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View Full Version : Plat confirmation suggestion

11-25-2012, 10:23 AM
Im so angry at the devs right now, this might cost me an infraction but

Its so stupid that devs dont put confirmations, seriously?! Like 2+ threads have requested it, stop stealing our platinum -.- if u wanted to, u couldve put confirmations for everything but the reason u streched the time is cuz u want to steal our plat. Misclicks. It happens to everyone, the 1 plat revive, shazbot bypass, elixirs, u name it. Why dont devs do anything about it? Its so hard to earn platinum, my device doesnt even refresh offers so i have none and when i pm support they dont reply...its been 4 days :/

Lol...this is rantish but im putting a suggestion.
Confirmation window to feed pet, but not to spend plat. Well trolled, STS, well trolled.

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11-25-2012, 10:28 AM
Hey! That's me! :D If you read a little further down in that thread where that was posted, you'll see the real reason there is no confirmation window on the plat spending. They spent all of their confirmation button budget on the 47,000 confirmations you have to hit just to exit the dang game. Overkill confirmation buttons are overkill.

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11-25-2012, 10:32 AM
Hey! That's me! :D If you read a little further down in that thread where that was posted, you'll see the real reason there is no confirmation window on the plat spending. They spent all of their confirmation button budget on the 47,000 confirmations you have to hit just to exit the dang game. Overkill confirmation buttons are overkill.

This post has +5 to topic derailment nothing there :D

11-25-2012, 10:36 AM
Im so angry at the devs right now, this might cost me an infraction but

Its so stupid that devs dont put confirmations, seriously?! Like 2+ threads have requested it, stop stealing our platinum -.- if u wanted to, u couldve put confirmations for everything but the reason u streched the time is cuz u want to steal our plat. Misclicks. It happens to everyone, the 1 plat revive, shazbot bypass, elixirs, u name it. Why dont devs do anything about it? Its so hard to earn platinum, my device doesnt even refresh offers so i have none and when i pm support they dont reply...its been 4 days :/

Lol...this is rantish but im putting a suggestion.
Due to the holiday it might take a little while longer to hear back from support. Please keep this thread constructive not a rant.

11-25-2012, 11:14 AM
Im so angry at the devs right now, this might cost me an infraction but

Its so stupid that devs dont put confirmations, seriously?! Like 2+ threads have requested it, stop stealing our platinum -.- if u wanted to, u couldve put confirmations for everything but the reason u streched the time is cuz u want to steal our plat. Misclicks. It happens to everyone, the 1 plat revive, shazbot bypass, elixirs, u name it. Why dont devs do anything about it? Its so hard to earn platinum, my device doesnt even refresh offers so i have none and when i pm support they dont reply...its been 4 days :/

Lol...this is rantish but im putting a suggestion.
Due to the holiday it might take a little while longer to hear back from support. Please keep this thread constructive not a rant. alright lol but that is annoying

11-26-2012, 11:16 AM
I've made a few posts regarding this, and fully support a confirmation.

So easy to slip of a finger and spend 2/5plat each time. (HUD and Shaz (5plat) to complete timer)

11-26-2012, 12:11 PM
Due to the holiday it might take a little while longer to hear back from support. Please keep this thread constructive not a rant.

I suppose that excuse would fly IF it wasn't already mentioned a week before the holiday weekend.


Truth of the matter is the majority of threads in suggestions don't get ANY sort of acknowledgement from the powers that be. Of the three threads I've found concerning this, only one has any sort of reply from a dev/mod, this one, and that was more to shake the rules at the op for possibly venturing off towards rant territory. Seems rants are what's necessary to get the attention of someone around here.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

11-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Agreed, I'm actually surprised there's no confirm button. Haven't hit a purchase accidentally but I know I will soon if they keep it this way. Heck, even the purchases in the AH have confirmation screens, and those are only gold.

Or they should allow you to stash platinum so you can't accidentally spend it.

11-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Yeah lol I'm kinda owed 15-20 plat from sts by accidental non confimed button presses, thanks to lagg and my children and dogs knocking my hands/tablet when I'm playing. Don't worry, I won't sue lol XD but an apology and a confirmation button would make me and other people happier. Nothing like daylight rubbery. And FYI I've stopped bothering with the daily rewards on AL because the 5 day ones just arn't worth doing. Shazbot is better and I'm always a few hours out because of my Busy RL. Example, playing AL all day waitin, playing it all day the next, then work. Try to claim my bonus. Oh great goblins have knicked it again... Only three to four hours late claiming, yet I've been playing both days and more, now that is Bull.
Hope you can fix that cuz us adults arnt as flexible as we used to be and im sure DL had a longer claim time allowence too. Did you shorten it to having to claim it asap? Even if its the middle of the night? C'mon. Thats really unhealthy. We should be able to claim it anytime in the next 24 hrs.

Thanks for reading one of Mitchturbo's rants. *hug* please sts fix these,and I will be uber happy again cuz I know you are good people :-)

11-26-2012, 06:55 PM
Overkill confirmation buttons are overkill.

Are you sure? :witless:

11-30-2012, 11:40 PM
Well I knew it was only a matter of time. Clicked mouse button twice, made purchase accidentally. +1, add confirmation to all plat purchases please.

12-01-2012, 07:56 AM
I now agree with OP. Purchased few elixirs and items for nothing. Not sure why they don't add the option yet.. maybe because they will then have less platinum purchases... :mad:.

12-01-2012, 01:21 PM
I now agree with OP. Purchased few elixirs and items for nothing. Not sure why they don't add the option yet.. maybe because they will then have less platinum purchases... :mad:.

I don't understand either, it might bring money in right now but in the end you will end up with very unhappy customers. Luckily for me i only had it twice, once with shazbot and once with a luck six. Imagine browsing the pets and accidentally buying maillison, i would be so angry.

12-01-2012, 01:57 PM
They have lost me as a customer in Arcane Legends. -_-

12-01-2012, 02:00 PM
They have lost me as a customer in Arcane Legends. -_-

They will lose me soon too.

12-01-2012, 02:25 PM
let the force guide your finger my son.

12-01-2012, 02:29 PM
I renamed accidentally once there went 30 plat.. Thought I accidentally press the button to delete my char turns out it was rename... There went 30 plat...