View Full Version : Exclusive PvP Titles

12-13-2012, 10:22 AM
Ok to start, I am a massive fan of pvp. There is just something about battling with someone across the world in the same situation as you, it makes the experience ten times more challenging and a challenge is always fun to master.

Currently there is no pvp in AL, but I noticed there are a few pvp titles up for grabs when we get the chance. The best pvp title in AL is granted at 10k kills and from the other STS games (especially DL) I have seen there are already players with alot more kills than this. So I came to think, how will these players gain recognition for their success? And how could a better system be implemented?

Here's my idea...

There would be progressive pvp titles to be earned by killing a player with the equal or higher title than you a certain amount of times.

Everyone starting out with 0 kills has no title (obviously). Once a player[No Title] kills another player[No Title] a certain amount of times, they gain [Title 1]. Now, the player with the new title can only gain the next highest title by killing a player with the same title as him, or higher. [Title 1] vs [Title 1] or higher.

Each title would be progressively harder to achieve, therefore giving the best pvpers decent praise.


[No Title] kills [No Title] 50 times - player gains [Title 1]
[Title 1] kills [Title 1] 100 times - player gains [Title 2]
[Title 2] kills [Title 2] 200 times - player gains [Title 3]


If [Title 1] loses to [No Title] too many times - player demotes from [Title 1] to [No Title].
(The number of deaths to lose the title would have to be higher than the amount to win, for balance)

Titles could include:

0 - [No Title] - 50 wins vs equal or higher title grants:
1 - [Freshman] - 100 wins vs equal or higher title grants:
2 - [Rookie] - 200 wins vs equal or higher title grants:
3 - [Apprentice] - 300 wins:
4 - [Novice] - 400 wins:
5 - [Neophyte] - 500 wins:
6 - [Experienced] - 600 wins:
7 - [Expert] - 700 wins:
8 - [Master] - 800 wins:
9 - [Champion] - 1,000 wins:
10 - [Grand Master]

This system has been implemented into a few other MMOs I have played in the past, and works excellently. Feedback welcome :)

12-13-2012, 10:37 AM
I like the idea :D

12-15-2012, 01:54 AM
cool idea

12-15-2012, 04:49 AM
Yeah you can drop ranks, only if you lose too many battles against someone with a lower title :)

12-15-2012, 07:33 AM
Good idea but...this only seems good for mmos where the pvp is mainly 1vs1.
I belive the pvp game play for AL will be similar to DL ffa style.
Even on SL and PL how would this work if u were playing multi pvp you wouldnt be able to control losing if your teamed up on, rushed therefor losing your titles unfairly. I could only see this working in 1vs1 pvp the turn based pvp in SL and PL arent real rules.

12-15-2012, 12:57 PM
Good idea but...this only seems good for mmos where the pvp is mainly 1vs1.
I belive the pvp game play for AL will be similar to DL ffa style.
Even on SL and PL how would this work if u were playing multi pvp you wouldnt be able to control losing if your teamed up on, rushed therefor losing your titles unfairly. I could only see this working in 1vs1 pvp the turn based pvp in SL and PL arent real rules.

Very good point, 1vs1 maps only, since the 1vs1 rule in SL and PL has only been made from the players and hasnt actually been implemented by STS. Maybe in the futur when we have actual 1vs1 maps it could be useful, but thats another discussion :D

12-16-2012, 09:28 AM
Totally like it.