View Full Version : All out feedback

12-11-2012, 03:44 AM
Straight to it...

First : Level cap is to low!

In just a couple days of barely trying im level 18. Maybe the campaigns are to easy? My personal opnion level cap doubled, and make the maps harder, and/or add different difficulty settings as ive noticed in AL. Of course this means new campaigns/maps must be in order. People are growing tired of talking, farming gets old when maxed out. Especially if they are like me and dont want to deal with platinum hassle just to create a new toon.

Second : Vanity

The coolest part of the game to me, and seems like any other person is how they look. You can only have so many styles before everyone starts blending in. Why are old Vanities not brought back? You rid of classic items, you should at
Least throw a higher value on it and let people who never had it get a chance at it...UNLESS it is a one time deal/offer for a day which should be used in certain type of celebrations to match the fit and/or anniversary. Another idea is, ADD some more colors for the vanities to spice things up more. Help people spend all the gold they've acquired farming/questing waiting and hopeless waiting for new stuff to happen. Which sadly some are not waiting for any longer, and moved to different companies to try what they have to offer.

Third : Pets

Are you all serious? Is this all, wisps, gargolyes and ghosts? Oh and bats, how did I forget that? Its not like they perform any action, EXCEPT float in the air. Did the design, and idea teams take leave on DL? I dont understand how the other Legends games are much more compact then DL. Really dont. Add some more pets, point blank!

Forth : PvP

Now this seems to be hard to put together or something, idk. Let me help...Rid the option where people choose their team. Tired of uneven teams, being out-numbered ******* blows. Make it auto-select and choose. Id say the level brackets could use some tweeking as well. Dont understand the whinning about the gates, I think their should be more pvp ctf maps simular. Rotating walls/rooms maybe. Im sure DM would enjoy something like that as well. Use some imagination, we got zombies, no wolves etc? No pvpve map either??

J/s you guys should hire me or something = D. With all respect though I enjoy the game but its running dry quick. Hate to see games with potential hit the fan. If I could or have a chance, id give any one a run for their money. Why b/c im a true mmo/rpg gamer. Everquest still breathes in my veins. Im done ranting, hopefully this is all taken as help and not bashing. I just start AL, so expect to hear from me again if need be. Thank you for your time.