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View Full Version : Release Priority Since 1.3

09-13-2010, 08:14 AM
It has been over two months since 1.3 (Alien Oasis Part 2) has released, but the Pocket Legends game are no longer fun and challenging instead it gets more and more “childish” and “boring”.

I once love this game so much, I bought 800 platinum straightway, recommended the games to my friends, now I have 730 platinums I do not wish to use them at all.
The game has turned into a fashion show and SERIOUSLY people pay 1-3 million gold for a Kite Shield, 300k for a Voodoo Doll (7 Dex, 2% Dodge, 5% Crit, 13 Armor), where an Imhotep Eye of Horus (8 Dex, 3% Dodge, 6% Crit, 18 Armor), you will be lucky to get 10K for it.

Some grey/white items, like Voodoo Spoon, War Hammer, most of Lvl 35 swamp pinks worth a lot more than AO2/1 pinks even though stats wise are inferior.

As soon as the new design for Mynas Helmet of Thoth/Isis are released, the prices become 5-15 times more expensive, then the frog helm that attracts flies are worth 300-400K compared to my Khafra Helm of Thoth (20K) or Dreamer’s Khafra Helm (5K if lucky). Frog helm has novelty look, and at least some stats, compared to other platinum hats, seriously the whole customisation (hats) probably introduced wipe rate by at least 20-30%, dumbness and noobness by many folds.


Introduce level 1 Viking Helms, Sombrero, Head Phones, Cowboy Hat, Nappy Cap for 6-10 platinum. Sure, they are nice to look at, I have no problem if you wear them in the town centre or farming lowbie instances, but seriously, why would you wear them in PvP, or Elite Instances, or when group rushing Alien Oasis 2, Chariots of the Goons Map 4.
Customisation to me has many more levels; look is probably one of the least attributes. I would prefer if more gears such as Boots, Gloves, Shoulder, Chestpiece, Leg, Trinket, Rings, Bracers, Tabard, Belt, Cloat, Necklace etc.
Also make items database available to the public, so people can search and update the wiki/website accordingly. This will make this game more attractive and get more people involved in building the community.


I have done almost all the quests on all my three characters, while they are fun and well implemented, but I would start the quests for high levels first (i.e. 45) then work my way back to lower levels.
What’s the quest to collect 1024 tomes, which I refuse to do, as I believe it is a silly quest to buy more development time.
If you want to make lengthy quest, why don’t you allow quest to be repetitive, have different rewards for say 100 tomes, build a reputation rank against a fraction. Have really attractive rewards (pink possible) if you reach the highest reputation in that fraction/town.

Elite Maps

Finally I thought it will be a great opportunity to show some love to the large level 45 group, to my disappoint, non of drops are usable by lvl 45 and the drop rate is almost non-existent when I attempt 20 times.
Who ever come up the idea of doing 5 Nightmares instance in a pack should really get a life, what a stupid idea to make a boring and repetive instance 5 times longer, so they can suffer more of losing brain cells?
I would make all elite instances lvl 45 ones, lvl 30 can still do their normal Lost Expedition.
Have multiple bosses in each elite instances like Swamp, make reward in reflection of the effort you put in.
You can tell the success of a campaign by simply checking how many people are playing the games.

Please give more contents/love to the Level 45. For most MMORPG games, the game should really begin when you reach the top level. For Pocket Legend, the fun stops when you reach level 45, as there is nothing you can really do other than FARM, first FARM high level gears, then FARM low level rare bosses.

If you give those new 45 pinks (Lances, Sun Staff, Red Isis Bows) as rewards for PvP, I am sure the Arena will be a flood gate for PvPers, not like the current situation.

If you create non-battle profession like Alchemy, Enchanting, Crafting… it will make the game a lot more interesting…

If you create raid instances (10 men), elite instances for highest levels ONLY, it will keep the people glued to the games.

If you introduce a way of giving away/trade Platinums, I may seriously consider the option...

09-13-2010, 08:42 AM
I know how you feel, what you have to consider is why things are the way they are.

Platinum will never be giftable/tradeable because it would allow people to sell plat for gold, then sell that gold for real money. Nobody likes gold farmers.

Customisation, while a waste of time in your opinion (and mine to be honest - at least until they make appearance inventory slots that allow you to have a customised look but still equip your standard armour), is definitely not in other peoples eyes, as proven by the fact that so many people own hats.

Frozen Nightmares is the level 30 elite instance, loot chances have recently been changed to make it more worth while, but it isn't designed for level capped players - we will get our elite content eventually.

Quests (thinking mainly of the tomes quests here) have pointless rewards and the dev team know this, nobody does them for any reason other than completion. The devs did mention about putting an appropriate reward for the tomes quests, but have apparently forgotten. Personally I think these quests are a waste of time anyway, they take way too long for a quest at that level, and the whole "Collect X amount of Y item" is just rinse and repeat nonsense that should never have such high numbers, quests can be made longer in interesting ways. Killing 1024 enemies would be bad enough, but opening 1024+ chests (not every chest gives a tome) is beyond a joke.

In terms of endgame content, tradeskills would be nice, but are still a ways off in the future I think. Raid content would be fantastic, but without any kind of updated health/mana system (making fights longer) you can only make enemies so hard before they simply kill any player in 1 hit.

One last thing, for any good team play warriors need to be able to hold aggro, and taunt right now just isn't good enough, elite (and raid) content needs a group with proper roles, tank, healer, dps etc. What good is a tank that cant hold aggro?....

09-13-2010, 08:44 AM
More skills/review of skills

More race/class

Raid PvP, Task driven PvP

Auction house / non- combat skills...

Will make this game interesting...

09-13-2010, 08:54 AM
Need in game guilds. Auctionhouse. Ao3 and I'd be happy...

Also peoplecmay disagree with me but what was the point of making a lvl 30 elite dungeon. Most lvl 30 players just want to lvl up and don't have the skills to do an elite dungeon. Plus they have ancient swamps and ao1 and 2 to have fun playing. But we lvl45s have nothing... I just think it would have made a lot more sense if they just made frozen nightmares a lvl 45 elite dungeon...

09-13-2010, 09:04 AM
Need in game guilds. Auctionhouse. Ao3 and I'd be happy...

Also peoplecmay disagree with me but what was the point of making a lvl 30 elite dungeon. Most lvl 30 players just want to lvl up and don't have the skills to do an elite dungeon. Plus they have ancient swamps and ao1 and 2 to have fun playing. But we lvl45s have nothing... I just think it would have made a lot more sense if they just made frozen nightmares a lvl 45 elite dungeon...

Agree, it's all about incentive. Please do not make elite instances for low levels, as their objective is to lvl up asap. Not playing most difficult instances to get more wipes.

09-13-2010, 09:10 AM
In hindsight I'd probably agree, lower level elite content seems a waste, and the only people who really want to play it are those already at the level cap.

But still, if it had some decent loot, there might be a reason to play, a new tier of loot, for example; red Elite items.

09-13-2010, 09:23 AM
instead of thinking of further content, I suggest focusing first on the short term goals which wre not being completed, such as auction haus, ao3. and new townes and content. by justGs word, we should be receiving ao3 either this week or the next, or else head will roll >:(

09-13-2010, 10:18 AM
i give it one more month before i quit...

i hardly even "play" now. i do log on, but dont do as much as i did before...

Who ever come up the idea of doing 5 Nightmares instance in a pack should really get a life, what a stupid idea to make a boring and repetive instance 5 times longer, so they can suffer more of losing brain cells?

This is out of line, since they do have a life, and a job. Its called Spacetime Studios, and believe it or not, its a tough job. Imagine reading threads posted by little whining kids? Its tough...

09-13-2010, 07:29 PM
Dev: more updates just keep coming

Update: new hats are out now!!

People: good job, I'm going to get one...lol

09-13-2010, 07:35 PM
i give it one more month before i quit...

i hardly even "play" now. i do log on, but dont do as much as i did before...

This is out of line, since they do have a life, and a job. Its called Spacetime Studios, and believe it or not, its a tough job. Imagine reading threads posted by little whining kids? Its tough...
wow same here dude when i started i played maybe 8 hours a day that was when the game was funn... i mean like a week ago, but now i hardly play as much and its no longer the fun it was before,,

09-13-2010, 07:39 PM
Dev: more updates just keep coming

Update: new hats are out now!!

People: good job, I'm going to get one...lol

what new hats...

09-13-2010, 07:47 PM
My apology for this bit of criticism, I think I am bit carried away with the frustration I have with the game. It was a silly idea that in part with the initial completing quests to access your stash.

I appreciate for the hard work the development has put in; they have since fixed the Nightmare campaign.

What I convey the message is that, sure SpaceTime Studio wants to promote this game to attract more/new players, but they should look after existing customers particularly (level 45 groups) and make them happy and committed, then the word of mouth will spread quicker, as the best form of advertisement and testimonial.

Chances are, the existing players (like myself) will more likely to spend money to purchase more platinum for new feature and campaigns.

09-13-2010, 07:50 PM
i agree with what chick said and bmc and some of what u said...pretty much took every tid bit out of my mouth and spreaded it around this thread:)...just wanted to point out its customization,look u even got bmc doing it;)

09-13-2010, 08:02 PM
i agree with what chick said and bmc and some of what u said...pretty much took every tid bit out of my mouth and spreaded it around this thread:)...just wanted to point out its customization,look u even got bmc doing it;)

No thats just how weirdos in the US spell it, the rest of the world is spelling it properly :) j/king

09-13-2010, 08:07 PM
those brits

09-13-2010, 08:17 PM
No thats just how weirdos in the US spell it, the rest of the world is spelling it properly :) j/king

haha im miami florida just moved like a month ago loving it so i must be a US weirdo:p...use to live in NYC..living here my whole life...i must be super weird then;)