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View Full Version : Life after having level 16 for all 3 classes

11-23-2012, 08:32 PM
Well in the past 3 days I have managed to level up all 3 classes from level 1 to llevel 16 and provided each of them with flap jack and malison and all 3 have level 15 champion pack on them . What is everyone doing once they get the level 16 cap for their character or once they hit it with all 3 classes?

11-23-2012, 08:38 PM
Since I hit 16 with my Sorcerer I've been doing two things:

1. Farming for elite items
2. Returning my attention to real life

11-23-2012, 08:39 PM
I think you just did everything thee is to do. Sit back and rest your eyes/thumbs before you go blind and develop early onset arthritis.

11-23-2012, 09:05 PM
Not wasting money/resourses on Plat for one.

Juiceless Capped each except for my Mage atm.

Fully geared, by farming not depending on Plat items such as Champ gear, Plat bought pets etc.

You've literally just killed half of the need to play by doing that alone.

Lucky for you new Cap raise to 21 with Elite Cap Vanity going to be available, so not much longer and you can fill their pockets again ;)

11-23-2012, 09:55 PM
Make money (both in-game and $$$)

11-23-2012, 10:05 PM
Sounds like I got myself a nice month long vacation :) Elite maps were boring and hard to find a party I found and the runs of the gauntlets/dungeons got old after awhile.

Lately I been just doing Rooks Nest runs and helping people kill Bael since that appears to be the one map that you can't just skip the boss to get to the next map. I also been jumping around other maps and helping people out with bosses to cure some of the bordem.

Arvin Ramirez
11-24-2012, 02:40 AM
i manage to level all of my 3 character to level 16.. just waiting for the new cap now.. doing elite using my rogue.. and i dont buy plat... am not rich to those..