View Full Version : possible bug with daily gifts/ally?

12-12-2012, 11:02 PM
So it's been buggin me for a bit now and I know it might seem trite but it's been happening rather frequently. It seems as though my timers for both the daily reward and ally gift stop, deactivate, or end earlier than 24hrs? I suggest all three because I haven't figured out which it is yet. I always sync my rewards for both pocket legends and arcane legends to happen at the same time so I can claim them accordingly. Well I'd say at least once a week my arcane timer somehow stops itself, ends earlier, etc.? When I go to check it reads, "I was too late and goblins stole blah blah blah...". This shouldn't happen. I'm pretty keen with claiming them consistently, even if I'm not actively playing, so I don't have to wait another day. This has only been happening with arcane legends. Since release I can easily say it's happened at least 7 times. I will volunteer that I forgot maybe once or twice but certainly not this often. Anybody else having this issue?

12-13-2012, 10:48 PM
JUST happened again tonight... Guess the sts gods are smiting me o.O lol