View Full Version : How do you switch accounts using iphone?

11-28-2012, 10:06 PM
I know you can sign into arcane legends multiple ways, but when I touch login with google, it logs in my brothers account. I cant find a way to log in with my account. We use the same device. Is it possible? It never prompts for username or password anymore, just goes straight into his.

11-28-2012, 10:34 PM
Perfect, that worked! Thanks

Chen Hoe
01-03-2013, 09:16 AM
It doesn't prompt because his password is saved. You can log out after it logs in automatically, and to the right of the email is an arrow. Click that, and it will give you a list of emails you have saved previously (four of them, or if you didn't use them they'll be empty and you can save with the edit button.) Then select your email, type in your password, and log in! Since you're sharing a device you shouldn't save password since it causes problems like these :)

After I logged out, there's no arrow except an exit button on the top right hand corner. Pressing that leads me back out with the 4 ways to sign in.