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View Full Version : New player should learn or do

12-06-2012, 09:27 PM
When a new player goes through tutorial teach the new player how to talk
Because so they can find out more thing about Pocket legneds
So they have any questions they would know how to ask
So player can reply to other player their answer to their question

they should also learn is skills and stats
So they can be wise on their choices of int dex and str
So they can be wise on their choices on skills points and which skill is better for thier char and others ( if mage)

then on tutorial give them for practice
give them atleat 30 pot so new player can get use to using pots instead of dying, if not add this, this will make new players made and quit pl :(
when making new player is playing give them a 15min 2x armor, so they can start fresh not dying as much