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View Full Version : my weird mind thinks like this - u agree on anything ?

12-09-2012, 02:08 PM
Pets -* we need more pets firstly. All pets should have 20% dec time of getting hungry. Pet food's charges should decrease by 10-20%.
There should be some absurd pets, with absurd bonus. Like, inc damage by 20% and Dec mana by 15%, +2 mana generation. This should make things interesting.
We need more pet type, there are basically 5-10 types of pets with other all being of just diff colours.

Ui - Gender decision. Rogues are harassed cause they are females while the real girls are warriors, -.-. Camera rotation.
Rogues should have a awesome glowing trail every time they use shadow pierce.

Balance - probably what should be ur current main aim.

Balance Enemies - inc health by 10% for minions and 5% for bosses.

Dec 10% damage for both minions and bosses, also Dec their critical chances. Add dodge for enemies as well, maybe 3% for minions and 1% for bosses.

Balance class -

Warriors - inc STR by 10%, Dec mana (INT) by 15%. Inc armor by 5% and Dec damage by 5%. Dec health generation. By 10%

add a new type of permanent skill for all three classes that have a chance of happening, like critical and dodge have. For warriors -

Mad rage (1.5% chance of happening while in combat) - desc - warriors get angry for fighting for so long time and hence becomes extremely angry for a short period of time .

effect - Damage inc to 200% of current damage for 8 seconds, critical inc by +5% for 5 secs and dodge decreased to 0 for 8 seconds. At the end of 8 seconds when MAD RAGE ends, warriors end up with 50% STR drained(of the health they have left at the end of 8 secs) and 100% MANA drained( as they use the mana to boost their muscles with magic for 8 secs) .

Rogues - inc STR by 10%, inc damage by 5% Dec , Dec INT by 5%. And inc mana and health generation by +2. Yes rogues are biasedly weak compared to warriors and mages.

Deadly focus -(1.8% chance of happening while in combat) - desc - rogues gain extreme focus while fighting for are a small period of time ending them unleashing vengeance on enemy.

Effect - 100% dodge for 8 secs, 50% critical for 5 secs, and damage inc to 160% of current damage for 8 secs. At end of deadly focus, critical 0 for 10 secs.

Mages - inc str by 15% so that they can take atleast 3 hits of elite minions. Damage inc by 5% and dex inc by 5%. Int Dec by 10%. +3 mana generation. Mages face very hard time like rogues and need some attributes to be changed.

Mana madness - (2% chance of happening while in combat ) - desc - while in combat mages use their high intelligence for sometimes collecting and using all their power in one short which drains them for a minor period of time.

Effect - 150% damage for 8 secs, enemy's armor Dec by 20% for 6 secs. And STR up to 200% for 8 secs. At the end of the attack, mama is drained to 0 and damage is Dec to 50% for 6 secs.

Skills - Haven't played with warrior and mage class for long so can't comment about that but many rich skills need changes. Main problem with skills is that there is no skills which effects higher no. of enemies like 5.

Aimed shot, damage decreased by 10%.

Noxious bolt, should hit a max of 3 enemies and not just 1. So if there is one enemy and it hits him, he takes full damage. If two enemies then damage is divided into 50%-59% each, and 33.3% each if three enemies.

Pierce attack should have a chance to hit 5 times instead of 3. Like, 10% chance of it hitting 5 enemies.

Shadow bomb, there is one sub skill which ends makes it blow when it ends. Replace it with, mana refill, refills 100% mana of all allies standing in the circle when it blows off.

Medic pack should have a chance of throwing 4 instead of three packs . 5% chance maybe. And it should refill our health to full when we charge it ( just imagine, a soldier in an army, if dying won't throw medic packs to allies first before healing himself to normal).

Replace the trap skill by some attack which decreases enemy hit chance to 40% for 6 secs. Like, shadow powder, makes enemy hard to see us for a short period of time. And yes, some good sub skills which I am in no mood of thinking.

Social, combat and end game - will think about them later.

About items - there should be more weapons, armors for all skills so they can customize build type to their liking. Also, skirts for rogues, full body suit for rogues, Cooler blades for rogues, fencing swords maybe for rogues.

Wands for mages as an option to rod. For armor, they can have cool looking protective energy pods( like the purple one they get in a skill).

Warriors - add hammers, shields that u guys already are adding.

And cool looking Amulets for all pls. I know ring is hard to see but amulets will be fine.

12-10-2012, 02:56 AM
Pets -* we need more pets firstly. All pets should have 20% dec time of getting hungry. Pet food's charges should decrease by 10-20%.
There should be some absurd pets, with absurd bonus. Like, inc damage by 20% and Dec mana by 15%, +2 mana generation. This should make things interesting.
We need more pet type, there are basically 5-10 types of pets with other all being of just diff colours.

Ui - Gender decision. Rogues are harassed cause they are females while the real girls are warriors, -.-. Camera rotation.
Rogues should have a awesome glowing trail every time they use shadow pierce.

Balance - probably what should be ur current main aim.

Balance Enemies - inc health by 10% for minions and 5% for bosses.

Dec 10% damage for both minions and bosses, also Dec their critical chances. Add dodge for enemies as well, maybe 3% for minions and 1% for bosses.

Balance class -

Warriors - inc STR by 10%, Dec mana (INT) by 15%. Inc armor by 5% and Dec damage by 5%. Dec health generation. By 10%

add a new type of permanent skill for all three classes that have a chance of happening, like critical and dodge have. For warriors -

Mad rage (1.5% chance of happening while in combat) - desc - warriors get angry for fighting for so long time and hence becomes extremely angry for a short period of time .

effect - Damage inc to 200% of current damage for 8 seconds, critical inc by +5% for 5 secs and dodge decreased to 0 for 8 seconds. At the end of 8 seconds when MAD RAGE ends, warriors end up with 50% STR drained(of the health they have left at the end of 8 secs) and 100% MANA drained( as they use the mana to boost their muscles with magic for 8 secs) .

Rogues - inc STR by 10%, inc damage by 5% Dec , Dec INT by 5%. And inc mana and health generation by +2. Yes rogues are biasedly weak compared to warriors and mages.

Deadly focus -(1.8% chance of happening while in combat) - desc - rogues gain extreme focus while fighting for are a small period of time ending them unleashing vengeance on enemy.

Effect - 100% dodge for 8 secs, 50% critical for 5 secs, and damage inc to 160% of current damage for 8 secs. At end of deadly focus, critical 0 for 10 secs.

Mages - inc str by 15% so that they can take atleast 3 hits of elite minions. Damage inc by 5% and dex inc by 5%. Int Dec by 10%. +3 mana generation. Mages face very hard time like rogues and need some attributes to be changed.

Mana madness - (2% chance of happening while in combat ) - desc - while in combat mages use their high intelligence for sometimes collecting and using all their power in one short which drains them for a minor period of time.

Effect - 150% damage for 8 secs, enemy's armor Dec by 20% for 6 secs. And STR up to 200% for 8 secs. At the end of the attack, mama is drained to 0 and damage is Dec to 50% for 6 secs.

Skills - Haven't played with warrior and mage class for long so can't comment about that but many rich skills need changes. Main problem with skills is that there is no skills which effects higher no. of enemies like 5.

Aimed shot, damage decreased by 10%.

Noxious bolt, should hit a max of 3 enemies and not just 1. So if there is one enemy and it hits him, he takes full damage. If two enemies then damage is divided into 50%-59% each, and 33.3% each if three enemies.

Pierce attack should have a chance to hit 5 times instead of 3. Like, 10% chance of it hitting 5 enemies.

Shadow bomb, there is one sub skill which ends makes it blow when it ends. Replace it with, mana refill, refills 100% mana of all allies standing in the circle when it blows off.

Medic pack should have a chance of throwing 4 instead of three packs . 5% chance maybe. And it should refill our health to full when we charge it ( just imagine, a soldier in an army, if dying won't throw medic packs to allies first before healing himself to normal).

Replace the trap skill by some attack which decreases enemy hit chance to 40% for 6 secs. Like, shadow powder, makes enemy hard to see us for a short period of time. And yes, some good sub skills which I am in no mood of thinking.

Social, combat and end game - will think about them later.

About items - there should be more weapons, armors for all skills so they can customize build type to their liking. Also, skirts for rogues, full body suit for rogues, Cooler blades for rogues, fencing swords maybe for rogues.

Wands for mages as an option to rod. For armor, they can have cool looking protective energy pods( like the purple one they get in a skill).

Warriors - add hammers, shields that u guys already are adding.

And cool looking Amulets for all pls. I know ring is hard to see but amulets will be fine.

you seriously think that warriors need their damage nerfed and that rogues dont do enough damage are you on drugs? seriously? my gfs rogue does twice the damage of my warrior they rogues have low health because they do so much damned damage

12-10-2012, 03:44 AM
Yeah right....lols.
Many Warriors have 2400 health.
Normal health u will find of a rogue is 1000.
Warriors who have 2400 health, generally have 90-95 damage and rogues who have 1000 health generally have 150-170 damage. Warriors health is 240% of rogues, so shouldn't our damage be at least 180-190% of warriors? I want the situation to be where warriors will never think about going into a elite dungeon alp one, cause they know if they go they won't die, BUT it will take them buttload of time to complete it cause their damage is so low compared to rogues.

My rogue has 1000 health and 150 damage, mama is just 300. Dodge is good (Nearly 12-15%) and critical is nearly 5-8%. Armor is near 400. And these are very good stats for a rogue if I use a Esteban, granite, Horton, or a malison. These are basically some of the best stats ull find for a rogue. And top warriors have 2200-2400 health, near 500 mana, near 95-100 damage. Armor is 550+ generally. So I think our damage need to be increased and warrior's damage need to be decreased a bit as I mentioned.

And don't shout at me if your GF is a better player than you in this game. Can't accept it?!?!?!?!? ;-)

12-10-2012, 06:40 AM
Yeah right....lols.
Many Warriors have 2400 health.
Normal health u will find of a rogue is 1000.
Warriors who have 2400 health, generally have 90-95 damage and rogues who have 1000 health generally have 150-170 damage. Warriors health is 240% of rogues, so shouldn't our damage be at least 180-190% of warriors? I want the situation to be where warriors will never think about going into a elite dungeon alp one, cause they know if they go they won't die, BUT it will take them buttload of time to complete it cause their damage is so low compared to rogues.

My rogue has 1000 health and 150 damage, mama is just 300. Dodge is good (Nearly 12-15%) and critical is nearly 5-8%. Armor is near 400. And these are very good stats for a rogue if I use a Esteban, granite, Horton, or a malison. These are basically some of the best stats ull find for a rogue. And top warriors have 2200-2400 health, near 500 mana, near 95-100 damage. Armor is 550+ generally. So I think our damage need to be increased and warrior's damage need to be decreased a bit as I mentioned.

And don't shout at me if your GF is a better player than you in this game. Can't accept it?!?!?!?!? ;-)

You must remember that the warrior's job is to tank. If we just get our butts bashed as gooey players then when we die, what happens to you guys?

12-10-2012, 06:45 AM
^^^ That's why I have mentioned in op to inc their health and armor.

12-10-2012, 07:08 AM
Classes are balenced at endgame imo just warriors need to be able to hold Agro better. And my 15% dodge doesn't seem like 15% I haven't seen my rogue dodge much at all...

12-10-2012, 08:42 AM
My 25% dodge seems to be working like 10-15% also, but sometimes it dodges like 3-4 times in the span of 5 seconds and I have to change my mind at if its bugged or not. Still not sure, if its not then then the dodging should be made more uniform.

12-10-2012, 12:56 PM
Make all classes 999999 stats hows that o.o

balances all out

12-10-2012, 01:55 PM
Never said that. There has been enough places where I mentioned to decrease stats as well. Places where I personally think that they are not balanced, I mentioned to inc or decrease. And I mentioned to beef up enemies as well, the only problem right now is that warriors are still beefed up with their stats. With the kind of insane health they sport, their damage should be not even 50% of rogues and sorcerers.

12-10-2012, 06:09 PM
Trying to make all classes compensate to not need the others completely tosses the idea of teamwork out the window.

12-10-2012, 06:13 PM
Warriors are not overpowered omgggggg

12-11-2012, 12:14 AM
Not sure where you are pulling all these percentages from. Saying "increase/decrease X by Y%" does not make sense unless you actually did the math.

12-11-2012, 12:18 AM
High damage dealers always have fragile life. If a class is to have high health and damage then that would be wrong. Lol, and those percentages? I don't think that's really going to work :)

12-11-2012, 12:19 AM
Female warriors plox, ty