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View Full Version : Opinion on AL economy

11-30-2012, 10:39 PM
Today I did a trip through each dungeon solo at Level 16 ( all zones plus each Watcher/Kraag level plus Hauntlet), 15 total dungeons. Here is what I got. All items listed are after opening the 4 chests I received.

Gold from drops 727
Common items 14
Rare items 31
Epic items 5
Legendary items 0
Copper chests 4
Silver chests 0
Gold chests 0
Pet eggs 0
Gold from item sales 237
Gold from auctions 0
Total NET gold gained 964

Pet feed bill 825 (250+275+300)
Pet feed count 3
Pet levels gained 13

So gross profit had I not used a pet would have been 1,789 gold. Gold thing I wasn't using my lvl 15-16 pets. I've suggested it many times that item vendor value should be item level* item quality. If that was the case then below would be my vendor prices
Common 224g
Rare 992
Epic 240
Total 1,456g

Net gold for run could have been 2,183
Gross gold could have been 3,008
Not a huge difference, but I think it could help out the economy a bit. The way the game is now it requires complete luck for legendary/eggs or Platinum to make money. There really is no old school grind for gold.

########### UPDATE ###############
So i wanted to see how much a difference it would make to try and do every daily in the game possible in one day. So i ran every dungeon just trying to complete dailies. here is what i found:

1695 net gold (quests and drops)
297 gold from items
13100 gold from auctions (if items sell first try, based on action prices at 10am CST Dec 4th)

2 eggs (from dailies)
0 gold chest
2 silver chest
4 copper chest

All items below are after i opened the chests
0 legendary
10 epic
40 rare
10 common

-1200 Pet Feeding (3x feeding at 400g per)

Not including LUCK - Legendary/Egg drop -> Auction sales
3192 Gross Profit from doing all dailies in a day
1992 Net Profit from doing all dailies in a day

Iincluding LUCK - Legendary/Egg drop -> Auction sales
16292 Gross Profit from doing all dailies in a day
15092 Net Profit from doing all dailies in a day

The point of the thread is to hopefully show STS that the gold drops/vendor item prices are too low to balance out the economy. To make any money really, it relies on luck or platinum to buy gold. I am sure STS likes that buying platinum to get gold is a great motivation for them to not change, but this is probably hurting the game more and discouraging people from playing since it requires winning on a slot machine to make money, in essence

^^^all the above runs were done on my lvl 16 warrior, potion use was negligible.

11-30-2012, 11:06 PM
That also doesn't take potion use into consideration. If you're a rogue or mage, you're definitely gonna be using potions at some point during that trip. So, if you factor in buying potions, that brings your gold gained down even further in the long term. On the other hand, you also have to consider gold gained over time. Even though you didn't get it in one run, at some point you're bound to get some pets/pinks through drops or chests, and if you sell those your overall amount of gold gained will jump up quite a bit in one fell swoop.

I'm not sure I agree with the idea of bringing up the liquidation values that much though. Rather than doing that, IMO a better solution would be to bring other things down, like pet feeding cost and CS listing fee. Only a little, though. When it comes to affecting the economy, a little goes a long way.

11-30-2012, 11:08 PM
I will soon have 4 level 16's and I have yet to even get a pet drop in normal or elite or any worth while pinks in the normal maps. All my pinks came from Elite Jarl runs.

Hopefully when I level up my 5th and 6th character to level 16 I actually manage to get a pet drop. I can't even believe I didn't get the Tomb III pet drop yet after getting so many characters up to 15-16.

11-30-2012, 11:09 PM
Well that's why the elite maps exist. Go there if you want to get the valuable pink drops.

11-30-2012, 11:15 PM
I should have at least gotten though some valuable pinks for the characters that I leveled as far as for their level. I ran from 1-15 for all 4 of my toons so far on blue gear that was mostly from quests or 5-10 levels below them until I could at least get them all in champion gear.

11-30-2012, 11:17 PM
@mcbain I forgot to mention I did it on my warrior and used maybe 5 health potions and 1 mana potion. Had I been only Mage I would have probably used about 20 health potions and 100 mana...and if I was on my rogue...I probably wouldn't have been able to solo all of them...

12-01-2012, 08:36 AM
I take it back! I just did 3 runs on Jarl in Elite and first run was a L16 Clever Vorpal and 3rd run gave me a L16 Vorpal of Tactics!

12-01-2012, 09:45 AM
didnt samhayne say in one thread: "we want to make the items valuable" ?
cant find that thread atm.

so thats what they wanted: best warrior weapon 900k+ LOL

AL economy is rediculous imo.

12-01-2012, 09:56 AM
Where did my previous post go?

12-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Remember to keep your feedback constructive.

12-01-2012, 10:02 AM
Remember to keep your feedback constructive.

Fine, IMO economy in Arcane Legends is very bad. Prices are outrageous for some items. You need gold to survive in this game, and gold is really hard to get itself.

12-01-2012, 01:06 PM
tell that to the guys with the millions

Anyways, sts had an existing economy before we came along, but the economy started changing, thanks to some prize determinants out there... u know who you are O:<

anyway, the economy is based on what we're willing to spend on every item, so you cant blame sts. players are the ones who do it

12-01-2012, 01:13 PM
anyway, the economy is based on what we're willing to spend on every item, so you cant blame sts. players are the ones who do it

better drop rate => lower prices.

STS can change that easily but they like prices beeing high?
maybe 100k for best weapon is ok. but 900k ? no way.

12-01-2012, 01:21 PM
better drop rate => lower prices.

STS can change that easily but they like prices beeing high?
maybe 100k for best weapon is ok. but 900k ? no way.

Agreeing 100%.

12-01-2012, 01:25 PM
tell that to the guys with the millions

Anyways, sts had an existing economy before we came along, but the economy started changing, thanks to some prize determinants out there... u know who you are O:<

anyway, the economy is based on what we're willing to spend on every item, so you cant blame sts. players are the ones who do it Im sorry guys but aero hit it nail on! Yup, its us who shape and alter the economy. We buy and sell for our outrageous prices, we overprice, but some plat rich nubs buy the items for those ridiculous prices, then more and more sell for that price..

anyway, the economy is based on what we're willing to spend on every item, so you cant blame sts. players are the ones who do it

better drop rate => lower prices.

STS can change that easily but they like prices beeing high?
maybe 100k for best weapon is ok. but 900k ? no way. sts do this cuz they want more plat sales.

12-01-2012, 01:32 PM
sts do this cuz they want more plat sales.


12-01-2012, 01:35 PM
I'm by no means rich in this game, but I have a very nice cushion of gold that makes it so I don't have to worry about feeding pets, buying pots, etc. The thing is, gold just doesn't magically appear the way you want it to. You can't just do one map run, liquidate drops, make thousands, and call it a day. It just doesn't work that way. If you want gold, you have to at least put in some kind of effort to obtain it.

So how do you make and save gold?

First off, get some more pets and rotate them if you're in easy areas. I know people love to use the greatest pet they have, but unless you're running elites, it's not normally required you have your best pet out at all times. So rotate those lesser used, forgotten pets. It'll help make them stronger and your wallet stays a little thicker. Pets are easy to get, just do your dailies. On top of that, you're going to be fighting bosses and mobs which can drop pinks, chests, or even rare eggs. You'll be saving gold by rotating pets, and earning gold by trying to acquire new pets.

Farming elites costing you too much? Just do normal levels until you get yourself some gold. Most normal levels can easily be run with the pick up groups you encounter. Normal levels will save you tons on potions and don't require you to use your best pets so you can rotate them in and out to save lots of gold. Plus, there's nothing wrong with farming normal levels. In my experience, I've made more gold farming them than elites. Go to Rooks Nest and farm Bael. He drops chests and Flap Jack's eggs. You can get at least 60k off a Flap Jack egg.

But it costs too much to sell Flap Jack on the auction!!! People who play this game love pets, so most of the time, you don't even need to use the auction to sell your hard won egg. 9 out of 10 times, somebody in your guild will buy the egg from you, if not, just do a shout or two in town or ask people on your friend list. Bottom line is, you're going to sell that egg easily and if you just let people know you have one, you can completely bypass the auction by selling it directly to a buyer. Just keep in mind if you're selling something though, don't be annoying! A little shout every couple minutes that you are selling an egg is fine, but if you're spamming it...you will probably be thrown on ignore lists and thus have a harder time selling anything that way in the future. A little patience goes a long way.

Finally, one of the best ways to make money is by helping people. This is a mmo, lots of people are going to need help. Not only are you going to be a kind person who makes lots of friends by helping a poor guy stuck at Mother, but maybe karma will pay off for you and you'll get a pink or two or a Ribbit egg! Helping people also helps take your mind off the fact that you need gold and makes you realize that sometimes there are more important things than gold out there.

Good luck!

12-01-2012, 01:40 PM
Doesnt help with the outrageous 1000 gold/plat ratio

12-01-2012, 02:06 PM
Are people not farming gold? As Bastok said, sometimes you have to farm gold. Sometimes you have to farm items, including eggs, which can also equal farming gold, if you sell your extra drops.

And no, the economy is not that expensive. Have you seen the CS prices? VERY low. Lowest priced eggs can be had for maybe a few runs of the areas from Windmoore to the Outpost. Hell, you might even drop your own, i.e. free. Hell you get a free pet on the FIRST run through, so as Bastok has already suggested, ROTATE them!

Oh, unless you want the super-exclusive, all-time best thing in the game NOW! Then of course, unless you can farm more of it or more gold, will stay high-priced.

Result? Standard economy. The standard stuff that's easy to farm, easy to drop, or that no one wants = cheap. The hard stuff that's difficult to farm, difficult to drop, that everyone wants and most people cannot farm themselves = expensive.

Oh wait, but you want it NOW, right? For no effort, right? I think that's called plat...

12-01-2012, 02:22 PM
This is why sts was aggresive with the gold sink.

True story...

1.When this game was still in limited release, there was a way to get infinite gold. I can't tell you how anymore, but its been patched now. You didn't really need plat.

2. Trialpay offers. Those things can give you 1000 plat for signing a new credit card. that's 1m gold right there. There are also other offers, but I'm not gonna go into detail there, before I become a pariah. lol, in short, plat purchases are only a fraction of sts' marginal revenue

3. Canop.
people like this also got a ton of gold by obvious means.


Long story short, sts really doesnt have any control over the economy anymore. So there's no use whining to them about it. Do you want them to fling gold at you? My advice, be a good boy and play the game the way they want you to, and get a lot of pets. alternate those guys. epics are pretty cheap in store now, go get those as well.

12-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Lol, this economy is worse than all the other games economy. They low gold and high priced gear makes it so nobody has gold xD but like PL people can afford it if you farm for gold. Here theres no map to farm for gold. Basically i think STS wants you to buy plat. And buy gold if you want the gold cap lol.

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

12-01-2012, 02:46 PM
Lol, this economy is worse than all the other games economy.
Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

:/ dont say that bro, i could get 1m if i wanted, the economy isnt bad, its harder to earn money on SL than AL

12-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Long story short, sts really doesnt have any control over the economy anymore. So there's no use whining to them about it. Do you want them to fling gold at you? My advice, be a good boy and play the game the way they want you to, and get a lot of pets. alternate those guys. epics are pretty cheap in store now, go get those as well.

I agree a little bit. But you know we are their customers, right? You know we pay them, right? They have money to develop much more content from their customers, which are us, right? So of course, we have rights.
(e.g In a shop/bar/restaurant, the customer must be well treated, and the customer will be the one who's right) :p

12-01-2012, 03:14 PM
Let the others buy and sell their over-priced items. If you can't afford the "best" gear in the game, go with what you can afford. Purple gear is quite respectably powerful, and, in truth, one does not need anything but the essentials in order to succeed. It's a poor workman who blames his tools.

12-01-2012, 03:18 PM
SL has best economy by far
PL is almost decent but the huge player base generates so much gold it is not great

12-01-2012, 03:19 PM
SL has best economy by far
PL is almost decent but the huge player base generates so much gold it is not great

Totally agree. Economy of Star Legends in Arcane Legends would just make a huge, and good difference.

12-01-2012, 03:43 PM
I agree a little bit. But you know we are their customers, right? You know we pay them, right? They have money to develop much more content from their customers, which are us, right? So of course, we have rights.
(e.g In a shop/bar/restaurant, the customer must be well treated, and the customer will be the one who's right) :p

Actually... even if a rowdy couple of players got mad and quit, it wouldn't really damage sts. I don't know just how much of their earnings come from us, but these guys dont make their bread just from someone who spends $20 every other week. Sts only does things if everyone in the meeting agrees that it is the proper step to take, so claiming that they're wrong/unfair and all... well it can't really be proven. so as far as everyone else sees it, you'd just be some nut spouting nonsense.

the customer is important, yes. But that doesnt mean every problem will be acted upon immediately.

12-01-2012, 03:48 PM
Actually... even if a rowdy couple of players got mad and quit, it wouldn't really damage sts. I don't know just how much of their earnings come from us, but these guys dont make their bread just from someone who spends $20 every other week. Sts only does things if everyone in the meeting agrees that it is the proper step to take, so claiming that they're wrong/unfair and all... well it can't really be proven. so as far as everyone else sees it, you'd just be some nut spouting nonsense.

the customer is important, yes. But that doesnt mean every problem will be acted upon immediately.

I didn't say that :). And, i'm sure we players, make them gain a lot.

Let's just think, a total of 10,000 players (i'm sure we are more).

10,000 x 75 plats (example) = 10,000 x $10,00 = $100,000. That's quite a lot, since I took the minimum. Knowing, a lot of players buys much more, some buys very often, and i'm sure they have much more than 10,000 registered accounts. Well, you know my point :).

12-01-2012, 04:01 PM
The High CS prices are BENEFICIAL to the economy because we don't want people listing prices in the millions this early causing people to buy gold and increase the amount of gold within the economy. The high CS prices are stopping many from over pricing these items and causing inflation.

12-01-2012, 05:02 PM
I didn't say that :). And, i'm sure we players, make them gain a lot.

Let's just think, a total of 10,000 players (i'm sure we are more).

10,000 x 75 plats (example) = 10,000 x $10,00 = $100,000. That's quite a lot, since I took the minimum. Knowing, a lot of players buys much more, some buys very often, and i'm sure they have much more than 10,000 registered accounts. Well, you know my point :).

teh moneyz duznt go streit to their accounts.

plus you gotta take care of the building, pay the devs and sam, pay the ceo, pay the engine progs, run subliminal ads :3 then run maintenance on the servers. 100k doesnt cover that. xD

and ppl dont spnd on teh regg. but it is what it is... idc how they work, long as they leave aeroflame alone :)

12-01-2012, 05:08 PM
teh moneyz duznt go streit to their accounts.

plus you gotta take care of the building, pay the devs and sam, pay the ceo, pay the engine progs, run subliminal ads :3 then run maintenance on the servers. 100k doesnt cover that. xD

and ppl dont spnd on teh regg. but it is what it is... idc how they work, long as they leave aeroflame alone :)


12-01-2012, 05:54 PM
hes got a point lol

12-01-2012, 06:00 PM
hes got a point lol

I do too. It's 2 different points.
But I do agree with him, and with myself.

12-01-2012, 07:26 PM
The reason i dont play AL much is because they fixed economy so much its not even an economy you get a good item for 100k in limited release the same item is listing for 14,500 last i checked. Well it seems like theres many pinks but nobody can afford them so their value goes down not up lol.

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

12-01-2012, 07:35 PM
I call it bad investing. Something'll turn up bro. on the bright side u can buy a copper chest for like 300 gold. better than buying 3 seperate items at 1k each

12-01-2012, 07:53 PM
Ppl will haev gold cap b4 level 25 lulz
Acualy duz sum1 haev alrdy?

12-01-2012, 08:03 PM
Ppl will haev gold cap b4 level 25 lulz
Acualy duz sum1 haev alrdy?

Apparently Ephesius has "14 mil"

12-01-2012, 08:04 PM
Apparently Ephesius has "14 mil"

thatz cuz hez "bezt'

12-01-2012, 08:13 PM
Apparently Ephesius has "14 mil"

thatz cuz hez "bezt'
Cuz i trein hem

12-01-2012, 08:15 PM
Cuz i trein hem

tru i watchd

12-01-2012, 09:06 PM
Cuz i trein hem

tru i watchd
Did u liek wut u se?

12-02-2012, 12:43 AM
lol i got 3 flounder egg from watcherslvl3 nd 5-6 cerella from kraaglvl3. bt i havnt gt even elite coper from elite jarl lololol. i solo kraag alot

12-04-2012, 01:22 PM
I posted an update to the main thread showing how much i made doing every daily for a day to show how much (or little) you really can get without luck or platinum. This thread got a bit off topic (CS prices, etc). The main point of my thread was to show how poor the gold drops or vendoring prices are for items. This in turn leaves little chance to gain any significant gold without getting lucky drops or buying platinum.

12-05-2012, 05:35 AM
The gold drop from monsters/item sales is awfully low. Sure, you make 100k+ selling one of the better weapons in the game, but where did that gold come from? Surely not from quests/monsters. There would never be that much without the platinum->gold deal. I think items should sell for more than 3-8g each.