View Full Version : Idea

11-25-2012, 02:13 AM
Ok so this is recently a problem for me. I was transferring someone's stuff to a different account(I didn't know him/her. They trusted me because I was an Aoa) so they gave me 3 items, 350 health and mana pots. I gave to their main and he claimed he gave me gold aswell which I don't believe.

My Idea!

When you finish a trade, instead of just showing the items you got, it also showed gold and pots so you can know exactly what was given.

Thanks for reading!:D

11-25-2012, 08:29 AM
This is why I use my screenshot utility. If in fact you are accused and reported for a scam, at least you have something to fall back on as proof you didn't do anything wrong.
This is another reason why STS doesn't settle trade disputes. They also have logs of what was given and received as well. I love when people try to scam by accusing you of scamming....been there, had that done to me. :)

11-25-2012, 09:45 AM
I screen shot everything in the confirmation window esp when gold is part of it. Partly cuz if it's not an even amount I'll never remember.

11-25-2012, 09:47 AM
I usually just scam people

11-25-2012, 11:09 AM
I usually just scam people


But it would help a ton if it showed gold amount In chat logs...just sayin

11-25-2012, 11:56 AM
There is only so much STS can do to protect against scamming. Just screenshot the trade and if he makes a big deal you have the proof.

11-25-2012, 12:02 PM
There is only so much STS can do to protect against scamming. Just screenshot the trade and if he makes a big deal you have the proof.

And if you CANT screenshot?

11-25-2012, 01:03 PM
And if you CANT screenshot?

then dont bother with doin transfers...

11-25-2012, 01:09 PM
And if you CANT screenshot?

then dont bother with doin transfers...
Or get zcammed by proz zuch az myzelf