View Full Version : AL browser issues

12-07-2012, 10:32 AM

When i played on my mobile it was all good pings around 200-300 and game runs smoothly, when i figured out to play it in browser (cos my mobile battery run out 2 fast) ive used firefox at first and then i got 1st issue - when i play 2 long game just lags i meant like PC couldnt stand a game and its a way better then my mobile (i think its cos of flash plugin or something), then i moved to chrome and another issue - game runs smooth but the ping is like 1k+ and jumping like crazy so rather unplayble at all, on the end ive checked IE but i cant even login to my account with it. Any1 had same issues and could help me? thanks in advance

12-12-2012, 07:42 AM

12-12-2012, 07:54 AM
I think these issues comes from your connection, and/or from your computer. Not sure we can do anything about it.

12-21-2012, 04:43 AM
from my connection? what connection got with it? on phone wifi it runs ok and its worse with my 120mb cable? haha. i can play any game easily on this pc including diablo 3 / dota2 but i cant play a simple game for android cos its my pc fault? pretty useless help, or u even didnt read what i wrote, thanks and bye.

12-21-2012, 06:36 AM
from my connection? what connection got with it? on phone wifi it runs ok and its worse with my 120mb cable? haha. i can play any game easily on this pc including diablo 3 / dota2 but i cant play a simple game for android cos its my pc fault? pretty useless help, or u even didnt read what i wrote, thanks and bye.

Don't ask for help if that's how you respond to people trying to help.

12-21-2012, 07:21 PM
blaming 120mb connection + i7 pc helps a lot :) instead of finding solution on chrome/ff/ie :) thanks for nothing bye

12-21-2012, 07:53 PM
ye and i fixed it myself... geez

had to disable HTTP checking in web acces protection in the nod32 antivirus and antispyware.. and yes it was pc/connection fault ahaha nice try bye