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11-24-2012, 12:53 PM

We've come a long way, I remember running home from school and rushing to my 1st gen iPod just to play PL...

We didn't have cable, the tv were always occupied by big sis, most of my fav channels showed my shows when she wanted to watch hers, all I had to my name was an iPod a student gave to me for..assisting him...(he was the main office aid where they held confiscated devices :chargrined: ). I used the neighbors open wifi, charger plugged in to the wall while playing...just the music of PL enlightened my day. PL was my WoW, my gaming experience...

Just wanted to say "TY" to STS for creating such a game, even though you're a business, I know you had some sense on what you were doing for those who couldn't afford to play WoW. So I thank you once again for making such a wonderful game. (I still dislike the fact that you're bringing back old items...)

-Old account will be missed...

11-24-2012, 02:25 PM
From 20 to five digit Plat.

11-24-2012, 02:49 PM
I wish we could go back :P

11-24-2012, 02:51 PM
Wow, that's amazing. I wasn't here nearly as long as you were, but I remember when I joined,56 was the cap.

RandomGuy, it says your viewin this thread. I sent you a pm :/

Edit: Tbh, the old picture looks way cooler than the new :P

11-24-2012, 03:15 PM
@Register/Mighty yes, someone please feel free to post in suggestion to see if they can give us choices on how the theme should look. I'd rather the old theme than the new,even if we had to buy it, I would.

1.) I remember when mage hats were just different color hats that covered everything..
2.) I remember when you could spam spells without the wait time...(just until u ran out of mana)
3.) I remember when devs would log on for no reason (not just for holidays or new games)
4.) I remember when I finally bought all maps but one and an hour later a new update gave maps for free..never received the hat they gave out for buying all maps, then they gave it out again to level 66 players with angel set.
5.) I remember when sts was truly F.T.P (besides having to pay for maps).

11-24-2012, 03:19 PM
The rainbow armor for mages was pro

11-24-2012, 03:40 PM
@Register/Mighty yes, someone please feel free to post in suggestion to see if they can give us choices on how the theme should look. I'd rather the old theme than the new,even if we had to buy it, I would.

1.) I remember when mage hats were just different color hats that covered everything..
2.) I remember when you could spam spells without the wait time...(just until u ran out of mana)
3.) I remember when devs would log on for no reason (not just for holidays or new games)
4.) I remember when I finally bought all maps but one and an hour later a new update gave maps for free..never received the hat they gave out for buying all maps, then they gave it out again to level 66 players with angel set.
5.) I remember when sts was truly F.T.P (besides having to pay for maps).

1. This was before my time, I believe
2. I came sometime around the implementation of this, or at least, when people starting raging
3. Devs still do come on sometimes, usually right before and after an update. I do wish they would come on more often though
4. I bought sandstone caves the day it came out only to find I died. A lot.
5. I still do think it is FTP, actually. Nobody is forcing you to buy loads of plat. I never bought platinum once in PL, but I still enjoy the game. I won't be giving up on PL for a long time. I dont know what it is, but people are ALWAYS looking for whats wrong with the game. Nuri came out and people complained items were reused. Fang came out and people said STS wasn't original. Blacksmoke came out and people say the maps were reused from SL. Honestly, maybe people wouldn't be so discontent with the game if they would stop staring at it like its a Christmas gift they already got.

Well, Im going to stop now. I feel my post is becoming a rant :/
I'm going to see if I have any old PL pictures :D

11-24-2012, 03:55 PM
The first pic is Violentsaint, not the OP, hence the blurred name.

I guess Knock has some serious selfesteem issues in real life, that's why he is trying so hard to get some internet attention...

11-24-2012, 04:25 PM
The first pic is Violentsaint, not the OP, hence the blurred name.

I guess Knock has some serious selfesteem issues in real life, that's why he is trying so hard to get some internet attention...

LAWL. He's violent saint the creator of the paladin:) to bad he quit after 40 cap, miss him. And all these sewer and mynas gen noobs think they are pro LAWL cracks me up.

11-24-2012, 04:56 PM
The first pic is Violentsaint, not the OP, hence the blurred name.

I guess Knock has some serious selfesteem issues in real life, that's why he is trying so hard to get some internet attention...

Annnndd here starts the argument.

Firstly I never claimed for that to be my pic for I never took pics back then with my old acc. I simply didn't want people such as yourself asking why I took someone's screeny so I removed the name. You defiantly do not have common sense to know that I simply did that for that purpose alone. All this thread is based on is the different layout of PL from 2010 to 2012, I have been playing PL since 2010, first account name "***blu". If sts was so kind to let go of something stupid I did back then, I would be able to show it to you. Why of all people does a senior member have to rant/rage/disrespect a thread just because they found something they withen the OP that had no relation to the main topic. I hope the post you made gets you an infraction. People such as yourself aren't
needed in this forum.

P.s: Lately I've been seeing you post negative feedbacks on my comments, if you yourself have a life, please forget the fact that I rushed you and move on. Holding a grudge won't help.

Delphina please do not close this thread, I would like to see what he has to say next.

11-24-2012, 05:43 PM
Thread closed.

11-24-2012, 05:46 PM
Knock, how are you still in game. Baffled.

11-24-2012, 05:58 PM
Knock, how are you still in game. Baffled.

Let's say... I forgot my password to that account. Let's just keep it at that...

@Gnomecide: -.-

11-24-2012, 06:09 PM
Knock I don't like you much on the PvP grounds. Matter of fact, I despise you. But you got common sense elsewhere. I have to side with you on this one. The idea wasn't to express the older picture of you, you were simply showing a then/now picture. And actually having gratitude for a company that gives so much to us. (Everyone else whines about what they don't like). One of the few posts that makes me think about what sts gave us. Now I wasn't around when we all had fat heads, but I have seen pictures and know people who were around that long. But from what I can tell, this game has come a long way. And were all still playing. Yes some have left, and people are currently leaving. For those who aren't leaving and whining about what they aren't getting. Then Au Revoir to them.

11-24-2012, 06:46 PM
Knock I don't like you much on the PvP grounds. Matter of fact, I despise you. But you got common sense elsewhere. I have to side with you on this one. The idea wasn't to express the older picture of you, you were simply showing a then/now picture. And actually having gratitude for a company that gives so much to us. (Everyone else whines about what they don't like). One of the few posts that makes me think about what sts gave us. Now I wasn't around when we all had fat heads, but I have seen pictures and know people who were around that long. But from what I can tell, this game has come a long way. And were all still playing. Yes some have left, and people are currently leaving. For those who aren't leaving and whining about what they aren't getting. Then Au Revoir to them.

Someone with a sensable statement, ty. Cya around in PvP ;)

11-24-2012, 06:54 PM
Yes. See ya ;)

11-24-2012, 06:54 PM
Delphina please do not close this thread, I would like to see what he has to say next.

Delphina please do not close this thread, I would like to continue my troll war *

11-24-2012, 07:39 PM
Those were the good ol' days!:) STS has expanded so much, I like all they've done, but I just can't stand to bare leveling so slowly now, I can't get elixirs so it takes ages to level, so I've given up.

11-24-2012, 08:35 PM
Delphina please do not close this thread, I would like to continue my troll war *

Well there's still that RedStapler guy that always gives me those troll post warnings.

11-24-2012, 08:47 PM
Closed thread for trolling and non-constructive posts.