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11-25-2012, 04:27 AM
Revelation started to counter the monopolization of end game pvp when guilds were first released. A handful of pvpers banded together to take a piece of the pie and make a name for ourselves. I'm very proud of what we did for pvp, and i'm amazed we lasted so long. A very small guild that was created the minute guilds were released for PL over a year ago. We were the only pvp guild to have never broke apart, switch leadership, or rename. There were low spots, being a small group, when a few go inactiveit was way more obvious.
We have grown up together and i'm honored to have been able to get to know so many wonderful people and share so much fun. Hopefully Revelation will always be remembered and regarded as we set out to make it.

In memorandum:
1. Alwaysdtf- Leader (retired)
2. Awwmang - Founding Officer (inactive)
3. Amyxrose - Founding Officer <3 (inactive)
4. Azi - Founding Officer (inactive)
5. Jcolt - Founding Officer (inactive)
6. Jjjlove - Founding Officer (inactive/retired)
These are my closest and dearest friends all of which are inactive/quit and the creators or Rev.
7. Gmosauce - Senior Officer (retired)
8. Rapsalot - Senior Officer (retired)
9. Quasipotent - Honorary Member (retired)
10. Otukura - Senior Officer (left/retired)
11. Nobounds - Senior Officer (joined unity)
12. Acedagger - Recruiter (banned)
13. Dolloway - Recruiter (joined unity)
14. Slushie - Recruiter (retired)
15. Attackelf - Senior Officer (inactive)
16. Remixi (drinkhaterade) - Senior Officer
17. Gaunab - Officer (retired/joined rated m)
18. Blindrogue - Officer (unknown)
19. Buddyf - Officer (inactive)
20. Hahahahabirdy - Recruiter
21. Cloakker - Recruiter (retired)
22. Falking - Recruiter
23. Chloe (Rosettes) - Recruiter
24. Apollo - Officer (retired)
25. Tripphazzard - Officer
26. Mejsel - Recruiter
27. Iwrath - Recruiter (inactive)
28. Jiiigsaaw - Recruiter
29. Tankkaar - Officer
30. Brodiniozo - Officer (left to unity)
31. Aerobirdy - Officer (left to unity)
32. Aerospeed - Recruiter (left to unity)
33. Minchau - Recruiter
34. Gladiator - Recruiter (left guild)
35. Trickietsftw - Recruiter (kicked from guild)
36. Ozuce - Recruiter (kicked from guild)
37. Hotdream - Recruiter (left guild)
38. Xredemption - Recruiter
39. Sick and Myth - newest people still members.

This is the list of all guildmates, not including ones that were just "member" status as only "recruiter" status are considered official Rev members. Sorry if I missed anyone I did my best to honor and remember everyone that was apart of this guild.

Revelation will remain a memorial for pvp legends of the past. This is the end.

11-25-2012, 04:33 AM
Revelation and all the people in and involved in it meant a lot to me. Thanks to everyone who left their mark.
If you knew me in game you knew I was all about my guild and the people in it.
I hope Rev is remembered as an elite top notch end game guild. Everyone in it were so pro gentlemen like, even the ladies :)

I'd like to extend a thanks to others not in Rev.
Trueplayer , truely a nemesis and counter part. Thanks for the excitement. Lol
Kanital - we were good pals for awhile , casualty of guilds.
Imkelly - what a characterssss!
Ghost aka Will we were a lot alike lil bro
Rated M - keep up the good fight, you guys have come a long way!
Walkhard- honorary member even if you aren't in guild.
Mothersolo- very underrated player, underneath it all very good person.
Dopeydaddy- wherever you are :)
Tashyang and Aniethia- much respect for you two legends very classy some of my first idols
Cherrykim- you being on leaderboard as a pally inspired me to get better with mine.
Thelonearcher- I still remember some things you said to me when you were 50 capped and I was coming up.
Theosiris- meeting you at 30s helped me in pvp a lot
Xrax- great guy humble and a model pvper
Skimmey- jerk lol your relentless attacks made me better vs birds
Hmmhmm- nice guy full of style
Fastcast- fatcat lol
Jay and Crim oF Cot- such professionals i'm glad to have had a great working Gm relationship with u guys!
Eden/Rush- good times!! Such passion for the game I admire that.
Unity - without you guys the game would have been so dull, much love.

11-25-2012, 04:35 AM
Peace out dude

11-25-2012, 05:05 AM

Chang Yeo
11-25-2012, 05:16 AM
Sad to see you go, DTF. Although I only knew you for a short while, it's always horrible to see a guild vanish.
Bye, -Chang

11-25-2012, 05:35 AM
So sad to hear that Mitch. Revelation used to be one of greatest PvP guilds. Really sad to see how revelation falling apart.

Revelation = Legendary guild.

11-25-2012, 06:26 AM
You must admit that we had a lot of fun while it lasted :o thank you for the guild Mitch. Even though I was only in it for a few months I had a great time with you guys. You took care of triumph when we were falling apart as well. Thanks for everything :)

11-25-2012, 11:32 AM
If anyone would like to retire in rev let me know and I'll get on and add you into the guild.
Think of it as a who's who cemetery for pvp elites.

Thanks Chang, flacs, and Chloe! :)

11-25-2012, 11:47 AM
Trip joined my guild yesterday :3 I was actually considering joining rev and recruiting and helping y'all for a while:P

11-25-2012, 11:48 AM
Well, Mitch... I guess... Revelation did hella of a good job surviving through all those rant threads and put downs! Hope you have a good reason to retire :/! I can still remember our first time we met (noob face)... Debuffing, rev-ing, and stalking me until I hit back! Ah good times! Will miss this guild :)! Best of luck!

11-25-2012, 11:48 AM
Sad to see it go, couldn't say you didn't see it coming. When I first join with Cloak and Rose, it felt amazing. This was the greatest PvP guild ever to me and I was always happy in it. I was proud to be apart of it! :)

Thanks Dtf.

11-25-2012, 12:16 PM
My toon and every founding members toon are now 2 years old (Android founders) That's a long time to be so heavily committed to a mobile app!
The reason I started playing, and something few know is in Oct 2010 my grandpa died. I lived with him and was his care taker, so when he passed away I felt so lonely and all that time I used to spend with him needed filling. A month later I found Pl and put all that time amd energy into it, never thinking I'd make it so far. Didn't meet my core guildmates until the spring, maybe the same time this forum account was created.

Here's a list of some of my noteable achievement in pocket legends:
Capped 56 w mage
Took part in the first player run tournament (cherrykim) with hunzzz and Jcolt as teamates
Played vs all the legends of pvp (thelonearcher, skim, hmm, xrax, imp, toughie Fabio, etc)
1St place in the 5/5 dev hosted official ctf tournament. (imkelly, ashxrose, kanital, dolloway, Amyxrose)
Semi finalist elyidols sewer bear tournament as 55 bear twentyfoursev aka cruddyf
Capped gold 56 cap 10
Leader of Revelation (elite pvp guild)
2nd place in 61 5/5 ctf tournament (most epic game in the history of Pl ctf vs Unity 9/10)
First to cap Mt. Fang (66 mage)
Became a tournament and ladder leader
Hosted the dev sponsored tournaments: 5/5 ctf, 1/1 bird (2), bear, and mage, 3/3 ffa. Caps 61-71.
Met samhayne the dev in person, we had lunch.
Placed semis in 71 bird tournament (kornital)
Runner up (2nd) in 66 mage tournament (alwaysdtf) as a pally vs Lilith wanders.
Broke the game - when buffs didn't lol
Capped 61, 61, 66, 66, 66, 71, 71, 71, 76, 76. 3 toons bear bird mage 3 piece vanity
2 toons with elite egg shield (capped within 4 days)
6 of the 25 top viewed pvp section threads of all time are mine
Became Guardian of Alterra (31 people in 2.5 years have done this)

Couldn't have done any of this wout the support and teamwork of my friends and guildmates :)

11-25-2012, 12:25 PM
Who could forget the revelati0n crisis

11-25-2012, 01:00 PM
Lol ace isn't banned he's still in sl

11-25-2012, 02:00 PM
Thats a cool story and list. I remember you pally, i looked up to you at the 50 cap when i joined (October 23rd 2010 to be exact) you were the best rift pally i saw always wanted to be as good as you and still do pally wise lol, never caught up with you in pvp though. As levels progressee i kept failing and failing now pallies are not so hot its all about dual int/dex or pure int. But sad to see you go. And your guild! Good luck in life and live long and prosper! Much respect. :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-25-2012, 02:10 PM
revelation now is in sl, jblazah is gm

11-25-2012, 03:25 PM
revelation now is in sl, jblazah is gm

Yeah not the same. People have asked if Rev would be made fof A.L though. That's a firm now.

11-25-2012, 03:33 PM
Best of luck, I remember when you opened that one tourney, and that's when I started getting serious in PvP. Thanks for being such a good role model for the community and an inspiration for other PvP'ers.

11-25-2012, 03:38 PM
Hey Mitch,

I'm honored to have had such a competitive guild to compete against. Without you guys, PvP wouldn't have been fun (with our little friendly rivalry). I will miss all you guys and the fun memories we shared. I'll definitely won't forget the most epic CTF tournament match (our guilds in the championship). Blood sweat and tears ;)

You'll always be a legend and a role model Mitch. Thanks for being a great leader for all of us.

11-25-2012, 03:40 PM
Also wudnt this go more in guilds or the sunsets forum?
People always just spam gd cuz more people check it

11-25-2012, 04:03 PM
Also wudnt this go more in guilds or the sunsets forum?
People always just spam gd cuz more people check it

This is bigger than just me, bigger than guilds.

11-25-2012, 04:12 PM
Yeh probably should go in PL announcements

11-25-2012, 04:18 PM
Or at least stickied!!

The people mention under Rev have been huge contributors to the game. In proportion to the small amount of people that is. Not only monetarily but morally and role model wise.

If you aren't here to pay respects please don't turn this into something else.

11-25-2012, 04:21 PM
I never got into PvP, but seeing Revelation in forum threads always made me wish I was good at it :grief:

Thanks for making PvP sound so fun! :star:

11-25-2012, 04:39 PM
Or at least stickied!!
Yeh if u message delph she probably could do for you

11-25-2012, 05:11 PM
This is the end of one era in endgame PvP. Even though I never really got into "rev vs. unity" thing, I always had a great respect towards Revelation. Sad to see the guild disband.

Ely please. U r my bruh but cease the trollmode for this thread.

11-25-2012, 05:13 PM
Lawl Elly. This is too big for PL forums

11-25-2012, 05:14 PM
cease the trollmode
Probably best i just stay out then
But in all sincerity i do have alot of respect for several former/members of rev
Everything dies eventually
With PLs death top guilds were sure to follow

Mage till the end
11-25-2012, 05:27 PM
I remember trying to learn how to pvp with you. You were very patient and never got iratated. You were very kind and told me it was just the fact that you had vanities that you were winning. We both knew it wasn't true :). Revelation was a legendary guild that will always be rembered thought pl as "the best"

Chang Yeo
11-25-2012, 05:57 PM
I've missed so much due to PL crashing on my iPod :/ Didn't even get a proper goodbye

11-25-2012, 06:40 PM
Sad to see pocket legends is dying. Sad to see rev retiring. I'll miss you mitch, pm me sometime.

-Koreancake :)

11-25-2012, 08:08 PM
I'm so proud and honored to have fought side by side as well as against you, Mitch, and all the other legends!
I owe a lot to this guild; seeing it die alongside with PvP in general really makes me sad. And nostalgic... I miss the old days!
Revelation wil never be forgotten.

~The Traitor

11-25-2012, 08:13 PM
Hmm ok its nice

11-25-2012, 09:33 PM
Okay now this thread is turning into a brag thread. Plus I doubt your going to leave. If so then give me all your stuff. No? You'll be back in less then a month.

11-25-2012, 11:32 PM
I didn't sense any sarcasm there.^ I know for a fact that this I bigger than quitting for a few months. They've disbanded one of the must successful endgame guild. Even though it's just a game, I respect all they have done in pl and that they paved new roads for incoming pvpers. Thanks for that guys.

11-25-2012, 11:53 PM
I'm sorry to see the news. It’s really an end of an era to see one of the stars of PVP leave along with it one of the best PVP Guild ever made, I'm deeply honored to have the opportunity to fight along or against you and your retired guild members, we will greatly missed you and i would like to express my sincere appreciation and thank you for the opportunity to fight with legends like you and that revelation have to offer, Revelation members are a truely legendary warriors that have ever came to the arena. I myself was train by Attackelf, I can't express how much I've learned and I am sad that i didn't have the chance to say a proper thank you and say goodbye and i will forever remember him as my guru and mentor. It's been an amazing privilege to have met you all.

Best wishes for the future for you and every one of your gallant crew.

11-26-2012, 12:50 AM
GOOD LUCK! :D I've never met you but always respected your maturity on the forums and in game. I guess PL is slowly dieing out, bit by bit, person by person.

11-26-2012, 03:16 AM
LOL this thread is oozing with drama :D awwww...

11-26-2012, 03:29 AM
Sad to see one of the coolest players I've ever met in-game go :(

Thx for the kind words towards me. I'm glad that I've had the chance to get to know you in game. You've been one of the few real contributors to this game, not in the least because of the countless PvP competitions you've hosted. You've earned huge respect from both me and many other players in this game.

I hope all goes well in wherever live takes you and wish you all the best!

11-26-2012, 05:58 AM

11-26-2012, 10:41 AM
This is completely sad and just confirms the PL that I loved is dying.

I have do much respect for you Mitch and the majority of your guild members.

You have been a great contributor to the community and helped make PL the successful fun game it was.

I wish you all the best and that someday our paths cross again :)

11-26-2012, 01:11 PM
Many of the names on that list were my friends. I remember Trueplayer, he had a bad attitude towards me, but he showed me how to play to a much greater extent. Lots of nostalgia going on here. I miss the old days. Like Angel, I knew many of your retired guildmates personally, and yes the contributed very much. It is sad to see this game slowly die. All the hours of farming, pvping, leveling, getting frustrated at my inability to get a good deal, dance around naked in Balefort. I might just cry.


11-26-2012, 01:56 PM
PL is nothing like it used to be..

-Farming ssc for 10-20k at a time
-Grinding for days and days in sewers
-AoA parties with pandar :/
-Parties in guild hall with multiple devs at once
-When 5m was considered a lot for one person to have
-Farming hooch hats with old friends hoping to just get a 10k vanity.
-When SBL were common and owned in L10-20 PvP
-L19 Bear PvP with DanielRH
-Alphax <3

the list goes on. Lots of fun times in PL.

It makes me wonder, how PL would look if i quit and came back in 5 years.

11-26-2012, 02:07 PM
PL is nothing like it used to be..

-Farming ssc for 10-20k at a time
-Grinding for days and days in sewers
-AoA parties with pandar :/
-Parties in guild hall with multiple devs at once
-When 5m was considered a lot for one person to have
-Farming hooch hats with old friends hoping to just get a 10k vanity.
-When SBL were common and owned in L10-20 PvP
-L19 Bear PvP with DanielRH
-Alphax <3

the list goes on. Lots of fun times in PL.

It makes me wonder, how PL would look if i quit and came back in 5 years.

Honestly, in five years it may be nonexistent. The mobile gaming industry could be making some serious shifts fairly soon.

11-26-2012, 02:34 PM
Angel you are so sweet, such a wonderful and pleasant human being. Wish there were more like you.
Nick, we never talked but I had a common understanding and respect for you and I both hosted successful pvp tourns.
Micah if only more pvpers were like you in the regard that they respected players and wanted/desired to be great. Not just created the illusion via records/boosting/kill farming etc.

I'm sorry for my sometimes aggressive and bitter words at times in the arena or towards certain players. The changes and discontent were difficult for many of us.

11-26-2012, 02:46 PM
Yeah not the same. People have asked if Rev would be made fof A.L though. That's a firm now.

Psst I'm so joining it in AL :P

11-26-2012, 02:47 PM
I got alllllllot of kills I never boosted I've been addicted to 17- since I would say Novemberish- December 2010

11-26-2012, 02:49 PM
Angel you are so sweet, such a wonderful and pleasant human being. Wish there were more like you.
Nick, we never talked but I had a common understanding and respect for you and I both hosted successful pvp tourns.
Micah if only more pvpers were like you in the regard that they respected players and wanted/desired to be great. Not just created the illusion via records/boosting/kill farming etc.

I'm sorry for my sometimes aggressive and bitter words at times in the arena or towards certain players. The changes and discontent were difficult for many of us.

Well I it's always bad to see any player retire nowadays. But you were different even though I didn't know u so much I highly respected u as a pvper and a person not jut a pixel... GL later on in life have fun <3

11-26-2012, 06:11 PM
Well why thank you! Makes me feel good :)
And uber I mistyped lol, there will be no Rev-run , revelation guild in AL. Sorry.

11-26-2012, 06:34 PM
It was fun Bro... the accomplishments that the people u listed shaped pl. U will be missed along w kaarataka and some other greats but we will keep the love and the grace and style all of u tought us.

11-26-2012, 06:58 PM
PL is nothing like it used to be..

-Farming ssc for 10-20k at a time
-Grinding for days and days in sewers
-AoA parties with pandar :/
-Parties in guild hall with multiple devs at once
-When 5m was considered a lot for one person to have
-Farming hooch hats with old friends hoping to just get a 10k vanity.
-When SBL were common and owned in L10-20 PvP
-L19 Bear PvP with DanielRH
-Alphax <3

the list goes on. Lots of fun times in PL.

It makes me wonder, how PL would look if i quit and came back in 5 years.

Alphax <3

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

11-26-2012, 07:17 PM
You forgot paaahud. He was far the best competitive and friendly pvper ever, whenever I needed help with something he would always tell me a tactic or a few tips. I can say he was very skilled and helpfull at the same time.

Pf flyer
11-26-2012, 09:12 PM
Hey i see my name Aerobirdy aka Dripe
I remember first starting pvp as a bird during 56 cap. I saw Revelation reigning havoc in almost all the pvp rooms. At that time i made it my goal to train and get better as a bird hoping one day i could join Rev. I remember my first tryout during 61 cap. I was lvl 60 with glyph mimicry xbow set. It didnt end so good but Dtf told me i had potential. I took that as a complement. So i capped and got demonic. Now i tried out again with double vanity bonus and best gear for bird. I fought gmosauce, slushie, and ace for my tryout. They voted and i got in :) made my day. I will never forget my time spent with Rev. Its an honor to have been apart of the dynasty. Dtf i thank you for everything you offered me and giving me a chance to be on par with some pros.

11-26-2012, 10:52 PM
Im sorry, is this a typo?

Imp = Imperialelf

11-27-2012, 11:36 AM
Hey Mitch.,

You're easily one of the coolest people I got to meet in this game. You welcomed the triumph people with open arms when we disbanded, and I had an awesome time with you guys. (Even tho I was booted during my first break. :p)

I'm inactive, as well. I don't know if/when I'm coming back, but ill always remember u and rev. :)

Be good broski. Pm me ur email to stay in touch.

11-27-2012, 12:01 PM
Thanks for the memories and good talks in-game. Hate to see things end, but as mentioned before, everyone can see it coming. Keep in touch.

11-27-2012, 12:39 PM
Hey Mitch.,

You're easily one of the coolest people I got to meet in this game. You welcomed the triumph people with open arms when we disbanded, and I had an awesome time with you guys. (Even tho I was booted during my first break. :p)

I'm inactive, as well. I don't know if/when I'm coming back, but ill always remember u and rev. :)

Be good broski. Pm me ur email to stay in touch.

Yeah I'm retired as well

11-27-2012, 12:46 PM
Rose!!! Y u no lik me nemor? :'(

11-27-2012, 04:15 PM
Yeah I'm retired as well


Where is my daily PM's? :)

11-27-2012, 04:17 PM
Daily? O.O

11-27-2012, 05:00 PM
Rose!!! Y u no lik me nemor? :'(

What are you talking about Dewey? You cray cray

11-27-2012, 05:01 PM
What are you talking about Dewey? You cray cray

And she just ignores me... :(

"Rose!!! Y u no like me nemor? :'("

11-27-2012, 05:04 PM
And she just ignores me... :(

"Rose!!! Y u no like me nemor? :'("

You guys are loco, I swear :worked_till_5am:

11-27-2012, 10:13 PM
Lol you forgot some legends, Residentevil, Ladylove, and more but those two should not be forgotten. God I miss 40-50 pvp :( this thread even though I mostly quit pvp after 50, makes me really sad... Farewell, I always remember you as alwaysdtf at 56 cap owning my bear haha.

11-27-2012, 10:51 PM
Lol you forgot some legends, Residentevil, Ladylove, and more but those two should not be forgotten. God I miss 40-50 pvp :( this thread even though I mostly quit pvp after 50, makes me really sad... Farewell, I always remember you as alwaysdtf at 56 cap owning my bear haha.

Ign??? You're old lol ig wise hehe

11-28-2012, 09:36 AM
Ign??? You're old lol ig wise hehe

At risk of being banned I couldn't say haha, he's history anyways. I was never known except fora brief period at 40-45 cap where iLife to think behind Res and Ogrim I was third best bear :3, this of course changed when the shock lance was introduced, I couldn't get the hang of that thing haha! Anyways one dynasty ends...

11-28-2012, 02:04 PM
Oh the shock lance. I remember staring at it in cs all the time... Couldn't afford it :( That's the first weapon/item I really wanted.

11-28-2012, 04:40 PM
Oh the shock lance. I remember staring at it in cs all the time... Couldn't afford it :( That's the first weapon/item I really wanted.

Wasn't cs introduced during ao3..? :confused:

11-28-2012, 04:43 PM

11-28-2012, 04:45 PM
Oh the shock lance. I remember staring at it in cs all the time... Couldn't afford it :( That's the first weapon/item I really wanted.

Wasn't cs introduced during ao3..? :confused:
Thats what i thought o.O
But even then i thought was such cool weapon
I bought one for my pally and warbird to use while capping at 50
Took all my money
But i loved and love it so much
Too bad the scythe might out do it in 45 pvp

11-29-2012, 06:51 PM
my posts were deleted wat

the true one was about dtf gloating.

maybe this is a different thread

11-29-2012, 06:53 PM
maybe this is a different thread
i c u in OP

11-29-2012, 07:14 PM
my posts were deleted wat

the true one was about dtf gloating.

maybe this is a different thread
It was the pvp thread on the Ctf match. Gf tho.

12-09-2012, 11:54 PM
Revelation and all the people in and involved in it meant a lot to me. Thanks to everyone who left their mark.
If you knew me in game you knew I was all about my guild and the people in it.
I hope Rev is remembered as an elite top notch end game guild. Everyone in it were so pro gentlemen like, even the ladies :)

I'd like to extend a thanks to others not in Rev.
Trueplayer , truely a nemesis and counter part. Thanks for the excitement. Lol
Kanital - we were good pals for awhile , casualty of guilds.
Imkelly - what a characterssss!
Ghost aka Will we were a lot alike lil bro
Rated M - keep up the good fight, you guys have come a long way!
Walkhard- honorary member even if you aren't in guild.
Mothersolo- very underrated player, underneath it all very good person.
Dopeydaddy- wherever you are :)
Tashyang and Aniethia- much respect for you two legends very classy some of my first idols
Cherrykim- you being on leaderboard as a pally inspired me to get better with mine.
Thelonearcher- I still remember some things you said to me when you were 50 capped and I was coming up.
Theosiris- meeting you at 30s helped me in pvp a lot
Xrax- great guy humble and a model pvper
Skimmey- jerk lol your relentless attacks made me better vs birds
Hmmhmm- nice guy full of style
Fastcast- fatcat lol
Jay and Crim oF Cot- such professionals i'm glad to have had a great working Gm relationship with u guys!
Eden/Rush- good times!! Such passion for the game I admire that.
Unity - without you guys the game would have been so dull, much love.

Wow this truely sadden me, i also been away from pocket legends awhile now as you can see i am still lvl 75, but still i try find motivation to come back and tear up the pocket legend world again but this news of most hated rival retired is one that can also kill my character maybe this is the end for pocket legend for me too... Even tho i dont like you alwaysdtf but you did gained my respect honestly you became a great leader in ctf 5/5 and fail to beat unity. Some time i thought if we was to be on team maybe the outcome be differ, i also miss imkelly all great player now all gone sad times for pocket legends!!

12-10-2012, 12:10 AM
Wow this truely sadden me, i also been away from pocket legends awhile now as you can see i am still lvl 75, but still i try find motivation to come back and tear up the pocket legend world again but this news of most hated rival retired is one that can also kill my character maybe this is the end for pocket legend for me too... Even tho i dont like you alwaysdtf but you did gained my respect honestly you became a great leader in ctf 5/5 and fail to beat unity. Some time i thought if we was to be on team maybe the outcome be differ, i also miss imkelly all great player now all gone sad times for pocket legends!!


12-10-2012, 02:10 AM

agreed x2

12-10-2012, 03:53 AM
Thats what i thought o.O
But even then i thought was such cool weapon
I bought one for my pally and warbird to use while capping at 50
Took all my money
But i loved and love it so much
Too bad the scythe might out do it in 45 pvp

I rmemeber i was the bad *** bear who set the trend of bears group rush farming in map 4 to get the lances, as well as khopesh (i called those roses) - and kicked all mages and birds (teehee)


12-10-2012, 07:13 AM
I rmemeber i was the bad *** bear who set the trend of bears group rush farming in map 4 to get the lances, as well as khopesh (i called those roses) - and kicked all mages and birds (teehee)


That was back when it took actual skill to be a bear and many shined like yourself. Unfortunately now anyone can be a good bear/tank/attacker with 80 dodge/ heck load of crit and maybe a heal from a mage once a game

12-10-2012, 04:03 PM
Something need be done or pl will be just a game in the past. Now when i log in and see is full noobs who use be just my daily kill farm now they made list for best bird best bear mage etc.... Lol how all the hardcore talentive players have all die out RIP pkbanana, alwaysdtf, kanital, imkelly, Trueplayer basic being pro in this game dont just mean good at one on one call these players the A+ List of pl these players could do it all and made everybody around them better. Times have change, but for the bad hopefully something will spark everybody to return.

12-10-2012, 05:29 PM
Something need be done or pl will be just a game in the past. Now when i log in and see is full noobs who use be just my daily kill farm now they made list for best bird best bear mage etc.... Lol how all the hardcore talentive players have all die out RIP pkbanana, alwaysdtf, kanital, imkelly, Trueplayer basic being pro in this game dont just mean good at one on one call these players the A+ List of pl these players could do it all and made everybody around them better. Times have change, but for the bad hopefully something will spark everybody to return.
do remember, some got BANNED!

12-11-2012, 02:49 AM
Who knows TP. Maybe some new dtf like guy like come along and some new TP (hopefully w better English) too lol. And we can sit back and laugh at their silly forum arguements.
One thing sure is, pocket legends good game then because alwaysdtf is beast player own all like trueplayer. One day guild of tp might win over Revelation but not chance.
Jk trueplayer lol.