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View Full Version : What OTHER things would you like to see in Arcane Legends? (Premium Content)

11-30-2012, 12:27 PM
The Spacetime Studios Development Team is hard at work building great new stuff. For Arcane Legends, we’re making headway on everything we posted about 10 days ago in this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?75971-The-Future-of-Arcane-Legends, which includes:

• New content
• Raised level cap
• Vanity Items
• Balance
• Bug Fixes and refinements
• Season 2 of the Leaderboards
• Player vs. Player (PvP)

For those interested in our other games, we also have some big developments for Pocket Legends that we are about to release details about. We also have Year End celebrations coming for all games.

Beyond all of the above, we’re interested in what else you are looking for in Arcane Legends? We certainly have our ideas, but we’d like to hear from you. We want to keep entertaining you for months and years to come, so ideas that have the possibility of broad, lasting appeal are especially interesting. Additionally, we are always trying to balance our business goals with your entertainment. So, hearing what kinds of things you would be willing to spend Platinum on for additional convenience or entertainment value are also very interesting.

Thanks very much for being part of the Arcane Legends and Spacetime Studios Community of Gamers! We look forward to your thoughts.


Please use this thread to post your ideas about Premium game content or features that you would be willing to pay Platinum for.

If you have ideas for standard content or features, please use this thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?77502

11-30-2012, 12:34 PM
For premium, i'd suggest:

Awesome Looking Vanities.
Special Effect Vanities (Fire, Plasma, etc).
Better ODD Packs.
New Pets (Aliens?).
New Guild Halls.

These are just ideas. To be honest, I prefer to wait and have the surprise of future content. Just don't make us pay for 100% of the new content. Thanks and good luck ;).

11-30-2012, 01:28 PM

•Awesome Pets( coz some are useless) put better stat that wont cause any problems to free content users

•2nd job /class for evryone not only premium

11-30-2012, 01:55 PM
id like to list what I would pay for, Since you are a business and im the customer, I would like it fair for both :p
this is only a few that be added to a premium base..not saying all of them would be nice, but give us quite a few tiers to choose from... or let us pick and match

Plat & Gold allowance per week to justify a subscription...has to be better then me just buying plat XD
a bag of tokens per week (hauntlet & barter)
pet and vanity exclusives (NO Re-coloring) If they do show up later, ppl will opt out of this.
special content that can let us farm and sell special stuff
a pet elixer = can help us level them even faster or distribute a new currency among our pets. A golden Scooby-Snack
Pet armors vanity
guild GM perks to offer our clan....free potions, maybe 4 rare pet we can give-away in a month...something to help with in-guild contests
a legendary bundle upon reaching a level before cap
caplevels is a statistic level like DL.
if there is a plat allowance, give us the option to split between games. I don't need to pay for 3 subs ya know XD

ill add to this also :3

11-30-2012, 02:02 PM
Mountable Pet/ rides
Exclusive Maps
Different Wielding Weapons for classes e.g. Dual Wield for Warriors etc.

11-30-2012, 02:09 PM
-continue Elite maps during cap raises
- Being able to re egg pets for some number of plat but unable to re egg if bought pet with platinum from store.
-Elite vanaties for reaching cap plus special effects.
-Pet packs/ Better drop pack costs _____number of play. Normal costs ______ number of gold. Example would be Recieve 1-2 Items based at your level and charecters with a chance of getting the rare _____ Pet.

11-30-2012, 02:23 PM
Guild Halls with Guild discounts
More Pet diversity since some are the same model but in different colors
NEW CLASSES. Please keep them human and not mutants lol

11-30-2012, 02:53 PM
I'm liking the pay-for "special-effect" vanities as well as more traditional vanity types. I like the idea of pay-for maps, although I'm opposed to players being able to buy their way to exceptional builds using credit cards.

What about Guild Hall vanities like big animated fireplaces, animated candelabra chandeliers, additional storage cabinets (possibly personal &/or personalized for individual Guild members), additional rooms with cool interior effects (examples might be a 'fire' room, or a 'blizzard' room, or even a 'lightening storm' room) or other additions?

I agree about additional pets, also, although because of the game structure, they'd have to confer some kind of status buffs, and then you run the danger of allowing credit card killer builds.

How about specialized thrown bombs? (With a variety of cool-looking big asploshuns!! I LIKE asploshuns!!!)

What about the idea of some sort of pay-for 'events' which are visually impressive? Perhaps a medium-sized forest out back of the Guild Hall that you can pay 1 plat to burn down over and over again? Or a quarry, or cliff face that you can pay a small fee to destroy? Or a valley where you can stand on a nearby hilltop and pay to blow up a dam and watch it wipe out a town? Little to no interaction, mostly just a viewed scripted event or animation.

11-30-2012, 03:00 PM
Pet armors vanity

11-30-2012, 03:02 PM
Guild Halls with Guild discounts
More Pet diversity since some are the same model but in different colors
NEW CLASSES. Please keep them human and not mutants lol

Guild Halls with Guild discounts = Already have x)
More Pet diversity since some are the same model but in different colors = but each pet has diff stats n skills.
NEW CLASSES. Please keep them human and not mutants lol= never gonna happen, games already been created.

11-30-2012, 03:04 PM
What about a specialized "Healer" class of characters and/or skill tree, that can only be used in PvP? Or maybe a set of purchasable maps that can only be played by teams of 4, or by members of the same guild, and 'healers' can only be used on these maps?

11-30-2012, 03:06 PM
Howzabout pay-for "Warp to Boss" tickets, available for purchase at the start of certain maps?

11-30-2012, 03:09 PM
I want to be invincible. That is all.

11-30-2012, 03:10 PM
Purchasable forum badges, that can only be purchased after at least one character on the user's account has passed certain thresholds, like defeating a certain boss, or achieving a certain number of in-game achievements or earning a set number of points, or defeating all the regular-level bosses, or all the elite bosses?

Or the obvious (duh) of different badges for each time a character level-caps (level 16 badge, level 21 badge, etc.)? Would be a nice way to reward players who have stayed with the game since the beginning, or since early-on.

11-30-2012, 05:05 PM
-a player's house with stash, able to decorate with buyable furniture.
-more emotes/interactions with pet, a sit animation for afk.
-able to mate and evolve stronger pets.

11-30-2012, 05:22 PM
Guild Halls with Guild discounts = Already have x)
More Pet diversity since some are the same model but in different colors = but each pet has diff stats n skills.
NEW CLASSES. Please keep them human and not mutants lol= never gonna happen, games already been created.

And that prevents new classes added like other MMORPGS?

As for new pets, they can add that of course

I would rather a Dev comment, thanks

11-30-2012, 05:27 PM
I would like to be able to buy a non fixed camera view
Gud addition

11-30-2012, 05:33 PM
I would pay platinum for

and i'm ok with doing it for the moderately priced
timer resets
skill respec

I would also pay a monthly fee for as an option if that meant fixing some things like consignment store taking payment on true consignment, not on posts...

for right now the best thing to spend platinum on is Gold so that you can afford the CS costs, buy good gear, and feed your sick and dying pet

11-30-2012, 06:06 PM
What would be awsome:
- Proffessions for everybody
( like crafting, enchanting, jewel crafting or engineering maybe sockets for gems? Gems and recepis that drop? With the option to buy extra recepies with platinum)
- Mounts!
-Items to place in guild hall
- Extra pets
- Extra classes
- More worlds
- Special farming worlds

11-30-2012, 06:11 PM
Yes!!! Yes!!! MOUNTS!!! Like the ability to go on your pet and ride it!! Woot that would ROCK!!

11-30-2012, 06:17 PM
Mounts would help with running back after a death...

11-30-2012, 06:33 PM
Yes!!! Yes!!! MOUNTS!!! Like the ability to go on your pet and ride it!! Woot that would ROCK!!

I'm picturing him riding the frog.....
with a teeeeeny little saddle...


11-30-2012, 06:34 PM
More vanities like SL (pants gloves shields & not just helm and armor)
Stashable tokens because it's a pain to make 2-5 a day...
Pets feed on the corpses of our slain enemies because feeding them cost too much sometimes
Or pet food drops like gold

Mounts would help with running back after a death...
I'd feel bad for an owl with a warrior owner

11-30-2012, 07:08 PM
Stashable tokens because it's a pain to make 2-5 a day...
Pets feed on the corpses of our slain enemies because feeding them cost too much sometimes
Or pet food drops like gold



11-30-2012, 08:48 PM
Furniture/decoration pieces for guild
Guild quarters and allow visitors, customize (grid placement)
Guild grounds and new rooms
My home or Homestead, with all my pets running around (customize)
Pet items, armor or vanity
Change pet color
More character customizations(gender, hair, colors, etc...)

12-01-2012, 12:12 AM
the ability to create an alliance between guilds
Even it is possible to pay platinum each month for the maintenance of the alliance

12-01-2012, 12:14 AM
Vanity weapon slot for plat purchasers that changes the appearance but not the level/quality of the weapon. I suppose the same may be possible for other visible slots too...Have more vanity items unlock based on total spending.

Can't really give people that purchase plat something that effects gameplay or forums would go nuts. Letting a premium char have the ability to purchase (at a nominal cost) a vanity item that changes the appearance for a particular slot while leaving its stats intact would be pretty cool :)

12-01-2012, 01:05 AM
Some people might not like this, but I think you could charge us platinum to buy a bigger wallet. So, once the player gets to a certain amount gold, then they can't pick up any more money until they purchase a larger wallet. If you do this, I think the starter wallet should hold 50000 gold. By that point, the player is devoted to the game and willing to spend platinum (or learn to live with the limit). The upgraded wallet would hold an unlimited amount.

To avoid a fan uprising, I think you'd have to give current players the upgraded wallet for free. But this might be a way to earn money from new players.

(This isn't something I'm dying to see added to the game, but I'm just trying to be fair here. STS gotta pay the bills.)

12-01-2012, 08:19 PM
Make COLTON Purchaseable with PLATINUM

12-02-2012, 03:32 AM
Guild capes and if possible with guild symbols. Let's say pvp gives honour points and the total amount of those points add up to the guild level, unlocking more cape options.

12-02-2012, 07:57 AM
I would like to suggest bow as an vanity items.

Isnt it a bit awkward that rogues are holding bows only when using arrow skills?

I hope bow as a vanity item. And when worn, stabbing normal attack changes to firing arrows dynamiclly...

Is it kinda too hard? lol

12-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Maybe you could add a training wing (high plat premium) that has target dummies that are currently lvl 15 normal and lvl 16 elite plus a discount respect vendor in the room (save 1-2 plat) so that people could test builds or damage from different weapons. I would say you can get the pet passive bonus, but the pet won't attack, so you can focus on your damage.

12-02-2012, 02:14 PM
O ya!!! Forgot one MOUNTS!!!!!!

12-03-2012, 08:18 AM
please make 1v1 game with 10 kill limit...that would be the ultimate urge for players to work very hard on their gears thanks...

12-03-2012, 04:59 PM
Extra cool vanities
Sparkles purschasable
more PvP CtF maps when it is there
Hiding dungeon kills/pvp kills death etc..
Weekly enigma : if u find answer, u get a nice vanity (1 plat per answer testing)
Loto Pluggin : player can bet on numbers (1 out of 10), with gold or platinum : the most they bet the most they can win/loose :o, if the number is the good one, he doubles his pay.. Risky, but can works :p .. Weekly drawing of numbers :p..

I'll edit it if I get more ideas :D

12-03-2012, 05:25 PM
O ya!!! Forgot one MOUNTS!!!!!!


12-03-2012, 07:13 PM
This may have been mentioned already, but I would find it extremely useful to be able to respec my stat points and skill points individually, without having to do both every time.

12-03-2012, 08:31 PM


12-03-2012, 08:37 PM



12-03-2012, 10:01 PM
Since its going to be premium make COLTON purchaseable with Plats.

12-04-2012, 09:18 PM
I'll pay up $2.99 a month if you would improve gold drops, vendor prices, and reduce the need for platinum in the game currently to make money. You did say that platinum would play a smaller role in this game and it would be more for vanities. Considering I can get about 2-3k gold for doing all the dailies and running each dungeon. The game is currently only balanced for luck or purchasing gold

12-05-2012, 12:37 AM
So I've been playing Arcane Legends and I've been playing other MMO's for a while now (references Diablo 3, Torchlight 2, LoL etc). It's a great MMO in the making but still needs tweaks to keep the fun alive. Below I present some suggestions that AL should be brought up to standards on.

Here's some of my suggestions:

*Auto-pot option on pets: Where the pet auto heals HP/MP on its owner (There should be a check off option in option menu for manual or auto-potting if you HP/MP flash "red". Or you can include a scroll bar with percentage numbers from 10-100% for HP/MP to manually adjust, where the pet will heal your HP/MP if you fall below that desired percentage). I want to feel like I can grind and farm non-stop without the option of manually potting, some people like it some people don't. That's why there should be an option for this in the option menu.

*Lower the auto-feed cost to 10% of current values, (ex: 400 coins into 40 coins for level 16 pet feeding cost) this is much more affordable to maintain. If not just eliminate the cost completely. It eats your money over time and its a hassle to keep switching pets so you can save cost on feeding. Over time it does drain your funds.

*Clicking an item in chat to paste the item info, so others can see exactly what you have to trade or what you are selling. This option saves the hassle of trading to see something when people are busy running dungeons and the other person is too far away.

*The option to see the stat changes of an item on your character in the trade window just like in the consignment store.

*Lower the cost of Consignment store fee to 1% only, current amount is still too high that's why people don't bother listing items to save the cost on fees.

At the moment current cost of fees is close to 5% where a 500k item costs nearly 25k to list, that is still a lot of money. I would rather pay 5k to list a 500k item than 25k, so please change the fee to 1% which is more reasonable and affordable. A fee shouldn't feel like your losing out on your profits in small chunks rather than small nibbles.

*Allow the option to dye your armor different colors, so create items "Dyes" (red, blue, purple etc.) This option adds more fun to the game just like cosmetic changes to a character (Hair and face). There should be cosmetic color changes to armors as well. You can add ranks to colors as well where (ex: black, white, gold) would be considered legendary color "Dyes" which drop from high level Elite dungeons.

*Gem socketing on Weapon and Armor: create different rarity of gems that add stats to Weapon and Armor. we should be able to farm these so we can create even more potent weapons and armors for end game.

*Leveling up Legendary Items: This correlates with the Gem socketing, where we level up Legendary Items to unlock more powerful stats for end game build. This is what keeps end game alive.

*2-Handed Items for all classes:
*Warrior = Shield (For more armor and blocking to tank better)
*Sorcerer = Magic Orb/Codex (increased damage since they're basically glass cannons)
*Rouge = 2-Handed Daggers/Swords (I know currently they show them holding it in both hands but players should be able to purchase 2 different types of Daggers/Swords for their rouges to add more variety and skill changes).

*Add Shoulder Armor slot (self explanatory)

*Add Mounts (self explanatory)

*Add both genders to all classes (I wish to create a Male rouge :[ )

12-05-2012, 03:03 AM
- funny emoticons
- ability to summon a second pet
- big, bigger and biggest luck :D

12-05-2012, 04:33 PM
Should add a exp % option on the main screen. Just like the hp and mana %. So we can see how much our exp is instead of keep checking in the menu.

12-06-2012, 12:18 AM
Guild hall upgrades.

Guild hall customization beyond just the upgrades - i.e. after you expand it to level 3 you can buy auction house kiosk, entrance via Outpost town, entrance via Windmoore, elixir kiosk, further discounts on pots, decorations, roaming NPCs, bulletin board, etc.

Gain XP anywhere elixirs.

Subscription that offers neat stuff and discounts on in game stuff (pots, elixirs, everything the game sells - amount of discount determined by level of subscription.)

Ability to trade characters without giving account info - I have been wanting to reduce the number of accounts I have but I don't have a way.

12-06-2012, 12:36 AM

i'd pay a dollar a game if i had to

12-06-2012, 12:38 AM
The ability to solo a dungeon!

12-07-2012, 05:42 AM
Vanities, lots of them.

12-07-2012, 06:43 AM
It would be nice if you could purchase slots to save different character builds. Maybe I want certain skills for running elite maps, but a different set of skills for when I'm farming easier mobs. I would easily pay to have different skill set ups for different situations without having to respect or start a seperate character.

12-07-2012, 06:52 PM
1. Private guild hunting grounds - a map or set of maps that you can only access from your guild.

12-08-2012, 11:56 AM
Guild capes and if possible with guild symbols. Let's say pvp gives honour points and the total amount of those points add up to the guild level, unlocking more cape options.


12-09-2012, 08:57 AM
I made a thread about it, so I'll not repeat myself much here, I just suggest a convertor of gear to vanities.


It would help with the look-alike toons that we all dread.

three words: squid buddy pet

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-11-2012, 02:59 AM
Keep the hell lvl. 15 to 16 always 15k exp. So people cant grind lvl 1 to 20 in 1 day...and u guys work so hard...they grind to top in a day. Haha

12-11-2012, 09:40 AM
I would love some more character customization features (i.e. face/hair/etc.). Either plat exclusive or otherwise. I would absolutely love to put Gustav's beard on my warrior, lol.

I think an awesome plat purchase would be some kind of permanent food item that keeps your pets fed just like auto-feed does, but without the gold drain. Everlasting milkbone! Heh.

Lots of vanity items, of course. And if it's technically pheasible, how about armor dyes? That way, if say a person gets a rare musketeer style vanity hat but is heartbroken that it's blue instead of red, he can fix it! Probably not possible, but it's an idea at least. :)

12-11-2012, 06:36 PM
It would be nice to have notification for auction when your item is sold also quest to earn platinum instead of having to always do free offers or buy should increase the amount of slots in auction to atleast 3 and should be able to earn free respec for reaching max lvl for people that are experimenting with stats I would also like to see instead of paying plat to revive make it so you can just use in game gold not everyone can get plat that's all thanks

12-11-2012, 11:04 PM
Invisibility skill for rouges, because they're more likely an assassin? They must probably have it. And as when you hid yourself you wont be attack unless you hit anything under the buff. And also, Click here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?78936-For-the-upcoming-update)

12-12-2012, 08:56 AM
Just to say so far I am very much enjoying the game.

I would like to offer my opinion on what I would be happy to pay for and what improvements I would like to see. First of all I have played so many MMorpgs in the past and now that I am 32 have a job and work hard you can appreciate I do not get as much time as others. I play with my guild members on my mobile device as it is easy and convenient and we are all roughly the same age. Here are the conclusions I have come too after playing through Elite mode and reaching level 16.

I remember a long time ago putting many hours into game called Legend of Mir made by a company called WEmade entertainment and this is a game that had it right.

I understand your business model and I get you have to make money however being able to buy gold with platinum is just not worthwhile. You now have an economy where any player can spend 50 dollars and obtain the best end game gear in the game. I am a player that has paid for platinum but I have done this to support Spacetime studios and to also buy my guild and anything guild related. I am prepared to pay for vanity items and extra pvp maps for example. I will not however pay for end game gear as where is the fun in that?? I will not use plat to buy gold. I can farm the boss in village over and over for that!! You may want to look at that by the way as everyone is farming him and not doing the rest of the map.

If I owned your company and the rights to arcane legends this is what I would do.

Get rid of plat to buy gold as this would make gold in game much more valuable and this would stabilize the economy going forward.

You have an economy at the moment where some pink items go for 300-400 gold which is just ridiculous. Pink items are legendary for a reason they need to stay rare. At the moment I sell everything white, green and blue in my inventory as it is all worthless. Blue items are where people should make there money in the auction house and pinks should be the items people aspire to play your game for. They should aspire to kill bosses over and over again to get that pink item. otherwise make something above legendary which is orange which binds to the toon and cannot be sold. Something like a super legendary item.

I think you should make in game gear and plat bought gear. They should have roughly the same stats so the people who do not pay do not feel they will never get the best gear from playing the game. You should allow people to buy the plat gear if they do not have much time to play but want to play endgame maps.

Something I would like to see is a map where you go to PVE but can be killed PVP as this would be a scary place to go. People would end up getting into battles and would be super fun to try and kill your monster only to be killed by another group as you would go back to get revenge.

I would like to see the main towns being attacked every so often by elite monsters where the whole town has to get together to rid these beasts. These could be special random events which would keep people on their toes and the monsters may drop really cool special items.

At the moment blue and green items are worthless so instead of getting 5 gold for each can we not use these items to have a chance to add extra damage or crit chance to our items? have a vendor that does this. I would pay plat to try and get those precious extra stats on my end game wep.

Stats like +1 luck on a wep would be great and again should be rare.

Of course also add Pure PVP maps with death matches.

I would love to see arcane legends succeed but the way it is at the moment I am very worried about your current business model as this is putting me and my friends off the game. Gold needs to be something you work for so it is precious in game. Do not destroy it by allowing people to just buy hundreds of thousands of gold.

We will pay for plat but only if it is for the good of the game and not to destroy the economy.

Add mounts as I will pay for a good mount but again like pets people working hard in game should be able to get the rarest ones.

I hope you can take some of these points onboard.

Many thanks


12-12-2012, 08:58 AM
Invisibility skill for rouges, because they're more likely an assassin? They must probably have it. And as when you hid yourself you wont be attack unless you hit anything under the buff. And also, Click here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?78936-For-the-upcoming-update)

Nice idea!

12-13-2012, 10:57 PM
My other idea for guilds is....I see guys put in stairs that lead up and down now what I believe would neat for that.. Is a upper level that officers and guild master's would be able to hold meetings an only they would be able to enter... Now the lower level would be for recruiters. and then the center hall would be for members... It would be easier for each class of the guild to be able whole private meetings.. Instead of speaking in officer chat or private chat the whole time..if u like the idea dont forget to say hi to ur man funkyskunk

12-14-2012, 05:30 AM
Pink items are legendary for a reason they need to stay rare.

I sort of agree with this statement, just in a different way. You're saying they should be rare as in they don't drop much and that players should kill bosses over and over again to get the drop. I don't know about you, but I get bored killing the same boss over and over again praying and hoping for a drop where some player may get luck and win on first kill. A way to solve that issue would be to have a roll system although that's not brilliant either.

I think that legendary gear should be that, legendary. This gear isn't obtained by luck or doing the same thing over and over. It should be guaranteed by killing bosses. In the current game set-up this wouldn't work (thus why I mentioned the roll system above) so a dedicated healing class being created.

My other idea for premium is to remove platinum cost of creating second character but have the option to pay for it to skip to the previous level cap (so in the next expansion, people could pay to have a character already levelled to 16 or make one for free starting at 1).

As much as I love the game, it does really need some changes, and fast.

12-27-2012, 02:33 AM
Thank you Spacetime for making a really fun game!

I wanted to provide my observations and I apologize in advance for redundancies.

1) Since the content update, it seems like Legendary items and chests drop less frequently than before, and even then Elite Golden Banded Chests don't guarantee Legendary drops. So not only is there a 1% (or whatever it is) for chests, there is a 1% chance that a pink item is contained in that chest. That means it is approximately a 1/10000 chance to actually get anything useful. Here's are a few suggestions to reduce player frustration, and churn, while increasing player engagement and fun.
A. Work with the community to develop a merit-based system based on a few things (people are welcome to add more ideas and discuss):
- Damage inflicted upon enemies per DPS (Obviously rogues will produce higher damage, but if they produce the same amount of damage a warrior makes, then it contextually means that they weren't doing a great job...and sort of coasting)
- Team-oriented skills (healing, tanking, buffs) - that reward players for "helping out their team"
- Time spent playing the game/session - rewards players for the longer time played
- # of Rewards during time spent - helps to balance out drops

B. Every Elite chest drops 1 pink (again based on merit)
- Copper drops a pink that is of "less value"
- Silver drops a pink that is of "middle-tier value"
- Golden drops a pink that is of "high value"

C. or Achievements Unlock Legendary Items for our character's class (ex: by beating all the bosses on elite levels in one run without dying once, you can get Demonlord Plate of Will for Warriors)

2) Reduce cost of elixirs/potions/feeding pets as it is a resource-sink and/or introduce weekly/monthly promotions to reduce costs of maintenance for people that cannot afford it - This will be a good incentive for people to play and provide instantaneous data to help your team with future marketing initiatives and in-game economy concepts.

3) Make platinum a tradeable resource. Or make gold the only resource. It's much simpler to have one currency and you won't have to maintain both of Trial Pay's sites. What is the point of platinum anyway since we essentially trade it in for gold to use in the economy?

4) Great games also have great stories - In the current situation, players have no idea what to look forward to for the next update. When we watched Gustav and Bael, we saw a lead into a Mardrom, goblins and then had expectations to look forward to. (We also expected Mardrom to be A LOT tougher to beat than Bael...especially on the elite levels). Suggestion: Create a great story, with a good cliffhanger or some bait for us to bite into! What is the story behind the dead city? Why should our heroes/legends risk their lives to go there? The story needs to be better intertwined into game play, more cut scenes that engage us as fans and a gripping story that keeps us wanting more. By releasing only new levels, it perpetuates a tired cyclical farming situation that your fans will get tired of quickly.

5) Personalization
A. Color - It would be great to be able to change the colors (by buying or otherwise) of the equipment or armor, or pets that we have (this I believe this has been mentioned before)
B. Upgrading weapons by a sphere grid (ala Final Fantasy X, or Skyrim) Maybe we can spec a weapon to produce effects like armor reduction and beef that up with gems or with "Weapon XP"

6) Being able to view chat screen while in menu - I'd love to see what my friends are talking about while I'm in the consignment store or while I'm busy in my inventory!

7) Be able to copy text and paste into chat - I've wanted to paste URLs, but had to type it out many times

8) Bosses must get harder with map progression
A. Bael should NOT be harder to beat than Mardrom (sorry if I'm spelling that incorrectly)

9) Warrior weapons (I only have one character class...so i can speak to it)
A. Spears - a long range weapon
- Impale - does most damage (reduces target armor)
- Spin - Similar to windmill effect but does mid-damage
- Stab - Does least amount of damage
B. 2 daggers instead of 1 axe or sword/shield combo

It's pretty much all I can think of for now, and I'm sure people will comment, add or even point out flaws in these, but I hope you guys at the studio can consider some of these thoughts. I've only wanted to make the game better and reflected some of the thoughts that came to mind. I hope you also don't take any offense to these suggestions..I really love the game and hope it continues to evolve and get better and grow.

All the best,

01-02-2013, 08:12 AM
A premium account like "THE LEGENDARY CLUB" which at cost of taking money from members according to its package,..2 weeks,1month,3 months, 5 months or year. would give many in game benefits like lower cooldown,low charge time required, auto pot available, pet will remain more happy.But the advantages should not be so much that free users wont be able to match them.

01-02-2013, 10:21 AM
A "Reset character" option.
An option that resets everything at the character, eg. level, kills, deaths, stats, skills, achievements... everything, except the purchased inventory/auction/stash slots and earned gold/tokens.

01-02-2013, 11:48 PM
Please don't remove the Founder's Armor set after the holiday event! And put some other color Founder's Armor sets too in the Store!
And the other good looking armor set that was in the previous bundle packs should be in Store as vanity set. :)
I want Sponge Bob pet! :D Okay, licenses etc.. I won't get one. But I don't get why aren't there any Bear as companion. Companions seem to me so slow in movement, except the dogs.
A fourth class, a mage that's similar to Gustav should be cool. I see lots of players prefer human mage characters instead of that long eared E.T.. And a Gustav-like mage would look better in the cultist hood and robe than the little blue guy in those skeleton clothes. Witchdoctor set from DL would fit him fine too!
Oh! Where did those Final Fantasy style mage sets gone?? I really miss them. They look really cool! They should be put back as vany sets.
Crossbow for the girls?
Returning to companions.. Why didn't I still get a Fairy? Unicorn, phoenix and griffin. Without them this isn't a real fairy tale. :D
Sorcerers should have a book and rod pair of weapons as the sword and shield at warrior.
I need a bigger bundle! +150 inv. +100 stash. +10 auction. Legendary armor, legendary weapon, legendary ring+amulet, special bundle vanity sets(like an original knight plate set), special bundle companion(fairy :D , random get blue, red, pink, green, purple or white), premium flag, some pots. I'm sure I'd buy it for ~250 Platinums. Maybe for more too.

Just for fun, there should be a vanity set for warriors like a wooden sword, wooden shield and tincan helmet for the carnival, and some other idiot stuffs for the other classes too.

Finished with ideas for today..

01-03-2013, 12:01 AM
3) Make platinum a tradeable resource. Or make gold the only resource. It's much simpler to have one currency and you won't have to maintain both of Trial Pay's sites. What is the point of platinum anyway since we essentially trade it in for gold to use in the economy?

Did You ever realised that people work for money?
Spacetime Studios employee earns their money from Platinum purchases. They pay the servers from Platinum purchases. Their income that grants them the possibility to work on the development is from Platinum purchases.
Or how did You plan it? They'll take the money from the mouth of their family, they sell their houses to pay the bills that comes with keeping the game alive and They will work for free just for You to not to be confused by the ingame currencies of the game that You think everyone is spending on gold?
Think it again!

01-05-2013, 12:39 PM
-a player's house with stash, able to decorate with buyable furniture.
-more emotes/interactions with pet, a sit animation for afk.
-able to mate and evolve stronger pets.

I like the house idea!

I would like to 'buy' a color for our name that appers in game. Oh and a squid pet. Thx for making this awesome game!

01-05-2013, 12:43 PM
I would like lootable drop, Oh and make sure they can be stashable and tradable.

01-05-2013, 03:12 PM
Going to get a lot of hate for this lol...Here it goes!

Move or eliminate jarl and change tower so that you need to clear the first floor to unlock the first set of stairs.... here's why. If you try to do any elite run without a guild, you will zone in to all but those two maps and be utterly alone. All people care about is farming these two quickly to reach bosses. The other maps are generally vacant...

that or make it so you need to clear the previous elite maps to reach the next (like how it was pre patch), then you can add lore that reveals that jarl decided to relocate to rooks nest to farm Malison. It's far too easy for a new lvl 20 to jump into either of these free legendary speed runs, while not having to really put any time in... I think many are missing out on the true content of the game and you guys are wasting your time on content... May as well remove all maps except watchers tomb, hauntlet, village and towers... that's all that every gets played anyways.

Aside from that, I would like to see an in game mail system, it's annoying listing items on cs, then logging back in a few hours later with 10 friend requests, all to inquire about an item you listed, 90% of those people asking for the item at 10% is listed value (annoying).

Also, being able to add notes to friends, like "this guy wants a full demonlord set" or "awesome tank/healer" that would be amazing.

Thank you sts for your efforts, the most fun I've ever had playing a GAME on my phone.

01-05-2013, 06:40 PM

Name: ???

Looks: it should look like some demon dog hound with two heads

Where its dropped: it could be dropped from some hard elite boss in the new lvl26 cap raise, with like a 1% chance of drop.

Buffs: it could give u like 5% xp, 25 str, 10 dex, and 2% reduced incoming hits

Plat Cost: like 125 because its giving xp boost

*NOTE* All of this stuff can be changed if the DEVS do not like

01-07-2013, 11:38 PM
Did You ever realised that people work for money?
Spacetime Studios employee earns their money from Platinum purchases. They pay the servers from Platinum purchases. Their income that grants them the possibility to work on the development is from Platinum purchases.
Or how did You plan it? They'll take the money from the mouth of their family, they sell their houses to pay the bills that comes with keeping the game alive and They will work for free just for You to not to be confused by the ingame currencies of the game that You think everyone is spending on gold?
Think it again!

The point was to just have players pay for one currency. Please re-read and not misunderstand.

01-10-2013, 07:40 AM
i need new skills,new weapon,new class,new free plat thats all.

01-10-2013, 07:41 AM
and i wanna swim
i need new skills,new weapon,new class,new free plat thats all.

01-10-2013, 08:34 AM
I would like to have the option to say "Sell all items which are below X automatically" (X = Epic or Legendary for example) so I don't have to sell all Common, Rare... items manually.

Could be designed like the auction house search, you have to set a minimum you want to don't sell automatically (Standard would be Common of course).

Would make it more comfortable. (Sorry for grammatical errors, hope you can understand what I mean)

03-20-2013, 01:37 PM
I like to buy a lot of platinum but I can only buy with SMS but there isn't SMS payment :(