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View Full Version : Daily Reward/ Ally Rewards... what do you want?

12-07-2012, 05:42 PM
Daily rewards is going away, but we'll put in a couple another ally or two to compensate. So while we are rolling them up, what types of rewards would you like them to grant? We won't do plat or gold (because people would exploit it... not you guys of course...) but what else would you like to see in the chests?

- Hauntlet tokens?
- Story tokens?
- More elixirs?
- Rare pet eggs?
- Chests?
- What else?

Please keep it brief, and thanks folks!

12-07-2012, 05:45 PM
-hauntlet tokens
-chests (keep non elite)
-plat pet eggs eg. Nexus or FJ or even malison.
-NO potions - unless 100 pack
-more elixirs - i seem to get only dmg reduction lixirs from ally :C
-half price on potions or elixirs for a certain amount of time eg.10min elix which lets u purchase elixirs or potions for half price.

Lol a chest from a chest irony!

12-07-2012, 05:48 PM
Not hauntlet coins, makes them easier to get and there supposed to be hard to get! I'd say eggs, potions, elixirs, and vanities, that's all!

12-07-2012, 05:49 PM
Not hauntlet coins, makes them easier to get and there supposed to be hard to get! I'd say eggs, potions, elixirs, and vanities, that's all! 1 would be fine ;)

12-07-2012, 05:51 PM
- I would love to see Elixir Ally. Who gives you an elixir of your chose when you turn him in. And the more consecutive times you go to him, the better elixir choices you get. And if you go to him for a full week in a row, you get a 30 min. multi-elixir package (with all 5 in it)

- A pet ally would be really helpful though. One that gives you an egg every time you go to him/her. All new players would have a chance to get a pet (besides Barney)

- A Vanity Ally would be perfect to go with the new update. Gives you one vanity every time you see him/her.

These are my three ideas... might think of a couple more though

12-07-2012, 05:53 PM
Daily rewards is going away, but we'll put in a couple another ally or two to compensate. So while we are rolling them up, what types of rewards would you like them to grant? We won't do plat or gold (because people would exploit it... not you guys of course...) but what else would you like to see in the chests?

- Hauntlet tokens?
- Story tokens?
- More elixirs?
- Rare pet eggs?
- Chests?
- What else?

Please keep it brief, and thanks folks!
We already have enough elixers going in so I'd like to see a limit put on that. It was already annoying to get a small little elixer on my 5th day and I like to go pure.

-Hauntlet Tokens
-Story Tokens
-Item Chests
-The pets that used to only come from the 5th day from the dailies and maybe more.

12-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Chests and a chance of eggs would keep me coming back for more. I don't think you should give story coins or hauntlet coins in this way.

I'd like to see a NPC who gives a random amount of XP just for talking to them once a day. You never know how much you're going to get. The average could be 100 XP. On a bad day you might only get 10 XP, but on a rare occasion you might get 1000 XP. This would get me to log in once a day.

12-07-2012, 06:20 PM
Hauntlet tokens?---> 5-10
Story tokens?--->5-10
More elixirs?---> sure, but these should be special...have a pause button on them :3 (or on the plat versions) allies and store need to be different
Rare pet eggs?---->yes...but not recolored..and able to sell or trade and stash
Chests?----> no legendary save those for gold chests..maybe give us some thing like armor and potions.

What else?

-vanities...but has to be quite a few so ppl dont look the same XD
-a free revive token..must be account based (so not to exploit)
-a free pet consumable to help feed our pets..must be account based (so not to exploit)
-an option to choose our reward
-potions greater packs only..1-5 not worth it XD
-give us a special mission to earn some of these from allies :3 like barter missions
-not an elixer...but a buff award, like increased mana regen for a day

12-07-2012, 06:48 PM
1. chance at those fancy elite legendary items
2. story/hauntlet tokens
3. unique elixirs (longer duration, or higher %)
4. inventory slots (1-5)
5. vanity items
6. pet eggs

12-07-2012, 07:29 PM
Stuffs unique to the reward would be nice.

Hassan Akbar
12-07-2012, 09:46 PM
we want patnium like dark legends up to 10 plat free

12-07-2012, 10:03 PM
we want patnium like dark legends up to 10 plat free
Would have to be account based, otherwise people would use armies of toons to farm plat. The exact reason plat was taken away from PL's dailies.

12-08-2012, 09:10 AM
We won't do plat or gold (because people would exploit it... not you guys of course...)

we want patnium like dark legends up to 10 plat free

Sorry, out of luck.

The pets from the 5th day daily should be thrown into the mix, other than that, story/hauntlet coins would be cool, tone down the amount of elixirs handed out, the large potion packs are good.

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-09-2012, 01:58 AM
I think the dailies should have penalties, risks, dangers. It should blow up and give you 1-1000 deaths on a 25% chance. That would be fitting.

12-09-2012, 10:08 AM
Daily rewards is going away, but we'll put in a couple another ally or two to compensate. So while we are rolling them up, what types of rewards would you like them to grant? We won't do plat or gold (because people would exploit it... not you guys of course...) but what else would you like to see in the chests?

- Hauntlet tokens?
- Story tokens?
- More elixirs?
- Rare pet eggs?
- Chests?
- What else?

Please keep it brief, and thanks folks!

Hauntlet and Story Tokens which randomly gives 5,10,30?
Yes, More Elixirs and time duration of it.
Rare Pet Eggs? Absolutely!
Chests? Go for it!
And i would like to suggest for random chance to get legendary items too.

That would be it. :) Looking forward for the development of this Game! :encouragement:

12-09-2012, 10:15 AM
Chests, more potions, coin packs, platinum

12-09-2012, 10:32 AM
- Golden Chests (giving minimum purple ._.)
- A good pink
- A little chance to get vanity (to replace the 5th day daily which is
going away
- A puzzle piece .. Lemme explain you my idea :)

You'd add a new pluggin : A BIG puzzle (like 30 pieces..), and we'd need to complete it with puzzle pieces which we could buy with plats, gold, or drop from bosses. Once the puzzle is completed, you get a Super Cool Vanity, or a Super Pet, or a Super Pink.. lol..
Once it is completed, a new one would appears etc..

- Shining sparkles for 1 day, just for the look.. lol

i'll edit if more ideas come to my mind :)

Cya :p

12-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Squid buddy pet!

Note to reader: This post should likely be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.

12-09-2012, 02:24 PM
I want him to have a squid buddy pet!!! And some fries for me. Ty... send when ready

12-10-2012, 10:16 AM
People who have capped level should not get xp elixir. 1 day wait for this and then getting something which is useless. We should get only 1 hour elixirs, like 25% speed elixir for 1 hour or 25% loot reroll elixir for 1 hour. Make it something important and big, so users will get excited about it everyday. Remove 5-10 potion packs please, only 50-100.

12-10-2012, 12:37 PM
People who have capped level should not get xp elixir. 1 day wait for this and then getting something which is useless. We should get only 1 hour elixirs, like 25% speed elixir for 1 hour or 25% loot reroll elixir for 1 hour. Make it something important and big, so users will get excited about it everyday. Remove 5-10 potion packs please, only 50-100.

All of that seems a bit much for a daily. On the fifth day, maybe. No matter, as they are doing away with the dailies on the next cap update anyway.

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

12-10-2012, 01:52 PM
i would just like to see story tokens and eggs personally. elixirs are good if they are an hour long.

12-10-2012, 02:13 PM

I made a thread about this but, what will happen to the pets that you can get on the 5th day??

12-10-2012, 09:39 PM
I don't think I would like to see hauntlet and story tokens from allies. That would just kind of kill the theme of those.

Potions, elixirs, eggs, and vanity items all sound great. I think the idea of eliminating xp elixirs from the mix for capped toons is a great idea. I suppose gear, with the rare chance for a pink, would be ok, but I'm a little torn about that one.

I know some people would hate this idea, but a chance to have your toon turned into something else graphically would be fun. Like your warrior gets turned into a bear (a la Pocket Legends style) for half an hour, or something along those lines. This could be the somewhat rare non-prize that players might get sometimes. Like a fun/silly way for the ally to stiff the player from time to time. :p

12-11-2012, 07:07 AM
Unique elixers: high hp/mana regen, pet feast(dont have to feed pets for a day), maybe through in a 24hr elixer or three

12-11-2012, 10:43 AM
My only comment is: please remove heraldic bundle as a 5th day reward. It's just ridiculous imho and then I'm being nice... Also if those accounts who've reached maximum lvl could not get xp elixirs (at least on the 5th occasion) would be nice. But getting 3 rare items as your long awaited 5th day reward... That's just unreasonable.

12-11-2012, 12:20 PM
1 would be fine ;)

I can easily get 10 in 20 mins. Why waste our daily rewards for something we can get in 90s?

Vanity, pets, elite chests would be awesome!

12-11-2012, 12:22 PM
Vanity, pets, elite chests would be awesome!

yes all great things. +1

12-15-2012, 03:00 AM
-elixirs (nt xp elixirs to capped toon)
-story tokens nd hauntlet tokens
-silver chest (i hav no lck on gold chest :-P)
-rev points

12-17-2012, 03:48 AM
-Elixirs just like now(or the 1h version)
-Elite Boxes(5th day kind of reward?) and whatever the future version of these is
-Inventory/auction space on 5th(or whatever) day

12-20-2012, 04:51 PM
You should probably add a option to craft our founder items

12-20-2012, 05:30 PM
You should probably add a option to craft our founder items

+1 for this. Looking forward to have it!

12-21-2012, 03:16 AM
Please dont give xp elixirs to people at elite level cap i literally got 5 in a row when i was max level which is completely pointless thank you. I literally started getting nothing but xp elixirs and on the 5th day award when i hit max 16 from ally and daily got one the whole time i lvld from 1-16 like trollololol!!!!

12-25-2012, 07:02 PM
No story tokens please they are way too common to wait hours for.

12-31-2012, 08:14 PM
Add set and egg more.

01-03-2013, 12:27 AM
Purple (epic) class and level specified items. Not pinks (legendaries)!
Legendary items should be legendaries, not something You get every 8th or 24th Hour. But epic items as rewards would be fine 'cause sometimes it's really hard to get a purple drop after hours of playing.. In CS they don't really wirth much so I usually throw them out after they are useless for me, but getting one when I need it is a pain in....... These should be given till lvl 10. Above that anyone can buy epics in CS.

01-11-2013, 09:10 PM
- Crate Openers

01-11-2013, 09:34 PM
LESS damage elixirs!!!
They were on sale in Walmart??
Yesterday I got damage elixirs with all of my characters, except Soldier who got an egg.
It's weird that with some of them I got dmg elixirs ftom both Klaas and Shazbot..
I'd rather get a Story token or 5 pots, just not those dmg elixirs!
Last week was speed elixir week.. Speedy Gonzales and Flash Gordon would be a slow snail compared to my characters if those +25% speed elixirs would work all in the same time that they received..

01-15-2013, 09:22 PM
Yeah, I hate it when my lvl 21 main gets 50% EXP elix, this happened twice already. Must be a miscalculation because I have a low level alt which does not get any EXP elix.

01-15-2013, 10:17 PM
Rare eggs :D

01-16-2013, 11:44 AM
Better chance on getting various eggs would be really nice, its not neccesary to add new pets for only this though:P We have to many to collect atm.

01-20-2013, 11:22 PM
Health and Mana pots! They require gold! The pets are easy to get!

01-22-2013, 10:35 PM
Plat is always fun.

01-24-2013, 08:30 AM
Yeah, I hate it when my lvl 21 main gets 50% EXP elix, this happened twice already. Must be a miscalculation because I have a low level alt which does not get any EXP elix.

I'm guessing there is no "calculation". Probably an rng that hashes into any array of possible rewards. Pretty sure it does not take into account your toon. And shouldn't if its random.

01-24-2013, 08:38 AM
I just need Klaas and Shazbot to stop giving me EXP elixirs all the time, i'm 21.

02-02-2013, 01:48 AM
Really at this point I am going to say 100 potion for the low to mid-level toons. Actually offer potions as standard procedure after every quests would work as well. I say this because leveling up in this game is very very painful. I have NEVER spam so much pots throughout all the levels in any games I've ever played before and I've been playing MMOs for over 10 years. However I look and research on the forums and web and it seems I am not doing anything wrong, just experience AL growing pain as a rogue I guess. I don't know how anyone can play this game without having to actually get plat so they can get gold to buy potions. Which to me is a big no no for game company and I consider it very bad game design. You're basically forcing players to pay for something as essential as health. Pay to win? More like Pay to just continue without having to do a faceplant every 2 second the boss one shot you. Allow players the option to earn more pots in game (such as it being offer in the daily reward). Make it so that players have a fighting chance in tough fights such as boss fights without it being a money sink!

02-02-2013, 01:55 AM
It's always nice to know at least Klaas and Shazbot care about me, but I'm tired to come to them. Can they bring me daily stuff in guild hall?

02-06-2013, 09:08 AM
Could use eggs

happy hour
02-08-2013, 03:04 AM
okay...if you take away the daily rewards, how do we earn money in the game? I've already completed every quest out there. without the dailies I have no way to feed my pets. so how would we earn gold to buy stuff in auctions and feed pets? not to mention buying potions!!!?

02-08-2013, 03:31 AM
okay...if you take away the daily rewards, how do we earn money in the game? I've already completed every quest out there. without the dailies I have no way to feed my pets. so how would we earn gold to buy stuff in auctions and feed pets? not to mention buying potions!!!?

Come on... Did they ever gave You gold?? What are You talking about?
To earn gold go to dungeons and defeat enemies that drops gold and open chests. Sell your unused items!

Atashi Dubz
02-09-2013, 10:05 AM
nuff said

02-12-2013, 06:55 AM
Really at this point I am going to say 100 potion for the low to mid-level toons. Actually offer potions as standard procedure after every quests would work as well. I say this because leveling up in this game is very very painful. I have NEVER spam so much pots throughout all the levels in any games I've ever played before and I've been playing MMOs for over 10 years. However I look and research on the forums and web and it seems I am not doing anything wrong, just experience AL growing pain as a rogue I guess. I don't know how anyone can play this game without having to actually get plat so they can get gold to buy potions. Which to me is a big no no for game company and I consider it very bad game design. You're basically forcing players to pay for something as essential as health. Pay to win? More like Pay to just continue without having to do a faceplant every 2 second the boss one shot you. Allow players the option to earn more pots in game (such as it being offer in the daily reward). Make it so that players have a fighting chance in tough fights such as boss fights without it being a money sink!

I never use potions, I have like 1k of each so I want the option to sell them.

02-22-2013, 01:16 AM
plat would be nice

02-25-2013, 03:39 AM
Actually, I'd like to see a 1,000 gold reward from Shazbot and Klaas.

02-25-2013, 09:28 AM
More and better elixirs (Remove speed)
More pets

02-27-2013, 05:31 PM
Hmm i think this would be good for everyone..
How about a new skill.. for example.. a new skilll for rogue.. warrior.. and mage but.. they are locked unless you unlock them through a daily ally .. which obviously would be quite rare. Making people keen to log in and try to unlock this mysterious skill.. that way the rich plat buyers like myself wont have the upper hand we will all have an equal chance of recieving a chance to unlock the skill. Obviously they may diff per character.... or if not that...

A free respec token. Which would come in handy .. considering alot of people pvp/ctf and respecs are annoying and not everyone has plat to burn trying new builds/combos.

Personally i think its a great idea on both especially the first idea

Karim Ataya
03-04-2013, 06:10 AM
Would be nice to get a bit of all but if I have to I would say :

- Story tokens

- Rare pet eggs

03-04-2013, 06:59 AM
i would like see 1v1 arena in arcane legends with 5 kill max or 3 but u have to pay 2k or 3k gold to enter and the winner take the gold as a reward

03-04-2013, 11:40 PM
1-5 of something that fills pets happiness meter

03-11-2013, 01:08 PM
Daily rewards is going away, but we'll put in a couple another ally or two to compensate. So while we are rolling them up, what types of rewards would you like them to grant? We won't do plat or gold (because people would exploit it... not you guys of course...) but what else would you like to see in the chests?

- Hauntlet tokens?
- Story tokens?
- More elixirs?
- Rare pet eggs?
- Chests?
- What else?

Please keep it brief, and thanks folks!

Make a NPC that allows you to change the sex of your character... Who doesn't want to see a Female tank, A Male rouge or a Female....um....frog?

Gold Loan Shark NPC. A NPC that will loan you gold and gives you a time frame to pay back the amount. If you dont pay up, you see story/haulet tokens or gear taken from you. You guys got a Shark design already, lets spice em up.

That Respec token idea above is awesome as well...

Government of Anarchy

03-13-2013, 02:15 AM
I go with buffs

03-18-2013, 10:38 AM
/kill 5 health/mana potion pack

Drizzt Lee
03-19-2013, 11:17 AM
Just delete these allies... Save your half hearted buffs if u dun intend to reverse the update which make all allies' buffs countdown the moment you got them... I mean, how long are most of these buffs? 15mins? 30mins? At best an hour and you can't even give your players to enjoy these buffs at their own conveniences... Which is ridiculous considering Klaus take 8 hurs and Shazbot take 24 hours, you guys think your players play AL all day long? No need to work? Jeez...

03-19-2013, 11:25 AM
Well potions and items/eggs would be what I'd look for. Like a rare chance for mythic or arcane :)

03-20-2013, 08:33 AM
I would say "Royalties" as gold for unlocking an adventure achievement.

The more adventures you have finished, the higher Royalties you can earn daily.

And at the end of each week, you get 2 platinums.

03-25-2013, 10:18 PM
What about for the daily adventure more choice for the rewards :
all platinium items will be available, but it will take you forever to have it (like 1 year for malisson ...).
And for the allies you can have choice between 3 possibilities :
1. like 50 heal/mana potions
2. random elixirs and maybe a 1 hour free auto feed pet.
3. trash/pet

05-05-2013, 10:35 PM
I'd like to see more pet eggs including rare pets. I've noticed that Klaus only gives out 2 eggs: cerella and tankton. I've never seen him give out any others, has anyone else? Chests would be great too. He also rarely gives out the full range of elixirs like he used to. It seems I only ever get damage or speed these days lol;*]