View Full Version : Lvl 15 Twink Combo/ Gear??

12-04-2012, 11:38 PM
Hey guys :D So I recently started twinking and I gotta say it's pretty fun! It's been working well, but I feel as though I'm missing pieces of information on builds and gear. My standard build atm is 6 buff, 6 stomp, 1 sms, 1 vengeful. However, the amount of damage that sms gives at 1 doesn't seem to work often. Also, I noticed that the "l15 pink paw" is being used also. Is this better than the l15 toyman wand?
The Gear for "talon" I use
-l15 Expert
-l15 toyman (purp)
-Pirates helm (not plat pack)
-Gruesome bracer (l15 pink)
For Chunker
-l15 Artisan
-l15 Gruesome chunker (pink)
-pirate helm...(not from plat pack)
For Forgotten...(yeah yeah noob status!)
-l15 Artisans
-Pirate helm (no need to explain)
-Tentatively Forgotten bow (l15 purp)


Give me some feedback on whether this is good or not. I'm new to twinking, and I find it extremely fun (523-127 kd) atm :D However, every fight I take part in, it feels like a game of chance. Especially when somehow I do 100 damage and the other guy does like 500 :O Any info about builds or gear to use would be appreciated :D Also, whats the difference between lvl 15 toyman wand and l15 tinsel talon ? (It looks like the same stats) Also, is the plat pack helm really necessarry? (what are the stats it gives) Ik this is allot to ask of you guys but "have some good holiday spirit" :D PEACE!

12-04-2012, 11:52 PM
The Gear for "talon" I use
-l15 toyman (purp)


12-04-2012, 11:56 PM
Hey :D i like how it looks. even though i have to use 5 int..

12-05-2012, 12:01 AM
The Toyman is actually ok on a bear against a talon, just nothing compared to 15 pink paw. Paw has about 30 less dam than fbow and you can use a shield, so it's pretty good against the fbow.

12-05-2012, 12:53 AM
The build your using is fine, I believe Sicktal uses that as well. I recommend buying pink L15 paw or not using a wand all together. Just get a normal L15 pink talon, they're cheap. Other than that your gear seems to fit. Sell the wand and buy a L15 pink forgotten bow as you'll need the extra DPS as low level is filled with OP bow users sadly.

12-05-2012, 07:53 AM
The build your using is fine, I believe Sicktal uses that as well. I recommend buying pink L15 paw or not using a wand all together. Just get a normal L15 pink talon, they're cheap. Other than that your gear seems to fit. Sell the wand and buy a L15 pink forgotten bow as you'll need the extra DPS as low level is filled with OP bow users sadly.

Shame on Sicktal. I think he's Toxic who scammed one of my names.

Btw, I would prefer Talon, as Toy has a lower Dps. But if you're lucky, you can one hit other bears with your Toyman $ Expert with 6 stomp and two slashes. Also, I suggest you get plat or earn some free plat for the l10 Dex 4-items Plat Pack. The helm it comes with can help you from l10-19. It has a pretty high Hit%, and they're handy if your enemy's Forgotten Bow procs. Before Forgotten Bows came out, the bear that stomps first basically wins the match. Stomp has a pretty high damage, not to mention the Hit% debuff proc. Good luck!

12-05-2012, 08:13 AM
Shame on Sicktal. I think he's Toxic who scammed one of my names.

Btw, I would prefer Talon, as Toy has a lower Dps. But if you're lucky, you can one hit other bears with your Toyman $ Expert with 6 stomp and two slashes. Also, I suggest you get plat or earn some free plat for the l10 Dex 4-items Plat Pack. The helm it comes with can help you from l10-19. It has a pretty high Hit%, and they're handy if your enemy's Forgotten Bow procs. Before Forgotten Bows came out, the bear that stomps first basically wins the match. Stomp has a pretty high damage, not to mention the Hit% debuff proc. Good luck!

Yeah I believe he's banned for scamming and immoral conduct, sorry to hear he took such an awesome name from you. How someone can steal things is beyond me, especially in a video game haha.

12-05-2012, 08:25 AM
Yeah I believe he's banned for scamming and immoral conduct, sorry to hear he took such an awesome name from you. How someone can steal things is beyond me, especially in a video game haha.

*sigh* Let bygones be bygones.
He impersonated Hate (Cobraguy) to gain my trust.. :/

12-05-2012, 06:39 PM
I would suggest getting the Archer 4-Pack because of the Archery Cap giving very high % hit.

12-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Get a sbl/duckfoot nuff said.

12-05-2012, 11:33 PM
I notice new pictures on forums ;)

12-06-2012, 12:13 AM
Get a sbl/duckfoot nuff said.

Sure, if you want to die.

12-06-2012, 12:19 AM
Sure, if you want to die.

Ikr. Forgotten Bow Rage Stomp Slash = GG.

12-06-2012, 11:17 AM

12-07-2012, 06:36 AM
I like duckfoot/SBL. :(