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View Full Version : Just a thank you to all my friends :)

12-07-2012, 10:59 PM
Well this will be long and doesnt really have a REAL purpose ther than saying thx to all my friends in PL :)
Basically when nuri's wasn't completly opened (gustav was there in FH but didnt do anything yet) i had to quit this game because I was getting wayyyy to addicted to it (i blame STS for making such a gg) and it was taking control of my personal life. So i quit... Then in February a few days after the Valentines event (this year) i got a email showing me the event and i had free time so i thought why not give it another shot. Obviously I knew if i played to much it would once again control me lolz. So i rationed off the time i was going to play. When i rejoined i was a lvl 34 noob bear whose stats were so bad i couldnt even equip redbone str longsword :p

Then i met Basko. He was truly and amazing mentor. Keep in mind this was during Fang cap because i missed nuri launch :p He helped my through a lot of dificult game challenges i.e. Croc Feud(still hate that place lolz). eventually i capped at Fang. I met a Lot of REALLYYYY good friends and i wanted to name a few of them as they are amazing :)

-Basko (amazing mentor and an amazing friend)
-Areufa (one of my most dear friends in-game)
-Wnmi (Another one of my most dear friends and also my loan bank XD)
-Freuigobabe (another dear friend who helped a nub for no reason ither than being nice :)
-Cheekyrose (I dont feel like I even need to explain why :D)
-Shadowyngs (a great guild and pvp rival lolz miss ya buddy)
-Niccapretty (No need for words...lol best guild masteh EVAH :)
-Shakuma (Dear friend, Also from who i borrow my items lolz same with nicca)

That was in no particular order :) Ty for reading and if you feel like sharing your mentors you can. :D

The Sadness
12-08-2012, 03:24 PM
Is Cheekyrose still around? Haven't seen in forever.

12-10-2012, 05:57 PM
I'm alive and kicking :) Do I know you? lol. Havent been on PL in quite a while, spend the little free time I have in AL at the moment. And thanks Ota, you're a good friend and person. I miss you and my other PL buddies!

12-10-2012, 06:17 PM
Cya ,, ota (even tho i dont know u) it seems u r very friendly , btw good luck IRL , play PL again when u have bunch of free time.

12-10-2012, 06:58 PM
I feel ya bro. Gl Irl

The Sadness
12-11-2012, 03:29 AM
I'm alive and kicking :) Do I know you? lol. Havent been on PL in quite a while, spend the little free time I have in AL at the moment. And thanks Ota, you're a good friend and person. I miss you and my other PL buddies!

Do you know me? Yup.

But, my identity is kinda a secret... shhh...

Judgementals is trying to figure out who I am, so is Xpagoddess! ^^