View Full Version : Rhino and Fox PvP Journal

12-13-2012, 06:07 PM
Hey guys! Right now I don't know much about these 2 new classes, but I see much much potential in them. I'll update this as I level and experiment some builds XD! Good luck and happy twinking!

Overall Opinions/Predictions:

Seems like a very good kiter. A lot of damage and can use poison needle and charge at opponent almost instantaneously. KS pro. I'm thinking this would be a good rusher or low level kiter. If you're going high level, I think Xbows or high damage 1h's like Glyph Maces would work well.

Very hard /to tell right now, but I think this is the best support/FFA class. Maybe dodge builds?

12-13-2012, 06:07 PM


Rapid Bite - A skill that leaps towards your enemy.
Vixen Kick - Like Stomp.
Poison Needles - Seems like a very good skill. Debuffs opponent speed and health regen.
Evasion - Dodge and Armor at the same time. Works like stomp. In stackable, though.
Fury - Raises hit. Might be useful in gear lacking hit.
Hamstring - Like Crippling Slash with some debuffs.
Poison Dart - Looking very good. Blast shot with debuffs?
Armor Shredder - A lot like Armor Break, but with short range,
Fox Howl - Something like Shattering Scream?
Bandage - A mix of heal and restore.
Hypnotize - YESSSS A BECKON!!!
Rage Tonic- Like Rage... Looking very good...


Charge - Like Rapid Bite. Leap to your enemy.
Rhino Might - Like Stomp, but health regen debuff.
Restore - Very nice health buff. Heals a bit, but gives 20+ health regen for a few seconds.

12-13-2012, 07:14 PM
Nice guide!! Im working on my pally (Rhino) :D

12-13-2012, 07:27 PM
I'm using a rhino ATM and from wat I see :

1) potential for low lvl pvp but idk
2) Potential to have amazing dodge in later lvls.
3) Has a hard time actually killing things
4) Very hard to kill if right stat distribution
5) Probably best with str gear for dodge and armor. Maybe int but str ms should be good enough
6) Great debuffer!
7) Might be a good rusher...(if it didn't hit low numbers)

So right now I really don't like it but ill wait till 50+ to make a real judgment and/or any guides

12-13-2012, 07:36 PM
Fox has a dodge buff that lasts for 3 seconds.... Makes the fights kinda one sided.

12-13-2012, 07:41 PM
My thoughts so far about them in lvl15 PvP:

Rhino: Not that bad but like Enigeax said, they have a hard time actually killing things. I think they are just good supporters in FFA..
Fox: If you know how to use the class, you can be so powerful. Very good new class.

P.S. I didn't used them so far in PvP. These thoughts are just from my fights against them and from fights which i saw.

12-13-2012, 07:44 PM
Well then i guess i don't know how to play it... Which is very true... :D

12-13-2012, 08:42 PM
Does anyone know which level Rhinos get buffs on?

12-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Thanks Nooble! Keep us updated!

12-13-2012, 08:53 PM
Rhino has low damage and low range, but it does have good defence. Some of the skills are wicked such as charge. I personally think it has the potential to pvp endgame.

12-13-2012, 09:16 PM
Ok now with foxes:

1) Best kiting potential ever
2) Don't die as easy as birds
3) Good dodge buff ( sadly u have to hit constantly)
4) Look pretty

Even tho most ppl say these guys r good for pvp I haven't really seen anything to amazing yet. Ill give it a week or so.... btw foxes freeze in pve randomly at times

12-13-2012, 11:20 PM
Well I played Rhino at 25 pvp and straight dominated a fox and a bird. Deffinetly can dish out damage if you know how to use it. I'm making it for L.66 but Rhino at 25 is not bad. I had a random spell build but I was str and int like a pally should be. I had a 2H sword and crystalline armor on. Worked for me.

12-13-2012, 11:21 PM
It does seem like mage nukes are pretty OP aganst Rhinos atm though. Whenever I get 66 i'll try to update how it is.

12-14-2012, 02:14 AM
Fox's gonna rule Alterra.

12-14-2012, 08:12 PM
Rhinos suck a lot

12-15-2012, 11:08 AM
I think that the foxes are the bee's knees, it gives more dimension to low lvl pvp there are multiple techniques to figure out for what opponent you are facing. For whether they are bad, my lvl 17 fox has been killing some of the top bears

12-17-2012, 06:55 AM
Foxes actually have to TIME their dodge buff so that they don't get destroyed near the end of the fight lol.
I play an 18 rhino. I destroy stuff. Rhinos are awesome. Their weaknesses are good kiters or bears. Rhinos can actually destroy stuff pretty fast if they have a right build, but not as much burst damage potential as foxes or any of the other classes.

(I'm talking low level so far XD)