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View Full Version : Guild enhancements

12-02-2012, 03:43 PM
Hi, these are some items I would like to see improved in the guild system if possible:

1. Guild Charter
We could really use a place to capture and post a guild charter outlining what the focus of the guild is.

It would also be nice if a guild invite included the option to read the charter before accepting.

2. Guild officers
Guild officers should be able to promote members to recruiters

3. Guild list buttons
Due to the thumb scrolling, the remove button is in a very dangerous place, also the yes button in the confirm screen is on the same side of the page.

When scrolling through a long member list to get to offline members to promote them to recruiters, I have twice nearly removed some poor chap by accident

4. List Positioning.
jumps up when people sign in or out - leads to the incorrect person being selected when promoting/inviting

5. Guild access
Would it be possible to add the guild hall to the map, and the main menu?


AAAARGH, I nearly gave away my guild today trying to scroll with out kicking people from the guild.

Seriously, a scrollbar PLEASE.

12-03-2012, 11:59 AM
Guild charter would be nice tbh :> and a Guild storage place? as in our guild we have alot of Giveouts, in legendary/epics... and storage place inside the guild hall would be nice :>

And yes im totally agree with Zogg about remove button... And u guys should add a "time last on" on each offliner in the guild/friendlist :>

12-03-2012, 12:17 PM
Oh also I would prefer a much smaller disband guild button! It is so big I get fritened! Oh and is there a way to like type /guildsize and see how many members u have not just the online ones!

12-28-2012, 04:54 AM