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12-03-2012, 11:26 PM
I understand most of the player stats in AL as I'm a PL veteran, but there are a few differences which I'm unsure about, so I was wondering if someone can explain...

1) In PL you have H/s & M/s (health & mana regeneration). I noticed in AL that there is no H/s or M/s listed in the player stats, yet I saw mention of health & mana regen in the mage's heal skill and I think I also saw mention of regen bonuses in some of the stats for certain pets. So my question is, other than bonuses from pets or a mage casting his heal skill, what determines a player's health or mana regen?

I'm guessing maybe every player has the same percentage rate of regen, so maybe those with more health will regenerate proportionally faster, and same with mana? Maybe this explains why there is no mention of this stat on the avatar page. Is this correct?

2) Crit -- in PL when you land a critical hit it counts for double (200%). Yet I see mention of different percentages for critical hit in some of the skills (mage's lightning attack gives 250%). Does critical hit only count for skill attacks, or does it count for a regular weapon attack, and if so, what is the standard percentage increase?

3) I have no idea what the Bonus Damage stat is for. Please explain.

Thanks in advance for any help!

12-04-2012, 12:13 AM
i can only explain about no. 3.
bonus dmg stat is d dmg done by ur skill. less bonus dmg lesser d skill dmg will b. nd more bonus dmg greater will b skill dmg. d above cases r also true in case of healing skill (horn of renew in war or lifegiver in mage or combat medic in rogue only)

12-04-2012, 06:00 AM
I can answer some of these.

1. Besides skills and pets that grant you H/s and M/s, there is a passive regeneration that each character has. When you're in combat, this passive regeneration is very low. When you're out of combat, this passive regeneration is much faster. However, there doesn't seem to be a positive correlation between the max health and H/s, or between max mana and M/s. In fact, based on what I see, it seems that this passive regeneration is the same irregardless of your max health or mana. Hence, if you have max 2000 health vs 200 health, and current 200 health vs 20 health respectively, you'd expect the latter to regenerate back to full health at a quicker pace. I've not done any experiments to prove this, this is just my experience. Perhaps someone could conduct experiments to test this out =P

2. There are critical hits for normal attacks as well. As far as I know, those critical hit damage skills that you see simply tell you that there is MORE critical damage (a larger critical damage multiplier) if a critical hit is effected on that skill cast. Not sure about the standard percentage increase, someone might want to test this out as well..or maybe I could test it out when I have some time in a few days..

12-05-2012, 12:59 AM
1. Besides skills and pets that grant you H/s and M/s, there is a passive regeneration that each character has. When you're in combat, this passive regeneration is very low. When you're out of combat, this passive regeneration is much faster. However, there doesn't seem to be a positive correlation between the max health and H/s, or between max mana and M/s. In fact, based on what I see, it seems that this passive regeneration is the same irregardless of your max health or mana. Hence, if you have max 2000 health vs 200 health, and current 200 health vs 20 health respectively, you'd expect the latter to regenerate back to full health at a quicker pace. I've not done any experiments to prove this, this is just my experience. Perhaps someone could conduct experiments to test this out =P

Actually, I'm thinking you may be right about this. I'm a mage and with my current build I got about 400 health and about 1500 mana, and I notice the health bar regenerates much faster than the mana bar. I guess I wonder why they didn't include H/s and M/s as stats for the different gear and on the avatar page. I guess it's the same for everyone? But then again, it's affected by pets, procs and buffs? It's a bit confusing. I think they should quantify it like PL.