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09-14-2010, 04:20 AM
So I randomly decided to start leveling my Bird again. Was level 37 when I started up again and was doing runs in the Swamps. When I hit 38 or 39 I stopped getting XP in Swamps so moved on.. Since there's nobody in Skeller. Ever. I had to move up to AO.

Got to 41 fine... not without joining some games in AO1 or AO2 and being told 'too low level' and getting booted.

If its the only freaking place I can get XP... how the hell do you expect me to get higher?

...now, every 5 games I join I get booted from 1 of them.


09-14-2010, 04:41 AM
I feel your pain. I just levelled up my Mage with the same results. It's amazing the number of dooshbag level 45s out there right now. Idiots who have power-levelled to 45 and now for some reason think of themselves as gods. My normal response was to log back into the same game with my 45 Tank and then as soon as they said hey welcome respond with Bavian says dooshbag and then leave. Childish but fun.

09-14-2010, 05:03 AM
Ha! I normally do the same!

09-14-2010, 05:27 AM
I no omfg I had same thing some like 45 xp runner thought he was amazing and he didn't know how to tank for crap! Gets killed he goes res.. I said I had no mana and he goes wow your so crap stuiped level 41 can't even revive ....I was just like i new more about the game when I was level 35 then you do now ha

09-14-2010, 06:38 AM
It is really annoying that no one is in Skellar, how come, is that one more exepensvie than others or is it just booring? No good loot?

And I also dislike the booters :D

09-14-2010, 06:57 AM
I boot if they are not in the right place, but a 41 belongs in ao2.

09-14-2010, 09:03 AM
I wish AO2 - 3 runs still existed.

09-14-2010, 10:19 AM
I wish AO2 - 3 runs still existed.

There definitely seemed to be more people playing when you could run AO2-3

09-14-2010, 10:31 AM
It is really annoying that no one is in Skellar, how come, is that one more exepensvie than others or is it just booring? No good loot?

And I also dislike the booters :D

Skeller is boring (very similar to Fathom, Balefort, etc), and has worthless (too high drop rate), crappy pinks. Plus it only gets you to 38, so is redundant with the swamps as far as leveling is concerned.

I wish AO2 - 3 runs still existed.

No way. That is the reason we have so many level 45 D-bags. The problem is rush farming, and the fact that people usually only want 45s, and usually only want bears or paladins. They need to nerf the rush, so teams actually have to clear maps. Then farming groups and leveling groups become the same thing ;)

09-14-2010, 11:24 AM
I agree rush groups are part of the problem. They are not all of it however. 90% of Plasma Pyramid groups won't be rush groups as that type of group really needs some good players to succeed, and the good players pretty much all have everything they need from the Pyramid. Killing rushing will unfortunately disenchant yet more senior players who already have next to nothing to do right now. I hope they make it harder to rush in AO3 and subsequent high level maps. The key however is to make the maps challenging and fun to clear. Rushing is around as it's the only challenging mode of play left for the good xp maxed players.

09-14-2010, 11:25 AM
Skeller is bring (very similar to Fathom, Balefort, etc), and has worthless (too high drop rate), crappy pinks. Plus it only gets you to 38, so is redundant with the swamps as far as leveling is concerned.

No way. That is the reason we have so many level 45 D-bags. The problem is rush farming, and the fact that people usually only want 45s, and usually only want bears or paladins. They need to nerf the rush, so teams actually have to clear maps. Then farming groups and leveling groups become the same thing ;)

I worked my first character from beta but hey it was nice not having to grind.

09-14-2010, 11:44 AM
I found that as soon as I reached 35th and tried to play in either Alien Oasis 1 or Alien Oasis 2, there were level 45s who were throwing their weight around like nobody's business. They are probably sad folks who feel helpless in their own lives and they compensate by pretending to be bigshots on the internet.

I had the good fortune, however, of meeting up with some folks from the messageboard and after that I was able to play these campaigns in the intended order, and I had a lot of fun.

So, my recommendation is, now is the time to make friends and plan games, so you can avoid the petty ego-freaks.

09-14-2010, 11:51 AM
I know eh? Stupid Noobz think their to tough to help some one lvl! Bringing up another point! Farm games should be locked with the pass 'farm' and pwrlvl games should be unlocked! I hear one more complaint n I coming to woop ur @&$!

09-14-2010, 12:01 PM
I know eh? Stupid Noobz think their to tough to help some one lvl! Bringing up another point! Farm games should be locked with the pass 'farm' and pwrlvl games should be unlocked! I hear one more complaint n I coming to woop ur @&$!

Speak one more idiocy, and well ill cry.

09-14-2010, 01:20 PM
I made a thread on this topic a few weeks ago. You're LUCKY if you get kicked once out of five games. I had it more like 4 kicks for every 5 game joined.

09-14-2010, 01:50 PM
I agree with Vyvin. If you don't want others to join, use a password.

09-14-2010, 02:01 PM
I never boot so come play with me. If you are really too low of level, I tell them they can stay but they aren't allowed any res. They must rely on themselves to survive. I, however, totally can't stand a "power leveler." I also think that the high number if "rush" parties are to blame for most boots.

Balonia- Mage level 45
SilentBdeadly- warrior level 45

09-14-2010, 08:48 PM
Skeller is boring (very similar to Fathom, Balefort, etc), and has worthless (too high drop rate), crappy pinks. Plus it only gets you to 38, so is redundant with the swamps as far as leveling is concerned.

No way. That is the reason we have so many level 45 D-bags. The problem is rush farming, and the fact that people usually only want 45s, and usually only want bears or paladins. They need to nerf the rush, so teams actually have to clear maps. Then farming groups and leveling groups become the same thing ;)

Imo wed still only want 45s... o.O
And i still boot mynaed 45s, i count them as lv 30s

09-14-2010, 09:26 PM
I feel your pain. I just levelled up my Mage with the same results. It's amazing the number of dooshbag level 45s out there right now. Idiots who have power-levelled to 45 and now for some reason think of themselves as gods. My normal response was to log back into the same game with my 45 Tank and then as soon as they said hey welcome respond with Bavian says dooshbag and then leave. Childish but fun.

Lol I love goin back in with one of my 45s to a game from which I was booted. I usually say " gonna boot this guy too" or "is he too low lvl for ya?!" :D then I get over it...