View Full Version : List of item prefixes/suffixes

12-13-2012, 11:20 PM
I haven't seen this posted anywhere yet, so I figured I'd do my homework and share my findings.

Suffixes (comes at the end of the item's name. "of <attribute>"):

Potency: INT + Damage
Tactics: INT + Crit%
Will: INT + Armor
Savvy: INT + Dodge%
Acumen: INT + DEX
Aptitude: INT + STR

Assault: DEX + Damage
Fatality: DEX + Crit%
Fitness: DEX + Armor
Grace: DEX + Dodge%
Celerity: DEX + INT
Quickness: DEX + STR

Brutality: STR + Damage
Force: STR + Crit%
Security: STR + Armor
Stability: STR + Dodge%
Tenacity: STR + INT
Athletics: STR + DEX

Warfare: Damage + Armor
Riposte: Dodge% + Crit%

You can basically see the pattern. Suffixes grant two attributes, so all the possible combinations each have their own suffix. You'll notice some of these seem to grant the same bonuses, such as Quickness versus Athletics. They both give STR and DEX, but the difference is in how much of each stat these give. Quickness gives more DEX than STR, while Athletics gives more STR than STR.

There are a few possible combinations I have yet to come across, so I'm not sure if they exists. These are:

Unknown: Damage + Crit%
Unknown: Damage + Dodge%
Unknown: Crit% + Armor
Unknown: Dodge% + Armor

I'll update this list if I discover these suffixes. If anyone sees a suffix not in the list, please let me know and I'll add it.

Prefixes (comes at the beginning of the item's name):

The prefix list is still a work in progress, as prefixes are not as easily listed as suffixes. This is for multiple reasons. Firstly, the are many prefixes that grant the same attribute, such as DEX being granted by Stalking, Bandit, Agile, etc. Second, jewelry items have unique prefixes and do not use any of the ones that weapons or armor use. So the list of possible prefixes is quite long.

But then things get complicated when you realize that some items have no prefixes at all, yet clearly have more than just the suffix's bonuses. For example, an epic rogue armor, Runeleather of Will, has the INT and Armor from the "of Will" suffix, but it also has STR. An epic sorcerer weapon, Earthbrand of Fatality, has no prefix, but has STR in addition to the DEX and Crit% associated with "of Fatality". There are many other examples.

So some items have prefixes and some do not, but the ones that do not still have the bonuses that a prefix would grant. When going over all the prefixes, sometimes it seems they aren't prefixes at all, but simply part of the base item name. Some prefixes only show up on a single item type, further leading me to believe this. So this is a study in process.

One thing that is certain is that prefixes only grant INT, DEX, or STR. I'll compile a list of all the various prefixes once my list feels more complete (and once I'm sure they actually are prefixes), but for now I'll leave you with the three prefixes I'm sure about:

Clever: INT
Agile: DEX
Mighty: STR

These three prefixes show up randomly on specific Legendary (listed below) items and are clearly not part of the base item name. At this point, these are the only three prefixes I can confidently list, and only as prefixes on specific legendary items.

I should add in a word on legendary weapons that have proc effects on them. The item names hint at the proc type, so they almost seem like prefixes, but I believe they are simply part of the base item name. "Lightning" shows up on different items, but the proc is different depending on the item type. Most others are unique to a single item type. There's a definite theme to all the procs, though. Anything related to electricity in the name has a regen and stat boost proc (INT/Mana for Sorcerer weapons and STR/Health for Warrior weapons). Anything ice related reduces enemy hit chance. Fire related items proc extra fire damage.

Though the names of the items vary, the procs are easily listed (most procs only show up on a specific class's weapons):

Chance to proc additional fire damage. (War/Rogue)
Chance to proc enemy hit reduced by 25%. (War)
Chance to proc INT and mana regen. (Sorc)
Chance to proc STR and health regen. (War)
Chance to proc stun on target enemy. (War)
Chance to proc -15% dodge and hit for enemy. (Rogue)
Chance to proc 10% speed for player or -80% speed on enemy. (Rogue)
Chance to proc 'Dark Pact' heal. (Sorc)
Chance to proc 25% dodge. (Rogue)

The following procs look to be unique to specific items (these are the legendaries that have a chance to roll Mighty, Clever, and Agile):
Chance to proc 100%?critical buff. (Vorpal Sword)
Chance to cause target to bleed. (Heartseekers)
Chance to light target on fire. (Flamestrike Rod)
Chance to proc burn on the target. (Trollbane)
Charged attack heals 15% of damage done. (Lifethief)

That's it so far. I'll update as I refine the data more.

12-13-2012, 11:28 PM

Guide section. Hard to miss

12-13-2012, 11:33 PM
+1 for contribution good job

12-13-2012, 11:39 PM

Guide section. Hard to miss

Ah, thanks. Yeah, I totally overlooked that.

But that only covers Level 15 and 16 legendaries, and I'm wanting to break down all prefixes and suffixes in the game. So slightly different goals there.

12-14-2012, 04:16 AM
Keep up the listing. I'm pretty sure this wouldmbe of good help to everyone