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View Full Version : What OTHER things would you like to see in Arcane Legends? (Free Content)

11-30-2012, 12:25 PM
The Spacetime Studios Development Team is hard at work building great new stuff. For Arcane Legends, we’re making headway on everything we posted about 10 days ago in this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?75971-The-Future-of-Arcane-Legends, which includes:

• New content
• Raised level cap
• Vanity Items
• Balance
• Bug Fixes and refinements
• Season 2 of the Leaderboards
• Player vs. Player (PvP)

For those interested in our other games, we also have some big developments for Pocket Legends that we will be releasing details about soon. We also have Year End Holiday celebrations coming for all games.

Beyond all of the above, we’re interested in what else you are looking for in Arcane Legends? We certainly have our ideas, but we’d like to hear yours. We want to keep entertaining you for months and years to come, so ideas that have the possibility of broad, lasting appeal are especially interesting. Additionally, we are always trying to balance our business goals with your entertainment. So, hearing what kinds of things you would be willing to spend Platinum on for additional convenience or entertainment value are also very interesting.

Thanks very much for being part of the Arcane Legends and Spacetime Studios Community of Gamers! We look forward to your thoughts.


Please use this thread to post your ideas about standard game content or features.

If you have ideas for Premium content or features, please use this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?77503

11-30-2012, 12:27 PM
For free content, i'd suggest these:

Few Vanities.
Stash Slots.
Respec Points.
Inspect Page Editing.

These are just ideas. To be honest, I prefer to wait and have the surprise of future content. Just don't make us pay for 100% of the new content. Thanks and good luck ;).

11-30-2012, 12:52 PM
Free revives - as in skill oe pet or if ur generous all 1plat rev free

11-30-2012, 12:57 PM
for google chrome(pc) , please add the option of changing the hotkeys layout for keyboard use thank you =)

11-30-2012, 01:07 PM
Free revives - as in skill oe pet or if ur generous all 1plat rev free

it's not really an issue of generosity, Miraclebird. As part of running a business, we do need to have some options that users pay us for to justify the time and effort spent creating and maintaining the games. We're really like to keep the discussion on new ideas and not get dragged down into the specifics of running a successful business. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

11-30-2012, 01:23 PM
more diversified skills
maybe having some warrior skills that scale with dex/int
this will encourage different builds and more roles

11-30-2012, 01:33 PM
1.Send messages to friends that are offline.
2.Gain PvE kills in lower level dungeons.
3.Guild vanity item (shield, flag, button, etc..) that we can create by the guild master purchasing with plat.
4.Create two types of PvP maps. One map that is all FFA that has gates and waits for a full game,then the players that can go at it. And 1v1 maps that boot people that automitically that attack or "rush" without saying "go"
5.More skill placements.
6.The skill slots to be the same as PL, not like SL. I find it harder to switch skill slots back & forward. In PL i can just place all 12 skills on my screen, makes it much easier.


11-30-2012, 01:35 PM
Listing fees is very high in auctions. Also there should be an additional comments option by the seller. so we can mention that we are open to bargain. Or if someone wanna buys our item in exchange of our item, we can mention our preference. For ex - in my listing of a 500k item, I can mention that I am open for trade for 200k+ a particular item or a pet many. That will make it easier for us.
In auctions sometimes people end up with good legendary items that they wanna sell but cause of heavy listing fees they can't. Then they sell for low price. I think either u guys should decrease listing fees % or maybe take it only if item sells. Or if not that then at least return that fees if listing is cancelled.

New pets - there are very few pets in the game. And most are basically same with diff colour combinations. U guys can add tigers, eagles, maybe lions, cats, any other good animal. We seriously need heavier variety of companions.

Variety of top class items. Currently there is only 1 too items in every class. Like a particular blades for rogues level 16 legendary. These are the best blades for rogues. Why can't there be options. Of someone likes to be heavy on health (not as heavy as warriors) and armor then a weapon for that. A diff one for intelligence and diff one for dex, bonus damage and damage. But the value of these items for you and for players will be same, I.e., u can have the same % chance in or servers of players farming these. That is maybe 0.5 % for all these three items.

Bigger parties for higher level of enemies. In upcoming levels u can add even harder bosses with parties of 5. Bigger areas maybe. Certainly more additional items to slash and collect loot from.

About loot, loot we find generally by slashing stuff is generally 2,5,10,20,34, gold. You guys can add rare chance of getting 100-5000 gold.

I know that u guys have made this game to earn money but If the game is free for everyone with additional premium currency and services then the regular achievements should be achieveable by everyone. Maybe hard for normal users but at leat give them an opportunity. Like currently there are two achievements which ask users to list MULTIPLE and 10 items in auction at the same time. Those who can't buy can't ever get this achievement. Maybe if someone sells items over 1 million gold then they get an additional listing slot from the auction house. So if in 2-3 weeks someone is able to sell items worth in total 10 M they have 10 additional slots and now they can get that achievement. Same with guilds....no normal user can buy a guild character.

Guilds - currently guilds concept is lame. U join a guild. The master buys a hall, people can trade and chat thers, there is a guild chat but that's it. Nothing innovative and exciting with guilds going on.

I have more in mind...maybe I'll comment later.

11-30-2012, 01:41 PM
- More chat channels (to have separate Trade channel in guild for example, that you can switch off; or even channels for Interests)
- New pets and staff (mb not more powerful, but Special in speed only (+35% .. ), attack bonus only (20%) etc..
- More staff that you can purchase by Token and Hauntlet coins, let it be 1000 points and hard dungeons, but you can buy at least some cool pet or special (not best but cool) legendaries
- Dota-like map in PvP, and Tower Defense map, where you can gain achievements, and mb coins
- Gold purchased respec, let it be 100k gold against 3platinum, but let it be!
- More diversity in LB, solo/duo/separate class LB in crypt and tombs - 5 positions not one and so on

11-30-2012, 01:57 PM
yeah, about auction slots and stash slots - same, let the price be UNFAIR, 10x higher than in plat, but can be purchased in gold (300k for example). But making it possible to accomplish. For plat users - much easier, ok ^^

11-30-2012, 02:05 PM
More Auction slots
More Stash slots
More Invent slots
More In-depth questing, more fun and interactive ones e.g. where you cant just complete it on your own.
Random questing and rewards for example a random NPC appears next to you asking for help and maybe if you are lucky you can get Vanities/Items, for completing the Random Quest.

11-30-2012, 02:10 PM
From doing the crypts and hauntlet runs its alot of fun but the path from start to end is linear. There is not to many different ways to get from point A to B and the enemies are fairly static. Im not sure what the programming requirements are for this but it would be more cool to have a map that was more an area map like a village that you had to clear out the enemies, but with random spawning and roaming mobs you can predict where they will be. May be have fewer enemies in a level, but have higher hp. You get critical for hit them on the weak spot or doing specific combos on them and also higher critical if your able to sneak up on them.

It would be cool if there were banners in the guild hall for people who have their names on the lb. I also a fan of making statues of the season winners of the lb and put them in kraag or maybe a new town. Call it City of Heros or something like that.

11-30-2012, 02:11 PM
ok i know u make this game to gain profit but don't restrict the player to must buy the plat to have access for certain features that u usually need
i'm ok with the idea that plat make u cool flashy etc but make another way to access the features by other mean maybe it's hard to get but it's possible
example :
- there is daily that reward 1 respec token and u need 10 respec token to have access to respec. it's hard but it's possible. :D
- u can revive with rev and instantly by paying gold to roll a slot machine if u success u'll revive instantly

also if the Cons make it pay a little tax to listing item and make other tax when the item selling so fail cons not suffer gold lost to much
and i have idea about give a little generousness of dev if possible maybe give reward per level up like additional inv, stash, auction slot.

u can also add feature like cod and mailbox to send between player so economical not just rely on the cons and yelling in the town

11-30-2012, 02:19 PM

Please please, please add crafting and crafting materials etc.

It would add more variety to the game by far and introduce a new dimension to AL plus add to the economy in AL.

LOWER listing Fees in Auction. Why $100? That's way too high

11-30-2012, 02:29 PM
Once pvp comes out you should have a training mode

11-30-2012, 03:00 PM
Moved to a new thread: A Few Ideas (Link) (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?78149-A-Few-Ideas)

11-30-2012, 03:05 PM
In general, you add tons of longevity to a game if you introduce customizable gear. Everyone's saying it, and it's an age-old formula that has sends people out hunting for materials and perfecting their own set of equipment.

You should also find some form of gear sink before the CS floods and everything devalues. Maybe breaking down 20 items could contribute to a free elixir effect or something (limit it to the less popular elixirs if you want to conserve your business goals.)

11-30-2012, 03:12 PM
Fishing for pet food and pet races :)

11-30-2012, 03:42 PM
1. Passive skills.
2. More skill slots. 5 or 6 would be better.
3. Rare spawn bosses. Like some sort a random spawn that yields a chance of a rare loot. Maybe you could use this idea if you guys plan on doing an Xmas event.
4. More timed dungeons with achievements like Hauntlet.

11-30-2012, 03:56 PM
1. Quick chat
2. Solo option in dungeons
3. Drop legendary items to character specific. I'm a warrior and all the legendary drops (about 30-40) I have received were for sorcerers.

11-30-2012, 04:01 PM
The guild system now is basically just another friend list but with ranks and stuffs. It would be great to be able to do more with the guild. For example: Allow us to see each members last login time so that we'll know who's active and who's not. Have guild levels implemented whereby the members have to do 'contribution' to level the guild which gives certain advantages. Guild announcement / notice function. Guild quests to bring the members together. Guild emblems would be awesome. These are just some ideas which would definitely improve the guild experience for the game.

Pat Clute
11-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Ground tap movement
Vanity items
More towns
More dungeons

11-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Add the "Show Stats" button when in the Trade window. When people offer items to trade, we'll be able to see what it does to our stats.

Tap on the item to see it's stats (when that item is in the trade window).

11-30-2012, 04:10 PM
All I want is passive skills and rogue mana boost. Would be nice!

11-30-2012, 05:14 PM
•Equipment enchantment !

11-30-2012, 05:19 PM
More mana regeneration haha xD

11-30-2012, 05:23 PM
Pet battles/Arena

11-30-2012, 05:42 PM
1. Quick chat
2. Solo option in dungeons
3. Drop legendary items to character specific. I'm a warrior and all the legendary drops (about 30-40) I have received were for sorcerers.
No quick chat. It only promotes spamming

11-30-2012, 05:52 PM
-More rooms and things in guildhalls
-A less boring guildhall (A trader and practice rooms and more)
-Mana boost for rogues to balance them to other classes due to low health and armor
-Better items bought with story tokens
-Enchanting items with buffs and Procs found in the world
-A bigger world and side areas to explore (Side stories like the crypts but more roaming and exploring big maps)
-The ability to kill beggars in town
-The ability to put a bounty on people's heads
-Passive abilities and skills
-Less people in a town zone (Gets laggy and crowded. I prefer a small group of 5)
-More enemies in later caps (I wants a droideka <3)
-The removal of Gold for Platinum
-Class specific vanities
-Many more once I gather all my ideas

11-30-2012, 05:54 PM
Here is a list of suggestions

fix some skills to scale with gear or better yet, your level (like mage's skill that restores mana every sec for 10s. Make the Mana grow with your level, similar to the cost in your spells growing)
For Elite Dungeons:

make XP gains match the increase in HP/damage
make Gold drops match the increase in HP/damage
add an Elite Coin (15) that is credited for finishing an elite zone and these can then be spent to purchase elite quality gear. Has to be a good enough price on the items that they aren't too easy to get, but not too difficult. Gear bought this way is bound to account and not CS-able. Helps stop zerging bosses. Incentive to run the whole dungeon. Also, creates a sort of 'end game' to work on. Also, the Elite Coins would have levels so your lvl 15 coins are only good for lvl 15 gear, etc. You could trade up but at like 10:1 ratio maybe since once you are a higher level you wouldn't be able to get lvl 15 coins anymore

Fix gold from Selling items to be more in line with Item Level * Quality of Item (or even + instead of *). By the time you hit 15, you probably haven't even saved up 10,000 gold unless you had some great luck with legendary items.
Pets Passive should scale with their level as well as damage and their abilities. Otherwise you will end up having a lot of low lvl useless pets because their passive stats are out-dated compared new ones that will have to have higher stats to match the higher level cap. If this doesn't happen, then pets surely will become useless and malnourished.
Please fix the damage calculation or explain how it is calculated. One would think it is (Weapon Damage + Item Damage) * Damage %. The Item Damage * Damage % works correct, but not for Weapons.
Achievement rewards (pets or vanities) for beating the last boss per expansion on Elite, Finishing all Quests, ETC
World events that require like 100,000 or 1mil times for a daily to be finished by everyone in order to build something new in game, or gather mats for the Blacksmith to be available.
A profession for destroying rare, epic or legendary items to create potions, elixirs, enchanting items, whatever you could think of.
insight into calculations for stuff in the game only helps drive fanatacism, theorycrafting, and additional ways for there to be quality control and for enable the users to help spot bugs.
a larger open zone where mobs respawn and you can just run around to kill stuff. Maybe have it instances by level ranges so it can stay slightly challenging

11-30-2012, 06:11 PM
Mount!! Ride on our pets!!

11-30-2012, 06:15 PM
Mount!! Ride on our pets!!
*Imagines a huge warrior straddling a frog*

11-30-2012, 06:44 PM
*Imagines a huge warrior straddling a frog*


11-30-2012, 06:45 PM
1. Passive skills (it's been suggested before, but I might as well put it here) :)

2. Please do NOT lower auction costs, the listing fee prevents people from listing everything at prices in the millions. Keep it.

3. Upgrades for pets (imagine: a coller slot for pets or something)

4. More gear/things which can be earned from quests. Love the story token system, by the way :)

11-30-2012, 07:54 PM
A wishing well. Toss in gold/gear/plat/eggs etc. for a chance at something better.

11-30-2012, 08:45 PM
More character customization, Alternate gender/faces (can we do something simple? this would be huge)
Crafting with ingredient system (loot) add proc, increase armor or damage
Collectors achievements - put together full sets
new Maps with random enemy spawn points and numbers, eg wilderness outside town
Default Guild intro/desc text in invite - let people get an idea about your guild
More wearable item types: capes, belts, shoes, gloves
Pet skill tree
Pets in auction (train up a pet, be a pet merchant) (maybe make it harder to level up pets)
Craft elixirs
Elixirs in auction
Guild wars PvP, with leaderboards
Guild ranks/titles, earned or granted
Ranged weapons
Buy potions/runes to use skills you dont have (plat and gold options)
More variety in map enemies (not always same: armor, health, weapon, etc...)
"Hell mode" (and you thought Elite mode was hard...), no elixir use

11-30-2012, 09:48 PM
-Two new skill slots where the mana potion and health potion are currently located and move them to the left side. With a level 21 cap we can raise all skills to 5 but a lot of skills have semi-useless perks so with 2 new skill slots we could invest those extra 5 points on diversifying our character even more. I haven't played any of the other Legends game but I browsed around and saw that all of your other games only had 4 skill slots also, except one image which what seemed to be 8 skill slots. If the problem is incompatibility with certain phones because the screen is to small then add a button than can be clicked to switch between skill sets.

-Passive skills.

-Guild recruitment board. The ability for guilds to post ingame and recruit players.

-A guild bank to customize the guild castle.

-Increase the amount of coins dropped and the frequency or increase the value of items sold through the menu.
Most legendary level 16 items cost in the 10k+ with the best costing 100k+ unless you get lucky and get a good pink to sell it is pretty hard to get good gear with the coin drops of, highest I have seen, 12 coins and menu sold items being worth 7 coins. Anything other than legendary is near worthless in the auction with the auction fee pushing all items to be worth at least 106 coins to make a profit, 1 coin profit.

-reduce how much coins a pet consumes per feed or reduce the speed that the happiness bar drains.
With the top being said a pet consumes A LOT of coins, and to top it off the happiness bar drains extremely fast. Consequently the bar only drains inside anything but a city, even when idle. So if the value of coin drops and items is not increased the amount of coins a pet spends on food should be price=(x)15 to what the average coin drop should be at your level meaning every 15 coin drops should pay for your pets food. Or make the happiness bar linked to the amount of times the pet skill is used.

-Ability to freely activate and deactivate elixirs.

-Increase duration of some skill related buffs. Many of the tanking skills for warriors for example.

-Reduce the mana cost rogues by half, and mages and warriors by 1/4. Since warriors and rogues need to focus on strength and dex respectively there is not much room for int. Although mage skills require a decent amount of mana, they can replenish some of it, the same for warriors.

-Auto attack by tapping the attack button, double tap and hold for a charged attack.

-Malison should release her ability ontop of the player and around those next to the player since, as far as I can tell, never seem to know where she shoots it and barely see the effect myself. Nervermind, she just needs an icon for her skill on party members.

-Ability to purchase respecs for an equivalent in coins. Assuming 1k coins = 1 plat then a respec should cost 10k coins so plat would still be the preferred choice.

Thats all I can think off :I.

11-30-2012, 10:47 PM
should make gold revives only at elite maps nd should make d listing price of auction cheaper. also in future wen vanities will release make a gold purchase version of vanities also. it wud b great who hav no plats nd want to njoy game

11-30-2012, 11:30 PM
An option is for those afk players in dungeon to be kicked when they idle for 30mins or so.

Also the legendary items farm should be better than those platinum items so both ways for players will be happy.

11-30-2012, 11:40 PM
I only have one suggestion right now and that is a quick message function, like the one on Pocket Legends, where you pre-save a message to be clicked on, such as "retreat", "GO", "/g Welcome", etc. I know this will bring spamming... But I found this function to be helpful for guild chat.

12-01-2012, 12:06 AM
My suggestion will be about the balance in the game and I hope that it could be helpful to you and could get you some ideas to add new contents to the game

Things that I suggest to be equal in all characters:

Damage: The difference should be in the type of damage.
Critical: The ability to increase the pecentage of critical hit should be equal in all the characters.
To have a unique passive skill for each character that develop automatically with the level of the character.

basically, a warrior meant to be a heavy tank fighter that can be of use to his party. also he can easily explore dungeons, fight equally with some bosses as a solo.

Have an advantage in health and armor (physical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
Have a slow but strong short-range attacks concentrated on one enemy.
Have a moderate attacks against multiple enemies.
Have a weak long-range attacks.
Weak against magical attacks.

I can imagine the rogue as a character that loves gold and valuable items. So I would say that she is the luck charm for her herself and her party too.

Have an advantage in luck and dodge (physical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
Have more inventory slots and auction slots than the other characters.
The duration cost in the auction house and Potions price are cheaper for her than the other characters.
Have a fast but moderate attacks in general.
Weak against magical attacks.

The one that can stand in the face of magical attacks. He can protect his party from magical and long-range attacks and support them with puffs.

have an advantage in mana and armor (magical attacks) that exceeds the other characters.
Have a strong long-range attacks.
Have a moderate attacks against multiple enemies.
Have a weak short-range attacks.
Weak against physical attacks.

12-01-2012, 01:02 AM
-The ability to kill beggars in town

That's dark...

A wishing well. Toss in gold/gear/plat/eggs etc. for a chance at something better.

I like this idea. Or it could be done like in Torchlight: there is a person in town who sells mysterious items. The player doesn't know what they're going to get until after they purchase. There could be a price for green items and a price for blue items, and it would always give an item for the player's class.

Here are the rest of my ideas:

Solo mode
Give us something to do with all these useless white items. They are basically trash and have no reason to exist right now. Maybe a NPC who can combine 4 white items into 1 random green item.
More enemies - especially ones that stand out from the crowd. For example, Mother really stood out to me. Maybe in one of the new areas, all of the enemies are boss-sized (but not boss difficulty). It would be visually interesting and a nice change of pace from the swarms of little grunts.
More story and cutscenes. They are charming.

12-01-2012, 02:16 AM
1) make it like pocket legends where characters can use ANY weapon they want but has to meet certain stats.
2) character cuztomization like choosing of gender same in star legends
3) skills can be more than level 1 to have various builds/twinks from different character builds. and additional skills
4) tower defense mode like DOTA >:)
5) adding vanity that adds stats like +dmg or +dodge etc. either by purchasing using play or gold
6) guild skills
7) guild logo
8) special titles that add stats like +dmg or +dodge etc.

12-01-2012, 02:44 AM
Create overpowered equipment that disinigrates after a certain amount of use.

12-01-2012, 03:55 AM
Different pet abilities like taunting pets so you get a chance to recover or run away, scaring pets that pacify or scare the enemy, or a pet that can call in reinforcements like a little army of three frogs. Such abilities that make pets worth keeping happy.

Also add different ways to keep a pet happy like being able to loot small pet snacks to keep a pet happy longer. Honestly I don't like paying for gold since I'm poor but I also like their bonus to be kept.

12-01-2012, 06:15 AM
- More skill slots instead of 4 (6 would be nice)
- Higher level cap but ive seen your bussy with it
- more levels
- maybe an extra class like engineer wich is meant to help his allys and he has 1 skill that can spawn a turret for 5 - 10 seconds?
- the emotions arent such a great future maybe you can change them (Just an idea)
- lower auction fee. because its pretty high. if ppl wanna sell a green or epic they have to make the price at least 125 or they will lose money.
- 2 standard auction slots instead of 1. selling a legendary can take long the other slot you can then use to sell something that sells faster

Especially the engineer class looks cool to me please reply on my post what you think.

See you in the game, Blackbeard

12-01-2012, 07:50 AM
Tap on the item to see it's stats (when that item is in the trade window).

But I don't believe it shows us how our stats would change if we equip it. At this point, I have to look at the item they're offering and compare it to what I have equipped, and I don't think we can look at our currently equipped items in the trade window. Makes trading a little difficult. Correct me if this is actually in the game. Maybe I'm just blind.

12-01-2012, 08:11 AM
Main quest counter to see if I got them all.

Access to guildhall from Traveler’s outpost.
Perhaps use secret tunnel to let it make sense?

Vanity slot for pet. So they don’t all look the same.

In game forum for mobile users. not sure if possible but would be nice.
if so please also add a “only use on wifi option” to save date.

Maybe add slots in pink weapons, so we can add a item (magic stone, elemental gem, etc.),
to add some small stats improvements, and or set the proc. effect according to the thing you put in it.

12-01-2012, 08:13 AM
Add a spot in the market where you can see the amount of gold you have. I'm old, I forget how much I have, and its a pain in the rear to back all the way out of the cs to pull up my character screen to check.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Add a spot in the market where you can see the amount of gold you have. I'm old, I forget how much I have, and its a pain in the rear to back all the way out of the cs to pull up my character screen to check.

+1 to that

12-01-2012, 10:11 AM
I only have one suggestion right now and that is a quick message function, like the one on Pocket Legends, where you pre-save a message to be clicked on, such as "retreat", "GO", "/g Welcome", etc. I know this will bring spamming... But I found this function to be helpful for guild chat.
The end will not justify the means in this one. If it brings spammers, then I'll disagree on it. I'd rather take just a few more seconds to type out my guild chats than to see my entire chat log stuffed full of spammers and beggars.

12-01-2012, 10:29 AM
The end will not justify the means in this one. If it brings spammers, then I'll disagree on it. I'd rather take just a few more seconds to type out my guild chats than to see my entire chat log stuffed full of spammers and beggars.

Bah, they already spam. Who cares? I like the quick chat, too.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-01-2012, 10:51 AM
Free revives - as in skill oe pet or if ur generous all 1plat rev free

it's not really an issue of generosity, Miraclebird. As part of running a business, we do need to have some options that users pay us for to justify the time and effort spent creating and maintaining the games. We're really like to keep the discussion on new ideas and not get dragged down into the specifics of running a successful business. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Just an idea on the revive, what you could do is give us one free revive for every level we enter, and after we use the free revive you could make it go back to paying plat to be revived. That way still gives you a way to make the money you need, and makes it so we have a revive.

(how the idea would work)
So you go in to a elite level with a friend, you do really good and dont die, you get to the boss and once he gets down to 1/10 of his health you die for the first time so you push your free revive button and your revived, but now that you have used your free revive the revives go back to paying plat to revive your self in that level.

Just and idea, maybe itd work?

One more idea was armor for pets, that be pretty wicked :)


12-01-2012, 12:40 PM
It would be cool to see something like a super dungeon with 100 floors. You always start at floor 1 and if you're crazy enough to make it to the end, you get a really nice prize. Throw some random bosses and such in there too. And make the final prize something exclusive to your character that can't be sold or traded. But it has to be made so if you leave the dungeon you start again at the first floor no matter what, no continues!

Also, a way for people who get disconnected during elite runs to be able to rejoin would be amazing! It sucks to hack away at elite Bael for half an hour only to lag out and not being able to rejoin the fight...it's a mood killer...

12-01-2012, 01:41 PM
Definately Mounts! that would be amazing same concept as pets :D also being able to breed pets like if you put 2 specific pets together they can crate a stonger better pet but it will cost more gold depending on the pets you Breed together gold to do this also if you put 2 common pets you get a rare and 2 rares you get a epic pet etc

Hassan Akbar
12-01-2012, 09:13 PM
The Spacetime Studios Development Team is hard at work building great new stuff. For Arcane Legends, we’re making headway on everything we posted about 10 days ago in this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?75971-The-Future-of-Arcane-Legends, which includes:

• New content
• Raised level cap
• Vanity Items
• Balance
• Bug Fixes and refinements
• Season 2 of the Leaderboards
• Player vs. Player (PvP)

For those interested in our other games, we also have some big developments for Pocket Legends that we will be releasing details about soon. We also have Year End Holiday celebrations coming for all games.

Beyond all of the above, we’re interested in what else you are looking for in Arcane Legends? We certainly have our ideas, but we’d like to hear yours. We want to keep entertaining you for months and years to come, so ideas that have the possibility of broad, lasting appeal are especially interesting. Additionally, we are always trying to balance our business goals with your entertainment. So, hearing what kinds of things you would be willing to spend Platinum on for additional convenience or entertainment value are also very interesting.

Thanks very much for being part of the Arcane Legends and Spacetime Studios Community of Gamers! We look forward to your thoughts.


Please use this thread to post your ideas about standard game content or features.

If you have ideas for Premium content or features, please use this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?77503

we want vanity wings like the armor ur wearing + wings on them that would be mega awesome i already have 80 supporters
and counting if any one differs has a opinion plz do tell

12-02-2012, 03:11 AM
-GvG for more guild awesomeness.
-Guild post board for officers and gm. This would be great for announcements in the guild.
-Guild customization. Like flags insignia so forth so on.....
-Plat confirmation on all plat stuff.
-Free respecing like u guys said there would be, I know this could get bad for people that change ther stats for every single boss vs. mobs. So add a timer, like u can only respec every 12 hours for free. Or sped that up with plat.
-vanity items, in specific anyone at this next update should get a founders vanity. Then after that it isn't available.
-guildhall in every town..... Maybe
-um... Where is the lower hauntlet?
-chat loads this is so helpful for me as a gm

Just my thoughts,

12-02-2012, 07:57 AM
1.Send messages to friends that are offline.
2.Gain PvE kills in lower level dungeons.
3.Guild vanity item (shield, flag, button, etc..) that we can create by the guild master purchasing with plat.
4.Create two types of PvP maps. One map that is all FFA that has gates and waits for a full game,then the players that can go at it. And 1v1 maps that boot people that automitically that attack or "rush" without saying "go"
5.More skill placements.
6.The skill slots to be the same as PL, not like SL. I find it harder to switch skill slots back & forward. In PL i can just place all 12 skills on my screen, makes it much easier.


Rage of mages guild flag!!!! *High 5s Trust*

12-02-2012, 07:59 AM
I think there should be a guild auction house :P
Also there should be guild vanities!
And pets shouldn't lose happiness in pvp
And last of all Pvp like PL I liked the format instead of DL format and having to wait for a full game it would be cool if u could pick the pvp games u want to join.
Thanks for taking my advisements :P

12-02-2012, 08:05 AM
-Free respecing like u guys said there would be, I know this could get bad for people that change ther stats for every single boss vs. mobs. So add a timer, like u can only respec every 12 hours for free. Or sped that up with plat.
Just my thoughts,

There is only 1 problem with this. I completely agree and I want to respec to but change time to 24hrs STS needs a small source of income :P

12-02-2012, 09:40 AM
X-Ray Visor please O.O
Lol, what would xray look like in AL xD

12-02-2012, 10:58 AM
The game could use more background music. Say, each place could have its own theme. The music in game is quite tedious if you play for longer periods of time.

12-02-2012, 11:31 AM
i would love a pk area not just pvp =)

12-02-2012, 01:47 PM
Make it so that items have the option to get all the "of _____" adjectives, so there is a larger variety in gear. Some items seem to only allow 1-2 following adjectives. Obviously you still have to follow the STR item can't be paired with a STR following adjective, but there so many different adjectives, but they aren't all available on each item. There are about 16 different types of following adjectives (5 of which would duplicate the main stat) so there could be 11 option for one item.

High secondary stat STR/dex/int
Secondary stat + Crit
Secondary stat + dodge
Secondary stat + damage
Secondary stat + bonus armor
No secondary stat + Crit and dodge

12-02-2012, 02:06 PM
Make it so that items have the option to get all the "of _____" adjectives, so there is a larger variety in gear. Some items seem to only allow 1-2 following adjectives. Obviously you still have to follow the STR item can't be paired with a STR following adjective, but there so many different adjectives, but they aren't all available on each item. There are about 16 different types of following adjectives (5 of which would duplicate the main stat) so there could be 11 option for one item.

High secondary stat STR/dex/int
Secondary stat + Crit
Secondary stat + dodge
Secondary stat + damage
Secondary stat + bonus armor
No secondary stat + Crit and dodge

Suffix. "Following adjective" is ungainly.

I wish the loot system was more like Diablo or Torchlight. You could get practically any piece of gear with practically any prefix or suffix if you looted long enough. It was nice to think that there was always a piece of gear out there that was just a little better, no matter your level. It also helped to diversify the builds and looks of your toons. Here, you're just gunning for a flamestrike rod or juggernaught armor.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-02-2012, 09:14 PM
Thanks was having a brainfart. But you understand my point. Not every combination is available on a Vorpal, Trollbane, Wyrmbone etc.. So it limits the diversity of gear

12-02-2012, 09:24 PM
What you should do is add top guild in the leader boards and MAKE THE GUILD BANK!!

12-02-2012, 09:58 PM
Loose camera

12-03-2012, 05:10 AM
- mounts
- crafting
- next character (archer, paladin or other diffrent, not found in other games, something special)
- bonus for full set
- separate set for (helmet, chest, boots, trousers, gloves)
- more space for skills in quick launch

12-03-2012, 06:19 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing more weapons with different effects and/or target specific effects. For example, a certain weapon has base stats of 16dex/8str(just making these up, you get the idea), 35 attack/damage and deals 20% more damage on a certain race(humans, brutes, undead, whatever else there is). And a shortcut to swap between three different weapons to make use of it.

12-03-2012, 07:27 AM
I'd like to see a Spacetime Studios game that isn't about spamming potions and buying platinum.

The game is great. Those are my only two gripes, really.

From what I have heard, this game's platinum content was originally planned to be for cosmetics only. Should've stuck to the plan.

And let's face it. There's nothing fun, or intelligent, about pressing a potion button repeatedly to be successful at a game. Heighten the hp curve or something. Healing spells and defensive spells are just for those who are broke, atm.

12-03-2012, 11:49 AM
Please please bring in guild wars!!! It just defeats the purpose of having guilds and not having guild wars. Have a guild war objective where players could enter castles and conquer other guild's castles. More people will look forward to joining a guild and actually staying in it. If you do have guild wars, please have it in an appriopriate time where people from different timezones could come on and attend guild wars.

12-03-2012, 11:57 AM
Please please bring in guild wars!!! It just defeats the purpose of having guilds and not having guild wars. Have a guild war objective where players could enter castles and conquer other guild's castles. More people will look forward to joining a guild and actually staying in it. If you do have guild wars, please have it in an appriopriate time where people from different timezones could come on and attend guild wars.

This won't be added. It would change the whole game.

12-03-2012, 02:00 PM
Threat meter of some sort so you can tell when you are about to get threat on a boss..some sort of warning when you are at 90% threat

12-03-2012, 02:00 PM
Plat stables which accelerate pet regeneration rates.

12-04-2012, 06:16 PM
i like where this goes :P:P

some new classes would be cool.. like a summoner or archers or something...

also castles for guilds and stuff and do like a flag-capture mini-game at sieges for the castles... that would be realy nice ;)

12-05-2012, 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by*Tyranthor*
Please please bring in guild wars!!! It just defeats the purpose of having guilds and not having guild wars. Have a guild war objective where players could enter castles and conquer other guild's castles. More people will look forward to joining a guild and actually staying in it. If you do have guild wars, please have it in an appriopriate time where people from different timezones could come on and attend guild wars.

This won't be added. It would change the whole game.

Who are you to say this is not going to be implemented and what is.its a forum to post suggestions!!! Let the developer decide.Not you!!!

12-05-2012, 02:27 AM
So I've been playing Arcane Legends and I've been playing other MMO's for a while now (references Diablo 3, Torchlight 2, LoL etc). It's a great MMO in the making but still needs tweaks to keep the fun alive. Below I present some suggestions that AL should be brought up to standards on.

Here's some of my suggestions:

*Auto-pot option on pets: Where the pet auto heals HP/MP on its owner (There should be a check off option in option menu for manual or auto-potting if you HP/MP flash "red". Or you can include a scroll bar with percentage numbers from 10-100% for HP/MP to manually adjust, where the pet will heal your HP/MP if you fall below that desired percentage). I want to feel like I can grind and farm non-stop without the option of manually potting, some people like it some people don't. That's why there should be an option for this in the option menu.

*Lower the auto-feed cost to 10% of current values, (ex: 400 coins into 40 coins for level 16 pet feeding cost) this is much more affordable to maintain. If not just eliminate the cost completely. It eats your money over time and its a hassle to keep switching pets so you can save cost on feeding. Over time it does drain your funds.

*Clicking an item in chat to paste the item info, so others can see exactly what you have to trade or what you are selling. This option saves the hassle of trading to see something when people are busy running dungeons and the other person is too far away.

*The option to see the stat changes of an item on your character in the trade window just like in the consignment store.

*Lower the cost of Consignment store fee to 1% only, current amount is still too high that's why people don't bother listing items to save the cost on fees.

At the moment current cost of fees is close to 5% where a 500k item costs nearly 25k to list, that is still a lot of money. I would rather pay 5k to list a 500k item than 25k, so please change the fee to 1% which is more reasonable and affordable. A fee shouldn't feel like your losing out on your profits in small chunks rather than small nibbles.

*Allow the option to dye your armor different colors, so create items "Dyes" (red, blue, purple etc.) This option adds more fun to the game just like cosmetic changes to a character (Hair and face). There should be cosmetic color changes to armors as well. You can add ranks to colors as well where (ex: black, white, gold) would be considered legendary color "Dyes" which drop from high level Elite dungeons.

*Gem socketing on Weapon and Armor: create different rarity of gems that add stats to Weapon and Armor. we should be able to farm these so we can create even more potent weapons and armors for end game.

*Leveling up Legendary Items: This correlates with the Gem socketing, where we level up Legendary Items to unlock more powerful stats for end game build. This is what keeps end game alive.

*2-Handed Items for all classes:
*Warrior = Shield (For more armor and blocking to tank better)
*Sorcerer = Magic Orb/Codex (increased damage since they're basically glass cannons)
*Rouge = 2-Handed Daggers/Swords (I know currently they show them holding it in both hands but players should be able to purchase 2 different types of Daggers/Swords for their rouges to add more variety and skill changes).

*Add Shoulder Armor slot (self explanatory)

*Add Mounts (self explanatory)

*Add both genders to all classes (I wish to create a Male rouge :[ )

****Copy-pasted from the (premium) content page, didn't know this is where to post.****

12-06-2012, 12:19 AM
Ambassadors? I want to apply for Ambassador in this game but I don't see a forum for it - will it be coming?

12-06-2012, 02:08 AM
I'd like to see a LOT more guild oriented additions!

1. Limit the amount of players a guild can have.. that way the guilds will be more competitive and exclusive.
2. Add in guild-level achievements and bonuses!
-Party bonus if the whole party belongs to the same guild.
-Further guild member bonuses/discounts to potions at the guild hall when the guild earns more accomplishments as a whole (such as total kills, unique "guild zone" completions, unlockable guild bonuses for purchase via platinum/gold (that all members can work towards), etc.. use your imagination!)

For the chat system, add in an option to allow us to change our default chat mode. I find myself talking in guild chat far more often than any other, and I rather just type something out instead of having to type /g every time, especially if I'm on my phone.

..and for the love of god, add in a way to solo a zone if preferred! I'm sick of seeing "plz pt for solo"!

12-06-2012, 03:22 AM
- allow us to be able to pass to our low level alts pink items that we bought using platinum (which are now useless, because we can't even give it to them, and no one would buy them either for that reason).
- be able to see stats for items compared to what we are wearing when in trade mode
- be able to see what we are wearing when viewing auction house or trade mode
- show how much gold we have when in auction mode

12-06-2012, 10:38 AM
I would love to see a looking for group system. where i can sign up for specific dungeons and or bosses.

12-07-2012, 12:40 AM
Cool stuff to ride on. Its either fantasy rides or modern. But i rather choose fantasy, it makes the game more legends! or you could just make it on pets, to be mounted. Its better than that and it makes cute if you imagine a warrior riding on barny(owl). LOL

12-07-2012, 02:35 AM
The conversion of the Founder items into vanities, other than that I believe my fellow players have covered them all. Smash on!

12-07-2012, 03:01 AM
I don't know if it was already mentioned before but how bout making platinum tradable? :> I'd like to see that change :D and of course a lot of other awesome stuff that was already mentioned by many other people here :3

12-07-2012, 02:19 PM
-Separate respecs for skill and stat points
-Show current gold on CS screen. Currently, you have to exit out and go to your menu to see how much gold you have.
-I like a moveable camera view, like in PL. Things on the screen, like skills and chat window, often block the view of the map due to the angle. Being able to rotate the view would fix that.

12-07-2012, 05:44 PM
Okay, I thought of a few more things.

I'm interested in the passive skills that were announced. I'd like for one of them to be "pet mastery". The 5 skills could be "pets stay happy 50% longer", "pets do 15% more damage", "pets are 15% faster", "slightly increased odds of finding eggs", "pet arcane ability recharges faster".
Higher quality audio - especially music. Right now it sounds pretty bad with headphones. The compositions are fine, but the file quality should be increased. I'd be willing to have the game require more storage space. (But don't do this if it will increase load time.)
New areas - a bunch of them. I'd like to see some that really feel different. Maybe there could be some with big open areas. With new music and enemies. Give us some bright areas; much of the game is too dark (visually) for my tastes. Maybe an area up in the sky where we walk around on clouds. Maybe an area with branching paths that meet up at the end, so we have a choice of which way to go.
Giant insect pet. Like a cockroach. :abnormal:

12-07-2012, 06:50 PM
I think I said it already but add consumables. E.g. like an elixir or extended duration skill buff, that I can fire off if needed during a hot battle or difficult run.

Have a "consumable menu" similar to the way we can bring up emotes in PL.

12-07-2012, 06:52 PM
Different feature: Maybe add leader boards for Guild members only? (or a filter in current leader boards).

12-08-2012, 03:20 AM
New Character Weapon Types
As you may have noticed from the above Warrior screenshots, there will be 1 handed weapons and shields available in the new campaign. There will also be a new weapon type available for both the Rogue and the Sorcerer in the new campaign as well. Look for more screenshots of those weapons next week!

Great to hear.

12-08-2012, 08:12 AM
A clipboard in the guild hall for guild master news and announcements and general ones as well, and more rank possibilities for the guild members, rather than just member, recruiter and officer. Also guild points overall, maybe guild leveling and extras for being in a good guild. Thanks.

12-08-2012, 08:50 AM
1.Send messages to friends that are offline.
2.Gain PvE kills in lower level dungeons.
3.Guild vanity item (shield, flag, button, etc..) that we can create by the guild master purchasing with plat.
4.Create two types of PvP maps. One map that is all FFA that has gates and waits for a full game,then the players that can go at it. And 1v1 maps that boot people that automitically that attack or "rush" without saying "go"
5.More skill placements.
6.The skill slots to be the same as PL, not like SL. I find it harder to switch skill slots back & forward. In PL i can just place all 12 skills on my screen, makes it much easier.

Why send message when offline dude no point to it there not on they can't see the message:P..

12-08-2012, 05:24 PM
- similar feature in PL where you can save four different sets of equipment to wear, handy for when you need tanking or damage with minimal taps from menu

12-09-2012, 01:56 AM
Confirmation button on every play purchases

More contents(maps esp); not having to do same map over and over again (which is why i dislike pl)

More skill buttons. I heard there are going to be job advances.. We need more skill buttons!

12-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Squid buddy pet

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-09-2012, 02:42 PM
Squid buddy pet

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

I'd love that :3

12-09-2012, 10:42 PM
Why send message when offline dude no point to it there not on they can't see the message:P..

So you don't have to catch them online at the same time they're online if you just want to leave them a message, lol

12-10-2012, 06:25 PM
i can not get free plat from the free plat bit as i have too get games from Amazon please if you can help...i also would like white hair pure white not dingey gray ...

12-10-2012, 06:36 PM
i can not get free plat from the free plat bit as i have too get games from Amazon please if you can help...i also would like white hair pure white not dingey gray ...

Lawl that they can't really help you with it... :(

12-12-2012, 08:54 AM
Just to say so far I am very much enjoying the game.

I would like to offer my opinion on what I would be happy to pay for and what improvements I would like to see. First of all I have played so many MMorpgs in the past and now that I am 32 have a job and work hard you can appreciate I do not get as much time as others. I play with my guild members on my mobile device as it is easy and convenient and we are all roughly the same age. Here are the conclusions I have come too after playing through Elite mode and reaching level 16.

I remember a long time ago putting many hours into game called Legend of Mir made by a company called WEmade entertainment and this is a game that had it right.

I understand your business model and I get you have to make money however being able to buy gold with platinum is just not worthwhile. You now have an economy where any player can spend 50 dollars and obtain the best end game gear in the game. I am a player that has paid for platinum but I have done this to support Spacetime studios and to also buy my guild and anything guild related. I am prepared to pay for vanity items and extra pvp maps for example. I will not however pay for end game gear as where is the fun in that?? I will not use plat to buy gold. I can farm the boss in village over and over for that!! You may want to look at that by the way as everyone is farming him and not doing the rest of the map.

If I owned your company and the rights to arcane legends this is what I would do.

Get rid of plat to buy gold as this would make gold in game much more valuable and this would stabilize the economy going forward.

You have an economy at the moment where some pink items go for 300-400 gold which is just ridiculous. Pink items are legendary for a reason they need to stay rare. At the moment I sell everything white, green and blue in my inventory as it is all worthless. Blue items are where people should make there money in the auction house and pinks should be the items people aspire to play your game for. They should aspire to kill bosses over and over again to get that pink item. otherwise make something above legendary which is orange which binds to the toon and cannot be sold. Something like a super legendary item.

I think you should make in game gear and plat bought gear. They should have roughly the same stats so the people who do not pay do not feel they will never get the best gear from playing the game. You should allow people to buy the plat gear if they do not have much time to play but want to play endgame maps.

Something I would like to see is a map where you go to PVE but can be killed PVP as this would be a scary place to go. People would end up getting into battles and would be super fun to try and kill your monster only to be killed by another group as you would go back to get revenge.

I would like to see the main towns being attacked every so often by elite monsters where the whole town has to get together to rid these beasts. These could be special random events which would keep people on their toes and the monsters may drop really cool special items.

At the moment blue and green items are worthless so instead of getting 5 gold for each can we not use these items to have a chance to add extra damage or crit chance to our items? have a vendor that does this. I would pay plat to try and get those precious extra stats on my end game wep.

Stats like +1 luck on a wep would be great and again should be rare.

Of course also add Pure PVP maps with death matches.

I would love to see arcane legends succeed but the way it is at the moment I am very worried about your current business model as this is putting me and my friends off the game. Gold needs to be something you work for so it is precious in game. Do not destroy it by allowing people to just buy hundreds of thousands of gold.

We will pay for plat but only if it is for the good of the game and not to destroy the economy.

Add mounts as I will pay for a good mount but again like pets people working hard in game should be able to get the rarest ones.

I hope you can take some of these points onboard.

Many thanks


12-12-2012, 09:45 AM
during the game im very curious about my skills as an dpser. So.. I would like to see some kind of dps meter to compare my self with my partymembers

12-12-2012, 03:23 PM
A "Compare" thing would be great so you can compare urself with ur opponent or friend more easily ;).

Also... "Like pets? Get em all" they say... but what for? a cool achievement with title included would be great for this .. or better, if u manage to get all pets (which kinda requires some plat(money) u get a BADA$$ pet like strongest pet in-game or something 25+ all stats crit armor or something dunno.. just sayin'. Would be a good idea in my opinion cuz atm there is no sense in getting all pets its just.. waste.

12-12-2012, 05:10 PM
A beastmaster title would be cool for collecting all of the pets. Maybe an individual achievement for each pet you unlock?

12-12-2012, 05:13 PM
A beastmaster title would be cool for collecting all of the pets. Maybe an individual achievement for each pet you unlock?

Total agree, there needs to be pet achievements.

12-13-2012, 12:43 AM
Im using Mac, please add a keyboard shortcut for emote. PC shortcut will help as well. Thanks in advance. Clicking emotes in the HUD takes time.

12-13-2012, 04:44 PM
Since it seems you guys seem to run on a set method. For update it has 4 maps and a 3 part dungeon and 5 level cap raise. I think each class needs a single ultimate gear. (They already have yes like Warriors Juggernaut etc) But instead make this ultimate gear only droppable by a final boss of each level. And not from a chest. And each boss only drops one piece. Like first new map elite boss would drop only the best ring and pendant for each class. The second map boss the best helm for each class. The third map boss drops body armor for each class. And fourth map boss drops best weapon for each class. Of course each of these bosses would still drop the regular gear, chests, and any other drop on elite mode it would just add an extra drop to each boss. It could have like the same drop rate as an Egg. If you made it where you could only get certain gear from certain bosses it would make for a more diverse game. Right now people just only farm village on elite mode. If they wanted to have all the best gear they'd have to play all the maps. Also, make the drop like an egg. So if you got the drop, it would be classes specific to you and bind. This gear would be separate from the already Mighty Juggernaut, Clever Demonolgist, etc type gear. With slightly better stats.

12-13-2012, 05:27 PM
Since it seems you guys seem to run on a set method. For update it has 4 maps and a 3 part dungeon and 5 level cap raise. I think each class needs a single ultimate gear. (They already have yes like Warriors Juggernaut etc) But instead make this ultimate gear only droppable by a final boss of each level. And not from a chest. And each boss only drops one piece. Like first new map elite boss would drop only the best ring and pendant for each class. The second map boss the best helm for each class. The third map boss drops body armor for each class. And fourth map boss drops best weapon for each class. Of course each of these bosses would still drop the regular gear, chests, and any other drop on elite mode it would just add an extra drop to each boss. It could have like the same drop rate as an Egg. If you made it where you could only get certain gear from certain bosses it would make for a more diverse game. Right now people just only farm village on elite mode. If they wanted to have all the best gear they'd have to play all the maps. Also, make the drop like an egg. So if you got the drop, it would be classes specific to you and bind. This gear would be separate from the already Mighty Juggernaut, Clever Demonolgist, etc type gear. With slightly better stats.

I agree with this. I made a thread with this exact same idea the other day.

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

12-13-2012, 10:41 PM
I would like to see .the Leader borad in the guild halls be for the guilds ..if u own a guild or belong to one the leader board in side the hall will pertain to your guild..I belive this will make all guilds extremely more active..guildies will be trying to be the strongest or fastest in there own guilds among friends and allies.. that also allows the guild to see whos truly there M.V.P are .plus for the people who cant get there name on the big sts board outside in kraag ..they cant still have a chance to be proud to see there names on the guild board..JUST A IDEA..if u digg /like this idea dont forget to say to ur man funkyskunk

12-13-2012, 11:40 PM
One thing I feel we really need for gaming on the phone is more tweaks for graphical settings.

We need more options than "pixel double"

I know there is a battery saver option but all it does is downlock your CPU which in turn makes the framerate really choppy.

We need something that gives "low" graphical settings, that basically takes up less processing power, so that the game can still run smoothly when we want to save more battery.

It's not because my phone can't handle the game, but I want to preserve my battery.

It's often overlooked, but I just want to point out that this is very important, because:
a) The game would drain my battery in about 2.5 hours
b) My battery would reach temperatures of 45C (113F); elevated temperatures would shorten our battery life very quickly
c) My battery automatically stops charging when it goes above 40C (104F), so plugging in the charger while playing doesn't help.
d) Many phones today (including mine) have a non-removable battery, so it's very important to take good care of them

12-14-2012, 12:12 AM
Or just stop playing and let your phone cool down for a bit.

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

Chris Maddux
12-14-2012, 01:20 AM
i think you should add another class to the game that is mainly heals and dots so there is a specified healer for more efficient groups that way the dps and tank classes can focus on their abilities and not have to worry about there heal just to survive

12-14-2012, 01:36 AM
Or just stop playing and let your phone cool down for a bit.


On a serious note, it only takes like 5 mins to heat up so this is not very practical

12-14-2012, 03:26 AM

On a serious note, it only takes like 5 mins to heat up so this is not very practical

Lol! Play in a freezer. Less practical, but would keep you cooler, at least. :D

Sent from my Nexus 7

12-14-2012, 03:42 AM
Once your phone gets to as hot as it's gonna get, at least it won't get hotter. It won't get hot enough to physically damage the phone. Phones are made to prevent that. If it does happen to hurt the phone, then your phone needed to be replaced anyway.

On a relevant note, I'd like to be able to send PMs and guild invites to people who are offline.

12-14-2012, 03:55 AM
Since it seems you guys seem to run on a set method. For update it has 4 maps and a 3 part dungeon and 5 level cap raise. I think each class needs a single ultimate gear. (They already have yes like Warriors Juggernaut etc) But instead make this ultimate gear only droppable by a final boss of each level. And not from a chest. And each boss only drops one piece. Like first new map elite boss would drop only the best ring and pendant for each class. The second map boss the best helm for each class. The third map boss drops body armor for each class. And fourth map boss drops best weapon for each class. Of course each of these bosses would still drop the regular gear, chests, and any other drop on elite mode it would just add an extra drop to each boss. It could have like the same drop rate as an Egg. If you made it where you could only get certain gear from certain bosses it would make for a more diverse game. Right now people just only farm village on elite mode. If they wanted to have all the best gear they'd have to play all the maps. Also, make the drop like an egg. So if you got the drop, it would be classes specific to you and bind. This gear would be separate from the already Mighty Juggernaut, Clever Demonolgist, etc type gear. With slightly better stats.

I sort of agree with this, but don't you think farming the last boss of each map with loot drop the rate of an egg will become extremely time consuming? The last boss is not going to be a 1-3min fight like Jarl is.

Sticking to the concept of your idea; the boss should be extremely hard (not everyone will kill it in elite mode) and loot is a guaranteed drop. Although STS would need to make a healer class because without a dedicated healer class, this idea wouldn't work. This would be like most end game bosses in mmorpg games.

A knock-on effect of a fight like this is that more and more people would start playing in a guild.

12-14-2012, 05:13 AM
Increase the max level . Add a few more skills to the game and a few more maps to train on . It will make the game more interesting .

12-14-2012, 06:14 AM
I have a few suggestions with an explanation on why I want you guys to make the adjustments:

1. give an option for each character to choose from 2 sub-types or jobs -there are 3 type of characters we can use in the game,namely a warrior, rouge, or a sorcerer which is pretty much boring when you reach the max level because you will already know what skills each character will have thus making the result of any PvP obvious. Players will already know if they have the advantage or not. On your latest update we can use different weapons right? for example, rogues can either be assassins and use knives and blades or an archer and use bows. warriors can become either a knight and use one hand sword and shield for tanking dungeons or he can be a zealot and use 2 handed weapons and have a high damage. this would be able to help you guys balance the games and make people use the different classes.

2. the item listing on the auction house should be free-let's say a guy with no gold or has some but not that much ,picks up an extremely rare legendary item which he can probably sell for a very high price, but finds out that he cant because he doesn't have any gold to list it in the auction. so he decides to just spam a message saying "item for sale" over and over in a crowded area. He just stays there for a couple of hours waiting for someone to take notice of his message,so instead of doing some PvEs or PvPs or hunting for other items, he wasted his time on wating for a buyer which may or may not come.

3. feeding your pets only ones a day would be nice-no need for explanation there

4. perks for people who donates or buys platinum- I myself buy platinum, and it would be nice if I didn't have to rely on luck to get the item I wanted from the chests. i would love to be able to buy the armor/wepaon I want in the cs and save gold. I know you can buy gold with platinum but in game sellers tend to sell it for a higher price.

those are the things I thought would make the game a bit better. I hope you guys take these into consideration.

12-14-2012, 07:28 PM
Bhem, for your #4 point, are you suggesting people be able to buy/sell gear for platinum in cs?

12-14-2012, 08:15 PM
I have a few suggestions with an explanation on why I want you guys to make the adjustments:

1. give an option for each character to choose from 2 sub-types or jobs -there are 3 type of characters we can use in the game,namely a warrior, rouge, or a sorcerer which is pretty much boring when you reach the max level because you will already know what skills each character will have thus making the result of any PvP obvious. Players will already know if they have the advantage or not. On your latest update we can use different weapons right? for example, rogues can either be assassins and use knives and blades or an archer and use bows. warriors can become either a knight and use one hand sword and shield for tanking dungeons or he can be a zealot and use 2 handed weapons and have a high damage. this would be able to help you guys balance the games and make people use the different classes.

2. the item listing on the auction house should be free-let's say a guy with no gold or has some but not that much ,picks up an extremely rare legendary item which he can probably sell for a very high price, but finds out that he cant because he doesn't have any gold to list it in the auction. so he decides to just spam a message saying "item for sale" over and over in a crowded area. He just stays there for a couple of hours waiting for someone to take notice of his message,so instead of doing some PvEs or PvPs or hunting for other items, he wasted his time on wating for a buyer which may or may not come.

3. feeding your pets only ones a day would be nice-no need for explanation there

4. perks for people who donates or buys platinum- I myself buy platinum, and it would be nice if I didn't have to rely on luck to get the item I wanted from the chests. i would love to be able to buy the armor/wepaon I want in the cs and save gold. I know you can buy gold with platinum but in game sellers tend to sell it for a higher price.

those are the things I thought would make the game a bit better. I hope you guys take these into consideration.

Dude, i'm sorry but you do not get what an mmorpg is. Numbers 2 and 3.If you take out the fees and feeding, how will the economy recuperate from gold getting in? The point of those fees are to stop the game fro m having too many gold, without it, you'll see prices sky rocket as gold is less valuable. (I hope you understand whati'm trying to sayhere)

My suggestion would mainly not be implemented before PvP, but as soon ss it opens up. It'll be great to see a team oriented fight such as capture the flag/Team deathmatch, and you can have guild leaderboards where guilds fight each other and the best guild with most wins from other guilds can be seen in the leaderboards.

12-14-2012, 08:25 PM
I think there should be more classes like u did on pocket legends and also make it to were you can b a boy rouge and a girl warrior . Kind of like the choices u get when u start a game on star legends . I do like the fact that you all made the classes for pocket legends . Here is some classes i think will b cool. Assassin , palidon , sorry for spelling knight , wizard , buzerker , and ranger . All with the chose of a girl or boy . Thank u all and keep up the good work :-)

12-14-2012, 08:33 PM
I think there should be more classes like u did on pocket legends and also make it to were you can b a boy rouge and a girl warrior . Kind of like the choices u get when u start a game on star legends . I do like the fact that you all made the classes for pocket legends . Here is some classes i think will b cool. Assassin , palidon , sorry for spelling knight , wizard , buzerker , and ranger . All with the chose of a girl or boy . Thank u all and keep up the good work :-)

Good, I like these

12-16-2012, 05:48 AM
I sort of agree with this, but don't you think farming the last boss of each map with loot drop the rate of an egg will become extremely time consuming? The last boss is not going to be a 1-3min fight like Jarl is.

Sticking to the concept of your idea; the boss should be extremely hard (not everyone will kill it in elite mode) and loot is a guaranteed drop. Although STS would need to make a healer class because without a dedicated healer class, this idea wouldn't work. This would be like most end game bosses in mmorpg games.

A knock-on effect of a fight like this is that more and more people would start playing in a guild.

No. Definitely shouldn't be a guaranteed drop. I feel the drop rate should be low. As is what's the chance of a rogue getting agile heartseekers of brutality? Or warrior getting might vorpal of assault? Much lower than an egg. And people already beat elite bosses without a "dedicated healer". And this game isn't like "most mmorpgs". Its far from the traditional roots and is more action based. So the typical formula doesn't always work. You should still need to farm for your weapons. Point of my idea was to get people to play many maps over and over again. If its guaranteed that fixes nothing. They'd only still need to play each once and then pick some map to farm.

12-17-2012, 07:33 AM
I want see item merging ¡

12-17-2012, 07:56 AM
I want see item merging ¡


12-18-2012, 04:15 AM
For a suggestion thread, all you seem to have done is knock off my suggestion and then tell me how the game is now, which sort of misses the point.

If you look at almost any game, the hardest stuff is only going to be completed be a small % of people. Look at any other mmorpg game and who are the players with the best gear? They're the ones who managed to kill the hardest bosses. some may say that this has issues of fairness, but really is the fairest system of all because its the people who are good enough to work together and finish hard fights that reap the rewards.

My suggestion was only in reply to someone else, so I'll list my own ideas below:

1 Have elite bosses drop chests (as now) and tokens (some kind of currency used for gear/pet etc... Make farming seem worth it)
2 Make a map for capped players which is like some boss arena (similar to a suggestion someone made of a100 floor dungeon) - the idea for this is that there are 10-20 different boss fights, getting harder each time. Legendary gear is a guaranteed drop,but there'sonly one per fight and its not sellable.
3 the ability for guild masters to be able to choose their own ranking system and permissions (officer being able to promote for example...)

All I can remember for now but will post if I think of others.

12-18-2012, 04:47 AM
1. Guild war.
2. Gender of characters.

12-19-2012, 04:22 AM
Guild Quest
Guild Vs Guild
Gender of Characters

12-19-2012, 02:30 PM
Guild Leveling
Guild Storage

12-21-2012, 03:32 AM
I would like to see more stuff to do in guild hall maybe a pvp arena and could be able to invite people into hall thats not in guild??

12-22-2012, 06:41 AM
I would like Pet food to be free or cheaper

12-23-2012, 01:16 PM
• Player vs. Player (PvP)
What happened to this?

12-23-2012, 02:57 PM
ahem.. suggestions..

1. please give us revive skill.. i suggest on rouges... damn urgent..
2. make the pets feedibg cheaper... or extend the duration of the meals.. also pet wont get hungry if we are in town.. just as exilir..

3. daily reward is better than shazbod chests.. untill u make them 8 hrs like other one..

4. bow.. make them better than thr adjecent lvl wpns

5. make a raid system too that make boss drop at random maps..

6. add some puzzle type map too.. not just move in and smash type..

7. make some pets that can attack differently... mb underground.

8. if you have a pet already of same type then you can have the option to liquidate it.

9. please lower the damage done when we bleed.

10. give us kill farming.

11. make a boss that drop an ancient card.. collect 5 card and u can make a party and csn kill a boss which will drop all pinks or vanity items for sure.. and make that boss tough..

many others.. mb laterz...

Sent from my Galaxy Note.

12-23-2012, 03:48 PM
1. PVP!!!
3. ELITE BOSS DUNGEON (as scene in pl)

12-25-2012, 08:28 AM
Maybe have some kind of Arena thing, that isn't PvP based. This bard has a daily quest similar to it;
You get into this "Arena", Get some low level monsters coming at you, at that is then called "Wave 1".
Then you clear the wave and go to the "Wave 2", ofcourse with more NPC's and also stronger NPC's.
Then maybe each 3 rounds, you get a "Boss" NPC coming at you. And then at Wave 15, you cleared the arena and you are granted with a Hauntlet coin or 3.

I know i would play it 24/7!

12-26-2012, 04:52 PM
I would like to see a weapon/skill switch. I've found that I'm starting to use two different weapons/skill sets for mobs and bosses. It would be nice to be able to quickly switch set-ups without all the clicking. It would be nice to configure a secondary weapon and 4-skills that I could press one button (like tab or shift) and switch to boss fighting mode.

12-28-2012, 05:17 AM
for google chrome(pc) , please add the option of changing the hotkeys layout for keyboard use thank you =)

That would be fantastic

Also, a different key for interactions and fire. Nothing like suddenly finding yourself looking at the grave in arcanum grounds in the middle of a battle with those two killer rogues to scare the willies out of you.

Keyboard interaction for the message boxes would also be great. (yes, no, ok, accept quest, complete quest etc...)

12-28-2012, 03:19 PM
For Free Content, I think there should be more to the Guild than just one room. For example, there are stairs, but we can't use them! The upstairs should lead to another room where people who are in a Guild have their own rooms (or dorms really). They can customize their own room with furniture like stuff and mini areas for pets. The 'Okay' furniture would be purchased with gold, but the better furniture with Platinum.

12-28-2012, 03:21 PM
Me too! Maybe more rooms for the guild Like upstairs and downstairs

12-29-2012, 05:20 PM
Does anyone else like the idea of Player Housing? maybe there are like a couple different types of houses.
Also crafting exilirs, mana/hp pots and other stuff would be cool with drops from mobs.

12-30-2012, 12:21 AM
1. PvP
2. Class genders
3. Change Mage skin colour by visiting gypsy. (who wouldn't love a purple Mage?)
4. Allow us to convert any clothing to vanity(at a cost)
5. Bank, with interest rates, loans, etc.
6. New classes
That's all for now...

01-02-2013, 03:38 AM
1. PvP
2. Class genders
3. Change Mage skin colour by visiting gypsy. (who wouldn't love a purple Mage?)
4. Allow us to convert any clothing to vanity(at a cost)
5. Bank, with interest rates, loans, etc.
6. New classes
That's all for now...

I also would like to have a red or green mage And please make legs of warrior longer, they look like chicken's :P

01-02-2013, 05:23 AM
No offence but why dont you guys think about what you would actually pay for? That would be helping sts more then all these ideas that should be in the premium thread anyway.

01-02-2013, 07:41 AM
1.: "Create game" option.
2.: separated action/interact button. It causes a lots of problems that those popup pages appears when players want to hit something. Tap to interact would be much better! Just like in SL.
3.: Confirm button at Platinum purchases. (at allies I lost lots of Plats..)
4.: HAMMER weapons to the Warrior class!!

5.: PING on the game screen! Not hidden in the menu!

01-06-2013, 05:04 PM
Maybe it's been mentioned before, but a health + mana regen fountain would be nice...like alien oasis in PL :)

01-06-2013, 09:04 PM
LASER guns plz. Pew pew.

01-06-2013, 09:47 PM
mages can revive other ppl

Alastair Hull
01-10-2013, 02:42 PM
I know this may be strange but what about GuildVsGuild, as well as PvP. Like you can have four from your guild and four from another with you unable to attack those from your own guild... Or maybe team PvP something like that. Just a thought I've had for a while now :-)

Rosario Vampire
01-12-2013, 08:12 PM
1.Maybe for the stash to get like 5 more stash slots it maybe should cost 3-4 plat.Also more vanitys

01-16-2013, 01:34 AM
More bows. I want to see stronger bows or atleast have them shoot faster. I love playing with the bow but i always find myself at a disadvantage. And i have one of if not the best bow available.

01-16-2013, 05:40 AM
Hello everybody!
My first post in this forum comes with a couple of ideas about pets.

First idea: happiness bonus and arcane ability could also increase when pet levels up

Example: Malison
happiness bonus gives +20 Str, +20 Dex, +20 Int, and +5% Crit.
dragon cry increases dodge chance by 15% for 5 seconds

Applying my idea could change things like this:

Crit % could increase by 0.2 every level
Stats bonus could increase by 1 point every 5 levels
dodge chance could increase by 0.5% and 0.1s every level

If I do math correctly, a lv21 Malison would give

happiness bonus: +24 Str, +24 Dex, +24 Int, and +9% Crit.
dragon cry increase: dodge chance by 25% for 7 seconds

Those numbers are obviously just an example: every pet should be well investigated in order to avoid too strong/unbalanced animals.

Second idea: adding pets to the auction system
I read a proposal of "re-egging" pets, but my idea is to sell pets directly.
This could lead some benefits:

Pets leveled up (using the modification I proposed earlier) could be sold at higher prices
A player could buy a pet in order to level it up and sell it back in the market
A new kind of player could arise: the animal trainer/merchant

That's all :)

01-16-2013, 06:58 AM
Events like in SL that drop vanities. like the slien infection event in SL. that wa cool. i'd like to see something like that in AL

01-16-2013, 11:46 AM
Please make it easier to sell items, for example make a 'select all' button and a 'sell selected' button :P

01-16-2013, 04:43 PM
Let us sell vanity items, or atleast return the vanity item in exchange for half of the plat we bought it for.

01-17-2013, 01:45 PM
pet racing would be a good addition

01-17-2013, 09:46 PM
I suggest making new achievements for pet.
The title [Beast Trainer]
Is to get all the pet to level 21.
It's not only cool, it also encourage and have a reason to use/try all the pet in the stable.

Edit : And also add some pirates vanities! Arrrr!

03-12-2014, 09:07 PM
It was better if the party raid system evryting is ok only the party its atm 4 ppl was better if it can 5 or more with the new expension packDragon Enclave arcane legends

03-13-2014, 02:59 AM
Necro necro :3

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

03-13-2014, 08:03 AM
Oh my god this thread is Completly Olddd

03-14-2014, 01:31 PM
Necro threading is bad -_-

03-14-2014, 01:44 PM
Ya, pretty old thread. Closing this up. Please feel free to start a new thread with your idea.