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View Full Version : My opinion on Platinum Armour Set Stats

11-25-2012, 09:14 PM
Dear Space Time,
I started playing this game and wanted to purchase to support a great game. I decided to get one of the lower end platinum armor sets to do so and to help me progress more easily.

I recently turned level 13 and defeated a boss [the one that kills the wizard] and I was given a new piece of armor. The issue I have is the new piece of armor for a level 14 warrior has higher states than my paid for armor. Really I can not understand what type of business would give items that are paid for lower states than dropped items. Also I am only level 13 and this is a level 14 set so what is going to happen when I reach level 20?

This has totally put me off ever supporting this game with cash purchases again. Now don't get me wrong I did not expect a level 100 state armor when I purchased the lower end paid armor but I did expect it to be at least level to the highest basic drop or in game purchase armor and not a level 14 drop armor.

We don't want to pay to win but if we pay we expect to at least be able to use what we paid for. Really 2 Levels and my armor is now worthless.

And before any one says I should have looked at the states. How would a level 11 User know that in 3 levels he would have access to drops with higher specs that his paid for set.

11-25-2012, 09:17 PM
Because money bought gears should never be better than dropped gears.
If that were to happen, everybody can just buy their way to the top.

11-25-2012, 10:44 PM
Because money bought gears should never be better than dropped gears.
If that were to happen, everybody can just buy their way to the top.

As a long term mmo player some one who has come from FPS I understand your point of view but at the same time see a flaw in your process thought.

Why I did not expect to have any thing stupidly above or even higher than the highest dropped item I did how ever expect a premium item to match dropped items. No premium item should ever be beat in states only matched.

Just think a sword costs you $10 to purchase and a day later you get a random dropped sword with higher states. Please tell me you would not find a fault with this way of process. Would you honestly bother to purchase another item when you know there is any chance you will find better gear just by playing a little more? I dont expect my item to give me a magic pass against playing how ever I do expect to get at least an item that I can use past a few days before it is pointless of me to have purchased.

Special Effects,
Special Perks,
EXP Boosts

At least make premium gear have a point [Even Special effects only really works if you match the highest drop item states]

Now to the buy your way to the top,
There is no real rank system so what top? Rank is done by achievement points so no one can truly be number one when there is 15 other people with matching points. So your again incorrect.

11-25-2012, 11:08 PM
I agree with you. Wasted 70 plat to get a bundle that is completely useless. Only the inventory and auction slots that worth it.

11-26-2012, 01:53 AM
They are tradeable so if you dont like em you could alternatively sell em and buy better gear. But i agree with pro, dropped stuff is always better than brought.

11-26-2012, 03:21 AM
They are worth nothing because its tradeable.

11-26-2012, 10:16 AM
They are tradeable so if you dont like em you could alternatively sell em and buy better gear. But i agree with pro, dropped stuff is always better than brought.

I believe what he is saying is that bought gear should be better than garbage purple gear that you get from drops. Not necessarily the legendary gear. But it should at least be better than the garbage loot.

11-26-2012, 10:50 AM
They are worth nothing because its tradeable. sets go around 30-50k for mages

11-26-2012, 10:58 AM
I believe what he is saying is that bought gear should be better than garbage purple gear that you get from drops. Not necessarily the legendary gear. But it should at least be better than the garbage loot.
If the purple gear is better then it's not exactly garbage, now is it?

11-26-2012, 11:10 AM
Because money bought gears should never be better than dropped gears.
If that were to happen, everybody can just buy their way to the top.

^^ This.

What did you expect getting the set at lvl 13. Lvl 16 Elite Gear is going to be double or more than that.

No bought gear should be in game if higher or even around the same as the best gear in game that is farmed for a reason.

11-26-2012, 04:31 PM
I'm actually happy you can't buy OP gear, otherwise it would be pay to win, which ruins many freemium games IMO.*To make it more valuable, they could give purchased items a unique appearance, rather than crazy stats.

11-27-2012, 08:58 AM
If the purple gear is better then it's not exactly garbage, now is it?

Mmmm flawed logic.

11-27-2012, 01:36 PM
Three thoughts.

1) Contrary to current commentary, things actually tend NOT to fall into the categories of either "AWESOME!" or "S**T". The plat armor can be pretty good, and yet still not be the best in the game.

2) Do you really want to play a game where folk can buy their way to wins? Really? I don't. I'd rather take my chances with the same odds for drops as everyone else, where players that spend more time playing end up with better armor, on average. I don't mind losing to a better player, but I hate losing to credit-card-kings & -queens.

3) Similarly, in every dungeon crawler and hack 'n slash I've ever played, the drops in the dungeons always -and SHOULD always- be better than what you can buy in town, whether you're buying from a virtual vendor or from the game devs. Otherwise, why bother visiting the dungeons at all?

11-27-2012, 02:32 PM
Three thoughts.

1) Contrary to current commentary, things actually tend NOT to fall into the categories of either "AWESOME!" or "S**T". The plat armor can be pretty good, and yet still not be the best in the game.

2) Do you really want to play a game where folk can buy their way to wins? Really? I don't. I'd rather take my chances with the same odds for drops as everyone else, where players that spend more time playing end up with better armor, on average. I don't mind losing to a better player, but I hate losing to credit-card-kings & -queens.

3) Similarly, in every dungeon crawler and hack 'n slash I've ever played, the drops in the dungeons always -and SHOULD always- be better than what you can buy in town, whether you're buying from a virtual vendor or from the game devs. Otherwise, why bother visiting the dungeons at all? wut phoe sed

11-27-2012, 02:42 PM
Mmmm flawed logic.
Nah, appropriate logic. Before they nerfed drop rates purples were pretty rare and really good compared to what dropped usually, which made pinks impossibly awesome when you got one dropped to you. Now it's so easy to get pinks and purples, people have your mentality, "Who cares about this decent gear, i'm too holy to bother myself with this." Aka the logic that lead STS to stop making the purples in all the games unique, the only thing people care about is pinks.

11-27-2012, 03:13 PM
Nah, appropriate logic. Before they nerfed drop rates purples were pretty rare and really good compared to what dropped usually, which made pinks impossibly awesome when you got one dropped to you. Now it's so easy to get pinks and purples, people have your mentality, "Who cares about this decent gear, i'm too holy to bother myself with this." Aka the logic that lead STS to stop making the purples in all the games unique, the only thing people care about is pinks.

Indeed. With the way it is, STS should just dispose of the whites and greens completely. All they do is clutter up your inventory, and purples drop often enough you don't need to bother with whites/greens for your equips. Make a two color system, STS. That's what it is in practice even if in theory it isn't.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

11-27-2012, 03:18 PM
Nah, appropriate logic. Before they nerfed drop rates purples were pretty rare and really good compared to what dropped usually, which made pinks impossibly awesome when you got one dropped to you. Now it's so easy to get pinks and purples, people have your mentality, "Who cares about this decent gear, i'm too holy to bother myself with this." Aka the logic that lead STS to stop making the purples in all the games unique, the only thing people care about is pinks.

Maybe that's the case. But that's the way it is. They DID nerf the rate. So this is how it is now. If the purple gear wasn't so common it wouldn't be a problem. Here's where your logic fails. Just because the purple is better that the plat gear, it doesn't mean the purple gear is good. It just means the plat gear is worse. What make the gear garbage? It has no value. I loot and liquidate hundreds of purples and greens every day.

And I'd appreciate not being lumped into so generalization you are making about the people that play this game. Fact is, if people are paying real life money for gear in a game, it should be better than very common gear that you can get in 20 minutes of playing. It doesn't have to be as good as legendary gear, but it shouldn't be trash that is equivalent to stuff we liquidate.

11-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Three thoughts.
3) Similarly, in every dungeon crawler and hack 'n slash I've ever played, the Legendary drops in the dungeons always -and SHOULD always- be better than what you can buy in town, whether you're buying from a virtual vendor or from the game devs. Otherwise, why bother visiting the dungeons at all?

I fixed it for you.

11-27-2012, 05:04 PM
I fixed it for you.

...Okay, point. Thanks, Aednos!