is the quickest soloer. I hit a 900 something on an elite mob solo. (nox bolt, then charged aimed shot crit)
3) depends on the person, try them all out and see.

11-23-2012, 07:59 PM
There are lots of warriors, but that does not mean there are lots of good tanks. in my experience, very few warriors are able to tank effectively by maintaining aggro.

11-23-2012, 08:43 PM
I like mage the best myself, but I've found rogue to be most challenging. If you're up for it, more good rogues in the game are needed.

11-23-2012, 09:58 PM
I recommend playing each class to around level 10. This way you can get a rough idea of what each is capable of and which suits your style. Getting to 10 is pretty quick.

11-23-2012, 10:20 PM
I think it's preference. I find rogues most challenging, sorcerers most interesting, warriors best survival but rather boring sometimes. I play each depending on my mood. When I'm fresh and up for a challenge, I start with a rogue. I've done the most remakes/respecs with rogues and I am still not sure I am satisfied.

11-24-2012, 12:47 AM
I got my accounts all to close end game to see how i enjoyed each and in all honesty i love all three classes

Warrior - Elite dungeon running, great tank when doing dungeons but great solo
Mage - Nice dps and is needed for dungeon/elite running because of its high damaging aoes
Rogue - Amazing dps when bossing or solo

11-24-2012, 01:09 AM
Almost pointless to add my two cents after so many descriptive replies, but yeah. Pretty much all of them are equally useful. That's a definite up-side to a game with only three classes. The whole formula is rolled up and simplified; strike a dedicated healer, but the tank gets to play that card. Tank, single-target DPS, and AoE DPS.

11-24-2012, 09:14 AM
Rogue forever , no complains