View Full Version : Dolan speech therapy classes available

Post Patrol
12-07-2012, 01:03 AM
A don uv hop fer suferz uv
*cough cough* - sorry.
A dawn of hope for sufferers of the debilitating speech impediment of Dolanism.
Hello my name is Post patrol and I'm a derpaholic.
"Hai pozt pechrol" "hy pohs pahtro" "hiy phos.."
*clears throat**
My story may be a familiar one, at first I was trolling English teachers, ticking off my spellcheck, humorously failing at scrabble. Then I hit rock bottom, a normal traffic ticket quickly became an obstruction of justice charge to a felony. Murder of the English language.
I tried to plead my case, but it mostly consisted of monosyllabic grunts like turrets syndrome mixed with ADHD. While in jail there was nothing to do but work out and read. Being a gamer, working out was not an option . So I devoured Dostoyevsky, pondered Proust, and analyzed Aristotle. Finally, I could effectively communicate. Today, I stand as a testament to articulation, an example of the erudite. Please don't waste this opportunity, contact your local branch today.
Bildin a bedr tumoro
*cough cough * sorry relapse..
Building a better tomorrow yesterday afternoon or thereabouts. Stop speaking Like a drunk with a new toungue piercing. <3

12-07-2012, 02:05 AM

12-07-2012, 07:38 AM
Hao merch eet gunna cawst D:?

12-07-2012, 07:53 AM
I dunt neat dat

Post Patrol
12-07-2012, 09:45 AM
Sirs and madams, I must emphatically explore you all not to resort to such crass linguistics, that will shurely lead us all down the path most dark indeed.
If not for yourselves, won't someone think of the children.

12-07-2012, 01:08 PM
So, hao many munyz Do u wunt?

Post Patrol
12-07-2012, 04:45 PM
Classes are free but really, can you put a price on not being banned? Free speech already cost too much as it is, and I'm too broke to pay attention.